##// END OF EJS Templates
feat(configs): deprecared old hooks protocol and ssh wrapper....
feat(configs): deprecared old hooks protocol and ssh wrapper. New defaults are now set on v2 keys, so previous installation are automatically set to new keys. Fallback mode is still available.

File last commit:

r5137:f3cd5ebe default
r5496:cab50adf default
Show More
147 lines | 4.9 KiB | application/x-mako | MakoHtmlLexer
gists: updated template names and synced edit with create template.
r3870 <%inherit file="/base/base.mako"/>
<%def name="title()">
%if c.show_private:
${_('Private Gists for user {}').format(c.rhodecode_user.username)}
%elif c.show_public:
${_('Public Gists for user {}').format(c.rhodecode_user.username)}
${_('Public Gists')}
%if c.rhodecode_name:
&middot; ${h.branding(c.rhodecode_name)}
<%def name="breadcrumbs_links()"></%def>
<%def name="menu_bar_nav()">
<%def name="main()">
<div class="box">
<div class="title">
<ul class="button-links">
% if c.is_super_admin:
gists: block id input for public gists....
r4691 <li><a class="btn ${h.is_active('all', c.active)}" href="${h.route_path('gists_show', _query={'all': 1})}">${_('All gists')}</a></li>
gists: updated template names and synced edit with create template.
r3870 %endif
gists: block id input for public gists....
r4691 <li><a class="btn ${h.is_active('public', c.active)}" href="${h.route_path('gists_show')}">${_('All public')}</a></li>
gists: updated template names and synced edit with create template.
r3870 %if c.rhodecode_user.username != h.DEFAULT_USER:
gists: block id input for public gists....
r4691 <li><a class="btn ${h.is_active('my_all', c.active)}" href="${h.route_path('gists_show', _query={'public':1, 'private': 1})}">${_('My gists')}</a></li>
<li><a class="btn ${h.is_active('my_private', c.active)}" href="${h.route_path('gists_show', _query={'private': 1})}">${_('My private')}</a></li>
<li><a class="btn ${h.is_active('my_public', c.active)}" href="${h.route_path('gists_show', _query={'public': 1})}">${_('My public')}</a></li>
gists: updated template names and synced edit with create template.
r3870 %endif
gists: bring back add button and specify access level is for private gists.
r4081 % if c.rhodecode_user.username != h.DEFAULT_USER:
<div class="pull-right">
<a class="btn btn-primary" href="${h.route_path('gists_new')}" >
core: revamp of automation/scheduler/artifacts EE functionality
r5137 ${_('Create New Gist')}
gists: bring back add button and specify access level is for private gists.
r4081 </a>
% endif
gists: updated template names and synced edit with create template.
r3870 <div class="grid-quick-filter">
<ul class="grid-filter-box">
<li class="grid-filter-box-icon">
<i class="icon-search"></i>
<li class="grid-filter-box-input">
<input class="q_filter_box" id="q_filter" size="15" type="text" name="filter" placeholder="${_('quick filter...')}" value=""/>
<div class="main-content-full-width">
<div id="repos_list_wrap">
<table id="gist_list_table" class="display"></table>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var get_datatable_count = function(){
var api = $('#gist_list_table').dataTable().api();
// custom filter that filters by access_id, description or author
function( settings, data, dataIndex ) {
var query = $('#q_filter').val();
var author = data[0].strip();
var access_id = data[2].strip();
var description = data[3].strip();
var query_str = (access_id + " " + author + " " + description).toLowerCase();
if(query_str.indexOf(query.toLowerCase()) !== -1){
return true;
return false;
// gists list
templates: use better variables names in loading ajax data
r5039 var gist_data = ${c.data|n};
gists: updated template names and synced edit with create template.
r3870 $('#gist_list_table').DataTable({
templates: use better variables names in loading ajax data
r5039 data: gist_data,
gists: updated template names and synced edit with create template.
r3870 dom: 'rtp',
pageLength: ${c.visual.dashboard_items},
order: [[ 4, "desc" ]],
columns: [
{ data: {"_": "author",
"sort": "author_raw"}, title: "${_("Author")}", width: "250px", className: "td-user" },
{ data: {"_": "type",
gists: cleanup UI and make the gist access id use monospace
r4193 "sort": "type"}, title: "${_("Type")}", width: "100px", className: "td-gist-type" },
gists: updated template names and synced edit with create template.
r3870 { data: {"_": "access_id",
"sort": "access_id"}, title: "${_("Name")}", width:"150px", className: "td-componentname" },
{ data: {"_": "description",
"sort": "description"}, title: "${_("Description")}", width: "250px", className: "td-description" },
{ data: {"_": "created_on",
"sort": "created_on_raw"}, title: "${_("Created on")}", className: "td-time" },
{ data: {"_": "expires",
gists: cleanup UI and make the gist access id use monospace
r4193 "sort": "expires"}, title: "${_("Expires")}", width: "200px", className: "td-expire" }
gists: updated template names and synced edit with create template.
r3870 ],
language: {
emptyTable: _gettext("No gists available yet.")
"initComplete": function( settings, json ) {
hovercacrds: added new tooltips and hovercards to expose certain information for objects shown in UI
r4026 tooltipActivate();
gists: updated template names and synced edit with create template.
r3870 get_datatable_count();
// update the counter when things change
$('#gist_list_table').on('draw.dt', function() {
hovercacrds: added new tooltips and hovercards to expose certain information for objects shown in UI
r4026 tooltipActivate();
gists: updated template names and synced edit with create template.
r3870 get_datatable_count();
// filter, filter both grids
$('#q_filter').on( 'keyup', function () {
var repo_api = $('#gist_list_table').dataTable().api();
// refilter table if page load via back button