diff --git a/docs/admin/svn-http.rst b/docs/admin/svn-http.rst
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/admin/svn-http.rst
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+.. _svn-http:
+|svn| With Write Over HTTP
+To use |svn| with read/write support over the |svn| HTTP protocol, you have to
+configure the HTTP |svn| backend.
+- Enable HTTP support inside the admin VCS settings on your |RCE| instance
+- You need to install the following tools on the machine that is running an
+ instance of |RCE|:
+ ``Apache HTTP Server`` and ``mod_dav_svn``.
+Using Ubuntu 14.04 Distribution as an example execute the following:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-svn
+Once installed you need to enable ``dav_svn``:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ sudo a2enmod dav_svn
+ $ sudo a2enmod headers
+Configuring Apache Setup
+.. tip::
+ It is recommended to run Apache on a port other than 80, due to possible
+ conflicts with other HTTP servers like nginx. To do this, set the
+ ``Listen`` parameter in the ``/etc/apache2/ports.conf`` file, for example
+ ``Listen 8090``.
+.. warning::
+ Make sure your Apache instance which runs the mod_dav_svn module is
+ only accessible by |RCE|. Otherwise everyone is able to browse
+ the repositories or run subversion operations (checkout/commit/etc.).
+It is also recommended to run apache as the same user as |RCE|, otherwise
+permission issues could occur. To do this edit the ``/etc/apache2/envvars``
+ .. code-block:: apache
+ export APACHE_RUN_USER=rhodecode
+ export APACHE_RUN_GROUP=rhodecode
+1. To configure Apache, create and edit a virtual hosts file, for example
+ :file:`/etc/apache2/sites-available/default.conf`. Below is an example
+ how to use one with auto-generated config ```mod_dav_svn.conf```
+ from configured |RCE| instance.
+.. code-block:: apache
+ ServerAdmin rhodecode-admin@localhost
+ DocumentRoot /var/www/html
+ ErrorLog ${'${APACHE_LOG_DIR}'}/error.log
+ CustomLog ${'${APACHE_LOG_DIR}'}/access.log combined
+ Include /home/user/.rccontrol/enterprise-1/mod_dav_svn.conf
+2. Go to the :menuselection:`Admin --> Settings --> VCS` page, and
+ enable :guilabel:`Proxy Subversion HTTP requests`, and specify the
+ :guilabel:`Subversion HTTP Server URL`.
+3. Open the |RCE| configuration file,
+ :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rhodecode.ini`
+4. Add the following configuration option in the ``[app:main]``
+ section if you don't have it yet.
+ This enables mapping of the created |RCE| repo groups into special
+ |svn| paths. Each time a new repository group is created, the system will
+ update the template file and create new mapping. Apache web server needs to
+ be reloaded to pick up the changes on this file.
+ To do this, simply configure `svn.proxy.reload_cmd` inside the .ini file.
+ Example configuration:
+.. code-block:: ini
+ ############################################################
+ ### Subversion proxy support (mod_dav_svn) ###
+ ### Maps RhodeCode repo groups into SVN paths for Apache ###
+ ############################################################
+ ## Enable or disable the config file generation.
+ svn.proxy.generate_config = true
+ ## Generate config file with `SVNListParentPath` set to `On`.
+ svn.proxy.list_parent_path = true
+ ## Set location and file name of generated config file.
+ svn.proxy.config_file_path = %(here)s/mod_dav_svn.conf
+ ## Used as a prefix to the block in the generated config file.
+ ## In most cases it should be set to `/`.
+ svn.proxy.location_root = /
+ ## Command to reload the mod dav svn configuration on change.
+ ## Example: `/etc/init.d/apache2 reload`
+ svn.proxy.reload_cmd = /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
+ ## If the timeout expires before the reload command finishes, the command will
+ ## be killed. Setting it to zero means no timeout. Defaults to 10 seconds.
+ #svn.proxy.reload_timeout = 10
+This would create a special template file called ```mod_dav_svn.conf```. We
+used that file path in the apache config above inside the Include statement.
+It's also possible to generate the config from the
+:menuselection:`Admin --> Settings --> VCS` page.
+Using |svn|
+Once |svn| has been enabled on your instance, you can use it with the
+following examples. For more |svn| information, see the `Subversion Red Book`_
+.. code-block:: bash
+ # To clone a repository
+ svn checkout http://my-svn-server.example.com/my-svn-repo
+ # svn commit
+ svn commit
+.. _Subversion Red Book: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.7/svn-book.html#svn.ref.svn
+.. _Ask Ubuntu: http://askubuntu.com/questions/162391/how-do-i-fix-my-locale-issue
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/admin/system-admin.rst b/docs/admin/system-admin.rst
--- a/docs/admin/system-admin.rst
+++ b/docs/admin/system-admin.rst
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ The following are the most common system
+ svn-http
diff --git a/docs/admin/vcs-server.rst b/docs/admin/vcs-server.rst
--- a/docs/admin/vcs-server.rst
+++ b/docs/admin/vcs-server.rst
@@ -298,135 +298,7 @@ For a more detailed explanation of the l
format = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] %(message)s
datefmt = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
-.. _svn-http:
-|svn| With Write Over HTTP
-To use |svn| with read/write support over the |svn| HTTP protocol, you have to
-configure the HTTP |svn| backend.
-- Enable HTTP support inside the admin VCS settings on your |RCE| instance
-- You need to install the following tools on the machine that is running an
- instance of |RCE|:
- ``Apache HTTP Server`` and
- ``mod_dav_svn``.
-Using Ubuntu Distribution as an example you can run:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-svn
-Once installed you need to enable ``dav_svn``:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ sudo a2enmod dav_svn
- $ sudo a2enmod headers
-Configuring Apache Setup
-.. tip::
- It is recommended to run Apache on a port other than 80, due to possible
- conflicts with other HTTP servers like nginx. To do this, set the
- ``Listen`` parameter in the ``/etc/apache2/ports.conf`` file, for example
- ``Listen 8090``.
-.. warning::
- Make sure your Apache instance which runs the mod_dav_svn module is
- only accessible by RhodeCode. Otherwise everyone is able to browse
- the repositories or run subversion operations (checkout/commit/etc.).
-It is also recommended to run apache as the same user as |RCE|, otherwise
-permission issues could occur. To do this edit the ``/etc/apache2/envvars``
- .. code-block:: apache
- export APACHE_RUN_USER=rhodecode
- export APACHE_RUN_GROUP=rhodecode
-1. To configure Apache, create and edit a virtual hosts file, for example
- :file:`/etc/apache2/sites-available/default.conf`. Below is an example
- how to use one with auto-generated config ```mod_dav_svn.conf```
- from configured |RCE| instance.
-.. code-block:: apache
- ServerAdmin rhodecode-admin@localhost
- DocumentRoot /var/www/html
- ErrorLog ${'${APACHE_LOG_DIR}'}/error.log
- CustomLog ${'${APACHE_LOG_DIR}'}/access.log combined
- Include /home/user/.rccontrol/enterprise-1/mod_dav_svn.conf
-2. Go to the :menuselection:`Admin --> Settings --> VCS` page, and
- enable :guilabel:`Proxy Subversion HTTP requests`, and specify the
- :guilabel:`Subversion HTTP Server URL`.
-3. Open the |RCE| configuration file,
- :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rhodecode.ini`
-4. Add the following configuration option in the ``[app:main]``
- section if you don't have it yet.
- This enables mapping of the created |RCE| repo groups into special |svn| paths.
- Each time a new repository group is created, the system will update
- the template file and create new mapping. Apache web server needs to be
- reloaded to pick up the changes on this file.
- It's recommended to add reload into a crontab so the changes can be picked
- automatically once someone creates a repository group inside RhodeCode.
-.. code-block:: ini
- ##############################################
- ### Subversion proxy support (mod_dav_svn) ###
- ##############################################
- ## Enable or disable the config file generation.
- svn.proxy.generate_config = true
- ## Generate config file with `SVNListParentPath` set to `On`.
- svn.proxy.list_parent_path = true
- ## Set location and file name of generated config file.
- svn.proxy.config_file_path = %(here)s/mod_dav_svn.conf
- ## File system path to the directory containing the repositories served by
- ## RhodeCode.
- svn.proxy.parent_path_root = /path/to/repo_store
- ## Used as a prefix to the block in the generated config file. In
- ## most cases it should be set to `/`.
- svn.proxy.location_root = /
-This would create a special template file called ```mod_dav_svn.conf```. We
-used that file path in the apache config above inside the Include statement.
-Using |svn|
-Once |svn| has been enabled on your instance, you can use it with the
-following examples. For more |svn| information, see the `Subversion Red Book`_
-.. code-block:: bash
- # To clone a repository
- svn checkout http://my-svn-server.example.com/my-svn-repo
- # svn commit
- svn commit
.. _Subversion Red Book: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.7/svn-book.html#svn.ref.svn
-.. _Ask Ubuntu: http://askubuntu.com/questions/162391/how-do-i-fix-my-locale-issue
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+.. _Ask Ubuntu: http://askubuntu.com/questions/162391/how-do-i-fix-my-locale-issue