##// END OF EJS Templates
pull-requests: add merge check that detects WIP marker in title. This will prevent merges in such case....
pull-requests: add merge check that detects WIP marker in title. This will prevent merges in such case. Usually WIP in title means unfinished task that needs still some work. This pattern is present in Gitlab/Github and is already quite common.

File last commit:

r3995:daa7294b default
r4099:c12e69d0 default
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226 lines | 8.1 KiB | application/x-mako | MakoHtmlLexer
ui: introduce user-bookmarks for creation of quick shortcuts
r3424 <%namespace name="dt" file="/data_table/_dt_elements.mako"/>
user-bookmarks: make it easier to re-organize entries.
r3995 <%def name="form_item(position=None, title=None, redirect_url=None, repo=None, repo_group=None)">
ui: introduce user-bookmarks for creation of quick shortcuts
r3424 <tr>
<td class="td-align-top" >
<div class="label">
<label for="position">${_('Position')}:</label>
<div class="input">
user-bookmarks: make it easier to re-organize entries.
r3995 <input type="text" name="position" value="${position}" style="width: 40px"/>
${h.hidden('cur_position', position)}
ui: introduce user-bookmarks for creation of quick shortcuts
r3424 </div>
<div class="label">
<label for="title">${_('Bookmark title (max 30 characters, optional)')}:</label>
<div class="input">
<input type="text" name="title" value="${title}" style="width: 300px" maxlength="30"/>
<div class="field pull-right">
<label class="btn-link btn-danger">${_('Clear')}:</label>
${h.checkbox('remove', value=True)}
user-bookmarks: add ${server_url} template to be used in the links.
r3526 </div>
ui: introduce user-bookmarks for creation of quick shortcuts
r3424 </div>
user-bookmarks: add ${server_url} template to be used in the links.
r3526 <p class="help-block help-block-inline" >
${_('Server URL is available as ${server_url} variable. E.g. Redirect url: ${server_url}/_admin/exception_tracker')}
ui: introduce user-bookmarks for creation of quick shortcuts
<div class="label">
<label for="redirect_url">${_('Redirect URL')}:</label>
<div class="input">
<input type="text" name="redirect_url" value="${redirect_url}" style="width: 600px"/>
<div class="select">
% if repo:
<div class="label">
<label for="redirect_url">${_('Repository template')}:</label>
${dt.repo_name(name=repo.repo_name, rtype=repo.repo_type,rstate=None,private=None,archived=False,fork_of=False)}
${h.hidden('bookmark_repo', repo.repo_id)}
% elif repo_group:
<div class="label">
<label for="redirect_url">${_('Repository group template')}:</label>
${h.hidden('bookmark_repo_group', repo_group.group_id)}
% else:
<div class="label">
<label for="redirect_url">${_('Template Repository or Repository group')}:</label>
${h.hidden('bookmark_repo', class_='bookmark_repo')}
<span style="padding-right:15px">OR</span>
${h.hidden('bookmark_repo_group', class_='bookmark_repo_group')}
% endif
<p class="help-block help-block-inline" >
% if repo:
${_('Available as ${repo_url} e.g. Redirect url: ${repo_url}/changelog')}
% elif repo_group:
${_('Available as ${repo_group_url} e.g. Redirect url: ${repo_group_url}')}
% else:
${_('Available as full url variables in redirect url. i.e: ${repo_url}, ${repo_group_url}.')}
% endif
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h3 class="panel-title">${_('Your Bookmarks')}</h3>
<div class="panel-body">
${_('Store upto 10 bookmark links to favorite repositories, external issue tracker or CI server. ')}
${_('Bookmarks are accessible from your username dropdown or by keyboard shortcut `g 0-9`')}
${h.secure_form(h.route_path('my_account_bookmarks_update'), request=request)}
<div class="form-vertical">
<table class="rctable">
## generate always 10 entries
<input type="hidden" name="__start__" value="bookmarks:sequence"/>
user-bookmarks: make it easier to re-organize entries.
r3995 % for item in (c.bookmark_items + [None for i in range(10)])[:10]:
ui: introduce user-bookmarks for creation of quick shortcuts
r3424 <input type="hidden" name="__start__" value="bookmark:mapping"/>
% if item is None:
## empty placehodlder
user-bookmarks: make it easier to re-organize entries.
r3995 ${form_item()}
ui: introduce user-bookmarks for creation of quick shortcuts
r3424 % else:
## actual entry
user-bookmarks: make it easier to re-organize entries.
r3995 ${form_item(position=item.position, title=item.title, redirect_url=item.redirect_url, repo=item.repository, repo_group=item.repository_group)}
ui: introduce user-bookmarks for creation of quick shortcuts
r3424 % endif
<input type="hidden" name="__end__" value="bookmark:mapping"/>
% endfor
<input type="hidden" name="__end__" value="bookmarks:sequence"/>
<div class="buttons">
var repoFilter = function (data) {
var results = [];
if (!data.results[0]) {
return data
$.each(data.results[0].children, function () {
// replace name to ID for submision
this.id = this.repo_id;
data.results[0].children = results;
return data;
cachedDataSource: {},
minimumInputLength: 2,
placeholder: "${_('repository')}",
dropdownAutoWidth: true,
containerCssClass: "drop-menu",
dropdownCssClass: "drop-menu-dropdown",
formatResult: formatRepoResult,
query: $.debounce(250, function (query) {
self = this;
var cacheKey = query.term;
var cachedData = self.cachedDataSource[cacheKey];
if (cachedData) {
query.callback({results: cachedData.results});
} else {
url: pyroutes.url('repo_list_data'),
data: {'query': query.term},
dataType: 'json',
type: 'GET',
success: function (data) {
data = repoFilter(data);
self.cachedDataSource[cacheKey] = data;
query.callback({results: data.results});
error: function (data, textStatus, errorThrown) {
alert("Error while fetching entries.\nError code {0} ({1}).".format(data.status, data.statusText));
var repoGroupFilter = function (data) {
var results = [];
if (!data.results[0]) {
return data
$.each(data.results[0].children, function () {
// replace name to ID for submision
this.id = this.repo_group_id;
data.results[0].children = results;
return data;
cachedDataSource: {},
minimumInputLength: 2,
placeholder: "${_('repository group')}",
dropdownAutoWidth: true,
containerCssClass: "drop-menu",
dropdownCssClass: "drop-menu-dropdown",
formatResult: formatRepoGroupResult,
query: $.debounce(250, function (query) {
self = this;
var cacheKey = query.term;
var cachedData = self.cachedDataSource[cacheKey];
if (cachedData) {
query.callback({results: cachedData.results});
} else {
url: pyroutes.url('repo_group_list_data'),
data: {'query': query.term},
dataType: 'json',
type: 'GET',
success: function (data) {
data = repoGroupFilter(data);
self.cachedDataSource[cacheKey] = data;
query.callback({results: data.results});
error: function (data, textStatus, errorThrown) {
alert("Error while fetching entries.\nError code {0} ({1}).".format(data.status, data.statusText));