##// END OF EJS Templates
user-groups: added info, and new panel to control user group synchronization....
user-groups: added info, and new panel to control user group synchronization. - allows to check status of user-group and if it's going to be sync-ed via external plugins. - allows to set manual synchronization for already existing RhodeCode Groups.

File last commit:

r1379:191eae48 default
r1600:081c7a81 default
Show More
191 lines | 6.1 KiB | application/json | JsonLexer
/ grunt_config.json
grunt: config lives in separate json file so we can easly import and manipulate it when required
r745 {
"dirs": {
"css": {
"js": {
"src": "rhodecode/public/js/src",
frontend: added favico.js to requirements
r877 "dest": "rhodecode/public/js",
"bower": "bower_components",
"node_modules": "node_modules"
grunt: config lives in separate json file so we can easly import and manipulate it when required
r745 }
"copy": {
"main": {
"expand": true,
"cwd": "bower_components",
"src": "webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js",
"dest": "<%= dirs.js.dest %>/vendors"
"concat": {
"polymercss": {
"src": [
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/components/root-styles-prefix.html",
"<%= dirs.css.src %>/style-polymer.css",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/components/root-styles-suffix.html"
"dest": "<%= dirs.js.dest %>/src/components/root-styles.gen.html",
"nonull": true
"dist": {
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"<%= dirs.js.src %>/jquery-1.11.1.min.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/logging.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/bootstrap.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/mousetrap.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/moment.js",
frontend: added favico.js to requirements
r877 "<%= dirs.js.node_modules %>/appenlight-client/appenlight-client.min.js",
favicon: added favicon notifications
r882 "<%= dirs.js.node_modules %>/favico.js/favico-0.3.10.min.js",
grunt: config lives in separate json file so we can easly import and manipulate it when required
r745 "<%= dirs.js.src %>/i18n_utils.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/deform.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/plugins/jquery.pjax.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/plugins/jquery.dataTables.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/plugins/flavoured_checkbox.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/plugins/jquery.auto-grow-input.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/plugins/jquery.autocomplete.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/plugins/jquery.debounce.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/plugins/jquery.mark.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/plugins/jquery.timeago.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/plugins/jquery.timeago-extension.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/select2/select2.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/codemirror/codemirror.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/codemirror/codemirror_loadmode.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/codemirror/codemirror_hint.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/codemirror/codemirror_overlay.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/codemirror/codemirror_placeholder.js",
"<%= dirs.js.dest %>/mode/meta.js",
"<%= dirs.js.dest %>/mode/meta_ext.js",
"<%= dirs.js.dest %>/rhodecode/i18n/select2/translations.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/utils/array.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/utils/string.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/utils/pyroutes.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/utils/ajax.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/utils/autocomplete.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/utils/colorgenerator.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/utils/ie.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/utils/os.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/utils/topics.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/init.js",
changelog: added dynamic loaders to extend number of commits inside changelog....
r1379 "<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/changelog.js",
grunt: config lives in separate json file so we can easly import and manipulate it when required
r745 "<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/codemirror.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/comments.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/constants.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/files.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/followers.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/menus.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/notifications.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/permissions.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/pjax.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/pullrequests.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/settings.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/select2_widgets.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/tooltips.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/users.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/appenlight.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode.js"
"dest": "<%= dirs.js.dest %>/scripts.js",
"nonull": true
"crisper": {
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"less": {
"development": {
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"compress": false,
"yuicompress": false,
"optimization": 0
"files": {
"<%= dirs.css.dest %>/style.css": "<%= dirs.css.src %>/main.less",
"<%= dirs.css.dest %>/style-polymer.css": "<%= dirs.css.src %>/polymer.less"
"production": {
"options": {
"compress": true,
"yuicompress": true,
"optimization": 2
"files": {
"<%= dirs.css.dest %>/style.css": "<%= dirs.css.src %>/main.less",
"<%= dirs.css.dest %>/style-polymer.css": "<%= dirs.css.src %>/polymer.less"
"components": {
"files": [
"cwd": "<%= dirs.js.src %>/components/",
"dest": "<%= dirs.js.src %>/components/",
"src": [
"expand": true,
"ext": ".css"
"watch": {
"less": {
"files": [
grunt: small improvements to gruntfile
r761 "<%= dirs.css.src %>/**/*.less",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/components/**/*.less"
grunt: config lives in separate json file so we can easly import and manipulate it when required
r745 ],
"tasks": [
bower: update packages
r818 "vulcanize",
grunt: config lives in separate json file so we can easly import and manipulate it when required
r745 ]
"js": {
"files": [
grunt: small improvements to gruntfile
r761 "!<%= dirs.js.src %>/components/root-styles.gen.html",
grunt: config lives in separate json file so we can easly import and manipulate it when required
r745 "<%= dirs.js.src %>/**/*.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/components/**/*.html"
"tasks": [
"jshint": {
"rhodecode": {
"src": "<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/**/*.js",
"options": {
"jshintrc": ".jshintrc"
"vulcanize": {
"default": {
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"abspath": "",
"inlineScripts": true,
"inlineCss": true,
"stripComments": true
"files": {
"<%= dirs.js.dest %>/rhodecode-components.html": "<%= dirs.js.src %>/components/shared-components.html"