##// END OF EJS Templates
permissions: explicitly register all permissions set for user. Fixes #4217...
permissions: explicitly register all permissions set for user. Fixes #4217 - in order to get a proper inheritance chain of permissions we'll register each step. This allows to get full inheritance chain. Final permissions will be the same becuase the only thing we change is we register each step before permissions final value. - Also display the permissions summary in a nicer way more explicitly stating what permissions overwrites which.

File last commit:

r1947:4566477c default
r2063:8a6e9139 default
Show More
909 lines | 32.0 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
project: added all source files and assets
r1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
license: updated copyright year to 2017
r1271 # Copyright (C) 2010-2017 RhodeCode GmbH
project: added all source files and assets
r1 #
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
# (only), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# This program is dual-licensed. If you wish to learn more about the
# RhodeCode Enterprise Edition, including its added features, Support services,
# and proprietary license terms, please see https://rhodecode.com/licenses/
Scm model for RhodeCode
import os.path
import re
import sys
import traceback
import logging
import cStringIO
import pkg_resources
from pylons.i18n.translation import _
from sqlalchemy import func
from zope.cachedescriptors.property import Lazy as LazyProperty
import rhodecode
from rhodecode.lib.vcs import get_backend
from rhodecode.lib.vcs.exceptions import RepositoryError, NodeNotChangedError
from rhodecode.lib.vcs.nodes import FileNode
from rhodecode.lib.vcs.backends.base import EmptyCommit
from rhodecode.lib import helpers as h
from rhodecode.lib.auth import (
HasRepoPermissionAny, HasRepoGroupPermissionAny,
from rhodecode.lib.exceptions import NonRelativePathError, IMCCommitError
from rhodecode.lib import hooks_utils, caches
from rhodecode.lib.utils import (
action_logger: removed really not required actions of start/stop following a repository....
r1804 get_filesystem_repos, make_db_config)
system-info: fetch vcs settings from vcsserver. Fixes #4276...
r1111 from rhodecode.lib.utils2 import (safe_str, safe_unicode)
from rhodecode.lib.system_info import get_system_info
project: added all source files and assets
r1 from rhodecode.model import BaseModel
from rhodecode.model.db import (
Repository, CacheKey, UserFollowing, UserLog, User, RepoGroup,
system-info: fetch vcs settings from vcsserver. Fixes #4276...
r1111 PullRequest)
project: added all source files and assets
r1 from rhodecode.model.settings import VcsSettingsModel
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class UserTemp(object):
def __init__(self, user_id):
self.user_id = user_id
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s('id:%s')>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.user_id)
class RepoTemp(object):
def __init__(self, repo_id):
self.repo_id = repo_id
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s('id:%s')>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.repo_id)
class SimpleCachedRepoList(object):
Lighter version of of iteration of repos without the scm initialisation,
and with cache usage
def __init__(self, db_repo_list, repos_path, order_by=None, perm_set=None):
self.db_repo_list = db_repo_list
self.repos_path = repos_path
self.order_by = order_by
self.reversed = (order_by or '').startswith('-')
if not perm_set:
perm_set = ['repository.read', 'repository.write',
self.perm_set = perm_set
def __len__(self):
return len(self.db_repo_list)
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s (%s)>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.__len__())
def __iter__(self):
for dbr in self.db_repo_list:
# check permission at this level
has_perm = HasRepoPermissionAny(*self.perm_set)(
dbr.repo_name, 'SimpleCachedRepoList check')
if not has_perm:
tmp_d = {
'name': dbr.repo_name,
'dbrepo': dbr.get_dict(),
'dbrepo_fork': dbr.fork.get_dict() if dbr.fork else {}
yield tmp_d
class _PermCheckIterator(object):
def __init__(
self, obj_list, obj_attr, perm_set, perm_checker,
Creates iterator from given list of objects, additionally
checking permission for them from perm_set var
:param obj_list: list of db objects
:param obj_attr: attribute of object to pass into perm_checker
:param perm_set: list of permissions to check
:param perm_checker: callable to check permissions against
self.obj_list = obj_list
self.obj_attr = obj_attr
self.perm_set = perm_set
self.perm_checker = perm_checker
self.extra_kwargs = extra_kwargs or {}
def __len__(self):
return len(self.obj_list)
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s (%s)>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.__len__())
def __iter__(self):
checker = self.perm_checker(*self.perm_set)
for db_obj in self.obj_list:
# check permission at this level
name = getattr(db_obj, self.obj_attr, None)
if not checker(name, self.__class__.__name__, **self.extra_kwargs):
yield db_obj
class RepoList(_PermCheckIterator):
def __init__(self, db_repo_list, perm_set=None, extra_kwargs=None):
if not perm_set:
perm_set = [
'repository.read', 'repository.write', 'repository.admin']
super(RepoList, self).__init__(
obj_attr='repo_name', perm_set=perm_set,
class RepoGroupList(_PermCheckIterator):
def __init__(self, db_repo_group_list, perm_set=None, extra_kwargs=None):
if not perm_set:
perm_set = ['group.read', 'group.write', 'group.admin']
super(RepoGroupList, self).__init__(
obj_attr='group_name', perm_set=perm_set,
class UserGroupList(_PermCheckIterator):
def __init__(self, db_user_group_list, perm_set=None, extra_kwargs=None):
if not perm_set:
perm_set = ['usergroup.read', 'usergroup.write', 'usergroup.admin']
super(UserGroupList, self).__init__(
obj_attr='users_group_name', perm_set=perm_set,
class ScmModel(BaseModel):
Generic Scm Model
def repos_path(self):
Gets the repositories root path from database
settings_model = VcsSettingsModel(sa=self.sa)
return settings_model.get_repos_location()
def repo_scan(self, repos_path=None):
Listing of repositories in given path. This path should not be a
repository itself. Return a dictionary of repository objects
:param repos_path: path to directory containing repositories
if repos_path is None:
repos_path = self.repos_path
log.info('scanning for repositories in %s', repos_path)
config = make_db_config()
config.set('extensions', 'largefiles', '')
repos = {}
for name, path in get_filesystem_repos(repos_path, recursive=True):
# name need to be decomposed and put back together using the /
# since this is internal storage separator for rhodecode
name = Repository.normalize_repo_name(name)
if name in repos:
raise RepositoryError('Duplicate repository name %s '
'found in %s' % (name, path))
elif path[0] in rhodecode.BACKENDS:
klass = get_backend(path[0])
repos[name] = klass(path[1], config=config)
except OSError:
log.debug('found %s paths with repositories', len(repos))
return repos
def get_repos(self, all_repos=None, sort_key=None):
Get all repositories from db and for each repo create it's
backend instance and fill that backed with information from database
:param all_repos: list of repository names as strings
give specific repositories list, good for filtering
:param sort_key: initial sorting of repositories
if all_repos is None:
all_repos = self.sa.query(Repository)\
.filter(Repository.group_id == None)\
repo_iter = SimpleCachedRepoList(
all_repos, repos_path=self.repos_path, order_by=sort_key)
return repo_iter
def get_repo_groups(self, all_groups=None):
if all_groups is None:
all_groups = RepoGroup.query()\
.filter(RepoGroup.group_parent_id == None).all()
return [x for x in RepoGroupList(all_groups)]
def mark_for_invalidation(self, repo_name, delete=False):
Mark caches of this repo invalid in the database. `delete` flag
removes the cache entries
:param repo_name: the repo_name for which caches should be marked
invalid, or deleted
:param delete: delete the entry keys instead of setting bool
flag on them
CacheKey.set_invalidate(repo_name, delete=delete)
repo = Repository.get_by_repo_name(repo_name)
if repo:
config = repo._config
config.set('extensions', 'largefiles', '')
scm: clear the cs cache on delete/remap
r337 repo.update_commit_cache(config=config, cs_cache=None)
project: added all source files and assets
r1 caches.clear_repo_caches(repo_name)
def toggle_following_repo(self, follow_repo_id, user_id):
f = self.sa.query(UserFollowing)\
.filter(UserFollowing.follows_repo_id == follow_repo_id)\
.filter(UserFollowing.user_id == user_id).scalar()
if f is not None:
except Exception:
f = UserFollowing()
f.user_id = user_id
f.follows_repo_id = follow_repo_id
except Exception:
def toggle_following_user(self, follow_user_id, user_id):
f = self.sa.query(UserFollowing)\
.filter(UserFollowing.follows_user_id == follow_user_id)\
.filter(UserFollowing.user_id == user_id).scalar()
if f is not None:
except Exception:
f = UserFollowing()
f.user_id = user_id
f.follows_user_id = follow_user_id
except Exception:
def is_following_repo(self, repo_name, user_id, cache=False):
r = self.sa.query(Repository)\
.filter(Repository.repo_name == repo_name).scalar()
f = self.sa.query(UserFollowing)\
.filter(UserFollowing.follows_repository == r)\
.filter(UserFollowing.user_id == user_id).scalar()
return f is not None
def is_following_user(self, username, user_id, cache=False):
u = User.get_by_username(username)
f = self.sa.query(UserFollowing)\
.filter(UserFollowing.follows_user == u)\
.filter(UserFollowing.user_id == user_id).scalar()
return f is not None
def get_followers(self, repo):
repo = self._get_repo(repo)
return self.sa.query(UserFollowing)\
.filter(UserFollowing.follows_repository == repo).count()
def get_forks(self, repo):
repo = self._get_repo(repo)
return self.sa.query(Repository)\
.filter(Repository.fork == repo).count()
def get_pull_requests(self, repo):
repo = self._get_repo(repo)
return self.sa.query(PullRequest)\
.filter(PullRequest.target_repo == repo)\
.filter(PullRequest.status != PullRequest.STATUS_CLOSED).count()
def mark_as_fork(self, repo, fork, user):
repo = self._get_repo(repo)
fork = self._get_repo(fork)
if fork and repo.repo_id == fork.repo_id:
raise Exception("Cannot set repository as fork of itself")
if fork and repo.repo_type != fork.repo_type:
raise RepositoryError(
"Cannot set repository as fork of repository with other type")
repo.fork = fork
return repo
def pull_changes(self, repo, username):
dbrepo = self._get_repo(repo)
clone_uri = dbrepo.clone_uri
if not clone_uri:
raise Exception("This repository doesn't have a clone uri")
repo = dbrepo.scm_instance(cache=False)
# TODO: marcink fix this an re-enable since we need common logic
# for hg/git remove hooks so we don't trigger them on fetching
# commits from remote
repo_name = dbrepo.repo_name
# TODO: we need to make sure those operations call proper hooks !
except Exception:
def commit_change(self, repo, repo_name, commit, user, author, message,
content, f_path):
Commits changes
:param repo: SCM instance
user = self._get_user(user)
# decoding here will force that we have proper encoded values
# in any other case this will throw exceptions and deny commit
content = safe_str(content)
path = safe_str(f_path)
# message and author needs to be unicode
# proper backend should then translate that into required type
message = safe_unicode(message)
author = safe_unicode(author)
imc = repo.in_memory_commit
imc.change(FileNode(path, content, mode=commit.get_file_mode(f_path)))
# TODO: handle pre-push action !
tip = imc.commit(
message=message, author=author, parents=[commit],
except Exception as e:
raise IMCCommitError(str(e))
# always clear caches, if commit fails we want fresh object also
# We trigger the post-push action
username=user.username, action='push_local', repo_name=repo_name,
repo_alias=repo.alias, commit_ids=[tip.raw_id])
return tip
def _sanitize_path(self, f_path):
bugfix: santize wouldnt allow files starting with . - fixes #3936
r91 if f_path.startswith('/') or f_path.startswith('./') or '../' in f_path:
project: added all source files and assets
r1 raise NonRelativePathError('%s is not an relative path' % f_path)
if f_path:
f_path = os.path.normpath(f_path)
return f_path
renderer: remove usage of old non request PartialRenderer
r1947 def get_dirnode_metadata(self, request, commit, dir_node):
project: added all source files and assets
r1 if not dir_node.is_dir():
return []
data = []
for node in dir_node:
if not node.is_file():
# we skip file-nodes
last_commit = node.last_commit
last_commit_date = last_commit.date
'name': node.name,
'size': h.format_byte_size_binary(node.size),
'modified_at': h.format_date(last_commit_date),
'modified_ts': last_commit_date.isoformat(),
'revision': last_commit.revision,
'short_id': last_commit.short_id,
'message': h.escape(last_commit.message),
'author': h.escape(last_commit.author),
renderer: remove usage of old non request PartialRenderer
r1947 'user_profile': h.gravatar_with_user(
request, last_commit.author),
project: added all source files and assets
r1 })
return data
def get_nodes(self, repo_name, commit_id, root_path='/', flat=True,
api: add a max_file_bytes parameter to get_nodes so that large...
r502 extended_info=False, content=False, max_file_bytes=None):
project: added all source files and assets
r1 """
recursive walk in root dir and return a set of all path in that dir
based on repository walk function
:param repo_name: name of repository
:param commit_id: commit id for which to list nodes
:param root_path: root path to list
scm: change ._get_content() to .raw_bytes attribute to file nodes to...
r501 :param flat: return as a list, if False returns a dict with description
api: add a max_file_bytes parameter to get_nodes so that large...
r502 :param max_file_bytes: will not return file contents over this limit
project: added all source files and assets
_files = list()
_dirs = list()
_repo = self._get_repo(repo_name)
commit = _repo.scm_instance().get_commit(commit_id=commit_id)
root_path = root_path.lstrip('/')
for __, dirs, files in commit.walk(root_path):
for f in files:
_content = None
_data = f.unicode_path
api: add a max_file_bytes parameter to get_nodes so that large...
r502 over_size_limit = (max_file_bytes is not None
and f.size > max_file_bytes)
scm: change ._get_content() to .raw_bytes attribute to file nodes to...
project: added all source files and assets
r1 if not flat:
_data = {
security: escape the returned paths of files and directories....
r1827 "name": h.escape(f.unicode_path),
project: added all source files and assets
r1 "type": "file",
if extended_info:
scm: change ._get_content() to .raw_bytes attribute to file nodes to...
r501 "md5": f.md5,
project: added all source files and assets
r1 "binary": f.is_binary,
"size": f.size,
"extension": f.extension,
"mimetype": f.mimetype,
"lines": f.lines()[0]
scm: change ._get_content() to .raw_bytes attribute to file nodes to...
project: added all source files and assets
r1 if content:
full_content = None
api: add a max_file_bytes parameter to get_nodes so that large...
r502 if not f.is_binary and not over_size_limit:
scm: change ._get_content() to .raw_bytes attribute to file nodes to...
r501 full_content = safe_str(f.content)
project: added all source files and assets
scm: change ._get_content() to .raw_bytes attribute to file nodes to...
r501 "content": full_content,
project: added all source files and assets
r1 })
for d in dirs:
_data = d.unicode_path
if not flat:
_data = {
security: escape the returned paths of files and directories....
r1827 "name": h.escape(d.unicode_path),
project: added all source files and assets
r1 "type": "dir",
if extended_info:
"md5": None,
"binary": None,
"size": None,
"extension": None,
if content:
"content": None
except RepositoryError:
log.debug("Exception in get_nodes", exc_info=True)
return _dirs, _files
def create_nodes(self, user, repo, message, nodes, parent_commit=None,
author=None, trigger_push_hook=True):
Commits given multiple nodes into repo
:param user: RhodeCode User object or user_id, the commiter
:param repo: RhodeCode Repository object
:param message: commit message
:param nodes: mapping {filename:{'content':content},...}
:param parent_commit: parent commit, can be empty than it's
initial commit
:param author: author of commit, cna be different that commiter
only for git
:param trigger_push_hook: trigger push hooks
:returns: new commited commit
user = self._get_user(user)
scm_instance = repo.scm_instance(cache=False)
processed_nodes = []
for f_path in nodes:
f_path = self._sanitize_path(f_path)
content = nodes[f_path]['content']
f_path = safe_str(f_path)
# decoding here will force that we have proper encoded values
# in any other case this will throw exceptions and deny commit
if isinstance(content, (basestring,)):
content = safe_str(content)
elif isinstance(content, (file, cStringIO.OutputType,)):
content = content.read()
raise Exception('Content is of unrecognized type %s' % (
processed_nodes.append((f_path, content))
message = safe_unicode(message)
commiter = user.full_contact
author = safe_unicode(author) if author else commiter
imc = scm_instance.in_memory_commit
if not parent_commit:
parent_commit = EmptyCommit(alias=scm_instance.alias)
if isinstance(parent_commit, EmptyCommit):
# EmptyCommit means we we're editing empty repository
parents = None
parents = [parent_commit]
# add multiple nodes
for path, content in processed_nodes:
imc.add(FileNode(path, content=content))
# TODO: handle pre push scenario
tip = imc.commit(message=message,
if trigger_push_hook:
username=user.username, action='push_local',
repo_name=repo.repo_name, repo_alias=scm_instance.alias,
return tip
def update_nodes(self, user, repo, message, nodes, parent_commit=None,
author=None, trigger_push_hook=True):
user = self._get_user(user)
scm_instance = repo.scm_instance(cache=False)
message = safe_unicode(message)
commiter = user.full_contact
author = safe_unicode(author) if author else commiter
imc = scm_instance.in_memory_commit
if not parent_commit:
parent_commit = EmptyCommit(alias=scm_instance.alias)
if isinstance(parent_commit, EmptyCommit):
# EmptyCommit means we we're editing empty repository
parents = None
parents = [parent_commit]
# add multiple nodes
for _filename, data in nodes.items():
# new filename, can be renamed from the old one, also sanitaze
# the path for any hack around relative paths like ../../ etc.
filename = self._sanitize_path(data['filename'])
old_filename = self._sanitize_path(_filename)
content = data['content']
filenode = FileNode(old_filename, content=content)
op = data['op']
if op == 'add':
elif op == 'del':
elif op == 'mod':
if filename != old_filename:
# TODO: handle renames more efficient, needs vcs lib
# changes
imc.add(FileNode(filename, content=content))
# TODO: handle pre push scenario
# commit changes
tip = imc.commit(message=message,
except NodeNotChangedError:
except Exception as e:
log.exception("Unexpected exception during call to imc.commit")
raise IMCCommitError(str(e))
# always clear caches, if commit fails we want fresh object also
if trigger_push_hook:
username=user.username, action='push_local',
repo_name=repo.repo_name, repo_alias=scm_instance.alias,
def delete_nodes(self, user, repo, message, nodes, parent_commit=None,
author=None, trigger_push_hook=True):
Deletes given multiple nodes into `repo`
:param user: RhodeCode User object or user_id, the committer
:param repo: RhodeCode Repository object
:param message: commit message
:param nodes: mapping {filename:{'content':content},...}
:param parent_commit: parent commit, can be empty than it's initial
:param author: author of commit, cna be different that commiter only
for git
:param trigger_push_hook: trigger push hooks
:returns: new commit after deletion
user = self._get_user(user)
scm_instance = repo.scm_instance(cache=False)
processed_nodes = []
for f_path in nodes:
f_path = self._sanitize_path(f_path)
# content can be empty but for compatabilty it allows same dicts
# structure as add_nodes
content = nodes[f_path].get('content')
processed_nodes.append((f_path, content))
message = safe_unicode(message)
commiter = user.full_contact
author = safe_unicode(author) if author else commiter
imc = scm_instance.in_memory_commit
if not parent_commit:
parent_commit = EmptyCommit(alias=scm_instance.alias)
if isinstance(parent_commit, EmptyCommit):
# EmptyCommit means we we're editing empty repository
parents = None
parents = [parent_commit]
# add multiple nodes
for path, content in processed_nodes:
imc.remove(FileNode(path, content=content))
# TODO: handle pre push scenario
tip = imc.commit(message=message,
if trigger_push_hook:
username=user.username, action='push_local',
repo_name=repo.repo_name, repo_alias=scm_instance.alias,
return tip
def strip(self, repo, commit_id, branch):
scm_instance = repo.scm_instance(cache=False)
scm_instance.strip(commit_id, branch)
def get_unread_journal(self):
return self.sa.query(UserLog).count()
def get_repo_landing_revs(self, repo=None):
Generates select option with tags branches and bookmarks (for hg only)
grouped by type
:param repo:
repo = self._get_repo(repo)
repo-schemas: refactor repository schemas and use it in API update/create functions....
hist_l = [
['rev:tip', _('latest tip')]
choices = [
project: added all source files and assets
r1 if not repo:
return choices, hist_l
repo = repo.scm_instance()
branches_group = (
[(u'branch:%s' % safe_unicode(b), safe_unicode(b))
for b in repo.branches],
choices.extend([x[0] for x in branches_group[0]])
if repo.alias == 'hg':
bookmarks_group = (
[(u'book:%s' % safe_unicode(b), safe_unicode(b))
for b in repo.bookmarks],
choices.extend([x[0] for x in bookmarks_group[0]])
tags_group = (
[(u'tag:%s' % safe_unicode(t), safe_unicode(t))
for t in repo.tags],
choices.extend([x[0] for x in tags_group[0]])
return choices, hist_l
def install_git_hook(self, repo, force_create=False):
Creates a rhodecode hook inside a git repository
:param repo: Instance of VCS repo
:param force_create: Create even if same name hook exists
loc = os.path.join(repo.path, 'hooks')
if not repo.bare:
loc = os.path.join(repo.path, '.git', 'hooks')
if not os.path.isdir(loc):
os.makedirs(loc, mode=0777)
tmpl_post = pkg_resources.resource_string(
'rhodecode', '/'.join(
('config', 'hook_templates', 'git_post_receive.py.tmpl')))
tmpl_pre = pkg_resources.resource_string(
'rhodecode', '/'.join(
('config', 'hook_templates', 'git_pre_receive.py.tmpl')))
for h_type, tmpl in [('pre', tmpl_pre), ('post', tmpl_post)]:
_hook_file = os.path.join(loc, '%s-receive' % h_type)
log.debug('Installing git hook in repo %s', repo)
_rhodecode_hook = _check_rhodecode_hook(_hook_file)
if _rhodecode_hook or force_create:
log.debug('writing %s hook file !', h_type)
with open(_hook_file, 'wb') as f:
tmpl = tmpl.replace('_TMPL_', rhodecode.__version__)
tmpl = tmpl.replace('_ENV_', sys.executable)
os.chmod(_hook_file, 0755)
except IOError:
log.exception('error writing hook file %s', _hook_file)
log.debug('skipping writing hook file')
def install_svn_hooks(self, repo, force_create=False):
Creates rhodecode hooks inside a svn repository
:param repo: Instance of VCS repo
:param force_create: Create even if same name hook exists
hooks_path = os.path.join(repo.path, 'hooks')
if not os.path.isdir(hooks_path):
post_commit_tmpl = pkg_resources.resource_string(
'rhodecode', '/'.join(
('config', 'hook_templates', 'svn_post_commit_hook.py.tmpl')))
pre_commit_template = pkg_resources.resource_string(
'rhodecode', '/'.join(
('config', 'hook_templates', 'svn_pre_commit_hook.py.tmpl')))
templates = {
'post-commit': post_commit_tmpl,
'pre-commit': pre_commit_template
for filename in templates:
_hook_file = os.path.join(hooks_path, filename)
_rhodecode_hook = _check_rhodecode_hook(_hook_file)
if _rhodecode_hook or force_create:
log.debug('writing %s hook file !', filename)
template = templates[filename]
with open(_hook_file, 'wb') as f:
template = template.replace(
'_TMPL_', rhodecode.__version__)
template = template.replace('_ENV_', sys.executable)
os.chmod(_hook_file, 0755)
except IOError:
log.exception('error writing hook file %s', filename)
log.debug('skipping writing hook file')
def install_hooks(self, repo, repo_type):
if repo_type == 'git':
elif repo_type == 'svn':
def get_server_info(self, environ=None):
system-info: fetch vcs settings from vcsserver. Fixes #4276...
r1111 server_info = get_system_info(environ)
return server_info
project: added all source files and assets
def _check_rhodecode_hook(hook_path):
Check if the hook was created by RhodeCode
if not os.path.exists(hook_path):
return True
log.debug('hook exists, checking if it is from rhodecode')
hook_content = _read_hook(hook_path)
matches = re.search(r'(?:RC_HOOK_VER)\s*=\s*(.*)', hook_content)
if matches:
version = matches.groups()[0]
log.debug('got %s, it is rhodecode', version)
return True
except Exception:
log.exception("Exception while reading the hook version.")
return False
def _read_hook(hook_path):
with open(hook_path, 'rb') as f:
content = f.read()
api: add a max_file_bytes parameter to get_nodes so that large...
r502 return content