Creating Custom Dashboards ========================== .. important:: To generate custom dashboards you need to use the |RAE| `Logging API`_ to export the data you want to chart. See the example scripts for doing this in the :ref:`log-script-eg` section. To create a custom dashboard, use the following steps. 1. From the |RAE| home page, select :menuselection:`Charts --> Custom Dashboards --> Create Dashboard` 2. Add a name in the :guilabel:`Dashboard title` files and save the chart. Then you can click on the :guilabel:`Configure Chart` button to start creating it. 3. Configure the following basic chart settings: - The :guilabel:`Application` from which the data is being monitored. - Select the :guilabel:`Chart Type`. - Choose between a :guilabel:`Timeseries histogram` or a :guilabel:`Terms` based chart. - Select the :guilabel:`Aggregation type` from the drop down menu 4. From here on, it depends on what data is being used. In the following example, this is being calculated: - the sum of sales in which the quantity of items sold was over 50 - for *product_name 37* - over the last 7 days .. image:: ../images/custom-dashboard.png :alt: Custom Dashboard Setup .. _Logging API: