##// END OF EJS Templates
fix(caching): fixed problems with Cache query for users....
fix(caching): fixed problems with Cache query for users. The old way of querying caused the user get query to be always cached, and returning old results even in 2fa forms. The new limited query doesn't cache the user object resolving issues

File last commit:

r4664:6151a0b3 default
r5365:ae8a165b default
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169 lines | 7.9 KiB | application/x-mako | MakoHtmlLexer
/ rhodecode / templates / base / default_perms_box.mako
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 ## snippet for displaying default permission box
## usage:
## <%namespace name="dpb" file="/base/default_perms_box.mako"/>
## ${dpb.default_perms_box(<url_to_form>)}
## ${dpb.default_perms_radios()}
permissions: fixed missing user info on global and repository permissions pages.
r4418 <%namespace name="base" file="/base/base.mako"/>
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
<%def name="default_perms_radios(global_permissions_template = False, suffix='', **kwargs)">
<div class="main-content-full-width">
<div class="panel panel-default">
## displayed according to checkbox selection
<div class="panel-heading">
%if not global_permissions_template:
permissions: fixed missing user info on global and repository permissions pages.
r4418 <h3 class="inherit_overlay_default panel-title">
% if hasattr(c, 'user'):
${base.gravatar_with_user(c.user.username, 16, tooltip=False, _class='pull-left')} &nbsp;-
% endif
${_('Inherited Permissions')}
<h3 class="inherit_overlay panel-title">
% if hasattr(c, 'user'):
${base.gravatar_with_user(c.user.username, 16, tooltip=False, _class='pull-left')} &nbsp;-
% endif
${_('Custom Permissions')}
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 %else:
permissions: fixed missing user info on global and repository permissions pages.
r4418 <h3 class="panel-title">
${_('Default Global Permissions')}
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 %endif
<div class="panel-body">
%if global_permissions_template:
<p>${_('The following options configure the default permissions each user or group will inherit. You can override these permissions for each individual user or user group using individual permissions settings.')}</p>
<div class="field">
<div class="label">
<label for="default_repo_create${suffix}">${_('Repository Creation')}:</label>
<div class="radios">
${h.radio('default_repo_create' + suffix, c.repo_create_choices[1][0], label=c.repo_create_choices[1][1], **kwargs)}
${h.radio('default_repo_create' + suffix, c.repo_create_choices[0][0], label=c.repo_create_choices[0][1], **kwargs)}
<span class="help-block">${_('Permission to create root level repositories. When disabled, users can still create repositories inside their own repository groups.')}</span>
<div class="field">
<div class="label">
<label for="default_repo_create_on_write${suffix}">${_('Repository Creation With Group Write Access')}:</label>
<div class="radios">
${h.radio('default_repo_create_on_write' + suffix, c.repo_create_on_write_choices[1][0], label=c.repo_create_on_write_choices[1][1], **kwargs)}
${h.radio('default_repo_create_on_write' + suffix, c.repo_create_on_write_choices[0][0], label=c.repo_create_on_write_choices[0][1], **kwargs)}
<span class="help-block">${_('Write permission given on a repository group will allow creating repositories inside that group.')}</span>
<div class="field">
<div class="label">
<label for="default_fork_create${suffix}">${_('Repository Forking')}:</label>
<div class="radios">
${h.radio('default_fork_create' + suffix, c.fork_choices[1][0], label=c.fork_choices[1][1], **kwargs)}
${h.radio('default_fork_create' + suffix, c.fork_choices[0][0], label=c.fork_choices[0][1], **kwargs)}
perms: fixed fork permission help text to reflect the actual state on how it works.
r4664 <span class="help-block">${_('Permission to create repository forks. Root level forks will only work if repository creation is enabled.')}</span>
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 </div>
<div class="field">
<div class="label">
<label for="default_repo_group_create${suffix}">${_('Repository Group Creation')}:</label>
<div class="radios">
${h.radio('default_repo_group_create' + suffix, c.repo_group_create_choices[1][0], label=c.repo_group_create_choices[1][1], **kwargs)}
${h.radio('default_repo_group_create' + suffix, c.repo_group_create_choices[0][0], label=c.repo_group_create_choices[0][1], **kwargs)}
<span class="help-block">${_('Permission to create root level repository groups. When disabled, repository group admins can still create repository subgroups within their repository groups.')}</span>
<div class="field">
<div class="label">
<label for="default_user_group_create${suffix}">${_('User Group Creation')}:</label>
<div class="radios">
${h.radio('default_user_group_create' + suffix, c.user_group_create_choices[1][0], label=c.user_group_create_choices[1][1], **kwargs)}
${h.radio('default_user_group_create' + suffix, c.user_group_create_choices[0][0], label=c.user_group_create_choices[0][1], **kwargs)}
permissions: fixed text for user group creation permissions. There are no nested groups in RhodeCode
r1447 <span class="help-block">${_('Permission to allow user group creation.')}</span>
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 </div>
<div class="field">
<div class="label">
<label for="default_inherit_default_permissions${suffix}">${_('Inherit Permissions From The Default User')}:</label>
<div class="radios">
${h.radio('default_inherit_default_permissions' + suffix, c.inherit_default_permission_choices[1][0], label=c.inherit_default_permission_choices[1][1], **kwargs)}
${h.radio('default_inherit_default_permissions' + suffix, c.inherit_default_permission_choices[0][0], label=c.inherit_default_permission_choices[0][1], **kwargs)}
<span class="help-block">${_('Inherit default permissions from the default user. Turn off this option to force explicit permissions for users, even if they are more restrictive than the default user permissions.')}</span>
<div class="buttons">
<%def name="default_perms_box(form_url)">
forms: unified usage of h.secure_form. Make sure we ALWAYS pass in...
r2105 ${h.secure_form(form_url, request=request)}
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 <div class="form">
<div class="fields">
<div class="field panel panel-default panel-body">
<div class="label label-checkbox">
<label for="inherit_default_permissions">${_('Inherit from default settings')}:</label>
<div class="checkboxes">
<span class="help-block">
${h.literal(_('Select to inherit permissions from %s permissions settings, '
'including default IP address whitelist and inheritance of \npermission by members of user groups.')
global-permissions: ported controller to pyramid view....
r1941 % h.link_to('default user', h.route_path('admin_permissions_global')))}
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 </span>
## INHERITED permissions == the user permissions in admin
## if inherit checkbox is set this is displayed in non-edit mode
<div class="inherit_overlay_default">
${default_perms_radios(global_permissions_template = False, suffix='_inherited', disabled="disabled")}
## CUSTOM permissions
<div class="inherit_overlay">
${default_perms_radios(global_permissions_template = False)}
## JS
var show_custom_perms = function(inherit_default){
if(inherit_default) {
else {
var inherit_checkbox = $('#inherit_default_permissions');
var defaults = inherit_checkbox.prop('checked');
inherit_checkbox.on('change', function(){