##// END OF EJS Templates
http-proto: in case incoming requests come in as chunked stream the data to VCSServer....
http-proto: in case incoming requests come in as chunked stream the data to VCSServer. This should solve a problem of uploading large files to rhodecode. In case of git with small postBuffers GIT client streams data to the server. In such case we want to stream the data back again to vcsserver without reading it fully inside RhodeCode.

File last commit:

r1:854a839a default
r1434:59cf3775 stable
Show More
469 lines | 13.5 KiB | application/javascript | JavascriptLexer
project: added all source files and assets
r1 // CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
// Distributed under an MIT license: http://codemirror.net/LICENSE
(function(mod) {
if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") { // CommonJS
} else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) { // AMD
define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod);
} else { // Plain browser env
})(function(CodeMirror) {
"use strict";
addition: "positive",
attributes: "attribute",
bold: "strong",
cite: "keyword",
code: "atom",
definitionList: "number",
deletion: "negative",
div: "punctuation",
em: "em",
footnote: "variable",
footCite: "qualifier",
header: "header",
html: "comment",
image: "string",
italic: "em",
link: "link",
linkDefinition: "link",
list1: "variable-2",
list2: "variable-3",
list3: "keyword",
notextile: "string-2",
pre: "operator",
p: "property",
quote: "bracket",
span: "quote",
specialChar: "tag",
strong: "strong",
sub: "builtin",
sup: "builtin",
table: "variable-3",
tableHeading: "operator"
function startNewLine(stream, state) {
state.mode = Modes.newLayout;
state.tableHeading = false;
if (state.layoutType === "definitionList" && state.spanningLayout &&
stream.match(RE("definitionListEnd"), false))
state.spanningLayout = false;
function handlePhraseModifier(stream, state, ch) {
if (ch === "_") {
if (stream.eat("_"))
return togglePhraseModifier(stream, state, "italic", /__/, 2);
return togglePhraseModifier(stream, state, "em", /_/, 1);
if (ch === "*") {
if (stream.eat("*")) {
return togglePhraseModifier(stream, state, "bold", /\*\*/, 2);
return togglePhraseModifier(stream, state, "strong", /\*/, 1);
if (ch === "[") {
if (stream.match(/\d+\]/)) state.footCite = true;
return tokenStyles(state);
if (ch === "(") {
var spec = stream.match(/^(r|tm|c)\)/);
if (spec)
return tokenStylesWith(state, TOKEN_STYLES.specialChar);
if (ch === "<" && stream.match(/(\w+)[^>]+>[^<]+<\/\1>/))
return tokenStylesWith(state, TOKEN_STYLES.html);
if (ch === "?" && stream.eat("?"))
return togglePhraseModifier(stream, state, "cite", /\?\?/, 2);
if (ch === "=" && stream.eat("="))
return togglePhraseModifier(stream, state, "notextile", /==/, 2);
if (ch === "-" && !stream.eat("-"))
return togglePhraseModifier(stream, state, "deletion", /-/, 1);
if (ch === "+")
return togglePhraseModifier(stream, state, "addition", /\+/, 1);
if (ch === "~")
return togglePhraseModifier(stream, state, "sub", /~/, 1);
if (ch === "^")
return togglePhraseModifier(stream, state, "sup", /\^/, 1);
if (ch === "%")
return togglePhraseModifier(stream, state, "span", /%/, 1);
if (ch === "@")
return togglePhraseModifier(stream, state, "code", /@/, 1);
if (ch === "!") {
var type = togglePhraseModifier(stream, state, "image", /(?:\([^\)]+\))?!/, 1);
stream.match(/^:\S+/); // optional Url portion
return type;
return tokenStyles(state);
function togglePhraseModifier(stream, state, phraseModifier, closeRE, openSize) {
var charBefore = stream.pos > openSize ? stream.string.charAt(stream.pos - openSize - 1) : null;
var charAfter = stream.peek();
if (state[phraseModifier]) {
if ((!charAfter || /\W/.test(charAfter)) && charBefore && /\S/.test(charBefore)) {
var type = tokenStyles(state);
state[phraseModifier] = false;
return type;
} else if ((!charBefore || /\W/.test(charBefore)) && charAfter && /\S/.test(charAfter) &&
stream.match(new RegExp("^.*\\S" + closeRE.source + "(?:\\W|$)"), false)) {
state[phraseModifier] = true;
state.mode = Modes.attributes;
return tokenStyles(state);
function tokenStyles(state) {
var disabled = textileDisabled(state);
if (disabled) return disabled;
var styles = [];
if (state.layoutType) styles.push(TOKEN_STYLES[state.layoutType]);
styles = styles.concat(activeStyles(
state, "addition", "bold", "cite", "code", "deletion", "em", "footCite",
"image", "italic", "link", "span", "strong", "sub", "sup", "table", "tableHeading"));
if (state.layoutType === "header")
styles.push(TOKEN_STYLES.header + "-" + state.header);
return styles.length ? styles.join(" ") : null;
function textileDisabled(state) {
var type = state.layoutType;
switch(type) {
case "notextile":
case "code":
case "pre":
return TOKEN_STYLES[type];
if (state.notextile)
return TOKEN_STYLES.notextile + (type ? (" " + TOKEN_STYLES[type]) : "");
return null;
function tokenStylesWith(state, extraStyles) {
var disabled = textileDisabled(state);
if (disabled) return disabled;
var type = tokenStyles(state);
if (extraStyles)
return type ? (type + " " + extraStyles) : extraStyles;
return type;
function activeStyles(state) {
var styles = [];
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
if (state[arguments[i]])
return styles;
function blankLine(state) {
var spanningLayout = state.spanningLayout, type = state.layoutType;
for (var key in state) if (state.hasOwnProperty(key))
delete state[key];
state.mode = Modes.newLayout;
if (spanningLayout) {
state.layoutType = type;
state.spanningLayout = true;
var REs = {
cache: {},
single: {
bc: "bc",
bq: "bq",
definitionList: /- [^(?::=)]+:=+/,
definitionListEnd: /.*=:\s*$/,
div: "div",
drawTable: /\|.*\|/,
foot: /fn\d+/,
header: /h[1-6]/,
html: /\s*<(?:\/)?(\w+)(?:[^>]+)?>(?:[^<]+<\/\1>)?/,
link: /[^"]+":\S/,
linkDefinition: /\[[^\s\]]+\]\S+/,
list: /(?:#+|\*+)/,
notextile: "notextile",
para: "p",
pre: "pre",
table: "table",
tableCellAttributes: /[\/\\]\d+/,
tableHeading: /\|_\./,
tableText: /[^"_\*\[\(\?\+~\^%@|-]+/,
text: /[^!"_=\*\[\(<\?\+~\^%@-]+/
attributes: {
align: /(?:<>|<|>|=)/,
selector: /\([^\(][^\)]+\)/,
lang: /\[[^\[\]]+\]/,
pad: /(?:\(+|\)+){1,2}/,
css: /\{[^\}]+\}/
createRe: function(name) {
switch (name) {
case "drawTable":
return REs.makeRe("^", REs.single.drawTable, "$");
case "html":
return REs.makeRe("^", REs.single.html, "(?:", REs.single.html, ")*", "$");
case "linkDefinition":
return REs.makeRe("^", REs.single.linkDefinition, "$");
case "listLayout":
return REs.makeRe("^", REs.single.list, RE("allAttributes"), "*\\s+");
case "tableCellAttributes":
return REs.makeRe("^", REs.choiceRe(REs.single.tableCellAttributes,
RE("allAttributes")), "+\\.");
case "type":
return REs.makeRe("^", RE("allTypes"));
case "typeLayout":
return REs.makeRe("^", RE("allTypes"), RE("allAttributes"),
"*\\.\\.?", "(\\s+|$)");
case "attributes":
return REs.makeRe("^", RE("allAttributes"), "+");
case "allTypes":
return REs.choiceRe(REs.single.div, REs.single.foot,
REs.single.header, REs.single.bc, REs.single.bq,
REs.single.notextile, REs.single.pre, REs.single.table,
case "allAttributes":
return REs.choiceRe(REs.attributes.selector, REs.attributes.css,
REs.attributes.lang, REs.attributes.align, REs.attributes.pad);
return REs.makeRe("^", REs.single[name]);
makeRe: function() {
var pattern = "";
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
var arg = arguments[i];
pattern += (typeof arg === "string") ? arg : arg.source;
return new RegExp(pattern);
choiceRe: function() {
var parts = [arguments[0]];
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
parts[i * 2 - 1] = "|";
parts[i * 2] = arguments[i];
return REs.makeRe.apply(null, parts);
function RE(name) {
return (REs.cache[name] || (REs.cache[name] = REs.createRe(name)));
var Modes = {
newLayout: function(stream, state) {
if (stream.match(RE("typeLayout"), false)) {
state.spanningLayout = false;
return (state.mode = Modes.blockType)(stream, state);
var newMode;
if (!textileDisabled(state)) {
if (stream.match(RE("listLayout"), false))
newMode = Modes.list;
else if (stream.match(RE("drawTable"), false))
newMode = Modes.table;
else if (stream.match(RE("linkDefinition"), false))
newMode = Modes.linkDefinition;
else if (stream.match(RE("definitionList")))
newMode = Modes.definitionList;
else if (stream.match(RE("html"), false))
newMode = Modes.html;
return (state.mode = (newMode || Modes.text))(stream, state);
blockType: function(stream, state) {
var match, type;
state.layoutType = null;
if (match = stream.match(RE("type")))
type = match[0];
return (state.mode = Modes.text)(stream, state);
if (match = type.match(RE("header"))) {
state.layoutType = "header";
state.header = parseInt(match[0][1]);
} else if (type.match(RE("bq"))) {
state.layoutType = "quote";
} else if (type.match(RE("bc"))) {
state.layoutType = "code";
} else if (type.match(RE("foot"))) {
state.layoutType = "footnote";
} else if (type.match(RE("notextile"))) {
state.layoutType = "notextile";
} else if (type.match(RE("pre"))) {
state.layoutType = "pre";
} else if (type.match(RE("div"))) {
state.layoutType = "div";
} else if (type.match(RE("table"))) {
state.layoutType = "table";
state.mode = Modes.attributes;
return tokenStyles(state);
text: function(stream, state) {
if (stream.match(RE("text"))) return tokenStyles(state);
var ch = stream.next();
if (ch === '"')
return (state.mode = Modes.link)(stream, state);
return handlePhraseModifier(stream, state, ch);
attributes: function(stream, state) {
state.mode = Modes.layoutLength;
if (stream.match(RE("attributes")))
return tokenStylesWith(state, TOKEN_STYLES.attributes);
return tokenStyles(state);
layoutLength: function(stream, state) {
if (stream.eat(".") && stream.eat("."))
state.spanningLayout = true;
state.mode = Modes.text;
return tokenStyles(state);
list: function(stream, state) {
var match = stream.match(RE("list"));
state.listDepth = match[0].length;
var listMod = (state.listDepth - 1) % 3;
if (!listMod)
state.layoutType = "list1";
else if (listMod === 1)
state.layoutType = "list2";
state.layoutType = "list3";
state.mode = Modes.attributes;
return tokenStyles(state);
link: function(stream, state) {
state.mode = Modes.text;
if (stream.match(RE("link"))) {
return tokenStylesWith(state, TOKEN_STYLES.link);
return tokenStyles(state);
linkDefinition: function(stream, state) {
return tokenStylesWith(state, TOKEN_STYLES.linkDefinition);
definitionList: function(stream, state) {
state.layoutType = "definitionList";
if (stream.match(/\s*$/))
state.spanningLayout = true;
state.mode = Modes.attributes;
return tokenStyles(state);
html: function(stream, state) {
return tokenStylesWith(state, TOKEN_STYLES.html);
table: function(stream, state) {
state.layoutType = "table";
return (state.mode = Modes.tableCell)(stream, state);
tableCell: function(stream, state) {
if (stream.match(RE("tableHeading")))
state.tableHeading = true;
state.mode = Modes.tableCellAttributes;
return tokenStyles(state);
tableCellAttributes: function(stream, state) {
state.mode = Modes.tableText;
if (stream.match(RE("tableCellAttributes")))
return tokenStylesWith(state, TOKEN_STYLES.attributes);
return tokenStyles(state);
tableText: function(stream, state) {
if (stream.match(RE("tableText")))
return tokenStyles(state);
if (stream.peek() === "|") { // end of cell
state.mode = Modes.tableCell;
return tokenStyles(state);
return handlePhraseModifier(stream, state, stream.next());
CodeMirror.defineMode("textile", function() {
return {
startState: function() {
return { mode: Modes.newLayout };
token: function(stream, state) {
if (stream.sol()) startNewLine(stream, state);
return state.mode(stream, state);
blankLine: blankLine
CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-textile", "textile");