// Copyright 2010 - 2017 RhodeCode GmbH and the AppEnlight project authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. angular.module('appenlight.components.reportView', []) .component('reportView', { templateUrl: 'components/views/report-view/report-view.html', controller: ReportViewController }); ReportViewController.$inject = ['$window', '$location', '$state', '$uibModal', '$cookies', 'reportGroupPropertyResource', 'reportGroupResource', 'logsNoIdResource', 'stateHolder']; function ReportViewController($window, $location, $state, $uibModal, $cookies, reportGroupPropertyResource, reportGroupResource, logsNoIdResource, stateHolder) { var vm = this; vm.$onInit = function () { vm.window = $window; vm.stateHolder = stateHolder; vm.$state = $state; vm.reportHistoryConfig = { data: { json: [], xFormat: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S' }, color: { pattern: ['#6baed6', '#e6550d', '#74c476', '#fdd0a2', '#8c564b'] }, axis: { x: { type: 'timeseries', tick: { format: '%Y-%m-%d' } }, y: { tick: { count: 5, format: d3.format('.2s') } } }, subchart: { show: true, size: { height: 20 } }, size: { height: 250 }, zoom: { rescale: true }, grid: { x: { show: true }, y: { show: true } }, tooltip: { format: { title: function (d) { return '' + d; }, value: function (v) { return v } } } }; vm.mentionedPeople = []; vm.reportHistoryData = {}; vm.textTraceback = true; vm.rawTraceback = ''; vm.traceback = ''; vm.reportType = 'report'; vm.report = null; vm.showLong = false; vm.reportLogs = null; vm.requestStats = null; vm.comment = null; vm.is_loading = { report: true, logs: true, history: true }; vm.tabs = { slow_calls:false, request_details:false, logs:false, comments:false, affected_users:false }; if ($cookies.selectedReportTab) { vm.tabs[$cookies.selectedReportTab] = true; } else{ $cookies.selectedReportTab = 'request_details'; vm.tabs.request_details = true; } // load report vm.fetchReport(); } vm.searchMentionedPeople = function(term){ //vm.mentionedPeople = []; var term = term.toLowerCase(); reportGroupPropertyResource.get({ groupId: vm.report.group_id, key: 'assigned_users' }, null, function (data) { var users = []; _.each(data.assigned, function(u){ users.push({label: u.user_name}); }); _.each(data.unassigned, function(u){ users.push({label: u.user_name}); }); var result = _.filter(users, function(u){ return u.label.toLowerCase().indexOf(term) !== -1; }); vm.mentionedPeople = result; }); }; vm.searchTag = function (tag, value) { console.log(tag, value); if (vm.report.report_type === 3) { $location.url($state.href('report.list_slow')); } else { $location.url($state.href('report.list')); } $location.search(tag, value); }; vm.fetchLogs = function () { if (!vm.report.request_id){ return } vm.is_loading.logs = true; logsNoIdResource.query({request_id: vm.report.request_id}, function (data) { vm.is_loading.logs = false; vm.reportLogs = data; }, function () { vm.is_loading.logs = false; }); }; vm.addComment = function () { reportGroupPropertyResource.save({ groupId: vm.report.group_id, key: 'comments' }, {body: vm.comment}, function (data) { vm.report.comments.push(data); }); vm.comment = ''; }; vm.fetchReport = function () { console.log(vm); vm.is_loading.report = true; reportGroupResource.get($state.params, function (data) { vm.is_loading.report = false; if (data.request) { try { var to_sort = _.pairs(data.request); data.request = _.object(_.sortBy(to_sort, function (i) { return i[0] })); } catch (err) { } } vm.report = data; if (vm.report.req_stats) { vm.requestStats = []; _.each(_.pairs(vm.report.req_stats['percentages']), function (p) { vm.requestStats.push({ name: p[0], value: vm.report.req_stats[p[0]].toFixed(3), percent: p[1], calls: vm.report.req_stats[p[0] + '_calls'] }) }); } vm.traceback = data.traceback; _.each(vm.traceback, function (frame) { if (frame.line) { vm.rawTraceback += 'File ' + frame.file + ' line ' + frame.line + ' in ' + frame.fn + ": \r\n"; } vm.rawTraceback += ' ' + frame.cline + "\r\n"; }); if (stateHolder.AeUser.id){ vm.fetchHistory(); } vm.selectedTab($cookies.selectedReportTab); }, function (response) { console.log(response); if (response.status == 403) { var uid = response.headers('x-appenlight-uid'); if (!uid) { window.location = '/register?came_from=' + encodeURIComponent(window.location); } } vm.is_loading.report = false; }); }; vm.selectedTab = function(tab_name){ $cookies.selectedReportTab = tab_name; if (tab_name == 'logs' && vm.reportLogs === null) { vm.fetchLogs(); } }; vm.markFixed = function () { reportGroupResource.update({ groupId: vm.report.group_id }, {fixed: !vm.report.group.fixed}, function (data) { vm.report.group.fixed = data.fixed; }); }; vm.markPublic = function () { reportGroupResource.update({ groupId: vm.report.group_id }, {public: !vm.report.group.public}, function (data) { vm.report.group.public = data.public; }); }; vm.delete = function () { reportGroupResource.delete({'groupId': vm.report.group_id}, function (data) { $state.go('report.list'); }) }; vm.assignUsersModal = function (index) { vm.opts = { backdrop: 'static', templateUrl: 'AssignReportCtrl.html', controller: 'AssignReportCtrl as ctrl', resolve: { report: function () { return vm.report; } } }; var modalInstance = $uibModal.open(vm.opts); modalInstance.result.then(function (report) { }, function () { console.info('Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date()); }); }; vm.fetchHistory = function () { reportGroupPropertyResource.query({ groupId: vm.report.group_id, key: 'history' }, function (data) { vm.reportHistoryData = { json: data, keys: { x: 'x', value: ["reports"] }, names: { reports: 'Reports history' }, type: 'bar' }; vm.is_loading.history = false; }); }; vm.nextDetail = function () { $state.go('report.view_detail', { groupId: vm.report.group_id, reportId: vm.report.group.next_report }); }; vm.previousDetail = function () { $state.go('report.view_detail', { groupId: vm.report.group_id, reportId: vm.report.group.previous_report }); }; vm.runIntegration = function (integration_name) { console.log(integration_name); if (integration_name == 'bitbucket') { var controller = 'BitbucketIntegrationCtrl as ctrl'; var template_url = 'templates/integrations/bitbucket.html'; } else if (integration_name == 'github') { var controller = 'GithubIntegrationCtrl as ctrl'; var template_url = 'templates/integrations/github.html'; } else if (integration_name == 'jira') { var controller = 'JiraIntegrationCtrl as ctrl'; var template_url = 'templates/integrations/jira.html'; } else { return false; } vm.opts = { backdrop: 'static', templateUrl: template_url, controller: controller, resolve: { integrationName: function () { return integration_name }, report: function () { return vm.report; } } }; var modalInstance = $uibModal.open(vm.opts); modalInstance.result.then(function (report) { }, function () { console.info('Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date()); }); }; }