##// END OF EJS Templates
audit-logs: expose download user audit logs as JSON file....
audit-logs: expose download user audit logs as JSON file. Primarly in larger organizations often this needs to be performed for some employees. Before we delegated users to API or DB fetch.

File last commit:

r2991:6b51e9a4 default
r3970:36c4e038 default
Show More
372 lines | 17.5 KiB | application/x-mako | MakoHtmlLexer
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 ## snippet for displaying permissions overview for users
## usage:
## <%namespace name="p" file="/base/perms_summary.mako"/>
## ${p.perms_summary(c.perm_user.permissions)}
users/user_groups: ported permission summary pages into pyramid....
r1998 <%def name="perms_summary(permissions, show_all=False, actions=True, side_link=None)">
branch permissions: added logic to define in UI branch permissions....
r2975 <% section_to_label = {
'global': 'Global Permissions',
'repository_branches': 'Repository Branch Rules',
'repositories': 'Repository Permissions',
'user_groups': 'User Group Permissions',
'repositories_groups': 'Repository Group Permissions',
} %>
permissions-summary: skip branch permission entries that are leaking private repository names, and fix counters.
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 <div id="perms" class="table fields">
branch permissions: added logic to define in UI branch permissions....
r2975 %for section in sorted(permissions.keys(), key=lambda item: {'global': 0, 'repository_branches': 1}.get(item, 1000)):
permissions-summary: skip branch permission entries that are leaking private repository names, and fix counters.
r2991 <% total_counter = 0 %>
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 <div class="panel panel-default">
branch permissions: added logic to define in UI branch permissions....
r2975 <div class="panel-heading" id="${section.replace("_","-")}-permissions">
permissions-summary: skip branch permission entries that are leaking private repository names, and fix counters.
r2991 <h3 class="panel-title">${section_to_label.get(section, section)} - <span id="total_count_${section}"></span>
branch permissions: added logic to define in UI branch permissions....
r2975 <a class="permalink" href="#${section.replace("_","-")}-permissions"> ¶</a>
users/user_groups: ported permission summary pages into pyramid....
r1998 % if side_link:
<div class="pull-right">
<a href="${side_link}">${_('in JSON format')}</a>
% endif
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 </div>
<div class="panel-body">
<div class="perms_section_head field">
<div class="radios">
branch permissions: added logic to define in UI branch permissions....
r2975 % if section == 'repository_branches':
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 <span class="permissions_boxes">
<span class="desc">${_('show')}: </span>
branch permissions: added logic to define in UI branch permissions....
r2975 ${h.checkbox('perms_filter_none_%s' % section, 'none', 'checked', class_='perm_filter filter_%s' % section, section=section, perm_type='none')} <label for="${'perms_filter_none_{}'.format(section)}"><span class="perm_tag none">${_('none')}</span></label>
${h.checkbox('perms_filter_merge_%s' % section, 'merge', 'checked', class_='perm_filter filter_%s' % section, section=section, perm_type='merge')} <label for="${'perms_filter_merge_{}'.format(section)}"><span class="perm_tag merge">${_('merge')}</span></label>
${h.checkbox('perms_filter_push_%s' % section, 'push', 'checked', class_='perm_filter filter_%s' % section, section=section, perm_type='push')} <label for="${'perms_filter_push_{}'.format(section)}"> <span class="perm_tag push">${_('push')}</span></label>
${h.checkbox('perms_filter_push_force_%s' % section, 'push_force', 'checked', class_='perm_filter filter_%s' % section, section=section, perm_type='push_force')} <label for="${'perms_filter_push_force_{}'.format(section)}"><span class="perm_tag push_force">${_('push force')}</span></label>
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 </span>
branch permissions: added logic to define in UI branch permissions....
r2975 % elif section != 'global':
<span class="permissions_boxes">
<span class="desc">${_('show')}: </span>
${h.checkbox('perms_filter_none_%s' % section, 'none', '', class_='perm_filter filter_%s' % section, section=section, perm_type='none')} <label for="${'perms_filter_none_{}'.format(section)}"><span class="perm_tag none">${_('none')}</span></label>
${h.checkbox('perms_filter_read_%s' % section, 'read', 'checked', class_='perm_filter filter_%s' % section, section=section, perm_type='read')} <label for="${'perms_filter_read_{}'.format(section)}"><span class="perm_tag read">${_('read')}</span></label>
${h.checkbox('perms_filter_write_%s' % section, 'write', 'checked', class_='perm_filter filter_%s' % section, section=section, perm_type='write')} <label for="${'perms_filter_write_{}'.format(section)}"> <span class="perm_tag write">${_('write')}</span></label>
${h.checkbox('perms_filter_admin_%s' % section, 'admin', 'checked', class_='perm_filter filter_%s' % section, section=section, perm_type='admin')} <label for="${'perms_filter_admin_{}'.format(section)}"><span class="perm_tag admin">${_('admin')}</span></label>
% endif
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 </div>
<div class="field">
%if not permissions[section]:
<p class="empty_data help-block">${_('No permissions defined')}</p>
<div id='tbl_list_wrap_${section}'>
<table id="tbl_list_${section}" class="rctable">
## global permission box
%if section == 'global':
<th colspan="2" class="left">${_('Permission')}</th>
%if actions:
perms: updated perms summary for users...
r2011 <th colspan="2">${_('Edit Permission')}</th>
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 %endif
def get_section_perms(prefix, opts):
_selected = []
for op in opts:
if op.startswith(prefix) and not op.startswith('hg.create.write_on_repogroup'):
admin = 'hg.admin' in opts
_selected_vals = [x.partition(prefix)[-1] for x in _selected]
return admin, _selected_vals, _selected
perms: updated perms summary for users...
<%def name="glob(lbl, val, val_lbl=None, edit_url=None, edit_global_url=None)">
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 <tr>
<td class="td-tags">
<td class="td-tags">
%if val[0]:
%if not val_lbl:
perms: updated perms summary for users...
r2011 ## super admin case
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 %else:
<span class="perm_tag admin">${val_lbl}.admin</span>
%if not val_lbl:
branch permissions: added logic to define in UI branch permissions....
r2975 ${{'false': False,
perms: use text labels about given permissions instead of potentially display icon....
r2010 'true': True,
'none': False,
branch permissions: added logic to define in UI branch permissions....
r2975 'repository': True}.get(val[1][0] if 0 < len(val[1]) else 'false')}
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 %else:
<span class="perm_tag ${val[1][0]}">${val_lbl}.${val[1][0]}</span>
%if actions:
perms: updated perms summary for users...
% if edit_url or edit_global_url:
<td class="td-action">
% if edit_url:
<a href="${edit_url}">${_('edit')}</a>
% else:
% endif
<td class="td-action">
% if edit_global_url:
<a href="${edit_global_url}">${_('edit global')}</a>
% else:
% endif
% else:
<td class="td-action"></td>
<td class="td-action">
<a href="${h.route_path('admin_permissions_global')}">${_('edit global')}</a>
<td class="td-action">
% endif
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 %endif
perms: updated perms summary for users...
r2011 ${glob(_('Repository default permission'), get_section_perms('repository.', permissions[section]), 'repository',
edit_url=None, edit_global_url=h.route_path('admin_permissions_object'))}
${glob(_('Repository group default permission'), get_section_perms('group.', permissions[section]), 'group',
edit_url=None, edit_global_url=h.route_path('admin_permissions_object'))}
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
perms: updated perms summary for users...
r2011 ${glob(_('User group default permission'), get_section_perms('usergroup.', permissions[section]), 'usergroup',
edit_url=None, edit_global_url=h.route_path('admin_permissions_object'))}
${glob(_('Super admin'), get_section_perms('hg.admin', permissions[section]),
users: ported controllers from pylons into pyramid views.
r2114 edit_url=h.route_path('user_edit', user_id=c.user.user_id, _anchor='admin'), edit_global_url=None)}
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
perms: updated perms summary for users...
r2011 ${glob(_('Inherit permissions'), get_section_perms('hg.inherit_default_perms.', permissions[section]),
users: ported controllers from pylons into pyramid views.
r2114 edit_url=h.route_path('user_edit_global_perms', user_id=c.user.user_id), edit_global_url=None)}
perms: updated perms summary for users...
${glob(_('Create repositories'), get_section_perms('hg.create.', permissions[section]),
users: ported controllers from pylons into pyramid views.
r2114 edit_url=h.route_path('user_edit_global_perms', user_id=c.user.user_id), edit_global_url=h.route_path('admin_permissions_object'))}
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
perms: updated perms summary for users...
r2011 ${glob(_('Fork repositories'), get_section_perms('hg.fork.', permissions[section]),
users: ported controllers from pylons into pyramid views.
r2114 edit_url=h.route_path('user_edit_global_perms', user_id=c.user.user_id), edit_global_url=h.route_path('admin_permissions_object'))}
perms: updated perms summary for users...
${glob(_('Create repository groups'), get_section_perms('hg.repogroup.create.', permissions[section]),
users: ported controllers from pylons into pyramid views.
r2114 edit_url=h.route_path('user_edit_global_perms', user_id=c.user.user_id), edit_global_url=h.route_path('admin_permissions_object'))}
perms: updated perms summary for users...
${glob(_('Create user groups'), get_section_perms('hg.usergroup.create.', permissions[section]),
users: ported controllers from pylons into pyramid views.
r2114 edit_url=h.route_path('user_edit_global_perms', user_id=c.user.user_id), edit_global_url=h.route_path('admin_permissions_object'))}
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
branch permissions: added logic to define in UI branch permissions....
r2975 ## Branch perms
%elif section == 'repository_branches':
%if actions:
<th>${_('Edit Branch Permission')}</th>
<tbody class="section_${section}">
def name_sorter(permissions):
def custom_sorter(item):
return item[0]
return sorted(permissions, key=custom_sorter)
def branch_sorter(permissions):
def custom_sorter(item):
## none, merge, push, push_force
section = item[1].split('.')[-1]
section_importance = {'none': u'0',
'merge': u'1',
'push': u'2',
'push_force': u'3'}.get(section)
## sort by importance + name
return section_importance + item[0]
return sorted(permissions, key=custom_sorter)
%for k, section_perms in name_sorter(permissions[section].items()):
permissions-summary: skip branch permission entries that are leaking private repository names, and fix counters.
r2991 ## for display purposes, for non super-admins we need to check if shown
## repository is actually accessible for user
<% repo_perm = permissions['repositories'][k] %>
% if repo_perm == 'repository.none' and not c.rhodecode_user.is_admin:
## skip this entry
<% continue %>
% endif
<% total_counter +=1 %>
branch permissions: added logic to define in UI branch permissions....
r2975 % for pattern, perm in branch_sorter(section_perms.items()):
<tr class="perm_row ${'{}_{}'.format(section, perm.split('.')[-1])}">
<td class="td-name">
<a href="${h.route_path('repo_summary',repo_name=k)}">${k}</a>
<td class="td-tags">
## TODO: calculate origin somehow
## % for i, ((_pat, perm), origin) in enumerate((permissions[section].perm_origin_stack[k])):
<% i = 0 %>
<% origin = 'unknown' %>
<% _css_class = i > 0 and 'perm_overriden' or '' %>
<span class="${_css_class} perm_tag ${perm.split('.')[-1]}">
## % endfor
%if actions:
<td class="td-action">
<a href="${h.route_path('edit_repo_perms_branch',repo_name=k)}">${_('edit')}</a>
% endfor
## Repos/Repo Groups/users groups perms
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 %else:
branch permissions: added logic to define in UI branch permissions....
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 ## none/read/write/admin permissions on groups/repos etc
%if actions:
<th>${_('Edit Permission')}</th>
<tbody class="section_${section}">
def sorter(permissions):
def custom_sorter(item):
## read/write/admin
section = item[1].split('.')[-1]
section_importance = {'none': u'0',
'read': u'1',
## sort by group importance+name
return section_importance+item[0]
return sorted(permissions, key=custom_sorter)
%for k, section_perm in sorter(permissions[section].items()):
branch permissions: added logic to define in UI branch permissions....
r2975 <% perm_value = section_perm.split('.')[-1] %>
<% _css_class = 'display:none' if perm_value in ['none'] else '' %>
%if perm_value != 'none' or show_all:
<tr class="perm_row ${'{}_{}'.format(section, section_perm.split('.')[-1])}" style="${_css_class}">
perms: fixed html error in template
r2059 <td class="td-name">
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 %if section == 'repositories':
repo-summary: re-implemented summary view as pyramid....
r1785 <a href="${h.route_path('repo_summary',repo_name=k)}">${k}</a>
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 %elif section == 'repositories_groups':
home: moved home and repo group views into pyramid....
r1774 <a href="${h.route_path('repo_group_home', repo_group_name=k)}">${k}</a>
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 %elif section == 'user_groups':
user-groups: rewrote the app to pyramid...
r2068 ##<a href="${h.route_path('edit_user_group',user_group_id=k)}">${k}</a>
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 ${k}
<td class="td-tags">
%if hasattr(permissions[section], 'perm_origin_stack'):
permissions: explicitly register all permissions set for user. Fixes #4217...
r2063 <div>
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 %for i, (perm, origin) in enumerate(reversed(permissions[section].perm_origin_stack[k])):
branch permissions: added logic to define in UI branch permissions....
r2975 <% _css_class = i > 0 and 'perm_overriden' or '' %>
permissions: explicitly register all permissions set for user. Fixes #4217...
r2063 % if i > 0:
<div style="color: #979797">
<i class="icon-arrow_up"></i>
${_('overridden by')}
<i class="icon-arrow_up"></i>
% endif
branch permissions: added logic to define in UI branch permissions....
r2975 <span class="${_css_class} perm_tag ${perm.split('.')[-1]}">
permissions: explicitly register all permissions set for user. Fixes #4217...
r2063 ${perm} (${origin})
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 %endfor
permissions: explicitly register all permissions set for user. Fixes #4217...
r2063 </div>
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 %else:
<span class="perm_tag ${section_perm.split('.')[-1]}">${section_perm}</span>
%if actions:
<td class="td-action">
%if section == 'repositories':
translation: unified usage of pluralize function ungettext....
r1945 <a href="${h.route_path('edit_repo_perms',repo_name=k,_anchor='permissions_manage')}">${_('edit')}</a>
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 %elif section == 'repositories_groups':
repo-groups: moved to pyramid
r2175 <a href="${h.route_path('edit_repo_group_perms',repo_group_name=k,_anchor='permissions_manage')}">${_('edit')}</a>
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 %elif section == 'user_groups':
user-groups: rewrote the app to pyramid...
r2068 ##<a href="${h.route_path('edit_user_group',user_group_id=k)}">${_('edit')}</a>
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 %endif
permissions-summary: skip branch permission entries that are leaking private repository names, and fix counters.
r2991 <% total_counter +=1 %>
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 %endif
permissions-summary: skip branch permission entries that are leaking private repository names, and fix counters.
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 %endfor
<tr id="empty_${section}" class="noborder" style="display:none;">
branch permissions: added logic to define in UI branch permissions....
r2975 <td colspan="6">${_('No matching permission defined')}</td>
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 </tr>
permissions-summary: skip branch permission entries that are leaking private repository names, and fix counters.
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 %endfor
branch permissions: added logic to define in UI branch permissions....
r2975 var showEmpty = function(section){
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 var visible = $('.section_{0} tr.perm_row:visible'.format(section)).length;
branch permissions: added logic to define in UI branch permissions....
r2975 if(visible === 0){
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 $('#empty_{0}'.format(section)).show();
branch permissions: added logic to define in UI branch permissions....
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 $('.perm_filter').on('change', function(e){
var self = this;
var section = $(this).attr('section');
var opts = {};
var elems = $('.filter_' + section).each(function(el){
var perm_type = $(this).attr('perm_type');
var checked = this.checked;
opts[perm_type] = checked;
branch permissions: added logic to define in UI branch permissions....
r2975 showEmpty(section);
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 })