##// END OF EJS Templates
file-browser: refactor how we load metadata for file trees....
file-browser: refactor how we load metadata for file trees. Before we used to use JSON data to map the nodes to json and fill in metadata. Now we use rendered parts of html. This is nicer for caching as it would allow us to replace the view with cached tree and then after ajax load replace it again with cached with metadata. On the next request we'll get the cached with metadata and thus we can skip entirely second ajax call for metadata. This is part of #4083

File last commit:

r423:9930e2c8 default
r423:9930e2c8 default
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78 lines | 3.1 KiB | text/html | HtmlLexer
/ rhodecode / templates / files / files_browser_tree.html
file-browser: refactor how we load metadata for file trees....
r423 <div id="file-tree-wrapper" class="browser-body ${'full-load' if c.full_load else ''}">
file-browser: fixes #4083
r422 <table class="code-browser rctable">
<th>${_('Last Commit')}</th>
<tbody id="tbody">
%if c.file.parent:
<tr class="parity0">
<td class="td-componentname">
<a href="${h.url('files_home',repo_name=c.repo_name,revision=c.commit.raw_id,f_path=c.file.parent.path)}" class="pjax-link">
<i class="icon-folder"></i>..
%for cnt,node in enumerate(c.file):
<tr class="parity${cnt%2}">
<td class="td-componentname">
%if node.is_submodule():
<span class="submodule-dir">
node.url.startswith('http://') or node.url.startswith('https://'),
file-browser: refactor how we load metadata for file trees....
r423 node.name, node.url)}
file-browser: fixes #4083
r422 </span>
<a href="${h.url('files_home',repo_name=c.repo_name,revision=c.commit.raw_id,f_path=h.safe_unicode(node.path))}" class="pjax-link">
<i class="${'icon-file browser-file' if node.is_file() else 'icon-folder browser-dir'}"></i>${node.name}
%if node.is_file():
file-browser: refactor how we load metadata for file trees....
r423 <td class="td-size" data-attr-name="size">
% if c.full_load:
<span data-size="${node.size}">${h.format_byte_size_binary(node.size)}</span>
% else:
${_('Loading ...')}
% endif
<td class="td-time" data-attr-name="modified_at">
% if c.full_load:
<span data-date="${node.last_commit.date}">${h.age_component(node.last_commit.date)}</span>
% endif
file-browser: fixes #4083
r422 </td>
file-browser: refactor how we load metadata for file trees....
r423 <td class="td-hash" data-attr-name="commit_id">
% if c.full_load:
<div class="tooltip" title="${node.last_commit.message}">
<pre data-commit-id="${node.last_commit.raw_id}">r${node.last_commit.revision}:${node.last_commit.short_id}</pre>
% endif
<td class="td-user" data-attr-name="author">
% if c.full_load:
<span data-author="${node.last_commit.author}" title="${node.last_commit.author}">${h.gravatar_with_user(node.last_commit.author)|n}</span>
% endif
file-browser: fixes #4083
r422 %else:
<tbody id="tbody_filtered"></tbody>
file-browser: refactor how we load metadata for file trees....
r423 </div>