##// END OF EJS Templates
dependencies: freeze alembic==1.3.1
dependencies: freeze alembic==1.3.1

File last commit:

r4043:0ec5af71 default
r4070:b2e8271e default
Show More
176 lines | 7.2 KiB | application/x-mako | MakoHtmlLexer
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 <%namespace name="sourceblock" file="/codeblocks/source.mako"/>
files: updated based on new design
r3706 <div id="codeblock" class="browserblock">
<div class="browser-header">
<div class="browser-nav">
<div class="pull-left">
## loads the history for a file
<div class="pull-right">
## Download
% if c.lf_node:
<a class="btn btn-default" href="${h.route_path('repo_file_download',repo_name=c.repo_name,commit_id=c.commit.raw_id,f_path=c.f_path, _query=dict(lf=1))}">
${_('Download largefile')}
% else:
<a class="btn btn-default" href="${h.route_path('repo_file_download',repo_name=c.repo_name,commit_id=c.commit.raw_id,f_path=c.f_path)}">
${_('Download file')}
% endif
%if h.HasRepoPermissionAny('repository.write','repository.admin')(c.repo_name):
## on branch head, can edit files
file: new file editors...
r3754 %if c.on_branch_head and c.branch_or_raw_id:
files: updated based on new design
r3706 ## binary files are delete only
% if c.file.is_binary:
${h.link_to(_('Edit'), '#Edit', class_="btn btn-default disabled tooltip", title=_('Editing binary files not allowed'))}
file: new file editors...
r3754 ${h.link_to(_('Delete'), h.route_path('repo_files_remove_file',repo_name=c.repo_name,commit_id=c.branch_or_raw_id,f_path=c.f_path),class_="btn btn-danger")}
files: updated based on new design
r3706 % else:
file: new file editors...
r3754 <a class="btn btn-default" href="${h.route_path('repo_files_edit_file',repo_name=c.repo_name,commit_id=c.branch_or_raw_id,f_path=c.f_path)}">
files: updated based on new design
r3706 ${_('Edit on branch: ')}<code>${c.branch_name}</code>
file: new file editors...
r3754 <a class="btn btn-danger" href="${h.route_path('repo_files_remove_file',repo_name=c.repo_name,commit_id=c.branch_or_raw_id,f_path=c.f_path)}">
files: updated based on new design
r3706 ${_('Delete')}
% endif
## not on head, forbid all
% else:
${h.link_to(_('Edit'), '#Edit', class_="btn btn-default disabled tooltip", title=_('Editing files allowed only when on branch head commit'))}
${h.link_to(_('Delete'), '#Delete', class_="btn btn-default btn-danger disabled tooltip", title=_('Deleting files allowed only when on branch head commit'))}
% endif
<div id="file_history_container"></div>
fixed path file_source style to match files_tree view
r3722 <div class="codeblock">
<div class=" codeblock-header">
files: moved source path to lower position according to the design
r3715 <div class="file-filename">
<i class="icon-file"></i> ${c.file}
<div class="file-stats">
files: handle long paths in nicer UI.
fixed path file_source style to match files_tree view
r3722 <div class="stats-info">
file-source: ensure over size limit files never do any content fetching when viewing the files....
r3897 <span class="stats-first-item">
% if c.file_size_too_big:
0 ${(_('lines'))}
% else:
${c.file.lines()[0]} ${_ungettext('line', 'lines', c.file.lines()[0])}
% endif
files: moved source path to lower position according to the design
fixed path file_source style to match files_tree view
r3722 <span> | ${h.format_byte_size_binary(c.file.size)}</span>
% if c.lf_node:
<span title="${_('This file is a pointer to large binary file')}"> | ${_('LargeFile')} ${h.format_byte_size_binary(c.lf_node.size)} </span>
% endif
file-source: ensure over size limit files never do any content fetching when viewing the files....
r3897 <span>
| ${c.file.mimetype}
% if not c.file_size_too_big:
<span> |
% endif
fixed path file_source style to match files_tree view
r3722 </div>
file summary and codeblock styles adjustments
r3668 </div>
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 </div>
files: moved source path to lower position according to the design
fixed path file_source style to match files_tree view
r3722 <div class="path clear-fix">
<div class="pull-left">
${h.files_breadcrumbs(c.repo_name,c.commit.raw_id,c.file.path, request.GET.get('at'))}
files: moved source path to lower position according to the design
r3715 </div>
fixed path file_source style to match files_tree view
r3722 <div class="pull-right stats">
<a id="file_history_overview" href="#loadHistory">
%if c.annotate:
${h.link_to(_('Source'), h.route_path('repo_files', repo_name=c.repo_name,commit_id=c.commit.raw_id,f_path=c.f_path))}
${h.link_to(_('Annotation'), h.route_path('repo_files:annotated',repo_name=c.repo_name,commit_id=c.commit.raw_id,f_path=c.f_path))}
| ${h.link_to(_('Raw'), h.route_path('repo_file_raw',repo_name=c.repo_name,commit_id=c.commit.raw_id,f_path=c.f_path))}
files: don't expose copy content if this is a binary file
r4043 % if not c.file.is_binary:
files: added copy content action
r4027 |<a href="#copySource" onclick="return false;" class="clipboard-action" data-clipboard-text="${c.file.content}">${_('Copy content')}</a>
files: don't expose copy content if this is a binary file
r4043 % endif
files: moved source path to lower position according to the design
fixed path file_source style to match files_tree view
r3722 </div>
<div class="clear-fix"></div>
<div class="code-body clear-fix ">
%if c.file.is_binary:
<% rendered_binary = h.render_binary(c.repo_name, c.file)%>
% if rendered_binary:
% else:
file-source: ensure over size limit files never do any content fetching when viewing the files....
r3897 ${_('Binary file ({})').format(c.file.mimetype)}
fixed path file_source style to match files_tree view
r3722 </div>
% endif
file-source: ensure over size limit files never do any content fetching when viewing the files....
r3897 % if c.file_size_too_big:
${_('File size {} is bigger then allowed limit {}. ').format(h.format_byte_size_binary(c.file.size), h.format_byte_size_binary(c.visual.cut_off_limit_file))} ${h.link_to(_('Show as raw'),
% else:
%if c.renderer and not c.annotate:
## pick relative url based on renderer
relative_urls = {
'raw': h.route_path('repo_file_raw',repo_name=c.repo_name,commit_id=c.commit.raw_id,f_path=c.f_path),
'standard': h.route_path('repo_files',repo_name=c.repo_name,commit_id=c.commit.raw_id,f_path=c.f_path),
${h.render(c.file.content, renderer=c.renderer, relative_urls=relative_urls)}
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 %else:
file-source: ensure over size limit files never do any content fetching when viewing the files....
r3897 <table class="cb codehilite">
%if c.annotate:
<% color_hasher = h.color_hasher() %>
%for annotation, lines in c.annotated_lines:
${sourceblock.render_annotation_lines(annotation, lines, color_hasher)}
%for line_num, tokens in enumerate(c.lines, 1):
${sourceblock.render_line(line_num, tokens)}
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 %endif
file-source: ensure over size limit files never do any content fetching when viewing the files....
r3897 % endif
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 %endif
files: moved source path to lower position according to the design
files: added option to use highlight marker to show keywords inside file source.
<script type="text/javascript">
% if request.GET.get('mark'):
"className": 'match',
"accuracy": "complementary",
"ignorePunctuation": ":._(){}[]!'+=".split(""),
"each": function(el) {
// and also highlight lines !
% endif