##// END OF EJS Templates
git: use force fetch and update for target ref. This solves a case...
git: use force fetch and update for target ref. This solves a case when in PRs a target is force updated and is out of sync. Before we used a pull which --ff-only fails obviosly because two are out of sync. This change uses new logic that resets the target branch according to the source target branch allowing smooth merge simulation.

File last commit:

r2484:3775edd6 default
r2784:e8c62649 default
Show More
196 lines | 6.4 KiB | application/json | JsonLexer
/ grunt_config.json
grunt: config lives in separate json file so we can easly import and manipulate it when required
r745 {
"dirs": {
"css": {
"js": {
"src": "rhodecode/public/js/src",
js: organized and updated JS packages....
r2123 "src_rc": "rhodecode/public/js/rhodecode",
frontend: added favico.js to requirements
r877 "dest": "rhodecode/public/js",
"bower": "bower_components",
"node_modules": "node_modules"
grunt: config lives in separate json file so we can easly import and manipulate it when required
r745 }
"copy": {
"main": {
"expand": true,
"cwd": "bower_components",
"src": "webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js",
"dest": "<%= dirs.js.dest %>/vendors"
"concat": {
"polymercss": {
"src": [
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/components/root-styles-prefix.html",
"<%= dirs.css.src %>/style-polymer.css",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/components/root-styles-suffix.html"
"dest": "<%= dirs.js.dest %>/src/components/root-styles.gen.html",
"nonull": true
"dist": {
"src": [
js: organized and updated JS packages....
r2123 "<%= dirs.js.node_modules %>/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js",
"<%= dirs.js.node_modules %>/mousetrap/mousetrap.min.js",
"<%= dirs.js.node_modules %>/moment/min/moment.min.js",
"<%= dirs.js.node_modules %>/clipboard/dist/clipboard.min.js",
"<%= dirs.js.node_modules %>/favico.js/favico-0.3.10.min.js",
"<%= dirs.js.node_modules %>/appenlight-client/appenlight-client.min.js",
grunt: config lives in separate json file so we can easly import and manipulate it when required
r745 "<%= dirs.js.src %>/logging.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/bootstrap.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/i18n_utils.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/deform.js",
default-reviewers: introduce new voting rule logic that allows...
r2484 "<%= dirs.js.src %>/ejs.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/ejs_templates/utils.js",
grunt: config lives in separate json file so we can easly import and manipulate it when required
r745 "<%= dirs.js.src %>/plugins/jquery.pjax.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/plugins/jquery.dataTables.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/plugins/flavoured_checkbox.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/plugins/jquery.auto-grow-input.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/plugins/jquery.autocomplete.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/plugins/jquery.debounce.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/plugins/jquery.mark.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/plugins/jquery.timeago.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/plugins/jquery.timeago-extension.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/select2/select2.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/codemirror/codemirror.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/codemirror/codemirror_loadmode.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/codemirror/codemirror_hint.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/codemirror/codemirror_overlay.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/codemirror/codemirror_placeholder.js",
codemirror: added simple mode plugin required for certain code modes.
r2127 "<%= dirs.js.src %>/codemirror/codemirror_simplemode.js",
grunt: config lives in separate json file so we can easly import and manipulate it when required
r745 "<%= dirs.js.dest %>/mode/meta.js",
"<%= dirs.js.dest %>/mode/meta_ext.js",
js: organized and updated JS packages....
r2123 "<%= dirs.js.src_rc %>/i18n/select2/translations.js",
grunt: config lives in separate json file so we can easly import and manipulate it when required
r745 "<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/utils/array.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/utils/string.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/utils/pyroutes.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/utils/ajax.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/utils/autocomplete.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/utils/colorgenerator.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/utils/ie.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/utils/os.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/utils/topics.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/init.js",
changelog: added dynamic loaders to extend number of commits inside changelog....
r1379 "<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/changelog.js",
grunt: config lives in separate json file so we can easly import and manipulate it when required
r745 "<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/codemirror.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/comments.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/constants.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/files.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/followers.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/menus.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/notifications.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/permissions.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/pjax.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/pullrequests.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/settings.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/select2_widgets.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/tooltips.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/users.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/appenlight.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode.js"
"dest": "<%= dirs.js.dest %>/scripts.js",
"nonull": true
"crisper": {
"dist": {
"options": {
"cleanup": false,
"onlySplit": true
"src": "<%= dirs.js.dest %>/rhodecode-components.html",
"dest": "<%= dirs.js.dest %>/rhodecode-components.js"
"less": {
"development": {
"options": {
"compress": false,
"yuicompress": false,
"optimization": 0
"files": {
"<%= dirs.css.dest %>/style.css": "<%= dirs.css.src %>/main.less",
"<%= dirs.css.dest %>/style-polymer.css": "<%= dirs.css.src %>/polymer.less"
"production": {
"options": {
"compress": true,
"yuicompress": true,
"optimization": 2
"files": {
"<%= dirs.css.dest %>/style.css": "<%= dirs.css.src %>/main.less",
"<%= dirs.css.dest %>/style-polymer.css": "<%= dirs.css.src %>/polymer.less"
"components": {
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"cwd": "<%= dirs.js.src %>/components/",
"dest": "<%= dirs.js.src %>/components/",
"src": [
"expand": true,
"ext": ".css"
"watch": {
"less": {
"files": [
grunt: small improvements to gruntfile
r761 "<%= dirs.css.src %>/**/*.less",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/components/**/*.less"
grunt: config lives in separate json file so we can easly import and manipulate it when required
r745 ],
"tasks": [
bower: update packages
r818 "vulcanize",
grunt: config lives in separate json file so we can easly import and manipulate it when required
r745 ]
"js": {
"files": [
grunt: small improvements to gruntfile
r761 "!<%= dirs.js.src %>/components/root-styles.gen.html",
grunt: config lives in separate json file so we can easly import and manipulate it when required
r745 "<%= dirs.js.src %>/**/*.js",
"<%= dirs.js.src %>/components/**/*.html"
"tasks": [
"jshint": {
"rhodecode": {
"src": "<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/**/*.js",
"options": {
"jshintrc": ".jshintrc"
"vulcanize": {
"default": {
"options": {
"abspath": "",
"inlineScripts": true,
"inlineCss": true,
"stripComments": true
"files": {
"<%= dirs.js.dest %>/rhodecode-components.html": "<%= dirs.js.src %>/components/shared-components.html"