# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2010 - 2017 RhodeCode GmbH and the AppEnlight project authors # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging from appenlight.models.alert_channel import AlertChannel from appenlight.models.integrations.flowdock import FlowdockIntegration from webhelpers2.text import truncate log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class FlowdockAlertChannel(AlertChannel): __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': 'flowdock' } def notify_reports(self, **kwargs): """ Notify user of individual reports kwargs: application: application that the event applies for, user: user that should be notified request: request object since_when: reports are newer than this time value, reports: list of reports to render """ template_vars = self.report_alert_notification_vars(kwargs) app_url = kwargs['request'].registry.settings['_mail_url'] destination_url = kwargs['request'].route_url('/', _app_url=app_url) f_args = ('report', template_vars['resource'].resource_id, template_vars['url_start_date'].strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M'), template_vars['url_end_date'].strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M')) destination_url += 'ui/{}?resource={}&start_date={}&end_date={}'.format( *f_args) if template_vars['confirmed_total'] > 1: template_vars["title"] = "%s - %s reports" % ( template_vars['resource_name'], template_vars['confirmed_total'], ) else: error_title = truncate(template_vars['reports'][0][1].error or 'slow report', 90) template_vars["title"] = "%s - '%s' report" % ( template_vars['resource_name'], error_title) log_msg = 'NOTIFY : %s via %s :: %s reports' % ( kwargs['user'].user_name, self.channel_visible_value, template_vars['confirmed_total']) log.warning(log_msg) client = FlowdockIntegration.create_client( self.integration.config['api_token']) payload = { "source": "AppEnlight", "from_address": kwargs['request'].registry.settings[ 'mailing.from_email'], "subject": template_vars["title"], "content": "New report present", "tags": ["appenlight"], "link": destination_url } client.send_to_inbox(payload) def notify_report_alert(self, **kwargs): """ Build and send report alert notification Kwargs: application: application that the event applies for, event: event that is notified, user: user that should be notified request: request object """ template_vars = self.report_alert_notification_vars(kwargs) if kwargs['event'].unified_alert_action() == 'OPEN': title = 'ALERT %s: %s - %s %s' % ( template_vars['alert_action'], template_vars['resource_name'], kwargs['event'].values['reports'], template_vars['report_type'], ) else: title = 'ALERT %s: %s type: %s' % ( template_vars['alert_action'], template_vars['resource_name'], template_vars['alert_type'].replace('_', ' '), ) client = FlowdockIntegration.create_client( self.integration.config['api_token']) payload = { "source": "AppEnlight", "from_address": kwargs['request'].registry.settings[ 'mailing.from_email'], "subject": title, "content": 'Investigation required', "tags": ["appenlight", "alert", template_vars['alert_type']], "link": template_vars['destination_url'] } client.send_to_inbox(payload) def notify_uptime_alert(self, **kwargs): """ Build and send uptime alert notification Kwargs: application: application that the event applies for, event: event that is notified, user: user that should be notified request: request object """ template_vars = self.uptime_alert_notification_vars(kwargs) message = 'ALERT %s: %s has uptime issues' % ( template_vars['alert_action'], template_vars['resource_name'], ) submessage = 'Info: ' submessage += template_vars['reason'] client = FlowdockIntegration.create_client( self.integration.config['api_token']) payload = { "source": "AppEnlight", "from_address": kwargs['request'].registry.settings[ 'mailing.from_email'], "subject": message, "content": submessage, "tags": ["appenlight", "alert", 'uptime'], "link": template_vars['destination_url'] } client.send_to_inbox(payload) def send_digest(self, **kwargs): """ Build and send daily digest notification kwargs: application: application that the event applies for, user: user that should be notified request: request object since_when: reports are newer than this time value, reports: list of reports to render """ template_vars = self.report_alert_notification_vars(kwargs) message = "Daily report digest: %s - %s reports" % ( template_vars['resource_name'], template_vars['confirmed_total']) f_args = (template_vars['confirmed_total'], template_vars['timestamp']) payload = { "source": "AppEnlight", "from_address": kwargs['request'].registry.settings[ 'mailing.from_email'], "subject": message, "content": '%s reports in total since %s' % f_args, "tags": ["appenlight", "digest"], "link": template_vars['destination_url'] } client = FlowdockIntegration.create_client( self.integration.config['api_token']) client.send_to_inbox(payload) log_msg = 'DIGEST : %s via %s :: %s reports' % ( kwargs['user'].user_name, self.channel_visible_value, template_vars['confirmed_total']) log.warning(log_msg) def notify_chart_alert(self, **kwargs): """ Build and send chart alert notification Kwargs: application: application that the event applies for, event: event that is notified, user: user that should be notified request: request object """ template_vars = self.chart_alert_notification_vars(kwargs) message = 'ALERT {}: value in "{}" chart ' \ 'met alert "{}" criteria'.format( template_vars['alert_action'], template_vars['chart_name'], template_vars['action_name'], ) submessage = 'Info: ' for item in template_vars['readable_values']: submessage += '{}: {}\n'.format(item['label'], item['value']) client = FlowdockIntegration.create_client( self.integration.config['api_token']) payload = { "source": "AppEnlight", "from_address": kwargs['request'].registry.settings[ 'mailing.from_email'], "subject": message, "content": submessage, "tags": ["appenlight", "alert", 'chart'], "link": template_vars['destination_url'] } client.send_to_inbox(payload)