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Name Size Modified Last Commit Author
/ backend
CHANGELOG.md Loading ...
MANIFEST.in Loading ...
README.md Loading ...
VERSION Loading ...
requirements.txt Loading ...
setup.py Loading ...


Automatic Installation

Use the ansible scripts in the automation repository to build complete instance of application
You can also use packer files in automation/packer to create whole VM's for KVM and VMWare.

Manual Installation

To run the app you need to have meet prerequsites:

  • python 3.5+
  • running elasticsearch (6.6.2 tested)
  • running postgresql (9.5+ required, tested 9.6 and 10.6)
  • running redis

Install the app by performing

pip install -r requirements.txt

python setup.py develop

Install the appenlight uptime plugin (ae_uptime_ce package from appenlight-uptime-ce repository).

After installing the application you need to perform following steps:

  1. (optional) generate production.ini (or use a copy of development.ini)

    appenlight-make-config production.ini

  2. Setup database structure:

    appenlight-migratedb -c FILENAME.ini

  3. To configure elasticsearch:

    appenlight-reindex-elasticsearch -t all -c FILENAME.ini

  4. Create base database objects

    (run this command with help flag to see how to create administrator user)

    appenlight-initializedb -c FILENAME.ini

  5. Generate static assets

    appenlight-static -c FILENAME.ini

Running application

To run the main app:

pserve development.ini

To run celery workers:

celery worker -A appenlight.celery -Q "reports,logs,metrics,default" --ini FILENAME.ini

To run celery beat:

celery beat -A appenlight.celery --ini FILENAME.ini

To run appenlight's uptime plugin:

appenlight-uptime-monitor -c FILENAME.ini

Real-time Notifications

You should also run the `channelstream websocket server for real-time notifications

channelstream -i filename.ini


To run test suite:

py.test appenlight/tests/tests.py --cov appenlight (this looks for testing.ini in repo root)


To develop appenlight frontend:

cd frontend
npm install
bower install
grunt watch

Tagging release

bumpversion --current-version 1.1.1 minor --verbose --tag --commit --dry-run