##// END OF EJS Templates
setup: change url to github
setup: change url to github

File last commit:

r196:472d1df0 master
Show More
1610 lines | 62.8 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
project: initial commit
r0 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
license: change the license to Apache 2.0
r112 # Copyright 2010 - 2017 RhodeCode GmbH and the AppEnlight project authors
project: initial commit
r0 #
license: change the license to Apache 2.0
r112 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
project: initial commit
r0 #
license: change the license to Apache 2.0
r112 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
project: initial commit
r0 #
license: change the license to Apache 2.0
r112 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
project: initial commit
import copy
import logging
import mock
import pyramid
import pytest
import sqlalchemy as sa
import webob
from datetime import datetime
from pyramid import testing
from appenlight.models import DBSession
from appenlight.lib.ext_json import json
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class DummyContext(object):
black: reformat source
r153 @pytest.mark.usefixtures("base_app")
project: initial commit
r0 class BasicTest(object):
black: reformat source
r153 @pytest.mark.usefixtures("base_app")
project: initial commit
r0 class TestMigration(object):
def test_migration(self):
assert 1 == 1
class TestSentryProto_7(object):
def test_log_payload(self):
import appenlight.tests.payload_examples as payload_examples
from appenlight.lib.enums import ParsedSentryEventType
from appenlight.lib.utils.sentry import parse_sentry_event
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 event_dict, event_type = parse_sentry_event(
black: reformat source
r153 payload_examples.SENTRY_LOG_PAYLOAD_7
project: initial commit
r0 assert ParsedSentryEventType.LOG == event_type
black: reformat source
r153 assert event_dict["log_level"] == "CRITICAL"
assert event_dict["message"] == "TEST from django logging"
assert event_dict["namespace"] == "testlogger"
assert event_dict["request_id"] == "9a6172f2e6d2444582f83a6c333d9cfb"
assert event_dict["server"] == "ergo-virtual-machine"
assert event_dict["date"] == datetime.utcnow().date().strftime(
tags = [
("site", "example.com"),
("sys.argv", ["'manage.py'", "'runserver'"]),
("price", 6),
("tag", "'extra'"),
("dupa", True),
("project", "sentry"),
("sentry_culprit", "testlogger in index"),
("sentry_language", "python"),
("sentry_release", "test"),
assert sorted(event_dict["tags"]) == sorted(tags)
project: initial commit
def test_report_payload(self):
import appenlight.tests.payload_examples as payload_examples
from appenlight.lib.enums import ParsedSentryEventType
from appenlight.lib.utils.sentry import parse_sentry_event
black: reformat source
utcnow = datetime.utcnow().date().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
project: initial commit
r0 event_dict, event_type = parse_sentry_event(
black: reformat source
r153 payload_examples.SENTRY_PYTHON_PAYLOAD_7
project: initial commit
r0 assert ParsedSentryEventType.ERROR_REPORT == event_type
black: reformat source
r153 assert event_dict["client"] == "sentry"
assert (
event_dict["error"] == "Exception: test 500 "
assert event_dict["language"] == "python"
assert event_dict["ip"] == ""
assert event_dict["request_id"] == "9fae652c8c1c4d6a8eee09260f613a98"
assert event_dict["server"] == "ergo-virtual-machine"
assert event_dict["start_time"] == utcnow
assert event_dict["url"] == ""
assert (
event_dict["user_agent"] == "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) "
"AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, "
"like Gecko) Chrome/47.0.2526.106 "
assert event_dict["view_name"] == "djangoapp.views in error"
tags = [("site", "example.com"), ("sentry_release", "test")]
assert sorted(event_dict["tags"]) == sorted(tags)
extra = [("sys.argv", ["'manage.py'", "'runserver'"]), ("project", "sentry")]
assert sorted(event_dict["extra"]) == sorted(extra)
request = event_dict["request"]
assert request["url"] == ""
assert request["cookies"] == {"appenlight": "X"}
assert request["data"] is None
assert request["method"] == "GET"
assert request["query_string"] == ""
assert request["env"] == {
"SERVER_NAME": "localhost",
"SERVER_PORT": "8000",
assert request["headers"] == {
"Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,"
"Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, sdch",
"Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.8,pl;q=0.6",
"Connection": "keep-alive",
"Content-Length": "",
"Content-Type": "text/plain",
"Cookie": "appenlight=X",
"Dnt": "1",
"Host": "",
"Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "1",
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) "
"AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) "
"Chrome/47.0.2526.106 Safari/537.36",
traceback = event_dict["traceback"]
assert (
traceback[0]["cline"] == "response = wrapped_callback(request, "
"*callback_args, **callback_kwargs)"
assert traceback[0]["file"] == "django/core/handlers/base.py"
assert traceback[0]["fn"] == "get_response"
assert traceback[0]["line"] == 111
assert traceback[0]["module"] == "django.core.handlers.base"
assert (
traceback[1]["cline"] == "raise Exception(u'test 500 "
assert traceback[1]["file"] == "djangoapp/views.py"
assert traceback[1]["fn"] == "error"
assert traceback[1]["line"] == 84
assert traceback[1]["module"] == "djangoapp.views"
assert sorted(traceback[1]["vars"]) == sorted(
("c", "<sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x7fe7c82af8f0>"),
("request", "<WSGIRequest at 0x140633490316304>"),
("conn", "<sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7fe7c8b23bf8>"),
project: initial commit
class TestAPIReports_0_5_Validation(object):
black: reformat source
r153 @pytest.mark.parametrize("dummy_json", ["", {}, [], None])
project: initial commit
r0 def test_no_payload(self, dummy_json):
import colander
from appenlight.validators import ReportListSchema_0_5
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 utcnow = datetime.utcnow()
schema = ReportListSchema_0_5().bind(utcnow=utcnow)
with pytest.raises(colander.Invalid):
def test_minimal_payload(self):
dummy_json = [{}]
import colander
from appenlight.validators import ReportListSchema_0_5
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 utcnow = datetime.utcnow()
schema = ReportListSchema_0_5().bind(utcnow=utcnow)
with pytest.raises(colander.Invalid):
def test_minimal_payload(self):
black: reformat source
r153 dummy_json = [{"report_details": [{}]}]
project: initial commit
r0 from appenlight.validators import ReportListSchema_0_5
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 utcnow = datetime.utcnow()
schema = ReportListSchema_0_5().bind(utcnow=utcnow)
deserialized = schema.deserialize(dummy_json)
expected_deserialization = [
black: reformat source
r153 {
"language": "unknown",
"server": "unknown",
"occurences": 1,
"priority": 5,
"view_name": "",
"client": "unknown",
"http_status": 200,
"error": "",
"tags": None,
"username": "",
"traceback": None,
"extra": None,
"url": "",
"ip": None,
"start_time": utcnow,
"group_string": None,
"request": {},
"request_stats": None,
"end_time": None,
"request_id": "",
"message": "",
"slow_calls": [],
"user_agent": "",
project: initial commit
r0 ]
assert deserialized == expected_deserialization
def test_full_payload(self):
import appenlight.tests.payload_examples as payload_examples
from appenlight.validators import ReportListSchema_0_5
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 PYTHON_PAYLOAD = copy.deepcopy(payload_examples.PYTHON_PAYLOAD_0_5)
utcnow = datetime.utcnow()
schema = ReportListSchema_0_5().bind(utcnow=utcnow)
black: reformat source
r153 PYTHON_PAYLOAD["tags"] = [
("foo", 1),
("action", "test"),
("baz", 1.1),
("date", utcnow.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.0")),
project: initial commit
r0 dummy_json = [PYTHON_PAYLOAD]
deserialized = schema.deserialize(dummy_json)[0]
black: reformat source
r153 assert deserialized["error"] == PYTHON_PAYLOAD["error"]
assert deserialized["language"] == PYTHON_PAYLOAD["language"]
assert deserialized["server"] == PYTHON_PAYLOAD["server"]
assert deserialized["priority"] == PYTHON_PAYLOAD["priority"]
assert deserialized["view_name"] == PYTHON_PAYLOAD["view_name"]
assert deserialized["client"] == PYTHON_PAYLOAD["client"]
assert deserialized["http_status"] == PYTHON_PAYLOAD["http_status"]
assert deserialized["error"] == PYTHON_PAYLOAD["error"]
assert deserialized["occurences"] == PYTHON_PAYLOAD["occurences"]
assert deserialized["username"] == PYTHON_PAYLOAD["username"]
assert deserialized["traceback"] == PYTHON_PAYLOAD["traceback"]
assert deserialized["url"] == PYTHON_PAYLOAD["url"]
assert deserialized["ip"] == PYTHON_PAYLOAD["ip"]
assert (
== PYTHON_PAYLOAD["start_time"]
assert deserialized["ip"] == PYTHON_PAYLOAD["ip"]
assert deserialized["group_string"] is None
assert deserialized["request_stats"] == PYTHON_PAYLOAD["request_stats"]
assert (
== PYTHON_PAYLOAD["end_time"]
assert deserialized["request_id"] == PYTHON_PAYLOAD["request_id"]
assert deserialized["message"] == PYTHON_PAYLOAD["message"]
assert deserialized["user_agent"] == PYTHON_PAYLOAD["user_agent"]
assert (
== PYTHON_PAYLOAD["slow_calls"][0]["start"]
assert (
== PYTHON_PAYLOAD["slow_calls"][0]["end"]
assert (
== PYTHON_PAYLOAD["slow_calls"][0]["statement"]
assert (
== PYTHON_PAYLOAD["slow_calls"][0]["parameters"]
assert (
== PYTHON_PAYLOAD["slow_calls"][0]["type"]
assert (
== PYTHON_PAYLOAD["slow_calls"][0]["subtype"]
assert deserialized["slow_calls"][0]["location"] == ""
assert deserialized["tags"] == [
("foo", 1),
("action", "test"),
("baz", 1.1),
("date", utcnow.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.0")),
project: initial commit
r0 class TestAPILogsValidation(object):
black: reformat source
r153 @pytest.mark.parametrize("dummy_json", ["", {}, [], None])
project: initial commit
r0 def test_no_payload(self, dummy_json, log_schema):
import colander
with pytest.raises(colander.Invalid):
def test_minimal_payload(self, log_schema):
dummy_json = [{}]
deserialized = log_schema.deserialize(dummy_json)[0]
black: reformat source
r153 expected = {
"log_level": "UNKNOWN",
"namespace": "",
"server": "unknown",
"request_id": "",
"primary_key": None,
"date": datetime.utcnow(),
"message": "",
"tags": None,
assert deserialized["log_level"] == expected["log_level"]
assert deserialized["message"] == expected["message"]
assert deserialized["namespace"] == expected["namespace"]
assert deserialized["request_id"] == expected["request_id"]
assert deserialized["server"] == expected["server"]
assert deserialized["tags"] == expected["tags"]
assert deserialized["primary_key"] == expected["primary_key"]
project: initial commit
def test_normal_payload(self, log_schema):
import appenlight.tests.payload_examples as payload_examples
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 deserialized = log_schema.deserialize(payload_examples.LOG_EXAMPLES)[0]
expected = payload_examples.LOG_EXAMPLES[0]
black: reformat source
r153 assert deserialized["log_level"] == expected["log_level"]
assert deserialized["message"] == expected["message"]
assert deserialized["namespace"] == expected["namespace"]
assert deserialized["request_id"] == expected["request_id"]
assert deserialized["server"] == expected["server"]
assert deserialized["date"].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") == expected["date"]
assert deserialized["tags"][0][0] == "tag_name"
assert deserialized["tags"][0][1] == "tag_value"
assert deserialized["tags"][1][0] == "tag_name2"
assert deserialized["tags"][1][1] == 2
project: initial commit
def test_normal_payload_date_without_microseconds(self, log_schema):
import appenlight.tests.payload_examples as payload_examples
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 LOG_EXAMPLE = copy.deepcopy(payload_examples.LOG_EXAMPLES)
black: reformat source
r153 LOG_EXAMPLE[0]["date"] = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
project: initial commit
r0 deserialized = log_schema.deserialize(LOG_EXAMPLE)
black: reformat source
r153 assert (
== LOG_EXAMPLE[0]["date"]
project: initial commit
def test_normal_payload_date_without_seconds(self, log_schema):
import appenlight.tests.payload_examples as payload_examples
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 LOG_EXAMPLE = copy.deepcopy(payload_examples.LOG_EXAMPLES)
black: reformat source
r153 LOG_EXAMPLE[0]["date"] = datetime.utcnow().date().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M")
project: initial commit
r0 deserialized = log_schema.deserialize(LOG_EXAMPLE)
black: reformat source
r153 assert (
deserialized[0]["date"].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M") == LOG_EXAMPLE[0]["date"]
project: initial commit
def test_payload_empty_date(self, log_schema):
import appenlight.tests.payload_examples as payload_examples
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 LOG_EXAMPLE = copy.deepcopy(payload_examples.LOG_EXAMPLES)
black: reformat source
r153 LOG_EXAMPLE[0]["date"] = None
project: initial commit
r0 deserialized = log_schema.deserialize(LOG_EXAMPLE)
black: reformat source
r153 assert deserialized[0]["date"].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M") is not None
project: initial commit
def test_payload_no_date(self, log_schema):
import appenlight.tests.payload_examples as payload_examples
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 LOG_EXAMPLE = copy.deepcopy(payload_examples.LOG_EXAMPLES)
black: reformat source
r153 LOG_EXAMPLE[0].pop("date", None)
project: initial commit
r0 deserialized = log_schema.deserialize(LOG_EXAMPLE)
black: reformat source
r153 assert deserialized[0]["date"].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M") is not None
project: initial commit
black: reformat source
r153 @pytest.mark.usefixtures("general_metrics_schema")
project: initial commit
r0 class TestAPIGeneralMetricsValidation(object):
black: reformat source
r153 @pytest.mark.parametrize("dummy_json", ["", {}, [], None])
project: initial commit
r0 def test_no_payload(self, dummy_json, general_metrics_schema):
import colander
with pytest.raises(colander.Invalid):
def test_minimal_payload(self, general_metrics_schema):
black: reformat source
r153 dummy_json = [{"tags": [["counter_a", 15.5], ["counter_b", 63]]}]
project: initial commit
r0 deserialized = general_metrics_schema.deserialize(dummy_json)[0]
black: reformat source
r153 expected = {
"namespace": "",
"server_name": "unknown",
"tags": [("counter_a", 15.5), ("counter_b", 63)],
"timestamp": datetime.utcnow(),
assert deserialized["namespace"] == expected["namespace"]
assert deserialized["server_name"] == expected["server_name"]
assert deserialized["tags"] == expected["tags"]
project: initial commit
def test_normal_payload(self, general_metrics_schema):
import appenlight.tests.payload_examples as payload_examples
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 dummy_json = [payload_examples.METRICS_PAYLOAD]
deserialized = general_metrics_schema.deserialize(dummy_json)[0]
black: reformat source
r153 expected = {
"namespace": "some.monitor",
"server_name": "server.name",
"tags": [("usage_foo", 15.5), ("usage_bar", 63)],
"timestamp": datetime.utcnow(),
assert deserialized["namespace"] == expected["namespace"]
assert deserialized["server_name"] == expected["server_name"]
assert deserialized["tags"] == expected["tags"]
project: initial commit
black: reformat source
r153 @pytest.mark.usefixtures("request_metrics_schema")
project: initial commit
r0 class TestAPIRequestMetricsValidation(object):
black: reformat source
r153 @pytest.mark.parametrize("dummy_json", ["", {}, [], None])
project: initial commit
r0 def test_no_payload(self, dummy_json, request_metrics_schema):
import colander
with pytest.raises(colander.Invalid):
def test_normal_payload(self, request_metrics_schema):
import appenlight.tests.payload_examples as payload_examples
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 dummy_json = payload_examples.REQUEST_METRICS_EXAMPLES
deserialized = request_metrics_schema.deserialize(dummy_json)[0]
black: reformat source
r153 expected = {
"metrics": [
"custom": 0.0,
"custom_calls": 0.0,
"main": 0.01664,
"nosql": 0.00061,
"nosql_calls": 23.0,
"remote": 0.0,
"remote_calls": 0.0,
"requests": 1,
"sql": 0.00105,
"sql_calls": 2.0,
"tmpl": 0.0,
"tmpl_calls": 0.0,
"custom": 0.0,
"custom_calls": 0.0,
"main": 0.647261,
"nosql": 0.306554,
"nosql_calls": 140.0,
"remote": 0.0,
"remote_calls": 0.0,
"requests": 28,
"sql": 0.0,
"sql_calls": 0.0,
"tmpl": 0.0,
"tmpl_calls": 0.0,
"server": "some.server.hostname",
"timestamp": datetime.utcnow(),
assert deserialized["server"] == expected["server"]
metric = deserialized["metrics"][0]
expected_metric = expected["metrics"][0]
project: initial commit
r0 assert metric[0] == expected_metric[0]
assert sorted(metric[1].items()) == sorted(expected_metric[1].items())
black: reformat source
r153 @pytest.mark.usefixtures("default_application")
@pytest.mark.usefixtures("base_app", "with_migrations", "clean_tables")
project: initial commit
r0 class TestAPIReportsView(object):
def test_no_json_payload(self, default_application):
import colander
from appenlight.models.services.application import ApplicationService
from appenlight.views.api import reports_create
context = DummyContext()
context.resource = ApplicationService.by_id(1)
black: reformat source
r153 request = testing.DummyRequest(headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"})
request.unsafe_json_body = ""
project: initial commit
r0 request.context = context
route = mock.Mock()
black: reformat source
r153 route.name = "api_reports"
project: initial commit
r0 request.matched_route = route
with pytest.raises(colander.Invalid):
response = reports_create(request)
def test_single_proper_json_0_5_payload(self):
import appenlight.tests.payload_examples as payload_examples
from appenlight.views.api import reports_create
from appenlight.models.services.application import ApplicationService
from appenlight.models.report_group import ReportGroup
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 route = mock.Mock()
black: reformat source
r153 route.name = "api_reports"
project: initial commit
r0 request = pyramid.threadlocal.get_current_request()
context = DummyContext()
context.resource = ApplicationService.by_id(1)
request.context = context
request.matched_route = route
PYTHON_PAYLOAD = payload_examples.PYTHON_PAYLOAD_0_5
request.unsafe_json_body = [copy.deepcopy(PYTHON_PAYLOAD)]
query = DBSession.query(ReportGroup)
report = query.first()
assert query.count() == 1
assert report.total_reports == 1
def test_grouping_0_5(self):
import appenlight.tests.payload_examples as payload_examples
from appenlight.views.api import reports_create
from appenlight.models.services.application import ApplicationService
from appenlight.models.report_group import ReportGroup
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 route = mock.Mock()
black: reformat source
r153 route.name = "api_reports"
project: initial commit
r0 request = pyramid.threadlocal.get_current_request()
context = DummyContext()
context.resource = ApplicationService.by_id(1)
request.context = context
request.matched_route = route
PYTHON_PAYLOAD = payload_examples.PYTHON_PAYLOAD_0_5
black: reformat source
r153 request.unsafe_json_body = [
project: initial commit
r0 reports_create(request)
query = DBSession.query(ReportGroup)
report = query.first()
assert query.count() == 1
assert report.total_reports == 2
def test_grouping_different_reports_0_5(self):
import appenlight.tests.payload_examples as payload_examples
from appenlight.views.api import reports_create
from appenlight.models.services.application import ApplicationService
from appenlight.models.report_group import ReportGroup
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 route = mock.Mock()
black: reformat source
r153 route.name = "api_reports"
project: initial commit
r0 request = pyramid.threadlocal.get_current_request()
context = DummyContext()
context.resource = ApplicationService.by_id(1)
request.context = context
request.matched_route = route
PYTHON_PAYLOAD = payload_examples.PYTHON_PAYLOAD_0_5
PARSED_REPORT_404 = payload_examples.PARSED_REPORT_404
black: reformat source
r153 request.unsafe_json_body = [
project: initial commit
r0 reports_create(request)
query = DBSession.query(ReportGroup)
report = query.first()
assert query.count() == 2
assert report.total_reports == 1
black: reformat source
r153 @pytest.mark.usefixtures("default_application")
@pytest.mark.usefixtures("base_app", "with_migrations", "clean_tables")
project: initial commit
r0 class TestAirbrakeXMLView(object):
def test_normal_payload_parsing(self):
import datetime
import defusedxml.ElementTree as ElementTree
import appenlight.tests.payload_examples as payload_examples
from appenlight.lib.utils.airbrake import parse_airbrake_xml
from appenlight.validators import ReportListSchema_0_5
context = DummyContext()
black: reformat source
r153 request = testing.DummyRequest(headers={"Content-Type": "application/xml"})
project: initial commit
r0 request.context = context
request.context.possibly_public = False
root = ElementTree.fromstring(payload_examples.AIRBRAKE_RUBY_EXAMPLE)
request.context.airbrake_xml_etree = root
error_dict = parse_airbrake_xml(request)
schema = ReportListSchema_0_5().bind(utcnow=datetime.datetime.utcnow())
deserialized_report = schema.deserialize([error_dict])[0]
black: reformat source
r153 assert deserialized_report["client"] == "Airbrake Notifier"
assert (
== "NameError: undefined local variable or method `sdfdfdf' for #<#<Class:0x000000039a8b90>:0x00000002c53df0>"
assert deserialized_report["http_status"] == 500
assert deserialized_report["language"] == "unknown"
assert deserialized_report["message"] == ""
assert deserialized_report["occurences"] == 1
assert deserialized_report["priority"] == 5
d_request = deserialized_report["request"]
assert d_request["GET"] == {"test": "1234"}
assert d_request["action_dispatch.request.parameters"] == {
"action": "index",
"controller": "welcome",
"test": "1234",
assert deserialized_report["request_id"] == "c11b2267f3ad8b00a1768cae35559fa1"
assert deserialized_report["server"] == "ergo-desktop"
assert deserialized_report["traceback"][0] == {
"cline": "block in start_thread",
"file": "/home/ergo/.rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p327/lib/ruby/1.9.1/webrick/server.rb",
"fn": "block in start_thread",
"line": "191",
"module": "",
"vars": {},
assert deserialized_report["traceback"][-1] == {
"cline": "_app_views_welcome_index_html_erb___2570061166873166679_31748940",
"file": "[PROJECT_ROOT]/app/views/welcome/index.html.erb",
"fn": "_app_views_welcome_index_html_erb___2570061166873166679_31748940",
"line": "3",
"module": "",
"vars": {},
assert (
deserialized_report["url"] == ""
assert deserialized_report["view_name"] == "welcome:index"
project: initial commit
def test_normal_payload_view(self):
import defusedxml.ElementTree as ElementTree
import appenlight.tests.payload_examples as payload_examples
from appenlight.models.services.application import ApplicationService
from appenlight.views.api import airbrake_xml_compat
context = DummyContext()
context.resource = ApplicationService.by_id(1)
black: reformat source
r153 request = testing.DummyRequest(headers={"Content-Type": "application/xml"})
project: initial commit
r0 request.context = context
request.context.possibly_public = False
root = ElementTree.fromstring(payload_examples.AIRBRAKE_RUBY_EXAMPLE)
request.context.airbrake_xml_etree = root
route = mock.Mock()
black: reformat source
r153 route.name = "api_airbrake"
project: initial commit
r0 request.matched_route = route
result = airbrake_xml_compat(request)
black: reformat source
r153 assert "<notice><id>" in result
project: initial commit
black: reformat source
r153 @pytest.mark.usefixtures("default_application")
@pytest.mark.usefixtures("base_app", "with_migrations", "clean_tables")
project: initial commit
r0 class TestAPILogView(object):
def test_no_json_payload(self, base_app):
import colander
from appenlight.models.services.application import ApplicationService
from appenlight.views.api import logs_create
context = DummyContext()
context.resource = ApplicationService.by_id(1)
black: reformat source
r153 request = testing.DummyRequest(headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"})
project: initial commit
r0 request.context = context
request.registry = base_app.registry
black: reformat source
r153 request.unsafe_json_body = ""
project: initial commit
r0 route = mock.Mock()
black: reformat source
r153 route.name = "api_logs"
project: initial commit
r0 request.matched_route = route
with pytest.raises(colander.Invalid):
response = logs_create(request)
def test_single_json_payload(self):
import appenlight.tests.payload_examples as payload_examples
from appenlight.models.log import Log
from appenlight.views.api import logs_create
from appenlight.models.services.application import ApplicationService
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 route = mock.Mock()
black: reformat source
r153 route.name = "api_logs"
project: initial commit
r0 request = pyramid.threadlocal.get_current_request()
context = DummyContext()
context.resource = ApplicationService.by_id(1)
request.context = context
request.matched_route = route
black: reformat source
r153 request.unsafe_json_body = [copy.deepcopy(payload_examples.LOG_EXAMPLES[0])]
project: initial commit
r0 logs_create(request)
query = DBSession.query(Log)
log = query.first()
assert query.count() == 1
assert log.message == "OMG ValueError happened"
def test_multiple_json_payload(self):
import appenlight.tests.payload_examples as payload_examples
from appenlight.models.log import Log
from appenlight.views.api import logs_create
from appenlight.models.services.application import ApplicationService
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 route = mock.Mock()
black: reformat source
r153 route.name = "api_logs"
project: initial commit
r0 request = pyramid.threadlocal.get_current_request()
context = DummyContext()
context.resource = ApplicationService.by_id(1)
request.context = context
request.matched_route = route
LOG_PAYLOAD = payload_examples.LOG_EXAMPLES[0]
LOG_PAYLOAD2 = payload_examples.LOG_EXAMPLES[1]
request.unsafe_json_body = copy.deepcopy([LOG_PAYLOAD, LOG_PAYLOAD2])
query = DBSession.query(Log).order_by(sa.asc(Log.log_id))
assert query.count() == 2
assert query[0].message == "OMG ValueError happened"
assert query[1].message == "OMG ValueError happened2"
def test_public_key_rewriting(self):
import appenlight.tests.payload_examples as payload_examples
from appenlight.models.log import Log
from appenlight.views.api import logs_create
from appenlight.models.services.application import ApplicationService
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 route = mock.Mock()
black: reformat source
r153 route.name = "api_logs"
project: initial commit
r0 request = pyramid.threadlocal.get_current_request()
context = DummyContext()
context.resource = ApplicationService.by_id(1)
request.context = context
request.matched_route = route
LOG_PAYLOAD = copy.deepcopy(payload_examples.LOG_EXAMPLES[0])
LOG_PAYLOAD2 = copy.deepcopy(payload_examples.LOG_EXAMPLES[1])
black: reformat source
r153 LOG_PAYLOAD["primary_key"] = "X2"
LOG_PAYLOAD2["primary_key"] = "X2"
project: initial commit
r0 request.unsafe_json_body = [LOG_PAYLOAD, LOG_PAYLOAD2]
query = DBSession.query(Log).order_by(sa.asc(Log.log_id))
assert query.count() == 1
assert query[0].message == "OMG ValueError happened2"
black: reformat source
@pytest.mark.usefixtures("base_app", "with_migrations", "clean_tables")
project: initial commit
r0 class TestAPIGeneralMetricsView(object):
def test_no_json_payload(self, base_app):
import colander
from appenlight.models.services.application import ApplicationService
from appenlight.views.api import general_metrics_create
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 route = mock.Mock()
black: reformat source
r153 route.name = "api_general_metrics"
project: initial commit
r0 context = DummyContext()
context.resource = ApplicationService.by_id(1)
black: reformat source
r153 request = testing.DummyRequest(headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"})
project: initial commit
r0 request.context = context
request.registry = base_app.registry
black: reformat source
r153 request.unsafe_json_body = ""
project: initial commit
r0 request.matched_route = route
with pytest.raises(colander.Invalid):
def test_single_json_payload(self):
import appenlight.tests.payload_examples as payload_examples
metrics: rename RequestMetric module to Metric
r49 from appenlight.models.metric import Metric
project: initial commit
r0 from appenlight.views.api import general_metrics_create
from appenlight.models.services.application import ApplicationService
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 route = mock.Mock()
black: reformat source
r153 route.name = "api_general_metric"
project: initial commit
r0 request = pyramid.threadlocal.get_current_request()
request.matched_route = route
context = DummyContext()
context.resource = ApplicationService.by_id(1)
request.context = context
request.unsafe_json_body = payload_examples.METRICS_PAYLOAD
query = DBSession.query(Metric)
metric = query.first()
assert query.count() == 1
black: reformat source
r153 assert metric.namespace == "some.monitor"
project: initial commit
def test_multiple_json_payload(self):
import appenlight.tests.payload_examples as payload_examples
metrics: rename RequestMetric module to Metric
r49 from appenlight.models.metric import Metric
project: initial commit
r0 from appenlight.views.api import general_metrics_create
from appenlight.models.services.application import ApplicationService
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 route = mock.Mock()
black: reformat source
r153 route.name = "api_general_metrics"
project: initial commit
r0 request = pyramid.threadlocal.get_current_request()
request.matched_route = route
context = DummyContext()
context.resource = ApplicationService.by_id(1)
request.context = context
request.unsafe_json_body = [
query = DBSession.query(Metric)
metric = query.first()
assert query.count() == 2
black: reformat source
r153 assert metric.namespace == "some.monitor"
project: initial commit
class TestGroupingMessageReplacements(object):
def replace_default_repr_python(self):
black: reformat source
r153 test_str = """
project: initial commit
r0 ConnectionError: ConnectionError((<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f87a0ba9fd0>, 'Connection to domain.gr timed out. (connect timeout=10)')) caused by: ConnectTimeoutError((<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f87a0ba9fd0>, 'Connection to domain.gr timed out. (connect timeout=10)'))
black: reformat source
r153 """
regex = r"<(.*?) object at (.*?)>"
project: initial commit
class TestRulesKeyGetter(object):
def test_default_dict_getter_top_key(self):
from appenlight.lib.rule import Rule
black: reformat source
struct = {"a": {"b": "b", "c": {"d": "d", "g": {"h": "h"}}, "e": "e"}, "f": "f"}
project: initial commit
r0 result = Rule.default_dict_struct_getter(struct, "a")
black: reformat source
r153 assert result == struct["a"]
project: initial commit
def test_default_dict_getter_sub_key(self):
from appenlight.lib.rule import Rule
black: reformat source
struct = {"a": {"b": "b", "c": {"d": "d", "g": {"h": "h"}}, "e": "e"}, "f": "f"}
result = Rule.default_dict_struct_getter(struct, "a:b")
assert result == struct["a"]["b"]
result = Rule.default_dict_struct_getter(struct, "a:c:d")
assert result == struct["a"]["c"]["d"]
project: initial commit
def test_default_obj_getter_top_key(self):
from appenlight.lib.rule import Rule
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 class TestStruct(object):
def __init__(self, a, b):
self.a = a
self.b = b
black: reformat source
r153 struct = TestStruct(a="a", b=TestStruct(a="x", b="y"))
project: initial commit
r0 result = Rule.default_obj_struct_getter(struct, "a")
assert result == struct.a
def test_default_obj_getter_sub_key(self):
from appenlight.lib.rule import Rule
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 class TestStruct(object):
def __init__(self, name, a, b):
self.name = name
self.a = a
self.b = b
def __repr__(self):
black: reformat source
r153 return "<obj {}>".format(self.name)
project: initial commit
black: reformat source
r153 c = TestStruct("c", a=5, b="z")
b = TestStruct("b", a=c, b="y")
struct = TestStruct("a", a="a", b=b)
result = Rule.default_obj_struct_getter(struct, "b:b")
project: initial commit
r0 assert result == struct.b.b
black: reformat source
r153 result = Rule.default_obj_struct_getter(struct, "b:a:b")
project: initial commit
r0 assert result == struct.b.a.b
black: reformat source
r153 @pytest.mark.usefixtures("report_type_matrix")
class TestRulesParsing:
"op, struct_value, test_value, match_result",
("eq", 500, 500, True),
("eq", 600, 500, False),
("eq", 300, 500, False),
("eq", "300", 500, False),
("eq", "600", 500, False),
("eq", "500", 500, True),
("ne", 500, 500, False),
("ne", 600, 500, True),
("ne", 300, 500, True),
("ne", "300", 500, True),
("ne", "600", 500, True),
("ne", "500", 500, False),
("ge", 500, 500, True),
("ge", 600, 500, True),
("ge", 499, 500, False),
("gt", 499, 500, False),
("gt", 500, 500, False),
("gt", 501, 500, True),
("le", 499, 500, True),
("le", 500, 500, True),
("le", 501, 500, False),
("lt", 499, 500, True),
("lt", 500, 500, False),
("lt", 501, 500, False),
def test_single_op_int(
self, op, struct_value, test_value, match_result, report_type_matrix
project: initial commit
r0 from appenlight.lib.rule import Rule
black: reformat source
rule_config = {"op": op, "field": "http_status", "value": test_value}
project: initial commit
r0 rule = Rule(rule_config, report_type_matrix)
black: reformat source
r153 data = {"http_status": struct_value}
project: initial commit
r0 assert rule.match(data) is match_result
black: reformat source
r153 @pytest.mark.parametrize(
"op, struct_value, test_value, match_result",
("ge", "500.01", 500, True),
("ge", "500.01", 500.02, False),
("le", "500.01", 500.02, True),
def test_single_op_float(
self, op, struct_value, test_value, match_result, report_type_matrix
project: initial commit
r0 from appenlight.lib.rule import Rule
black: reformat source
rule_config = {"op": op, "field": "duration", "value": test_value}
project: initial commit
r0 rule = Rule(rule_config, report_type_matrix)
black: reformat source
r153 data = {"duration": struct_value}
project: initial commit
r0 assert rule.match(data) is match_result
black: reformat source
r153 @pytest.mark.parametrize(
"op, struct_value, test_value, match_result",
("contains", "foo bar baz", "foo", True),
("contains", "foo bar baz", "bar", True),
("contains", "foo bar baz", "dupa", False),
("startswith", "foo bar baz", "foo", True),
("startswith", "foo bar baz", "bar", False),
("endswith", "foo bar baz", "baz", True),
("endswith", "foo bar baz", "bar", False),
def test_single_op_string(
self, op, struct_value, test_value, match_result, report_type_matrix
project: initial commit
r0 from appenlight.lib.rule import Rule
black: reformat source
rule_config = {"op": op, "field": "error", "value": test_value}
project: initial commit
r0 rule = Rule(rule_config, report_type_matrix)
black: reformat source
r153 data = {"error": struct_value}
project: initial commit
r0 assert rule.match(data) is match_result
black: reformat source
r153 @pytest.mark.parametrize(
"field, value, s_type",
("field_unicode", 500, str),
("field_unicode", 500.0, str),
("field_unicode", "500", str),
("field_int", "500", int),
("field_int", 500, int),
("field_int", 500.0, int),
("field_float", "500", float),
("field_float", 500, float),
("field_float", 500.0, float),
project: initial commit
r0 def test_type_normalization(self, field, value, s_type):
from appenlight.lib.rule import Rule
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 type_matrix = {
black: reformat source
r153 "field_unicode": {"type": "unicode"},
"field_float": {"type": "float"},
"field_int": {"type": "int"},
project: initial commit
r0 }
rule = Rule({}, type_matrix)
n_value = rule.normalized_type(field, value)
assert isinstance(n_value, s_type) is True
black: reformat source
r153 @pytest.mark.usefixtures("report_type_matrix")
class TestNestedRuleParsing:
"data, result",
({"http_status": 501, "group": {"priority": 7, "occurences": 11}}, False),
({"http_status": 101, "group": {"priority": 7, "occurences": 11}}, False),
({"http_status": 500, "group": {"priority": 1, "occurences": 11}}, False),
({"http_status": 101, "group": {"priority": 3, "occurences": 5}}, True),
rule engine: add support for NOT rule
r41 def test_NOT_rule(self, data, result, report_type_matrix):
from appenlight.lib.rule import Rule
black: reformat source
rule engine: add support for NOT rule
r41 rule_config = {
"field": "__NOT__",
"rules": [
black: reformat source
r153 {"op": "ge", "field": "group:occurences", "value": "10"},
{"op": "ge", "field": "group:priority", "value": "4"},
rule engine: add support for NOT rule
r41 }
rule = Rule(rule_config, report_type_matrix)
assert rule.match(data) is result
black: reformat source
r153 @pytest.mark.parametrize(
"data, result",
({"http_status": 501, "group": {"priority": 7, "occurences": 11}}, True),
({"http_status": 101, "group": {"priority": 7, "occurences": 11}}, True),
({"http_status": 500, "group": {"priority": 1, "occurences": 1}}, True),
({"http_status": 101, "group": {"priority": 3, "occurences": 11}}, False),
project: initial commit
r0 def test_nested_OR_AND_rule(self, data, result, report_type_matrix):
from appenlight.lib.rule import Rule
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 rule_config = {
"field": "__OR__",
"rules": [
"field": "__AND__",
"rules": [
black: reformat source
r153 {"op": "ge", "field": "group:occurences", "value": "10"},
{"op": "ge", "field": "group:priority", "value": "4"},
project: initial commit
r0 },
black: reformat source
r153 {"op": "eq", "field": "http_status", "value": "500"},
project: initial commit
r0 }
rule = Rule(rule_config, report_type_matrix)
assert rule.match(data) is result
black: reformat source
r153 @pytest.mark.parametrize(
"data, result",
({"http_status": 501, "group": {"priority": 7, "occurences": 11}}, True),
({"http_status": 101, "group": {"priority": 7, "occurences": 11}}, True),
({"http_status": 500, "group": {"priority": 1, "occurences": 1}}, True),
({"http_status": 101, "group": {"priority": 3, "occurences": 1}}, False),
project: initial commit
r0 def test_nested_OR_OR_rule(self, data, result, report_type_matrix):
from appenlight.lib.rule import Rule
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 rule_config = {
"field": "__OR__",
"rules": [
black: reformat source
r153 {
"field": "__OR__",
"rules": [
{"op": "ge", "field": "group:occurences", "value": "10"},
{"op": "ge", "field": "group:priority", "value": "4"},
{"op": "eq", "field": "http_status", "value": "500"},
project: initial commit
r0 }
rule = Rule(rule_config, report_type_matrix)
assert rule.match(data) is result
black: reformat source
r153 @pytest.mark.parametrize(
"data, result",
({"http_status": 500, "group": {"priority": 7, "occurences": 11}}, True),
({"http_status": 101, "group": {"priority": 7, "occurences": 11}}, False),
({"http_status": 500, "group": {"priority": 1, "occurences": 1}}, False),
({"http_status": 101, "group": {"priority": 3, "occurences": 1}}, False),
project: initial commit
r0 def test_nested_AND_AND_rule(self, data, result, report_type_matrix):
from appenlight.lib.rule import Rule
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 rule_config = {
"field": "__AND__",
"rules": [
black: reformat source
r153 {
"field": "__AND__",
"rules": [
{"op": "ge", "field": "group:occurences", "value": "10"},
{"op": "ge", "field": "group:priority", "value": "4"},
{"op": "eq", "field": "http_status", "value": "500"},
project: initial commit
r0 }
rule = Rule(rule_config, report_type_matrix)
assert rule.match(data) is result
black: reformat source
r153 @pytest.mark.parametrize(
"data, result",
"http_status": 500,
"group": {"priority": 7, "occurences": 11},
"url_path": "/test/register",
"error": "foo test bar",
"http_status": 500,
"group": {"priority": 7, "occurences": 11},
"url_path": "/test/register",
"error": "foo INVALID bar",
project: initial commit
r0 def test_nested_AND_AND_AND_rule(self, data, result, report_type_matrix):
from appenlight.lib.rule import Rule
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 rule_config = {
"field": "__AND__",
"rules": [
black: reformat source
r153 {
"field": "__AND__",
"rules": [
{"op": "ge", "field": "group:occurences", "value": "10"},
"field": "__AND__",
"rules": [
"op": "endswith",
"field": "url_path",
"value": "register",
{"op": "contains", "field": "error", "value": "test"},
{"op": "eq", "field": "http_status", "value": "500"},
project: initial commit
r0 }
rule = Rule(rule_config, report_type_matrix)
assert rule.match(data) is result
black: reformat source
r153 @pytest.mark.parametrize(
"data, result",
"http_status": 500,
"group": {"priority": 7, "occurences": 11},
"url_path": 6,
"error": 3,
"http_status": 500,
"group": {"priority": 7, "occurences": 11},
"url_path": "/test/register",
"error": "foo INVALID bar",
project: initial commit
r0 def test_nested_AND_AND_OR_rule(self, data, result, report_type_matrix):
from appenlight.lib.rule import Rule
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 rule_config = {
"field": "__AND__",
"rules": [
black: reformat source
r153 {
"field": "__AND__",
"rules": [
{"op": "ge", "field": "group:occurences", "value": "10"},
"field": "__OR__",
"rules": [
"op": "endswith",
"field": "url_path",
"value": "register",
{"op": "contains", "field": "error", "value": "test"},
{"op": "eq", "field": "http_status", "value": "500"},
project: initial commit
r0 }
rule = Rule(rule_config, report_type_matrix)
assert rule.match(data) is result
black: reformat source
r153 @pytest.mark.parametrize(
"op, field, value, should_fail",
("eq", "http_status", "1", False),
("ne", "http_status", "1", False),
("ne", "http_status", "foo", True),
("startswith", "http_status", "1", True),
("eq", "group:priority", "1", False),
("ne", "group:priority", "1", False),
("ge", "group:priority", "1", False),
("le", "group:priority", "1", False),
("startswith", "group:priority", "1", True),
("eq", "url_domain", "1", False),
("ne", "url_domain", "1", False),
("startswith", "url_domain", "1", False),
("endswith", "url_domain", "1", False),
("contains", "url_domain", "1", False),
("ge", "url_domain", "1", True),
("eq", "url_path", "1", False),
("ne", "url_path", "1", False),
("startswith", "url_path", "1", False),
("endswith", "url_path", "1", False),
("contains", "url_path", "1", False),
("ge", "url_path", "1", True),
("eq", "error", "1", False),
("ne", "error", "1", False),
("startswith", "error", "1", False),
("endswith", "error", "1", False),
("contains", "error", "1", False),
("ge", "error", "1", True),
("ge", "url_path", "1", True),
("eq", "tags:server_name", "1", False),
("ne", "tags:server_name", "1", False),
("startswith", "tags:server_name", "1", False),
("endswith", "tags:server_name", "1", False),
("contains", "tags:server_name", "1", False),
("ge", "tags:server_name", "1", True),
("contains", "traceback", "1", False),
("ge", "traceback", "1", True),
("eq", "group:occurences", "1", False),
("ne", "group:occurences", "1", False),
("ge", "group:occurences", "1", False),
("le", "group:occurences", "1", False),
("contains", "group:occurences", "1", True),
def test_rule_validation(self, op, field, value, should_fail, report_type_matrix):
project: initial commit
r0 import colander
from appenlight.validators import build_rule_schema
black: reformat source
rule_config = {"op": op, "field": field, "value": value}
project: initial commit
schema = build_rule_schema(rule_config, report_type_matrix)
if should_fail:
with pytest.raises(colander.Invalid):
def test_nested_proper_rule_validation(self, report_type_matrix):
from appenlight.validators import build_rule_schema
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 rule_config = {
"field": "__AND__",
"rules": [
"field": "__AND__",
"rules": [
black: reformat source
r153 {"op": "ge", "field": "group:occurences", "value": "10"},
project: initial commit
r0 {
"field": "__OR__",
"rules": [
"op": "endswith",
"field": "url_path",
black: reformat source
r153 "value": "register",
project: initial commit
r0 },
black: reformat source
r153 {"op": "contains", "field": "error", "value": "test"},
project: initial commit
r0 },
black: reformat source
r153 {"op": "eq", "field": "http_status", "value": "500"},
project: initial commit
r0 }
schema = build_rule_schema(rule_config, report_type_matrix)
deserialized = schema.deserialize(rule_config)
def test_nested_bad_rule_validation(self, report_type_matrix):
import colander
from appenlight.validators import build_rule_schema
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 rule_config = {
"field": "__AND__",
"rules": [
"field": "__AND__",
"rules": [
black: reformat source
r153 {"op": "ge", "field": "group:occurences", "value": "10"},
project: initial commit
r0 {
"field": "__OR__",
"rules": [
black: reformat source
r153 {"op": "gt", "field": "url_path", "value": "register"},
{"op": "contains", "field": "error", "value": "test"},
project: initial commit
r0 },
black: reformat source
r153 {"op": "eq", "field": "http_status", "value": "500"},
project: initial commit
r0 }
schema = build_rule_schema(rule_config, report_type_matrix)
with pytest.raises(colander.Invalid):
deserialized = schema.deserialize(rule_config)
def test_config_manipulator(self):
from appenlight.lib.rule import Rule
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 type_matrix = {
black: reformat source
r153 "a": {"type": "int", "ops": ("eq", "ne", "ge", "le")},
"b": {"type": "int", "ops": ("eq", "ne", "ge", "le")},
project: initial commit
r0 }
rule_config = {
"field": "__OR__",
"rules": [
"field": "__OR__",
black: reformat source
r153 "rules": [{"op": "ge", "field": "a", "value": "10"}],
project: initial commit
r0 },
black: reformat source
r153 {"op": "eq", "field": "b", "value": "500"},
project: initial commit
r0 }
def rule_manipulator(rule):
black: reformat source
r153 if "value" in rule.config:
rule.config["value"] = "1"
project: initial commit
black: reformat source
r153 rule = Rule(rule_config, type_matrix, config_manipulator=rule_manipulator)
rule.match({"a": 1, "b": "2"})
assert rule.config["rules"][0]["rules"][0]["value"] == "1"
assert rule.config["rules"][1]["value"] == "1"
assert rule.type_matrix["b"]["type"] == "int"
project: initial commit
def test_dynamic_config_manipulator(self):
from appenlight.lib.rule import Rule
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 rule_config = {
"field": "__OR__",
"rules": [
"field": "__OR__",
black: reformat source
r153 "rules": [{"op": "ge", "field": "a", "value": "10"}],
project: initial commit
r0 },
black: reformat source
r153 {"op": "eq", "field": "b", "value": "500"},
project: initial commit
r0 }
def rule_manipulator(rule):
rule.type_matrix = {
black: reformat source
r153 "a": {"type": "int", "ops": ("eq", "ne", "ge", "le")},
"b": {"type": "unicode", "ops": ("eq", "ne", "ge", "le")},
project: initial commit
r0 }
black: reformat source
r153 if "value" in rule.config:
if rule.config["field"] == "a":
rule.config["value"] = "1"
elif rule.config["field"] == "b":
rule.config["value"] = "2"
project: initial commit
black: reformat source
r153 rule = Rule(rule_config, {}, config_manipulator=rule_manipulator)
rule.match({"a": 11, "b": "55"})
assert rule.config["rules"][0]["rules"][0]["value"] == "1"
assert rule.config["rules"][1]["value"] == "2"
assert rule.type_matrix["b"]["type"] == "unicode"
project: initial commit
black: reformat source
r153 @pytest.mark.usefixtures("base_app", "with_migrations")
project: initial commit
r0 class TestViewsWithForms(object):
def test_bad_csrf(self):
from appenlight.forms import CSRFException
from appenlight.views.index import register
black: reformat source
post_data = {"dupa": "dupa"}
project: initial commit
r0 request = testing.DummyRequest(post=post_data)
request.POST = webob.multidict.MultiDict(request.POST)
with pytest.raises(CSRFException):
def test_proper_csrf(self):
from appenlight.views.index import register
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 request = pyramid.threadlocal.get_current_request()
black: reformat source
r153 post_data = {"dupa": "dupa", "csrf_token": request.session.get_csrf_token()}
project: initial commit
r0 request = testing.DummyRequest(post=post_data)
request.POST = webob.multidict.MultiDict(request.POST)
result = register(request)
black: reformat source
r153 assert result["form"].errors["email"][0] == "This field is required."
project: initial commit
black: reformat source
r153 @pytest.mark.usefixtures("base_app", "with_migrations", "default_data")
project: initial commit
r0 class TestRegistration(object):
def test_invalid_form(self):
from appenlight.views.index import register
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 request = pyramid.threadlocal.get_current_request()
black: reformat source
r153 post_data = {
"user_name": "",
"user_password": "",
"email": "",
"csrf_token": request.session.get_csrf_token(),
project: initial commit
r0 request = testing.DummyRequest(post=post_data)
request.POST = webob.multidict.MultiDict(request.POST)
result = register(request)
black: reformat source
r153 assert result["form"].errors["user_name"][0] == "This field is required."
project: initial commit
def test_valid_form(self):
from appenlight.views.index import register
from ziggurat_foundations.models.services.user import UserService
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 request = pyramid.threadlocal.get_current_request()
black: reformat source
r153 post_data = {
"user_name": "foo",
"user_password": "barr",
"email": "test@test.foo",
"csrf_token": request.session.get_csrf_token(),
project: initial commit
r0 request = testing.DummyRequest(post=post_data)
request.add_flash_to_headers = mock.Mock()
request.POST = webob.multidict.MultiDict(request.POST)
black: reformat source
r153 assert UserService.by_user_name("foo") is None
project: initial commit
r0 register(request)
black: reformat source
r153 user = UserService.by_user_name("foo")
assert user.user_name == "foo"
requirements: bump ziggurat_foundations to 0.8.3
r135 assert len(user.user_password) >= 60
project: initial commit
black: reformat source
r153 @pytest.mark.usefixtures("base_app", "with_migrations", "clean_tables", "default_user")
project: initial commit
r0 class TestApplicationCreation(object):
def test_wrong_data(self):
import appenlight.views.applications as applications
from ziggurat_foundations.models.services.user import UserService
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 request = pyramid.threadlocal.get_current_request()
black: reformat source
r153 request.user = UserService.by_user_name("testuser")
project: initial commit
r0 request.unsafe_json_body = {}
black: reformat source
r153 request.headers["X-XSRF-TOKEN"] = request.session.get_csrf_token()
project: initial commit
r0 response = applications.application_create(request)
assert response.code == 422
def test_proper_data(self):
import appenlight.views.applications as applications
from ziggurat_foundations.models.services.user import UserService
request = pyramid.threadlocal.get_current_request()
black: reformat source
r153 request.user = UserService.by_user_name("testuser")
request.unsafe_json_body = {"resource_name": "app name", "domains": "foo"}
request.headers["X-XSRF-TOKEN"] = request.session.get_csrf_token()
project: initial commit
r0 app_dict = applications.application_create(request)
black: reformat source
r153 assert app_dict["public_key"] is not None
assert app_dict["api_key"] is not None
assert app_dict["resource_name"] == "app name"
assert app_dict["owner_group_id"] is None
assert app_dict["resource_id"] is not None
assert app_dict["default_grouping"] == "url_traceback"
assert app_dict["possible_permissions"] == ("view", "update_reports")
assert app_dict["slow_report_threshold"] == 10
assert app_dict["owner_user_name"] == "testuser"
assert app_dict["owner_user_id"] == request.user.id
assert app_dict["domains"] is "foo"
assert app_dict["postprocessing_rules"] == []
assert app_dict["error_report_threshold"] == 10
assert app_dict["allow_permanent_storage"] is False
assert app_dict["resource_type"] == "application"
assert app_dict["current_permissions"] == []
@pytest.mark.usefixtures("base_app", "with_migrations", "clean_tables")
project: initial commit
r0 class TestAPISentryView(object):
def test_no_payload(self, default_application):
import colander
from appenlight.models.services.application import ApplicationService
from appenlight.views.api import sentry_compat
from appenlight.lib.request import JSONException
context = DummyContext()
context.resource = ApplicationService.by_id(1)
black: reformat source
r153 request = testing.DummyRequest(headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"})
request.unsafe_json_body = ""
project: initial commit
r0 request.context = context
route = mock.Mock()
black: reformat source
r153 route.name = "api_sentry"
project: initial commit
r0 request.matched_route = route
with pytest.raises(JSONException):
def test_java_client_payload(self):
from appenlight.views.api import sentry_compat
from appenlight.models.services.application import ApplicationService
from appenlight.models.report_group import ReportGroup
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 route = mock.Mock()
black: reformat source
r153 route.name = "api_sentry"
project: initial commit
r0 request = pyramid.threadlocal.get_current_request()
context = DummyContext()
context.resource = ApplicationService.by_id(1)
tests: fix unit tests and make limited_date validation conditional
r95 context.resource.allow_permanent_storage = True
project: initial commit
r0 request.context = context
request.matched_route = route
black: reformat source
r153 request.body = (
project: initial commit
r0 sentry_compat(request)
query = DBSession.query(ReportGroup)
report = query.first()
assert query.count() == 1
assert report.total_reports == 1
def test_ruby_client_payload(self):
from appenlight.views.api import sentry_compat
from appenlight.models.services.application import ApplicationService
from appenlight.models.report_group import ReportGroup
from appenlight.tests.payload_examples import SENTRY_RUBY_ENCODED
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 route = mock.Mock()
black: reformat source
r153 route.name = "api_sentry"
project: initial commit
r0 request = testing.DummyRequest(
black: reformat source
r153 headers={
"Content-Type": "application/octet-stream",
"User-Agent": "sentry-ruby/1.0.0",
"X-Sentry-Auth": "Sentry sentry_version=5, "
"sentry_client=raven-ruby/1.0.0, "
"sentry_timestamp=1462378483, "
"sentry_key=xxx, sentry_secret=xxx",
project: initial commit
r0 context = DummyContext()
context.resource = ApplicationService.by_id(1)
tests: fix unit tests and make limited_date validation conditional
r95 context.resource.allow_permanent_storage = True
project: initial commit
r0 request.context = context
request.matched_route = route
request.body = SENTRY_RUBY_ENCODED
query = DBSession.query(ReportGroup)
report = query.first()
assert query.count() == 1
assert report.total_reports == 1
def test_python_client_decoded_payload(self):
from appenlight.views.api import sentry_compat
from appenlight.models.services.application import ApplicationService
from appenlight.models.report_group import ReportGroup
from appenlight.tests.payload_examples import SENTRY_PYTHON_PAYLOAD_7
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 route = mock.Mock()
black: reformat source
r153 route.name = "api_sentry"
project: initial commit
r0 request = pyramid.threadlocal.get_current_request()
context = DummyContext()
context.resource = ApplicationService.by_id(1)
tests: fix unit tests and make limited_date validation conditional
r95 context.resource.allow_permanent_storage = True
project: initial commit
r0 request.context = context
request.matched_route = route
black: reformat source
r153 request.body = json.dumps(SENTRY_PYTHON_PAYLOAD_7).encode("utf8")
project: initial commit
r0 sentry_compat(request)
query = DBSession.query(ReportGroup)
report = query.first()
assert query.count() == 1
assert report.total_reports == 1
def test_python_client_encoded_payload(self):
from appenlight.views.api import sentry_compat
from appenlight.models.services.application import ApplicationService
from appenlight.models.report_group import ReportGroup
from appenlight.tests.payload_examples import SENTRY_PYTHON_ENCODED
black: reformat source
project: initial commit
r0 route = mock.Mock()
black: reformat source
r153 route.name = "api_sentry"
project: initial commit
r0 request = testing.DummyRequest(
black: reformat source
r153 headers={
"Content-Type": "application/octet-stream",
"Content-Encoding": "deflate",
"User-Agent": "sentry-ruby/1.0.0",
"X-Sentry-Auth": "Sentry sentry_version=5, "
"sentry_client=raven-ruby/1.0.0, "
"sentry_timestamp=1462378483, "
"sentry_key=xxx, sentry_secret=xxx",
project: initial commit
r0 context = DummyContext()
context.resource = ApplicationService.by_id(1)
tests: fix unit tests and make limited_date validation conditional
r95 context.resource.allow_permanent_storage = True
project: initial commit
r0 request.context = context
request.matched_route = route
query = DBSession.query(ReportGroup)
report = query.first()
assert query.count() == 1
assert report.total_reports == 1