Javascript frontend for App Enlight =================================== To fetch all the requirememts you need to have nodejs and npm installed on your dev machine, then from this dir execute:: npm install npm install -g bower npm install -g grunt-cli bower install This will fetch all the required components to build front with grunt. To build production version (builds both js and css) just run:: grunt To work on dev code version (builds js with comments and css) run: grunt watch You generally shouldn't need to run those separately but still: To work on just Javascript version with comments run: grunt watch:dev To work on just CSS files run: grunt watch:css Ubuntu/Debian and broken node - running from node_modules instead system ones ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download this: unpack to your home into "node" directory then edit your .bashrc file to include: export PATH=$PATH:~/node/bin now you will be able to execute all the comands above just fine