##// END OF EJS Templates
channelstream: utilize $rootScope
channelstream: utilize $rootScope

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project: initial commit
r0 [app:appenlight]
use = egg:appenlight
reload_templates = true
debug_authorization = true
debug_notfound = true
debug_routematch = true
debug_templates = true
default_locale_name = en
sqlalchemy.url = postgresql://test:test@localhost/appenlight_test
sqlalchemy.pool_size = 2
sqlalchemy.max_overflow = 5
sqlalchemy.echo = false
jinja2.directories = appenlight:templates
jinja2.filters = nl2br = appenlight.lib.jinja2_filters.nl2br
pyramid.includes = pyramid_debugtoolbar
appenlight.includes =
# encryption
encryption_secret = oEOikr_T98wTh_xLH3w8Se3kmbgAQYSM4poZvPosya0=
redis.url = redis://localhost:6379/0
redis.redlock.url = redis://localhost:6379/3
elasticsearch: support multiple ES nodes
r5 #elasticsearch
project: initial commit
r0 elasticsearch.nodes =
webassets.dir = %(here)s/webassets/
authtkt.secure = false
authtkt.secret = SECRET
# session settings
redis.sessions.secret = SECRET
redis.sessions.timeout = 3600
# session cookie settings
redis.sessions.cookie_name = appenlight
redis.sessions.cookie_max_age = 2592000
redis.sessions.cookie_path = /
redis.sessions.cookie_domain =
redis.sessions.cookie_secure = False
redis.sessions.cookie_httponly = False
redis.sessions.cookie_on_exception = True
redis.sessions.prefix = appenlight:session:
cache.regions = default_term, second, short_term, long_term
cache.type = ext:memcached
cache.url =
cache.lock_dir = %(here)s/data/cache/lock
cache.second.expire = 1
cache.short_term.expire = 60
cache.default_term.expire = 300
mailing.app_url = https://appenlight.com
mailing.from_name = App Enlight LOCAL
mailing.from_email = no-reply@status.appenlight.com
# Authomatic configuration
authomatic.secret = secret
authomatic.pr.facebook.app_id =
authomatic.pr.facebook.secret =
authomatic.pr.twitter.key =
authomatic.pr.twitter.secret =
authomatic.pr.google.key =
authomatic.pr.google.secret =
authomatic.pr.github.key =
authomatic.pr.github.secret =
authomatic.pr.github.scope = repo, public_repo, user:email
authomatic.pr.bitbucket.key =
authomatic.pr.bitbucket.secret =
ziggurat_foundations.model_locations.User = appenlight.models.user:User
ziggurat_foundations.sign_in.username_key = sign_in_user_name
ziggurat_foundations.sign_in.password_key = sign_in_user_password
ziggurat_foundations.sign_in.came_from_key = came_from
cometd.server =
cometd.secret = secret
cometd.ws_url = wss://
# for celery
appenlight.api_key =
appenlight.transport_config =
celery.broker_type = redis
celery.broker_url = redis://localhost:6379/4
celery.concurrency = 4
celery.timezone = UTC
celery.always_eager = true
use = egg:PasteDeploy#prefix
use = egg:appenlight_client
appenlight.api_key =
appenlight.transport_config =
appenlight.report_local_vars = true
appenlight.report_404 = true
appenlight.timing.dbapi2_psycopg2 = 0.3
pipeline =
use = egg:waitress
host =
port = 6543
use = egg:gunicorn#main
host =, unix:/tmp/appenlight.sock
workers = 6
timeout = 90
#max_requests = 1000
# Begin logging configuration
keys = root, appenlight, sqlalchemy, elasticsearch
keys = console
keys = generic
level = INFO
handlers = console
level = INFO
handlers =
qualname = appenlight
level = WARN
handlers =
qualname = elasticsearch
level = WARN
handlers =
qualname = sqlalchemy.engine
# "level = INFO" logs SQL queries.
# "level = DEBUG" logs SQL queries and results.
# "level = WARN" logs neither. (Recommended for production systems.)
class = StreamHandler
args = (sys.stderr,)
level = NOTSET
formatter = generic
format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s][%(threadName)s] %(message)s
# End logging configuration