##// END OF EJS Templates
comments: remove helper to render a comment object....
comments: remove helper to render a comment object. - we always use helper renderer, and for consistency we should stick with that. It makes refactoring, and general use much harder. DB objects should have least possible logic inside.

File last commit:

r1346:b11e64ec default
r1673:e3526633 default
Show More
369 lines | 13.8 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
project: added all source files and assets
r1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
license: updated copyright year to 2017
r1271 # Copyright (C) 2013-2017 RhodeCode GmbH
project: added all source files and assets
r1 #
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
# (only), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# This program is dual-licensed. If you wish to learn more about the
# RhodeCode Enterprise Edition, including its added features, Support services,
# and proprietary license terms, please see https://rhodecode.com/licenses/
gist controller for RhodeCode
import time
import logging
gists: use colander schema to validate input data....
project: added all source files and assets
r1 import formencode
gists: use colander schema to validate input data....
r523 import peppercorn
project: added all source files and assets
from pylons import request, response, tmpl_context as c, url
Martin Bornhold
imports: Remove unused imports.
r850 from pylons.controllers.util import redirect
project: added all source files and assets
r1 from pylons.i18n.translation import _
gists: use colander schema to validate input data....
r523 from webob.exc import HTTPNotFound, HTTPForbidden
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import or_
project: added all source files and assets
gists: use colander schema to validate input data....
project: added all source files and assets
r1 from rhodecode.model.gist import GistModel
from rhodecode.model.meta import Session
from rhodecode.model.db import Gist, User
from rhodecode.lib import auth
from rhodecode.lib import helpers as h
from rhodecode.lib.base import BaseController, render
from rhodecode.lib.auth import LoginRequired, NotAnonymous
from rhodecode.lib.utils import jsonify
Martin Bornhold
imports: Remove unused imports.
r850 from rhodecode.lib.utils2 import time_to_datetime
project: added all source files and assets
r1 from rhodecode.lib.ext_json import json
from rhodecode.lib.vcs.exceptions import VCSError, NodeNotChangedError
gists: use colander schema to validate input data....
r523 from rhodecode.model import validation_schema
from rhodecode.model.validation_schema.schemas import gist_schema
project: added all source files and assets
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class GistsController(BaseController):
"""REST Controller styled on the Atom Publishing Protocol"""
def __load_defaults(self, extra_values=None):
c.lifetime_values = [
gists: use colander schema to validate input data....
r523 (-1, _('forever')),
(5, _('5 minutes')),
(60, _('1 hour')),
(60 * 24, _('1 day')),
(60 * 24 * 30, _('1 month')),
project: added all source files and assets
r1 ]
if extra_values:
c.lifetime_options = [(c.lifetime_values, _("Lifetime"))]
c.acl_options = [
(Gist.ACL_LEVEL_PRIVATE, _("Requires registered account")),
(Gist.ACL_LEVEL_PUBLIC, _("Can be accessed by anonymous users"))
def index(self):
"""GET /admin/gists: All items in the collection"""
# url('gists')
not_default_user = c.rhodecode_user.username != User.DEFAULT_USER
c.show_private = request.GET.get('private') and not_default_user
c.show_public = request.GET.get('public') and not_default_user
c.show_all = request.GET.get('all') and c.rhodecode_user.admin
gists = _gists = Gist().query()\
.filter(or_(Gist.gist_expires == -1, Gist.gist_expires >= time.time()))\
c.active = 'public'
# MY private
if c.show_private and not c.show_public:
gists = _gists.filter(Gist.gist_type == Gist.GIST_PRIVATE)\
.filter(Gist.gist_owner == c.rhodecode_user.user_id)
c.active = 'my_private'
# MY public
elif c.show_public and not c.show_private:
gists = _gists.filter(Gist.gist_type == Gist.GIST_PUBLIC)\
.filter(Gist.gist_owner == c.rhodecode_user.user_id)
c.active = 'my_public'
# MY public+private
elif c.show_private and c.show_public:
gists = _gists.filter(or_(Gist.gist_type == Gist.GIST_PUBLIC,
Gist.gist_type == Gist.GIST_PRIVATE))\
.filter(Gist.gist_owner == c.rhodecode_user.user_id)
c.active = 'my_all'
# Show all by super-admin
elif c.show_all:
c.active = 'all'
gists = _gists
# default show ALL public gists
if not c.show_public and not c.show_private and not c.show_all:
gists = _gists.filter(Gist.gist_type == Gist.GIST_PUBLIC)
c.active = 'public'
from rhodecode.lib.utils import PartialRenderer
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 _render = PartialRenderer('data_table/_dt_elements.mako')
project: added all source files and assets
data = []
for gist in gists:
'created_on': _render('gist_created', gist.created_on),
'created_on_raw': gist.created_on,
'type': _render('gist_type', gist.gist_type),
'access_id': _render('gist_access_id', gist.gist_access_id, gist.owner.full_contact),
'author': _render('gist_author', gist.owner.full_contact, gist.created_on, gist.gist_expires),
'author_raw': h.escape(gist.owner.full_contact),
'expires': _render('gist_expires', gist.gist_expires),
'description': _render('gist_description', gist.gist_description)
c.data = json.dumps(data)
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 return render('admin/gists/index.mako')
project: added all source files and assets
def create(self):
"""POST /admin/gists: Create a new item"""
# url('gists')
gists: use colander schema to validate input data....
data = dict(request.POST)
data['filename'] = data.get('filename') or Gist.DEFAULT_FILENAME
data['nodes'] = [{
'filename': data['filename'],
'content': data.get('content'),
'mimetype': data.get('mimetype') # None is autodetect
data['gist_type'] = (
Gist.GIST_PUBLIC if data.get('public') else Gist.GIST_PRIVATE)
data['gist_acl_level'] = (
data.get('gist_acl_level') or Gist.ACL_LEVEL_PRIVATE)
schema = gist_schema.GistSchema().bind(
lifetime_options=[x[0] for x in c.lifetime_values])
project: added all source files and assets
r1 try:
gists: use colander schema to validate input data....
schema_data = schema.deserialize(data)
# convert to safer format with just KEYs so we sure no duplicates
schema_data['nodes'] = gist_schema.sequence_to_nodes(
project: added all source files and assets
r1 gist = GistModel().create(
gists: use colander schema to validate input data....
r523 gist_id=schema_data['gistid'], # custom access id not real ID
project: added all source files and assets
r1 owner=c.rhodecode_user.user_id,
gists: use colander schema to validate input data....
r523 gist_mapping=schema_data['nodes'],
project: added all source files and assets
r1 )
new_gist_id = gist.gist_access_id
gists: use colander schema to validate input data....
r523 except validation_schema.Invalid as errors:
defaults = data
errors = errors.asdict()
if 'nodes.0.content' in errors:
errors['content'] = errors['nodes.0.content']
del errors['nodes.0.content']
if 'nodes.0.filename' in errors:
errors['filename'] = errors['nodes.0.filename']
del errors['nodes.0.filename']
project: added all source files and assets
return formencode.htmlfill.render(
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 render('admin/gists/new.mako'),
project: added all source files and assets
r1 defaults=defaults,
gists: use colander schema to validate input data....
r523 errors=errors,
project: added all source files and assets
r1 prefix_error=False,
except Exception:
log.exception("Exception while trying to create a gist")
h.flash(_('Error occurred during gist creation'), category='error')
return redirect(url('new_gist'))
return redirect(url('gist', gist_id=new_gist_id))
gists: fixed translation for age component which uses pyramid translate component.
r1346 def new(self):
project: added all source files and assets
r1 """GET /admin/gists/new: Form to create a new item"""
# url('new_gist')
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 return render('admin/gists/new.mako')
project: added all source files and assets
def delete(self, gist_id):
"""DELETE /admin/gists/gist_id: Delete an existing item"""
# Forms posted to this method should contain a hidden field:
# <input type="hidden" name="_method" value="DELETE" />
# Or using helpers:
# h.form(url('gist', gist_id=ID),
# method='delete')
# url('gist', gist_id=ID)
c.gist = Gist.get_or_404(gist_id)
owner = c.gist.gist_owner == c.rhodecode_user.user_id
if not (h.HasPermissionAny('hg.admin')() or owner):
raise HTTPForbidden()
h.flash(_('Deleted gist %s') % c.gist.gist_access_id, category='success')
return redirect(url('gists'))
def _add_gist_to_context(self, gist_id):
c.gist = Gist.get_or_404(gist_id)
# Check if this gist is expired
if c.gist.gist_expires != -1:
if time.time() > c.gist.gist_expires:
'Gist expired at %s', time_to_datetime(c.gist.gist_expires))
raise HTTPNotFound()
# check if this gist requires a login
is_default_user = c.rhodecode_user.username == User.DEFAULT_USER
if c.gist.acl_level == Gist.ACL_LEVEL_PRIVATE and is_default_user:
log.error("Anonymous user %s tried to access protected gist `%s`",
c.rhodecode_user, gist_id)
raise HTTPNotFound()
def show(self, gist_id, revision='tip', format='html', f_path=None):
"""GET /admin/gists/gist_id: Show a specific item"""
# url('gist', gist_id=ID)
c.render = not request.GET.get('no-render', False)
c.file_last_commit, c.files = GistModel().get_gist_files(
gist_id, revision=revision)
except VCSError:
log.exception("Exception in gist show")
raise HTTPNotFound()
if format == 'raw':
gists: use colander schema to validate input data....
r523 content = '\n\n'.join([f.content for f in c.files
if (f_path is None or f.path == f_path)])
project: added all source files and assets
r1 response.content_type = 'text/plain'
return content
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 return render('admin/gists/show.mako')
project: added all source files and assets
def edit(self, gist_id):
gists: use colander schema to validate input data....
r523 self.__load_defaults()
project: added all source files and assets
r1 self._add_gist_to_context(gist_id)
owner = c.gist.gist_owner == c.rhodecode_user.user_id
if not (h.HasPermissionAny('hg.admin')() or owner):
raise HTTPForbidden()
gists: use colander schema to validate input data....
r523 data = peppercorn.parse(request.POST.items())
schema = gist_schema.GistSchema()
schema = schema.bind(
# '0' is special value to leave lifetime untouched
lifetime_options=[x[0] for x in c.lifetime_values] + [0],
project: added all source files and assets
r1 try:
gists: use colander schema to validate input data....
r523 schema_data = schema.deserialize(data)
# convert to safer format with just KEYs so we sure no duplicates
schema_data['nodes'] = gist_schema.sequence_to_nodes(
project: added all source files and assets
r1 GistModel().update(
gists: use colander schema to validate input data....
r523 description=schema_data['description'],
project: added all source files and assets
r1 owner=c.gist.owner,
gists: use colander schema to validate input data....
r523 gist_mapping=schema_data['nodes'],
project: added all source files and assets
r1 )
h.flash(_('Successfully updated gist content'), category='success')
except NodeNotChangedError:
# raised if nothing was changed in repo itself. We anyway then
# store only DB stuff for gist
h.flash(_('Successfully updated gist data'), category='success')
gists: use colander schema to validate input data....
r523 except validation_schema.Invalid as errors:
errors = errors.asdict()
h.flash(_('Error occurred during update of gist {}: {}').format(
gist_id, errors), category='error')
project: added all source files and assets
r1 except Exception:
log.exception("Exception in gist edit")
h.flash(_('Error occurred during update of gist %s') % gist_id,
return redirect(url('gist', gist_id=gist_id))
gists: fixed translation for age component which uses pyramid translate component.
r1346 def edit_form(self, gist_id):
translate = _ = c.pyramid_request.translate
project: added all source files and assets
r1 """GET /admin/gists/gist_id/edit: Form to edit an existing item"""
# url('edit_gist', gist_id=ID)
owner = c.gist.gist_owner == c.rhodecode_user.user_id
if not (h.HasPermissionAny('hg.admin')() or owner):
raise HTTPForbidden()
c.file_last_commit, c.files = GistModel().get_gist_files(gist_id)
except VCSError:
log.exception("Exception in gist edit")
raise HTTPNotFound()
if c.gist.gist_expires == -1:
expiry = _('never')
# this cannot use timeago, since it's used in select2 as a value
expiry = h.age(h.time_to_datetime(c.gist.gist_expires))
gists: fixed translation for age component which uses pyramid translate component.
expiry = translate(expiry)
project: added all source files and assets
r1 self.__load_defaults(
gists: use colander schema to validate input data....
r523 extra_values=(0, _('%(expiry)s - current value') % {'expiry': expiry}))
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 return render('admin/gists/edit.mako')
project: added all source files and assets
def check_revision(self, gist_id):
c.gist = Gist.get_or_404(gist_id)
last_rev = c.gist.scm_instance().get_commit()
success = True
revision = request.GET.get('revision')
##TODO: maybe move this to model ?
if revision != last_rev.raw_id:
log.error('Last revision %s is different then submitted %s'
% (revision, last_rev))
# our gist has newer version than we
success = False
return {'success': success}