PUBLIC API KEY (for javascript clients):
Your key will be used to identify to which application your data belongs to please keep them private at all times.
Are you sure you want to regenerate API KEY for this application?
All client application keys will need to be updated.
Visit our developer documentation for step-by-step integration instructions.
Please be sure to add at least one email alert channel for your account.
This will enable App Enlight to send you notification emails about errors inside your application.
After this is done you can use this CURL commands to test APIs:
(Please note that the data like execution times is semi randomly generated)
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -k {{AeConfig.urls.baseUrl}}api/logs?protocol_version=0.5\&api_key={{application.resource.api_key}} -d ' [ { "log_level": "WARNING", "message": "OMG ValueError happened", "namespace": "some.namespace.indicator", "request_id": "SOME_UUID", "permanent": false, "primary_key": "random_key", "server": "some.server.hostname", "date": "{{application.momentJs.utc().milliseconds(0).toISOString()}}", "tags": [["tag1","value"], ["tag2", 5]] }, { "log_level": "ERROR", "message": "OMG ValueError happened2", "namespace": "some.namespace.indicator", "request_id": "SOME_UUID", "permanent": false, "server": "some.server.hostname", "date": "{{application.momentJs.utc().milliseconds(0).toISOString()}}" } ]'
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -k {{AeConfig.urls.baseUrl}}api/reports?protocol_version=0.5\&api_key={{application.resource.api_key}} -d ' [{ "client": "your-client-name-python", "language": "python", "view_name": "views/foo:bar", "server": "SERVERNAME/INSTANCENAME", "priority": 5, "error": "OMG ValueError happened", "occurences":1, "http_status": 500, "tags": [["tag1","value"], ["tag2", 5]], "username": "USER", "url": "HTTP://SOMEURL", "ip": "", "start_time": "{{application.momentJs.utc().milliseconds(0).toISOString()}}", "end_time": "{{application.momentJs.utc().milliseconds(0).add(2, 'seconds').toISOString()}}", "user_agent": "BROWSER_AGENT", "extra": [["message","CUSTOM MESSAGE"], ["custom_value", "some payload"]], "request_id": "SOME_UUID", "request": {"REQUEST_METHOD": "GET", "PATH_INFO": "/FOO/BAR", "POST": {"FOO":"BAZ","XXX":"YYY"} }, "slow_calls":[{ "start": "{{application.momentJs.utc().milliseconds(0).toISOString()}}", "end": "{{application.momentJs.utc().milliseconds(0).add(1, 'seconds').toISOString()}}", "type": "sql", "subtype": "postgresql", "parameters": ["QPARAM1","QPARAM2","QPARAMX"], "statement": "QUERY" }], "request_stats": { "main": 2.50779, "nosql": 0.01008, "nosql_calls": 17.0, "remote": 0.0, "remote_calls": 0.0, "sql": 1, "sql_calls": 1.0, "tmpl": 0.0, "tmpl_calls": 0.0, "custom": 0.0, "custom_calls": 0.0 }, "traceback": [ {"cline": "return foo_bar_baz(1,2,3)", "file": "somedir/", "fn": "somefunction", "line": 454, "vars": [["a_list", ["1",2,"4","5",6]], ["b", {"1": "2", "ccc": "ddd", "1": "a"}], ["obj", "object object at 0x7f0030853dc0"]] }, {"cline": "OMG ValueError happened", "file": "", "fn": "", "line": "", "vars": []} ] }]'
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -k {{AeConfig.urls.baseUrl}}api/general_metrics?protocol_version=0.5\&api_key={{application.resource.api_key}} -d ' [{ "namespace": "some.monitor", "timestamp": "{{application.momentJs.utc().milliseconds(0).toISOString()}}", "server_name": "", "tags": [["value1", 15.7], ["value2", 26]]}]'
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -k {{AeConfig.urls.baseUrl}}api/request_stats?protocol_version=0.5\&api_key={{application.resource.api_key}} -d ' [{"server": "some.server.hostname", "timestamp": "{{application.momentJs.utc().milliseconds(0).toISOString()}}", "metrics": [["dir/module:func", {"custom": 0.0, "custom_calls": 0, "main": 0.01664, "nosql": 0.00061, "nosql_calls": 23, "remote": 0.0, "remote_calls": 0, "requests": 1, "sql": 0.00105, "sql_calls": 2, "tmpl": 0.0, "tmpl_calls": 0}], ["SomeView.function", {"custom": 0.0, "custom_calls": 0, "main": 0.647261, "nosql": 0.306554, "nosql_calls": 140, "remote": 0.0, "remote_calls": 0, "requests": 28, "sql": 0.0, "sql_calls": 0, "tmpl": 0.0, "tmpl_calls": 0}]] }]'
This section allows you influence the rating of report groups - if rule is matched once its not executed anymore
Please note that by transfering ownership you WILL lose access to the application data and new owner needs to give you access permission
This operation will wipe out all data from database - there is no undo.