##// END OF EJS Templates
dependencies: Adding Bower out of nixpkgs...
dependencies: Adding Bower out of nixpkgs Usually bower would be installed globally, so it seems to be appropriate to use the one out of the nixpkgs so that we don't have to pin a specific version ourselves.

File last commit:

r709:a198b78f default
r709:a198b78f default
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219 lines | 6.5 KiB | text/x-nix | NixLexer
project: added all source files and assets
r1 # Nix environment for the community edition
# This shall be as lean as possible, just producing the Enterprise
# derivation. For advanced tweaks to pimp up the development environment we use
# "shell.nix" so that it does not have to clutter this file.
{ pkgs ? (import <nixpkgs> {})
, pythonPackages ? "python27Packages"
, pythonExternalOverrides ? self: super: {}
, doCheck ? true
let pkgs_ = pkgs; in
pkgs = pkgs_.overridePackages (self: super: {
# Override subversion derivation to
# - activate python bindings
# - set version to 1.8
subversion = super.subversion18.override {
httpSupport = true;
pythonBindings = true;
python = self.python27Packages.python;
inherit (pkgs.lib) fix extends;
basePythonPackages = with builtins; if isAttrs pythonPackages
then pythonPackages
else getAttr pythonPackages pkgs;
elem = builtins.elem;
basename = path: with pkgs.lib; last (splitString "/" path);
startsWith = prefix: full: let
actualPrefix = builtins.substring 0 (builtins.stringLength prefix) full;
in actualPrefix == prefix;
src-filter = path: type: with pkgs.lib;
ext = last (splitString "." path);
!elem (basename path) [
".git" ".hg" "__pycache__" ".eggs" "node_modules"
"build" "data" "tmp"] &&
!elem ext ["egg-info" "pyc"] &&
!startsWith "result" path;
Martin Bornhold
nix: Use path to rc_testdata from pkgs.config.rc.sources if present.
r211 sources = pkgs.config.rc.sources or {};
project: added all source files and assets
r1 rhodecode-enterprise-ce-src = builtins.filterSource src-filter ./.;
nix: Link node modules based on node2nix
r708 nodeEnv = import ./pkgs/node-default.nix {
inherit pkgs;
project: added all source files and assets
r1 };
nix: Link node modules based on node2nix
r708 nodeDependencies = nodeEnv.shell.nodeDependencies;
project: added all source files and assets
pythonGeneratedPackages = self: basePythonPackages.override (a: {
inherit self;
// (scopedImport {
self = self;
super = basePythonPackages;
inherit pkgs;
inherit (pkgs) fetchurl fetchgit;
} ./pkgs/python-packages.nix);
pythonOverrides = import ./pkgs/python-packages-overrides.nix {
pythonLocalOverrides = self: super: {
rhodecode-enterprise-ce =
packaging: Clean up call to read the version...
r145 version = builtins.readFile ./rhodecode/VERSION;
project: added all source files and assets
r1 linkNodeModules = ''
echo "Link node packages"
rm -fr node_modules
nix: Link node modules based on node2nix
r708 mkdir node_modules
# johbo: Linking individual packages allows us to run "npm install"
# inside of a shell to try things out. Re-entering the shell will
# restore a clean environment.
ln -s ${nodeDependencies}/lib/node_modules/* node_modules/
project: added all source files and assets
r1 echo "DONE: Link node packages"
in super.rhodecode-enterprise-ce.override (attrs: {
release: Provide attribute releaseName...
r241 inherit
project: added all source files and assets
r1 name = "rhodecode-enterprise-ce-${version}";
release: Provide attribute releaseName...
r241 releaseName = "RhodeCodeEnterpriseCE-${version}";
project: added all source files and assets
r1 src = rhodecode-enterprise-ce-src;
buildInputs =
attrs.buildInputs ++
(with self; [
dependencies: Adding Bower out of nixpkgs...
r709 pkgs.nodePackages.bower
project: added all source files and assets
r1 pkgs.nodePackages.grunt-cli
Martin Bornhold
nix: Import rhodecode testdata as derivation.
r218 rhodecode-testdata
project: added all source files and assets
r1 ]);
propagatedBuildInputs = attrs.propagatedBuildInputs ++ (with self; [
# TODO: johbo: Make a nicer way to expose the parts. Maybe
# pkgs/default.nix?
passthru = {
packaging: Expose the local overrides via passthru.
r74 inherit
nix: Add linkNodeModules to passthru...
r465 linkNodeModules
project: added all source files and assets
r1 pythonPackages = self;
LC_ALL = "en_US.UTF-8";
if pkgs.stdenv ? glibc
then "${pkgs.glibcLocales}/lib/locale/locale-archive"
else "";
# Somewhat snappier setup of the development environment
# TODO: move into shell.nix
# TODO: think of supporting a stable path again, so that multiple shells
# can share it.
shellHook = ''
tmp_path=$(mktemp -d)
export PATH="$tmp_path/bin:$PATH"
export PYTHONPATH="$tmp_path/${self.python.sitePackages}:$PYTHONPATH"
mkdir -p $tmp_path/${self.python.sitePackages}
python setup.py develop --prefix $tmp_path --allow-hosts ""
'' + linkNodeModules;
preCheck = ''
export PATH="$out/bin:$PATH"
postCheck = ''
rm -rf $out/lib/${self.python.libPrefix}/site-packages/pytest_pylons
rm -rf $out/lib/${self.python.libPrefix}/site-packages/rhodecode/tests
preBuild = linkNodeModules + ''
rm -fr node_modules
postInstall = ''
# python based programs need to be wrapped
ln -s ${self.supervisor}/bin/supervisor* $out/bin/
ln -s ${self.gunicorn}/bin/gunicorn $out/bin/
ln -s ${self.PasteScript}/bin/paster $out/bin/
notifications: support real-time notifications with websockets via channelstream
r526 ln -s ${self.channelstream}/bin/channelstream $out/bin/
packaging: Link pyramid tools, set PATH in wrappers
r167 ln -s ${self.pyramid}/bin/* $out/bin/ #*/
project: added all source files and assets
# rhodecode-tools
# TODO: johbo: re-think this. Do the tools import anything from enterprise?
ln -s ${self.rhodecode-tools}/bin/rhodecode-* $out/bin/
# note that condition should be restricted when adding further tools
for file in $out/bin/*; do #*/
wrapProgram $file \
packaging: Link pyramid tools, set PATH in wrappers
r167 --prefix PATH : $PATH \
project: added all source files and assets
r1 --set PYTHONHASHSEED random
mkdir $out/etc
cp configs/production.ini $out/etc
echo "Writing meta information for rccontrol to nix-support/rccontrol"
mkdir -p $out/nix-support/rccontrol
cp -v rhodecode/VERSION $out/nix-support/rccontrol/version
echo "DONE: Meta information for rccontrol written"
# TODO: johbo: Make part of ac-tests
if [ ! -f rhodecode/public/js/scripts.js ]; then
echo "Missing scripts.js"
exit 1
if [ ! -f rhodecode/public/css/style.css ]; then
echo "Missing style.css"
exit 1
Martin Bornhold
nix: Import rhodecode testdata as derivation.
r218 rhodecode-testdata = import "${rhodecode-testdata-src}/default.nix" {
project: added all source files and assets
r1 };
Martin Bornhold
nix: Use path to rc_testdata from pkgs.config.rc.sources if present.
r211 rhodecode-testdata-src = sources.rhodecode-testdata or (
pkgs.fetchhg {
url = "https://code.rhodecode.com/upstream/rc_testdata";
Martin Bornhold
nix: Update rhodecode testdata to recent version (0.7.0 -> 0.8.0)
r219 rev = "v0.8.0";
sha256 = "0hy1ba134rq2f9si85yx7j4qhc9ky0hjzdk553s3q026i7km809m";
Martin Bornhold
nix: Use path to rc_testdata from pkgs.config.rc.sources if present.
r211 });
project: added all source files and assets
r1 # Apply all overrides and fix the final package set
myPythonPackagesUnfix =
(extends pythonExternalOverrides
(extends pythonLocalOverrides
(extends pythonOverrides
myPythonPackages = (fix myPythonPackagesUnfix);
in myPythonPackages.rhodecode-enterprise-ce