##// END OF EJS Templates
Harden whitespace in log messages to show newlines, tabs, and spaces....
Harden whitespace in log messages to show newlines, tabs, and spaces. Due to the additional and inconsistent height of log messages, the other columns are vertically aligned to the top rather than the middle.
idpaterson -
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appenlight README

To run the app you need to have meet prerequsites:

  • running elasticsearch (2.3+ tested)
  • running postgresql (9.5+ required)
  • running redis

Setup basics

Set up the basic application database schema:

appenlight_initialize_db config.ini

Set up basic elasticsearch schema:

appenlight-reindex-elasticsearch -c config.ini -t all

Installed the appenlight uptime plugin


To run the application itself:

pserve --reload development.ini

To run celery queue processing:

celery worker -A appenlight.celery -Q "reports,logs,metrics,default" --ini=development.ini

To run celery beats scheduling:

celery beat -A appenlight.celery --ini=development.ini

You should also run the channelstream websocket server for real-time notifications

channelstream -i filename.ini


To run test suite:

py.test appenlight/tests/tests.py --cov appenlight (this looks for testing.ini in repo root)

Some tests will insert data into elasticsearch or redis based on testing.ini