##// END OF EJS Templates
pull-requests: increase stability of concurrent pull requests creation by flushing prematurly the statuses of commits....
pull-requests: increase stability of concurrent pull requests creation by flushing prematurly the statuses of commits. This is required to increase the versions on each concurrent call. Otherwise we could get into an integrity errors of commitsha+version+repo

File last commit:

r1:854a839a default
r3408:2a133f7e stable
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123 lines | 4.4 KiB | application/javascript | JavascriptLexer
project: added all source files and assets
r1 // CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
// Distributed under an MIT license: http://codemirror.net/LICENSE
(function(mod) {
if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod);
else // Plain browser env
})(function(CodeMirror) {
"use strict";
CodeMirror.defineMode("commonlisp", function (config) {
var specialForm = /^(block|let*|return-from|catch|load-time-value|setq|eval-when|locally|symbol-macrolet|flet|macrolet|tagbody|function|multiple-value-call|the|go|multiple-value-prog1|throw|if|progn|unwind-protect|labels|progv|let|quote)$/;
var assumeBody = /^with|^def|^do|^prog|case$|^cond$|bind$|when$|unless$/;
var numLiteral = /^(?:[+\-]?(?:\d+|\d*\.\d+)(?:[efd][+\-]?\d+)?|[+\-]?\d+(?:\/[+\-]?\d+)?|#b[+\-]?[01]+|#o[+\-]?[0-7]+|#x[+\-]?[\da-f]+)/;
var symbol = /[^\s'`,@()\[\]";]/;
var type;
function readSym(stream) {
var ch;
while (ch = stream.next()) {
if (ch == "\\") stream.next();
else if (!symbol.test(ch)) { stream.backUp(1); break; }
return stream.current();
function base(stream, state) {
if (stream.eatSpace()) {type = "ws"; return null;}
if (stream.match(numLiteral)) return "number";
var ch = stream.next();
if (ch == "\\") ch = stream.next();
if (ch == '"') return (state.tokenize = inString)(stream, state);
else if (ch == "(") { type = "open"; return "bracket"; }
else if (ch == ")" || ch == "]") { type = "close"; return "bracket"; }
else if (ch == ";") { stream.skipToEnd(); type = "ws"; return "comment"; }
else if (/['`,@]/.test(ch)) return null;
else if (ch == "|") {
if (stream.skipTo("|")) { stream.next(); return "symbol"; }
else { stream.skipToEnd(); return "error"; }
} else if (ch == "#") {
var ch = stream.next();
if (ch == "[") { type = "open"; return "bracket"; }
else if (/[+\-=\.']/.test(ch)) return null;
else if (/\d/.test(ch) && stream.match(/^\d*#/)) return null;
else if (ch == "|") return (state.tokenize = inComment)(stream, state);
else if (ch == ":") { readSym(stream); return "meta"; }
else return "error";
} else {
var name = readSym(stream);
if (name == ".") return null;
type = "symbol";
if (name == "nil" || name == "t" || name.charAt(0) == ":") return "atom";
if (state.lastType == "open" && (specialForm.test(name) || assumeBody.test(name))) return "keyword";
if (name.charAt(0) == "&") return "variable-2";
return "variable";
function inString(stream, state) {
var escaped = false, next;
while (next = stream.next()) {
if (next == '"' && !escaped) { state.tokenize = base; break; }
escaped = !escaped && next == "\\";
return "string";
function inComment(stream, state) {
var next, last;
while (next = stream.next()) {
if (next == "#" && last == "|") { state.tokenize = base; break; }
last = next;
type = "ws";
return "comment";
return {
startState: function () {
return {ctx: {prev: null, start: 0, indentTo: 0}, lastType: null, tokenize: base};
token: function (stream, state) {
if (stream.sol() && typeof state.ctx.indentTo != "number")
state.ctx.indentTo = state.ctx.start + 1;
type = null;
var style = state.tokenize(stream, state);
if (type != "ws") {
if (state.ctx.indentTo == null) {
if (type == "symbol" && assumeBody.test(stream.current()))
state.ctx.indentTo = state.ctx.start + config.indentUnit;
state.ctx.indentTo = "next";
} else if (state.ctx.indentTo == "next") {
state.ctx.indentTo = stream.column();
state.lastType = type;
if (type == "open") state.ctx = {prev: state.ctx, start: stream.column(), indentTo: null};
else if (type == "close") state.ctx = state.ctx.prev || state.ctx;
return style;
indent: function (state, _textAfter) {
var i = state.ctx.indentTo;
return typeof i == "number" ? i : state.ctx.start + 1;
closeBrackets: {pairs: "()[]{}\"\""},
lineComment: ";;",
blockCommentStart: "#|",
blockCommentEnd: "|#"
CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-common-lisp", "commonlisp");