##// END OF EJS Templates
integrations: refactor/cleanup + features, fixes #4181...
integrations: refactor/cleanup + features, fixes #4181 * added scopes on integrations, scopes are: - repo only - repogroup children only - root repos only - global (any repo) * integrations schemas now have separate section for the settings (eg. slack) and options (eg. scope/enabled) * added descriptions to integration types * added icons to integration types * added 'create new' integration page * added scope of integration to integrations list * added breadcrumbs for each repo/repogroup/global integrations pages * added sorting to integrations list * added pagination to integrations list * added icons to integrations list * added type filter to integrations list * added message to integrations list if none we found * added extra permissions check on integrations views * db migration from 56 => 57 - adds child_repos_only field * added tests for integrations triggered on events * added tests for integrations schemas * added tests for integrations views for repo/repogroup/admin

File last commit:

r493:029fd462 default
r731:7a6d3636 default
Show More
172 lines | 7.4 KiB | text/html | HtmlLexer
project: added all source files and assets
r1 <%inherit file="/base/base.html"/>
<%def name="main()">
<div class="box">
<!-- box / title -->
<div class="title">
<div class="block-left breadcrumbs">
<input class="q_filter_box" id="q_filter" size="15" type="text" name="filter" placeholder="${_('quick filter...')}" value=""/>
<span id="match_container" style="display:none">&raquo; <span id="match_count">0</span> ${_('matches')}</span>
%if c.rhodecode_user.username != h.DEFAULT_USER:
<div class="block-right">
is_admin = h.HasPermissionAny('hg.admin')('can create repos index page')
create_repo = h.HasPermissionAny('hg.create.repository')('can create repository index page')
create_repo_group = h.HasPermissionAny('hg.repogroup.create.true')('can create repository groups index page')
create_user_group = h.HasPermissionAny('hg.usergroup.create.true')('can create user groups index page')
gr_name = c.repo_group.group_name if c.repo_group else None
# create repositories with write permission on group is set to true
create_on_write = h.HasPermissionAny('hg.create.write_on_repogroup.true')()
group_admin = h.HasRepoGroupPermissionAny('group.admin')(gr_name, 'group admin index page')
group_write = h.HasRepoGroupPermissionAny('group.write')(gr_name, 'can write into group index page')
%if not c.repo_group:
## no repository group context here
%if is_admin or create_repo:
<a href="${h.url('new_repo')}" class="btn btn-small btn-success btn-primary">${_('Add Repository')}</a>
%if is_admin or create_repo_group:
<a href="${h.url('new_repo_group')}" class="btn btn-small btn-default">${_(u'Add Repository Group')}</a>
##we're inside other repository group other terms apply
%if is_admin or group_admin or (group_write and create_on_write):
<a href="${h.url('new_repo',parent_group=c.repo_group.group_id)}" class="btn btn-small btn-success btn-primary">${_('Add Repository')}</a>
%if is_admin or group_admin:
<a href="${h.url('new_repo_group', parent_group=c.repo_group.group_id)}" class="btn btn-small btn-default">${_(u'Add Repository Group')}</a>
%if is_admin or group_admin:
<a href="${h.url('edit_repo_group',group_name=c.repo_group.group_name)}" title="${_('You have admin right to this group, and can edit it')}" class="btn btn-small btn-primary">${_('Edit Repository Group')}</a>
<!-- end box / title -->
<div class="table">
<div id="groups_list_wrap">
<table id="group_list_table" class="display"></table>
<div class="table">
<div id="repos_list_wrap">
<table id="repo_list_table" class="display"></table>
$(document).ready(function() {
var get_datatable_count = function() {
var api = $('#repo_list_table').dataTable().api();
var pageInfo = api.page.info();
var repos = pageInfo.recordsDisplay;
var reposTotal = pageInfo.recordsTotal;
api = $('#group_list_table').dataTable().api();
pageInfo = api.page.info();
var repoGroups = pageInfo.recordsDisplay;
var repoGroupsTotal = pageInfo.recordsTotal;
if (repoGroups !== repoGroupsTotal) {
if (repos !== reposTotal) {
if ($('#q_filter').val() === '') {
// repo group list
data: ${c.repo_groups_data|n},
dom: 'rtp',
pageLength: ${c.visual.dashboard_items},
order: [[ 0, "asc" ]],
columns: [
{ data: {"_": "name",
"sort": "name_raw"}, title: "${_('Name')}", className: "td-componentname" },
{ data: 'menu', "bSortable": false, className: "quick_repo_menu" },
{ data: {"_": "desc",
"sort": "desc"}, title: "${_('Description')}", className: "td-description" },
{ data: {"_": "owner",
"sort": "owner"}, title: "${_('Owner')}", className: "td-user" }
language: {
tables: better message when tables are empty #685 #1832
tables: adding translation for empty tables #685 #1832
r493 emptyTable: _gettext("No repository groups available yet.")
project: added all source files and assets
r1 },
"drawCallback": function( settings, json ) {
// repo list
data: ${c.repos_data|n},
dom: 'rtp',
order: [[ 0, "asc" ]],
pageLength: ${c.visual.dashboard_items},
columns: [
{ data: {"_": "name",
"sort": "name_raw"}, title: "${_('Name')}", className: "truncate-wrap td-componentname" },
{ data: 'menu', "bSortable": false, className: "quick_repo_menu" },
{ data: {"_": "desc",
"sort": "desc"}, title: "${_('Description')}", className: "td-description" },
{ data: {"_": "last_change",
"sort": "last_change_raw",
"type": Number}, title: "${_('Last Change')}", className: "td-time" },
{ data: {"_": "last_changeset",
"sort": "last_changeset_raw",
"type": Number}, title: "${_('Commit')}", className: "td-hash" },
{ data: {"_": "owner",
"sort": "owner"}, title: "${_('Owner')}", className: "td-user" },
{ data: {"_": "rss",
"sort": "rss"}, title: "rss", className: "td-rss" }
language: {
tables: better message when tables are empty #685 #1832
tables: adding translation for empty tables #685 #1832
r493 emptyTable: _gettext("No repositories available yet.")
project: added all source files and assets
r1 },
"drawCallback": function( settings, json ) {
// update the counter when doing search
$('#repo_list_table, #group_list_table').on( 'search.dt', function (e,settings) {
// filter, filter both grids
$('#q_filter').on( 'keyup', function () {
var repo_api = $('#repo_list_table').dataTable().api();
.columns( 0 )
.search( this.value )
var repo_group_api = $('#group_list_table').dataTable().api();
.columns( 0 )
.search( this.value )
// refilter table if page load via back button