##// END OF EJS Templates
i18n: replaced fragile extraction of JS translations from an _TM variable....
i18n: replaced fragile extraction of JS translations from an _TM variable. We replaced it with similar to babel functions _gettext, and _ngettext, that will prevent UI from breaking in case of untranslated strings. This also will allow to use babel built in extractors to fetch the translations stored inside html and JS.

File last commit:

r155:bb64dc25 default
r325:9f2e29d4 stable
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102 lines | 4.7 KiB | text/html | HtmlLexer
/ rhodecode / templates / admin / my_account / my_account_auth_tokens.html
project: added all source files and assets
r1 <div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h3 class="panel-title">${_('Authentication Tokens')}</h3>
<div class="panel-body">
${_('Built-in tokens can be used to authenticate with all possible options.')}<br/>
${_('Each token can have a role. VCS tokens can be used together with the authtoken auth plugin for git/hg operations.')}
<table class="rctable auth_tokens">
<td class="truncate-wrap td-authtoken"><div class="user_auth_tokens truncate autoexpand"><code>${c.user.api_key}</code></div></td>
<td class="td-buttons">
<span class="btn btn-mini btn-info disabled">${_('Built-in')}</span>
<td class="td-buttons">
<span class="btn btn-mini btn-info disabled">all</span>
<td class="td-exp">${_('expires')}: ${_('never')}</td>
<td class="td-action">
<button class="btn-link btn-danger" type="submit"
onclick="return confirm('${_('Confirm to reset this auth token: %s') % c.user.api_key}');">
<i class="icon-refresh"></i>
%if c.user_auth_tokens:
%for auth_token in c.user_auth_tokens:
<tr class="${'expired' if auth_token.expired else ''}">
<td class="truncate-wrap td-authtoken"><div class="user_auth_tokens truncate autoexpand"><code>${auth_token.api_key}</code></div></td>
<td class="td-wrap">${auth_token.description}</td>
<td class="td-buttons">
<span class="btn btn-mini btn-info disabled">${auth_token.role_humanized}</span>
<td class="td-exp">
%if auth_token.expires == -1:
${_('expires')}: ${_('never')}
%if auth_token.expired:
datetimes: fix datetimes to work across app, converting to utc
r155 ${_('expired')}: ${h.age_component(h.time_to_utcdatetime(auth_token.expires))}
project: added all source files and assets
r1 %else:
datetimes: fix datetimes to work across app, converting to utc
r155 ${_('expires')}: ${h.age_component(h.time_to_utcdatetime(auth_token.expires))}
project: added all source files and assets
r1 %endif
<td class="td-action">
<button class="btn btn-link btn-danger" type="submit"
onclick="return confirm('${_('Confirm to remove this auth token: %s') % auth_token.api_key}');">
<tr><td><div class="ip">${_('No additional auth token specified')}</div></td></tr>
<div class="user_auth_tokens">
${h.secure_form(url('my_account_auth_tokens'), method='post')}
<div class="form form-vertical">
<!-- fields -->
<div class="fields">
<div class="field">
<div class="label">
<label for="new_email">${_('New authentication token')}:</label>
<div class="input">
${h.text('description', placeholder=_('Description'))}
${h.select('lifetime', '', c.lifetime_options)}
${h.select('role', '', c.role_options)}
<div class="buttons">
var select2Options = {
'containerCssClass': "drop-menu",
'dropdownCssClass': "drop-menu-dropdown",
'dropdownAutoWidth': true