# HG changeset patch # User Marcin Kuzminski # Date 2016-12-01 20:03:03 # Node ID abd7a82e3b1630d3cf6b9992b15c07e858b7a5c7 # Parent c241521485b4e809035e61758cff1e05fab984b7 packages: updated nix packages with latest version diff --git a/pkgs/python-packages.nix b/pkgs/python-packages.nix --- a/pkgs/python-packages.nix +++ b/pkgs/python-packages.nix @@ -1498,7 +1498,7 @@ }; }; rhodecode-enterprise-ce = super.buildPythonPackage { - name = "rhodecode-enterprise-ce-4.5.0"; + name = "rhodecode-enterprise-ce-4.6.0"; buildInputs = with self; [WebTest configobj cssselect lxml mock pytest pytest-cov pytest-runner pytest-sugar]; doCheck = true; propagatedBuildInputs = with self; [Babel Beaker FormEncode Mako Markdown MarkupSafe MySQL-python Paste PasteDeploy PasteScript Pygments pygments-markdown-lexer Pylons Pyro4 Routes SQLAlchemy Tempita URLObject WebError WebHelpers WebHelpers2 WebOb WebTest Whoosh alembic amqplib anyjson appenlight-client authomatic backport-ipaddress celery channelstream colander decorator deform docutils gevent gunicorn infrae.cache ipython iso8601 kombu msgpack-python packaging psycopg2 py-gfm pycrypto pycurl pyparsing pyramid pyramid-debugtoolbar pyramid-mako pyramid-beaker pysqlite python-dateutil python-ldap python-memcached python-pam recaptcha-client repoze.lru requests simplejson subprocess32 waitress zope.cachedescriptors dogpile.cache dogpile.core psutil py-bcrypt];