##// END OF EJS Templates
nix: Propagate doCheck attribute.
johbo -
r242:96f10eea default
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@@ -1,231 +1,232 b''
1 1 #
2 2 # About
3 3 # =====
4 4 #
5 5 # This file defines jobs for our CI system and the attribute "build" is used
6 6 # as the input for packaging.
7 7 #
8 8 #
9 9 # CI details
10 10 # ==========
11 11 #
12 12 # This file defines an attribute set of derivations. Each of these attributes is
13 13 # then used in our CI system as one job to run. This way we keep the
14 14 # configuration for the CI jobs as well under version control.
15 15 #
16 16 # Run CI jobs locally
17 17 # -------------------
18 18 #
19 19 # Since it is all based on normal Nix derivations, the jobs can be tested
20 20 # locally with a run of "nix-build" like the following example:
21 21 #
22 22 # nix-build release.nix -A test-api -I vcsserver=~/rhodecode-vcsserver
23 23 #
24 24 # Note: Replace "~/rhodecode-vcsserver" with a path where a clone of the
25 25 # vcsserver resides.
26 26
27 27 { pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {}
28 , doCheck ? true
28 29 }:
29 30
30 31 let
31 32
32 33 inherit (pkgs)
33 34 stdenv
34 35 system;
35 36
36 37 testing = import <nixpkgs/nixos/lib/testing.nix> {
37 38 inherit system;
38 39 };
39 40
40 41 runInMachine = testing.runInMachine;
41 42
42 43 sphinx = import ./docs/default.nix {};
43 44
44 45 mkDocs = kind: stdenv.mkDerivation {
45 46 name = kind;
46 47 srcs = [
47 48 (./. + (builtins.toPath "/${kind}"))
48 49 (builtins.filterSource
49 50 (path: type: baseNameOf path == "VERSION")
50 51 ./rhodecode)
51 52 ];
52 53 sourceRoot = kind;
53 54 buildInputs = [ sphinx ];
54 55 configurePhase = null;
55 56 buildPhase = ''
56 57 make SPHINXBUILD=sphinx-build html
57 58 '';
58 59 installPhase = ''
59 60 mkdir -p $out
60 61 mv _build/html $out/
61 62
62 63 mkdir -p $out/nix-support
63 64 echo "doc manual $out/html index.html" >> \
64 65 "$out/nix-support/hydra-build-products"
65 66 '';
66 67 };
67 68
68 69 enterprise = import ./default.nix {
69 70 inherit
70 71 pkgs;
71 72
72 73 # TODO: for quick local testing
73 74 doCheck = false;
74 75 };
75 76
76 77 test-cfg = stdenv.mkDerivation {
77 78 name = "test-cfg";
78 79 unpackPhase = "true";
79 80 buildInputs = [
80 81 enterprise.src
81 82 ];
82 83 installPhase = ''
83 84 mkdir -p $out/etc
84 85 cp ${enterprise.src}/test.ini $out/etc/enterprise.ini
85 86 # TODO: johbo: Needed, so that the login works, this causes
86 87 # probably some side effects
87 88 substituteInPlace $out/etc/enterprise.ini --replace "is_test = True" ""
88 89
89 90 # Gevent configuration
90 91 cp $out/etc/enterprise.ini $out/etc/enterprise-gevent.ini;
91 92 cat >> $out/etc/enterprise-gevent.ini <<EOF
92 93
93 94 [server:main]
94 95 use = egg:gunicorn#main
95 96 worker_class = gevent
96 97 EOF
97 98
98 99 cp ${enterprise.src}/vcsserver/test.ini $out/etc/vcsserver.ini
99 100 '';
100 101 };
101 102
102 103 ac-test-drv = import ./acceptance_tests {
103 104 withExternals = false;
104 105 };
105 106
106 107 # TODO: johbo: Currently abusing buildPythonPackage to make the
107 108 # needed environment for the ac-test tools.
108 109 mkAcTests = {
109 110 # Path to an INI file which will be used to run Enterprise.
110 111 #
111 112 # Intended usage is to provide different configuration files to
112 113 # run the tests against a different configuration.
113 114 enterpriseCfg ? "${test-cfg}/etc/enterprise.ini"
114 115
115 116 # Path to an INI file which will be used to run the VCSServer.
116 117 , vcsserverCfg ? "${test-cfg}/etc/vcsserver.ini"
117 118 }: pkgs.pythonPackages.buildPythonPackage {
118 119 name = "enterprise-ac-tests";
119 120 src = ./acceptance_tests;
120 121
121 122 buildInputs = with pkgs; [
122 123 curl
123 124 enterprise
124 125 ac-test-drv
125 126 ];
126 127
127 128 buildPhase = ''
128 129 cp ${enterpriseCfg} enterprise.ini
129 130
130 131 echo "Creating a fake home directory"
131 132 mkdir fake-home
132 133 export HOME=$PWD/fake-home
133 134
134 135 echo "Creating a repository directory"
135 136 mkdir repos
136 137
137 138 echo "Preparing the database"
138 139 paster setup-rhodecode \
139 140 --user=admin \
140 141 --email=admin@example.com \
141 142 --password=secret \
142 143 --api-key=9999999999999999999999999999999999999999 \
143 144 --force-yes \
144 145 --repos=$PWD/repos \
145 146 enterprise.ini > /dev/null
146 147
147 148 echo "Starting rcserver"
148 149 vcsserver --config ${vcsserverCfg} >vcsserver.log 2>&1 &
149 150 rcserver enterprise.ini >rcserver.log 2>&1 &
150 151
151 152 while ! curl -f -s http://localhost:5000 > /dev/null
152 153 do
153 154 echo "Waiting for server to be ready..."
154 155 sleep 3
155 156 done
156 157 echo "Webserver is ready."
157 158
158 159 echo "Starting the test run"
159 160 py.test -c example.ini -vs --maxfail=5 tests
160 161
161 162 echo "Kill rcserver"
162 163 kill %2
163 164 kill %1
164 165 '';
165 166
166 167 # TODO: johbo: Use the install phase again once the normal mkDerivation
167 168 # can be used again.
168 169 postInstall = ''
169 170 mkdir -p $out
170 171 cp enterprise.ini $out
171 172 cp ${vcsserverCfg} $out/vcsserver.ini
172 173 cp rcserver.log $out
173 174 cp vcsserver.log $out
174 175
175 176 mkdir -p $out/nix-support
176 177 echo "report config $out enterprise.ini" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
177 178 echo "report config $out vcsserver.ini" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
178 179 echo "report rcserver $out rcserver.log" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
179 180 echo "report vcsserver $out vcsserver.log" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
180 181 '';
181 182 };
182 183
183 184 vcsserver = import <vcsserver> {
184 185 inherit pkgs;
185 186
186 187 # TODO: johbo: Think of a more elegant solution to this problem
187 188 pythonExternalOverrides = self: super: (enterprise.myPythonPackagesUnfix self);
188 189 };
189 190
190 191 runTests = optionString: (enterprise.override (attrs: {
191 192 doCheck = true;
192 193 name = "test-run";
193 194 buildInputs = attrs.buildInputs ++ [
194 195 vcsserver
195 196 ];
196 197 checkPhase = ''
197 198 py.test ${optionString} -vv -ra
198 199 '';
199 200 buildPhase = attrs.shellHook;
200 201 installPhase = ''
201 202 echo "Intentionally not installing anything"
202 203 '';
203 204 meta.description = "Enterprise test run ${optionString}";
204 205 }));
205 206
206 207 jobs = {
207 208
208 209 build = enterprise;
209 210
210 211 # johbo: Currently this is simply running the tests against the sources. Nicer
211 212 # would be to run xdist and against the installed application, so that we also
212 213 # cover the impact of installing the application.
213 214 test-api = runTests "rhodecode/api";
214 215 test-functional = runTests "rhodecode/tests/functional";
215 216 test-rest = runTests "rhodecode/tests --ignore=rhodecode/tests/functional";
216 217 test-full = runTests "rhodecode";
217 218
218 219 docs = mkDocs "docs";
219 220
220 221 aggregate = pkgs.releaseTools.aggregate {
221 222 name = "aggregated-jobs";
222 223 constituents = [
223 224 jobs.build
224 225 jobs.test-api
225 226 jobs.test-rest
226 227 jobs.docs
227 228 ];
228 229 };
229 230 };
230 231
231 232 in jobs
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