# appenlight README To run the app you need to have meet prerequsites: - running elasticsearch (2.3+ tested) - running postgresql (9.5+ required) - running redis # Setup basics Set up the basic application database schema: appenlight_initialize_db config.ini Set up basic elasticsearch schema: appenlight-reindex-elasticsearch -c config.ini -t all Installed the appenlight uptime plugin # Running To run the application itself: pserve --reload development.ini To run celery queue processing: celery worker -A appenlight.celery -Q "reports,logs,metrics,default" --ini=development.ini You should also run the channelstream websocket server for real-time notifications channelstream -i filename.ini # Testing To run test suite: py.test appenlight/tests/tests.py --cov appenlight (this looks for testing.ini in repo root) WARNING!!! Some tests will insert data into elasticsearch or redis based on testing.ini