##// END OF EJS Templates
style: updated li style and markdown style....
marcink -
r3248:aeca5dec default
parent child Browse files
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@@ -1,116 +1,113 b''
1 1 <!DOCTYPE html>
2 2 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
3 3 <head>
4 4 <title>Error - 502 Bad Gateway</title>
5 5 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
6 6 <meta name="robots" content="index, nofollow"/>
7 7 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
8 8 <style>
9 9 * {
10 10 box-sizing: border-box;
11 11 }
12 12 body {
13 13 background:#eeeeee;
14 14 color: #323232;
15 15 font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif;
16 16 margin: 0 auto;
17 17 max-width: 1000px;
18 18 letter-spacing: .02em;
19 19 font-size: 13px;
20 20 line-height: 1.41em;
21 21 }
22 22 h1 {
23 23 padding: 20px 0;
24 24 font-size: 1.54em;
25 25 }
26 26 ul {
27 27 padding-left: 10px;
28 28 }
29 29 li {
30 list-style-type: none;
31 }
32 li:before {
33 content: "\2014\00A0";
30 list-style-type: disc;
34 31 }
35 32 .error_message {
36 33 font-weight: normal;
37 34 }
38 35 .logo-container {
39 36 float: left;
40 37 width: 150px;
41 38 text-align: center;
42 39 }
43 40 a {
44 41 color: #427cc9;
45 42 text-decoration: none;
46 43 outline: none;
47 44 cursor: pointer;
48 45 }
49 46 body {
50 47 padding: 10px;
51 48 padding-top: 10%;
52 49
53 50 }
54 51 .inner-column {
55 52 padding: 10px 30px;
56 53 width: 33%;
57 54 float: left;
58 55 border-right: 1px solid #dbd9da;
59 56
60 57 }
61 58 .inner-column:last-child {
62 59 border: none;
63 60 }
64 61 .side {
65 62 min-height: 220px;
66 63 width: 150px;
67 64 float: left;
68 65 text-align: center;
69 66 border-right: 1px solid #ddd;
70 67 }
71 68 .logo {
72 69 width: 120px;
73 70 height: 150px;
74 71 }
75 72 .main {
76 73 padding-left: 170px;
77 74 }
78 75 @media (max-width: 979px) {
79 76 .inner-column {
80 77 width: 100%;
81 78 }
82 79 }
83 80 </style>
84 81
85 82 </head>
86 83 <body>
87 84 <div class="side">
88 85 <img class="logo" src="">
89 86 </div>
90 87 <div class="main">
91 88 <h1>
92 89 502 Bad Gateway
93 90 <br/>
94 91 <span class="error_message">Backend server is unreachable</span>
95 92 </h1>
96 93 <div class="inner-column">
97 94 <h4>Possible Causes</h4>
98 95 <ul>
99 96 <li>The server is being restarted.</li>
100 97 <li>The server is overloaded.</li>
101 98 <li>The link may be incorrect.</li>
102 99 </ul>
103 100 </div>
104 101 <div class="inner-column">
105 102 <h4>Support</h4>
106 103 <p>For support, go to <a href="https://rhodecode.com/help/" target="_blank">Support</a>.
107 104 It may be useful to include your log file; see the log file locations <a href="https://rhodecode.com/r1/enterprise/docs/admin-system-overview/">here</a>.
108 105 </p>
109 106 </div>
110 107 <div class="inner-column">
111 108 <h4>Documentation</h4>
112 109 <p>For more information, see <a href="https://rhodecode.com/r1/enterprise/docs/">docs.rhodecode.com</a>.</p>
113 110 </div>
114 111 </div>
115 112 </body>
116 113 </html>
@@ -1,579 +1,578 b''
1 1 // comments.less
2 2 // For use in RhodeCode applications;
3 3 // see style guide documentation for guidelines.
4 4
5 5
6 6 // Comments
7 7 @comment-outdated-opacity: 0.6;
8 8
9 9 .comments {
10 10 width: 100%;
11 11 }
12 12
13 13 tr.inline-comments div {
14 14 max-width: 100%;
15 15
16 16 p {
17 17 white-space: normal;
18 18 }
19 19
20 20 code, pre, .code, dd {
21 21 overflow-x: auto;
22 22 width: 1062px;
23 23 }
24 24
25 25 dd {
26 26 width: auto;
27 27 }
28 28 }
29 29
30 30 #injected_page_comments {
31 31 .comment-previous-link,
32 32 .comment-next-link,
33 33 .comment-links-divider {
34 34 display: none;
35 35 }
36 36 }
37 37
38 38 .add-comment {
39 39 margin-bottom: 10px;
40 40 }
41 41 .hide-comment-button .add-comment {
42 42 display: none;
43 43 }
44 44
45 45 .comment-bubble {
46 46 color: @grey4;
47 47 margin-top: 4px;
48 48 margin-right: 30px;
49 49 visibility: hidden;
50 50 }
51 51
52 52 .comment-label {
53 53 float: left;
54 54
55 55 padding: 0.4em 0.4em;
56 56 margin: 3px 5px 0px -10px;
57 57 display: inline-block;
58 58 min-height: 0;
59 59
60 60 text-align: center;
61 61 font-size: 10px;
62 62 line-height: .8em;
63 63
64 64 font-family: @text-italic;
65 65 font-style: italic;
66 66 background: #fff none;
67 67 color: @grey4;
68 68 border: 1px solid @grey4;
69 69 white-space: nowrap;
70 70
71 71 text-transform: uppercase;
72 72 min-width: 40px;
73 73
74 74 &.todo {
75 75 color: @color5;
76 76 font-style: italic;
77 77 font-weight: @text-bold-italic-weight;
78 78 font-family: @text-bold-italic;
79 79 }
80 80
81 81 .resolve {
82 82 cursor: pointer;
83 83 text-decoration: underline;
84 84 }
85 85
86 86 .resolved {
87 87 text-decoration: line-through;
88 88 color: @color1;
89 89 }
90 90 .resolved a {
91 91 text-decoration: line-through;
92 92 color: @color1;
93 93 }
94 94 .resolve-text {
95 95 color: @color1;
96 96 margin: 2px 8px;
97 97 font-family: @text-italic;
98 98 font-style: italic;
99 99 }
100 100 }
101 101
102 102 .has-spacer-after {
103 103 &:after {
104 104 content: ' | ';
105 105 color: @grey5;
106 106 }
107 107 }
108 108
109 109 .has-spacer-before {
110 110 &:before {
111 111 content: ' | ';
112 112 color: @grey5;
113 113 }
114 114 }
115 115
116 116 .comment {
117 117
118 118 &.comment-general {
119 119 border: 1px solid @grey5;
120 120 padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;
121 121 }
122 122
123 123 margin: @padding 0;
124 124 padding: 4px 0 0 0;
125 125 line-height: 1em;
126 126
127 127 .rc-user {
128 128 min-width: 0;
129 129 margin: 0px .5em 0 0;
130 130
131 131 .user {
132 132 display: inline;
133 133 }
134 134 }
135 135
136 136 .meta {
137 137 position: relative;
138 138 width: 100%;
139 139 border-bottom: 1px solid @grey5;
140 140 margin: -5px 0px;
141 141 line-height: 24px;
142 142
143 143 &:hover .permalink {
144 144 visibility: visible;
145 145 color: @rcblue;
146 146 }
147 147 }
148 148
149 149 .author,
150 150 .date {
151 151 display: inline;
152 152
153 153 &:after {
154 154 content: ' | ';
155 155 color: @grey5;
156 156 }
157 157 }
158 158
159 159 .author-general img {
160 160 top: 3px;
161 161 }
162 162 .author-inline img {
163 163 top: 3px;
164 164 }
165 165
166 166 .status-change,
167 167 .permalink,
168 168 .changeset-status-lbl {
169 169 display: inline;
170 170 }
171 171
172 172 .permalink {
173 173 visibility: hidden;
174 174 }
175 175
176 176 .comment-links-divider {
177 177 display: inline;
178 178 }
179 179
180 180 .comment-links-block {
181 181 float:right;
182 182 text-align: right;
183 183 min-width: 85px;
184 184
185 185 [class^="icon-"]:before,
186 186 [class*=" icon-"]:before {
187 187 margin-left: 0;
188 188 margin-right: 0;
189 189 }
190 190 }
191 191
192 192 .comment-previous-link {
193 193 display: inline-block;
194 194
195 195 .arrow_comment_link{
196 196 cursor: pointer;
197 197 i {
198 198 font-size:10px;
199 199 }
200 200 }
201 201 .arrow_comment_link.disabled {
202 202 cursor: default;
203 203 color: @grey5;
204 204 }
205 205 }
206 206
207 207 .comment-next-link {
208 208 display: inline-block;
209 209
210 210 .arrow_comment_link{
211 211 cursor: pointer;
212 212 i {
213 213 font-size:10px;
214 214 }
215 215 }
216 216 .arrow_comment_link.disabled {
217 217 cursor: default;
218 218 color: @grey5;
219 219 }
220 220 }
221 221
222 222 .flag_status {
223 223 display: inline-block;
224 224 margin: -2px .5em 0 .25em
225 225 }
226 226
227 227 .delete-comment {
228 228 display: inline-block;
229 229 color: @rcblue;
230 230
231 231 &:hover {
232 232 cursor: pointer;
233 233 }
234 234 }
235 235
236 236 .text {
237 237 clear: both;
238 238 .border-radius(@border-radius);
239 239 .box-sizing(border-box);
240 240
241 241 .markdown-block p,
242 242 .rst-block p {
243 243 margin: .5em 0 !important;
244 244 // TODO: lisa: This is needed because of other rst !important rules :[
245 245 }
246 246 }
247 247
248 248 .pr-version {
249 249 float: left;
250 250 margin: 0px 4px;
251 251 }
252 252 .pr-version-inline {
253 253 float: left;
254 254 margin: 0px 4px;
255 255 }
256 256 .pr-version-num {
257 257 font-size: 10px;
258 258 }
259 259 }
260 260
261 261 @comment-padding: 5px;
262 262
263 263 .general-comments {
264 264 .comment-outdated {
265 265 opacity: @comment-outdated-opacity;
266 266 }
267 267 }
268 268
269 269 .inline-comments {
270 270 border-radius: @border-radius;
271 271 .comment {
272 272 margin: 0;
273 273 border-radius: @border-radius;
274 274 }
275 275 .comment-outdated {
276 276 opacity: @comment-outdated-opacity;
277 277 }
278 278
279 279 .comment-inline {
280 280 background: white;
281 281 padding: @comment-padding @comment-padding;
282 282 border: @comment-padding solid @grey6;
283 283
284 284 .text {
285 285 border: none;
286 286 }
287 287 .meta {
288 288 border-bottom: 1px solid @grey6;
289 289 margin: -5px 0px;
290 290 line-height: 24px;
291 291 }
292 292 }
293 293 .comment-selected {
294 294 border-left: 6px solid @comment-highlight-color;
295 295 }
296 296 .comment-inline-form {
297 297 padding: @comment-padding;
298 298 display: none;
299 299 }
300 300 .cb-comment-add-button {
301 301 margin: @comment-padding;
302 302 }
303 303 /* hide add comment button when form is open */
304 304 .comment-inline-form-open ~ .cb-comment-add-button {
305 305 display: none;
306 306 }
307 307 .comment-inline-form-open {
308 308 display: block;
309 309 }
310 310 /* hide add comment button when form but no comments */
311 311 .comment-inline-form:first-child + .cb-comment-add-button {
312 312 display: none;
313 313 }
314 314 /* hide add comment button when no comments or form */
315 315 .cb-comment-add-button:first-child {
316 316 display: none;
317 317 }
318 318 /* hide add comment button when only comment is being deleted */
319 319 .comment-deleting:first-child + .cb-comment-add-button {
320 320 display: none;
321 321 }
322 322 }
323 323
324 324
325 325 .show-outdated-comments {
326 326 display: inline;
327 327 color: @rcblue;
328 328 }
329 329
330 330 // Comment Form
331 331 div.comment-form {
332 332 margin-top: 20px;
333 333 }
334 334
335 335 .comment-form strong {
336 336 display: block;
337 337 margin-bottom: 15px;
338 338 }
339 339
340 340 .comment-form textarea {
341 341 width: 100%;
342 342 height: 100px;
343 343 font-family: @text-monospace;
344 344 }
345 345
346 346 form.comment-form {
347 347 margin-top: 10px;
348 348 margin-left: 10px;
349 349 }
350 350
351 351 .comment-inline-form .comment-block-ta,
352 352 .comment-form .comment-block-ta,
353 353 .comment-form .preview-box {
354 354 .border-radius(@border-radius);
355 355 .box-sizing(border-box);
356 356 background-color: white;
357 357 }
358 358
359 359 .comment-form-submit {
360 360 margin-top: 5px;
361 361 margin-left: 525px;
362 362 }
363 363
364 364 .file-comments {
365 365 display: none;
366 366 }
367 367
368 368 .comment-form .preview-box.unloaded,
369 369 .comment-inline-form .preview-box.unloaded {
370 370 height: 50px;
371 371 text-align: center;
372 372 padding: 20px;
373 373 background-color: white;
374 374 }
375 375
376 376 .comment-footer {
377 377 position: relative;
378 378 width: 100%;
379 379 min-height: 42px;
380 380
381 381 .status_box,
382 382 .cancel-button {
383 383 float: left;
384 384 display: inline-block;
385 385 }
386 386
387 387 .action-buttons {
388 388 float: right;
389 389 display: inline-block;
390 390 }
391 391
392 392 .action-buttons-extra {
393 393 display: inline-block;
394 394 }
395 395 }
396 396
397 397 .comment-form {
398 398
399 399 .comment {
400 400 margin-left: 10px;
401 401 }
402 402
403 403 .comment-help {
404 404 color: @grey4;
405 405 padding: 5px 0 5px 0;
406 406 }
407 407
408 408 .comment-title {
409 409 padding: 5px 0 5px 0;
410 410 }
411 411
412 412 .comment-button {
413 413 display: inline-block;
414 414 }
415 415
416 416 .comment-button-input {
417 417 margin-right: 0;
418 418 }
419 419
420 420 .comment-footer {
421 421 margin-bottom: 110px;
422 422 margin-top: 10px;
423 423 }
424 424 }
425 425
426 426
427 427 .comment-form-login {
428 428 .comment-help {
429 429 padding: 0.9em; //same as the button
430 430 }
431 431
432 432 div.clearfix {
433 433 clear: both;
434 434 width: 100%;
435 435 display: block;
436 436 }
437 437 }
438 438
439 439 .comment-type {
440 440 margin: 0px;
441 441 border-radius: inherit;
442 442 border-color: @grey6;
443 443 }
444 444
445 445 .preview-box {
446 446 min-height: 105px;
447 447 margin-bottom: 15px;
448 448 background-color: white;
449 449 .border-radius(@border-radius);
450 450 .box-sizing(border-box);
451 451 }
452 452
453 453 .add-another-button {
454 454 margin-left: 10px;
455 455 margin-top: 10px;
456 456 margin-bottom: 10px;
457 457 }
458 458
459 459 .comment .buttons {
460 460 float: right;
461 461 margin: -1px 0px 0px 0px;
462 462 }
463 463
464 464 // Inline Comment Form
465 465 .injected_diff .comment-inline-form,
466 466 .comment-inline-form {
467 467 background-color: white;
468 468 margin-top: 10px;
469 469 margin-bottom: 20px;
470 470 }
471 471
472 472 .inline-form {
473 473 padding: 10px 7px;
474 474 }
475 475
476 476 .inline-form div {
477 477 max-width: 100%;
478 478 }
479 479
480 480 .overlay {
481 481 display: none;
482 482 position: absolute;
483 483 width: 100%;
484 484 text-align: center;
485 485 vertical-align: middle;
486 486 font-size: 16px;
487 487 background: none repeat scroll 0 0 white;
488 488
489 489 &.submitting {
490 490 display: block;
491 491 opacity: 0.5;
492 492 z-index: 100;
493 493 }
494 494 }
495 495 .comment-inline-form .overlay.submitting .overlay-text {
496 496 margin-top: 5%;
497 497 }
498 498
499 499 .comment-inline-form .clearfix,
500 500 .comment-form .clearfix {
501 501 .border-radius(@border-radius);
502 502 margin: 0px;
503 503 }
504 504
505 505 .comment-inline-form .comment-footer {
506 506 margin: 10px 0px 0px 0px;
507 507 }
508 508
509 509 .hide-inline-form-button {
510 510 margin-left: 5px;
511 511 }
512 512 .comment-button .hide-inline-form {
513 513 background: white;
514 514 }
515 515
516 516 .comment-area {
517 517 padding: 8px 12px;
518 518 border: 1px solid @grey5;
519 519 .border-radius(@border-radius);
520 520
521 521 .resolve-action {
522 522 padding: 1px 0px 0px 6px;
523 523 }
524 524
525 525 }
526 526
527 527 .comment-area-header .nav-links {
528 528 display: flex;
529 529 flex-flow: row wrap;
530 530 -webkit-flex-flow: row wrap;
531 531 width: 100%;
532 532 }
533 533
534 534 .comment-area-footer {
535 535 display: flex;
536 536 }
537 537
538 538 .comment-footer .toolbar {
539 539
540 540 }
541 541
542 542 .nav-links {
543 543 padding: 0;
544 544 margin: 0;
545 545 list-style: none;
546 546 height: auto;
547 547 border-bottom: 1px solid @grey5;
548 548 }
549 549 .nav-links li {
550 550 display: inline-block;
551 list-style-type: none;
551 552 }
552 .nav-links li:before {
553 content: "";
554 }
555 554 .nav-links li a.disabled {
556 555 cursor: not-allowed;
557 556 }
558 557
559 558 .nav-links li.active a {
560 559 border-bottom: 2px solid @rcblue;
561 560 color: #000;
562 561 font-weight: 600;
563 562 }
564 563 .nav-links li a {
565 564 display: inline-block;
566 565 padding: 0px 10px 5px 10px;
567 566 margin-bottom: -1px;
568 567 font-size: 14px;
569 568 line-height: 28px;
570 569 color: #8f8f8f;
571 570 border-bottom: 2px solid transparent;
572 571 }
573 572
574 573 .toolbar-text {
575 574 float: left;
576 575 margin: -5px 0px 0px 0px;
577 576 font-size: 12px;
578 577 }
579 578
@@ -1,320 +1,319 b''
1 1 // forms.less
2 2 // For use in RhodeCode applications;
3 3 // see style guide documentation for guidelines.
4 4
5 5 form.rcform {
6 6
7 7 // reset for ie
8 8 // using :not(#ie) prevents older browsers from applying these rules
9 9 input[type="radio"],
10 10 input[type="checkbox"] {
11 11 padding: 0;
12 12 border: none;
13 13 }
14 14 label { display: inline; border:none; padding:0; }
15 15 .label { display: none; }
16 16
17 17 max-width: 940px;
18 18 line-height: normal;
19 19 white-space: normal;
20 20 font-size: @basefontsize;
21 21 font-family: @text-light;
22 22 color: @form-textcolor;
23 23
24 24 fieldset,
25 25 .buttons {
26 26 clear: both;
27 27 position: relative;
28 28 display:block;
29 29 width: 100%;
30 30 min-height: 3em;
31 31 margin-bottom: @form-vertical-margin;
32 32 line-height: 1.2em;
33 33
34 34 &:after { //clearfix
35 35 content: "";
36 36 clear: both;
37 37 width: 100%;
38 38 height: 1em;
39 39 }
40 40
41 41 .label:not(#ie) {
42 42 display: inline;
43 43 margin: 0 1em 0 .5em;
44 44 line-height: 1em;
45 45 }
46 46 }
47 47
48 48 legend {
49 49 float: left;
50 50 display: block;
51 51 width: @legend-width;
52 52 margin: 0;
53 53 padding: 0 @padding 0 0;
54 54 }
55 55
56 56 .fields {
57 57 float: left;
58 58 display: block;
59 59 width: 100%;
60 60 max-width: 500px;
61 61 margin: 0 0 @padding -@legend-width;
62 62 padding: 0 0 0 @legend-width;
63 63
64 64 .btn {
65 65 display: inline-block;
66 66 margin: 0 1em @padding 0;
67 67 }
68 68 }
69 69
70 70 input,
71 71 textarea {
72 72 float: left;
73 73 .box-sizing(content-box);
74 74 padding: @input-padding;
75 75 border: @border-thickness-inputs solid @grey4;
76 76 }
77 77
78 78 input {
79 79 float: left;
80 80 margin: 0 @input-padding 0 0;
81 81 line-height: 1em;
82 82 }
83 83
84 84 input[type="text"],
85 85 input[type="password"],
86 86 textarea {
87 87 float: left;
88 88 min-width: 200px;
89 89 margin: 0 1em @padding 0;
90 90 color: @form-textcolor;
91 91 }
92 92
93 93 input[type="text"],
94 94 input[type="password"] {
95 95 height: 1em;
96 96 }
97 97
98 98 textarea {
99 99 width: 100%;
100 100 margin-top: -1em; //so it lines up with legend
101 101 overflow: auto;
102 102 }
103 103
104 104 label:not(#ie) {
105 105 cursor: pointer;
106 106 display: inline-block;
107 107 position: relative;
108 108 background: white;
109 109 border-radius: 4px;
110 110 box-shadow: none;
111 111
112 112 &:hover::after {
113 113 opacity: 0.5;
114 114 }
115 115 }
116 116
117 117 input[type="radio"]:not(#ie),
118 118 input[type="checkbox"]:not(#ie) {
119 119 // Hide the input, but have it still be clickable
120 120 opacity: 0;
121 121 float: left;
122 122 height: 0;
123 123 width: 0;
124 124 margin: 0;
125 125 padding: 0;
126 126 }
127 127 input[type='radio'] + label:not(#ie),
128 128 input[type='checkbox'] + label:not(#ie) {
129 129 margin: 0;
130 130 clear: none;
131 131 }
132 132
133 133 input[type='radio'] + label:not(#ie) {
134 134 .circle (@form-radio-width,white);
135 135 float: left;
136 136 display: inline-block;
137 137 height: @form-radio-width;
138 138 width: @form-radio-width;
139 139 margin: 2px 6px 2px 0;
140 140 border: 1px solid @grey4;
141 141 background-color: white;
142 142 box-shadow: none;
143 143 text-indent: -9999px;
144 144 transition: none;
145 145
146 146 & + .label {
147 147 float: left;
148 148 margin-top: 7px
149 149 }
150 150 }
151 151
152 152 input[type='radio']:checked + label:not(#ie) {
153 153 margin: 0 4px 0 -2px;
154 154 padding: 3px;
155 155 border-style: double;
156 156 border-color: white;
157 157 border-width: thick;
158 158 background-color: @rcblue;
159 159 box-shadow: none;
160 160 }
161 161
162 162 input[type='checkbox'] + label:not(#ie) {
163 163 float: left;
164 164 width: @form-check-width;
165 165 height: @form-check-width;
166 166 margin: 0 5px 1em 0;
167 167 border: 1px solid @grey3;
168 168 .border-radius(@border-radius);
169 169 background-color: white;
170 170 box-shadow: none;
171 171 text-indent: -9999px;
172 172 transition: none;
173 173
174 174 &:after {
175 175 content: '';
176 176 width: 9px;
177 177 height: 5px;
178 178 position: absolute;
179 179 top: 4px;
180 180 left: 4px;
181 181 border: 3px solid @grey3;
182 182 border-top: none;
183 183 border-right: none;
184 184 background: transparent;
185 185 opacity: 0;
186 186 transform: rotate(-45deg);
187 187 filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(sizingMethod='auto expand', M11=0.7071067811865476, M12=-0.7071067811865475, M21=0.7071067811865475, M22=0.7071067811865476); /* IE6,IE7 */
188 188
189 189 -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(SizingMethod='auto expand', M11=0.7071067811865476, M12=-0.7071067811865475, M21=0.7071067811865475, M22=0.7071067811865476)"; /* IE8 */ }
190 190
191 191 & + .label {
192 192 float: left;
193 193 margin-top: 5px
194 194 }
195 195 }
196 196
197 197 input[type=checkbox]:not(#ie) {
198 198 visibility: hidden;
199 199 &:checked + label:after {
200 200 opacity: 1;
201 201 }
202 202 }
203 203
204 204 // center checkbox and label on a drop-down
205 205 .drop-menu + select + input[type='checkbox'] + label:not(#ie) {
206 206 margin-top:10px;
207 207
208 208 & + .label {
209 209 margin-top: 15px;
210 210 }
211 211 }
212 212
213 213 .formlist {
214 214 position: relative;
215 215 float: left;
216 216 margin: 0;
217 217 padding: 0;
218 218
219 219 li {
220 220 list-style-type: none;
221 221
222 &:before { content:none; }
223 222 &:after {
224 223 content: "";
225 224 float: left;
226 225 display: block;
227 226 height: @padding;
228 227 width: 100%;
229 228 }
230 229 }
231 230 }
232 231
233 232 .drop-menu {
234 233 float: left;
235 234 margin: 0 @input-padding 0 0;
236 235 }
237 236
238 237 .help-block,
239 238 .error-message {
240 239 display: block;
241 240 clear: both;
242 241 margin: @textmargin 0;
243 242 }
244 243
245 244 .error-message {
246 245 margin-top: 5px;
247 246 }
248 247
249 248 input[type=submit] {
250 249 &:extend(.btn-primary);
251 250
252 251 &:hover {
253 252 &:extend(.btn-primary:hover);
254 253 }
255 254 }
256 255
257 256 input[type=reset] {
258 257 &:extend(.btn-default);
259 258
260 259 &:hover {
261 260 &:extend(.btn-default:hover);
262 261 }
263 262 }
264 263
265 264 select,
266 265 option:checked {
267 266 background-color: @rclightblue;
268 267 }
269 268
270 269 }
271 270
272 271 .badged-field {
273 272 .user-badge {
274 273 line-height: 25px;
275 274 padding: 10px 5px;
276 275 border-radius: @border-radius;
277 276 border-top: 1px solid @rclightblue;
278 277 border-left: 1px solid @rclightblue;
279 278 border-bottom: 1px solid @rclightblue;
280 279 font-size: 14px;
281 280 font-style: normal;
282 281 color: @text-light;
283 282 display: inline-block;
284 283 vertical-align: top;
285 284 cursor: default;
286 285 margin-right: -2px;
287 286 }
288 287 .badge-input-container {
289 288 display: flex;
290 289 position: relative;
291 290 }
292 291 .user-disabled {
293 292 text-decoration: line-through;
294 293 }
295 294 .badge-input-wrap {
296 295 display: inline-block;
297 296 }
298 297 }
299 298
300 299 // for situations where we wish to display the form value but not the form input
301 300 input.input-valuedisplay {
302 301 border: none;
303 302 }
304 303
305 304 // for forms which only display information
306 305 .infoform {
307 306 .fields {
308 307 .field {
309 308 label,
310 309 .label,
311 310 input,
312 311 .input {
313 312 margin-top: 0;
314 313 margin-bottom: 0;
315 314 padding-top: 0;
316 315 padding-bottom: 0;
317 316 }
318 317 }
319 318 }
320 319 }
@@ -1,88 +1,90 b''
1 1 //--- RESETS ---//
2 2 :focus { outline: none; }
3 3 a { cursor: pointer; }
4 4
5 5 //--- clearfix --//
6 6 .clearfix {
7 7 &:before,
8 8 &:after {
9 9 content:"";
10 10 width: 100%;
11 11 clear: both;
12 12 float: left;
13 13 }
14 14 }
15 15
16 16 .clearinner:after { /* clears all floating divs inside a block */
17 17 content: "";
18 18 display: table;
19 19 clear: both;
20 20 }
21 21
22 22 .js-template { /* mark a template for javascript use */
23 23 display: none;
24 24 }
25 25
26 26 .linebreak {
27 27 display: block;
28 28 }
29 29
30 30 .pull-right {
31 31 float: right !important;
32 32 }
33 33
34 34 .pull-left {
35 35 float: left !important;
36 36 }
37 37
38 38 .block-left {
39 39 float: left;
40 40 }
41 41
42 42 .block-right {
43 43 float: right;
44 44 clear: right;
45 45
46 li:before { content:none; }
46 li {
47 list-style-type: none;
48 }
47 49 }
48 50
49 51 //--- DEVICE-SPECIFIC CLASSES ---------------//
50 52 //regular tablet and up
51 53 @media (min-width:768px) {
52 54 .no-mobile {
53 55 display: block;
54 56 }
55 57 .mobile-only {
56 58 display: none;
57 59 }
58 60 }
59 61 //small tablet and phone
60 62 @media (max-width:767px) {
61 63 .mobile-only {
62 64 display: block;
63 65 }
64 66 .no-mobile {
65 67 display: none;
66 68 }
67 69 }
68 70
69 71 //--- STICKY FOOTER ---//
70 72 html, body {
71 73 height: 100%;
72 74 margin: 0;
73 75 }
74 76 .outerwrapper {
75 77 height: 100%;
76 78 min-height: 100%;
77 79 margin: 0;
78 80 padding-bottom: 3em; /* must be equal to footer height */
79 81 }
80 82 .outerwrapper:after{
81 83 content:" ";
82 84 }
83 85 #footer {
84 86 clear: both;
85 87 position: relative;
86 88 height: 3em; /* footer height */
87 89 margin: -3em 0 0; /* must be equal to footer height */
88 90 }
@@ -1,374 +1,383 b''
1 1
2 2 /** MODAL **/
3 3 .modal-open {
4 4 overflow:hidden;
5 5 }
6 6 body.modal-open, .modal-open .navbar-fixed-top, .modal-open .navbar-fixed-bottom {
7 7 margin-right:15px;
8 8 }
9 9 .modal {
10 10 position:fixed;
11 11 top:0;
12 12 right:0;
13 13 bottom:0;
14 14 left:0;
15 15 z-index:1040;
16 16 display:none;
17 17 overflow-y:scroll;
18 18 &.fade .modal-dialog {
19 19 -webkit-transform:translate(0,-25%);
20 20 -ms-transform:translate(0,-25%);
21 21 transform:translate(0,-25%);
22 22 -webkit-transition:-webkit-transform 0.3s ease-out;
23 23 -moz-transition:-moz-transform 0.3s ease-out;
24 24 -o-transition:-o-transform 0.3s ease-out;
25 25 transition:transform 0.3s ease-out;
26 26 }
27 27 &.in .modal-dialog {
28 28 -webkit-transform:translate(0,0);
29 29 -ms-transform:translate(0,0);
30 30 transform:translate(0,0);
31 31 }
32 32 }
33 33 .modal-dialog {
34 34 z-index:1050;
35 35 width:auto;
36 36 padding:10px;
37 37 margin-right:auto;
38 38 margin-left:auto;
39 39 }
40 40 .modal-content {
41 41 position:relative;
42 42 background-color:#ffffff;
43 43 border: @border-thickness solid rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
44 44 .border-radius(@border-radius);
45 45 outline:none;
46 46 -webkit-box-shadow:0 3px 9px rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
47 47 box-shadow:0 3px 9px rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
48 48 background-clip:padding-box;
49 49 }
50 50 .modal-backdrop {
51 51 position:fixed;
52 52 top:0;
53 53 right:0;
54 54 bottom:0;
55 55 left:0;
56 56 z-index:1030;
57 57 background-color:#000000;
58 58
59 59 &.modal-backdrop.fade {
60 60 opacity:0;
61 61 filter:alpha(opacity=0);
62 62 }
63 63 &.in {
64 64 opacity:0.5;
65 65 filter:alpha(opacity=50);
66 66 }
67 67 }
68 68 .modal-header {
69 69 min-height:16.428571429px;
70 70 padding:15px;
71 71 border-bottom: @border-thickness solid @grey6;
72 72 .close {
73 73 margin-top:-2px;
74 74 }
75 75 }
76 76 .modal-title {
77 77 margin:0;
78 78 line-height:1.428571429;
79 79 }
80 80 .modal-body {
81 81 position:relative;
82 82 padding:20px;
83 83 }
84 84 .modal-footer {
85 85 padding:19px 20px 20px;
86 86 margin-top:15px;
87 87 text-align:right;
88 88 border-top:1px solid #e5e5e5;
89 89 .btn + .btn {
90 90 margin-bottom:0;
91 91 margin-left:5px;
92 92 }
93 93 .btn-group .btn + .btn {
94 94 margin-left:-1px;
95 95 }
96 96 .btn-block + .btn-block {
97 97 margin-left:0;
98 98 }
99 99 &:before {
100 100 display:table;
101 101 content:" ";
102 102 }
103 103 &:after {
104 104 display:table;
105 105 content:" ";
106 106 clear:both;
107 107 }
108 108 }
109 109
110 110 /** MARKDOWN styling **/
111 111 div.markdown-block {
112 112 clear: both;
113 113 overflow: hidden;
114 114 margin: 0;
115 115 padding: 3px 15px 3px;
116 116 }
117 117
118 118 div.markdown-block h1,
119 119 div.markdown-block h2,
120 120 div.markdown-block h3,
121 121 div.markdown-block h4,
122 122 div.markdown-block h5,
123 123 div.markdown-block h6 {
124 124 border-bottom: none !important;
125 125 padding: 0 !important;
126 126 overflow: visible !important;
127 127 }
128 128
129 div.markdown-block h1,
130 div.markdown-block h2 {
131 border-bottom: 1px #e6e5e5 solid !important;
132 }
129 134 div.markdown-block h1 {
130 135 font-size: 32px;
131 136 margin: 15px 0 15px 0 !important;
132 137 padding-bottom: 5px !important;
133 138 }
134 139
135 140 div.markdown-block h2 {
136 141 font-size: 24px !important;
137 142 margin: 34px 0 10px 0 !important;
138 border-top: 3px #e6e5e5 solid !important;
139 143 padding-top: 15px !important;
140 144 padding-bottom: 8px !important;
141 145 }
142 146
143 147 div.markdown-block h3 {
144 148 font-size: 18px !important;
145 149 margin: 30px 0 8px 0 !important;
146 150 padding-bottom: 2px !important;
147 151 }
148 152
149 153 div.markdown-block h4 {
150 154 font-size: 13px !important;
151 155 margin: 18px 0 3px 0 !important;
152 156 }
153 157
154 158 div.markdown-block h5 {
155 159 font-size: 12px !important;
156 160 margin: 15px 0 3px 0 !important;
157 161 }
158 162
159 163 div.markdown-block h6 {
160 164 font-size: 12px;
161 165 color: #777777;
162 166 margin: 15px 0 3px 0 !important;
163 167 }
164 168
165 169 div.markdown-block hr {
166 170 border: 0;
167 171 color: #e6e5e5;
168 172 background-color: #e6e5e5;
169 173 height: 3px;
170 174 margin-bottom: 13px;
171 175 }
172 176
173 177 div.markdown-block ol,
174 178 div.markdown-block ul,
175 179 div.markdown-block p,
176 180 div.markdown-block blockquote,
177 181 div.markdown-block dl,
178 182 div.markdown-block li,
179 183 div.markdown-block table {
180 184 margin: 3px 0px 13px 0px !important;
181 185 color: #424242 !important;
182 186 font-size: 13px !important;
183 187 font-family: @text-regular;
184 188 font-weight: normal !important;
185 189 overflow: visible !important;
186 190 line-height: 140% !important;
187 191 }
188 192
189 193 div.markdown-block pre {
190 194 margin: 3px 0px 13px 0px !important;
191 195 padding: .5em;
192 196 color: #424242 !important;
193 197 font-size: 13px !important;
194 198 overflow: visible !important;
195 199 line-height: 140% !important;
196 200 background-color: @grey7;
197 201 }
198 202
199 203 div.markdown-block img {
200 204 border-style: none;
201 205 background-color: #fff;
206 padding-right: 20px;
202 207 }
203 208
204 209
205 210 div.markdown-block strong {
206 211 font-weight: 600;
207 212 margin: 0;
208 213 }
209 214
210 215 div.markdown-block ul,
211 216 div.markdown-block ol {
212 217 padding-left: 30px !important;
213 218 margin-top: 0px !important;
214 219 margin-bottom: 18px !important;
215 220 }
216 221
217 222 div.markdown-block ul li,
218 223 div.markdown-block ol li {
219 224 list-style: disc !important;
220 225 margin: 6px !important;
221 226 padding: 0 !important;
222 227 }
223 228
224 229 div.markdown-block ol li {
225 230 list-style: decimal !important;
226 231 }
227 232
228 233 /*
229 234 div.markdown-block a,
230 235 div.markdown-block a:visited {
231 236 color: #4183C4 !important;
232 237 background-color: inherit;
233 238 text-decoration: none;
234 239 }
235 240 */
236 241
237 242 div.markdown-block #message {
238 243 .border-radius(@border-radius);
239 244 border: @border-thickness solid @grey5;
240 245 display: block;
241 246 width: 100%;
242 247 height: 60px;
243 248 margin: 6px 0px;
244 249 }
245 250
246 251 div.markdown-block button,
247 252 div.markdown-block #ws {
248 253 font-size: @basefontsize;
249 254 padding: 4px 6px;
250 255 .border-radius(@border-radius);
251 256 border: @border-thickness solid @grey5;
252 257 background-color: @grey6;
253 258 }
254 259
255 260 div.markdown-block code,
256 261 div.markdown-block pre,
257 262 div.markdown-block #ws,
258 263 div.markdown-block #message {
259 264 font-family: @text-monospace;
260 265 font-size: 11px;
261 266 .border-radius(@border-radius);
262 267 background-color: white;
263 268 color: @grey3;
264 269 }
265 270
266 271
267 272 div.markdown-block code {
268 273 border: @border-thickness solid @grey6;
269 274 margin: 0 2px;
270 275 padding: 0 5px;
271 276 }
272 277
273 278 div.markdown-block pre {
274 279 border: @border-thickness solid @grey5;
275 280 overflow: auto;
276 281 padding: .5em;
277 282 background-color: @grey7;
278 283 }
279 284
280 285 div.markdown-block pre > code {
281 286 border: 0;
282 287 margin: 0;
283 288 padding: 0;
284 289 }
285 290
286 291 /** RST STYLE **/
287 292 div.rst-block {
288 293 clear: both;
289 294 overflow: hidden;
290 295 margin: 0;
291 296 padding: 3px 15px 3px;
292 297 }
293 298
294 299 div.rst-block h2 {
295 300 font-weight: normal;
296 301 }
297 302
298 303 div.rst-block h1,
299 304 div.rst-block h2,
300 305 div.rst-block h3,
301 306 div.rst-block h4,
302 307 div.rst-block h5,
303 308 div.rst-block h6 {
304 309 border-bottom: 0 !important;
305 310 margin: 0 !important;
306 311 padding: 0 !important;
307 312 line-height: 1.5em !important;
308 313 }
309 314
310 315
311 316 div.rst-block h1:first-child {
312 317 padding-top: .25em !important;
313 318 }
314 319
315 320 div.rst-block h2,
316 321 div.rst-block h3 {
317 322 margin: 1em 0 !important;
318 323 }
319 324
325 div.rst-block h1,
326 div.rst-block h2 {
327 border-bottom: 1px #e6e5e5 solid !important;
328 }
320 330 div.rst-block h2 {
321 331 margin-top: 1.5em !important;
322 border-top: 4px solid #e0e0e0 !important;
323 332 padding-top: .5em !important;
324 333 }
325 334
326 335 div.rst-block p {
327 336 color: black !important;
328 337 margin: 1em 0 !important;
329 338 line-height: 1.5em !important;
330 339 }
331 340
332 341 div.rst-block ul {
333 342 list-style: disc !important;
334 343 margin: 1em 0 1em 2em !important;
335 344 clear: both;
336 345 }
337 346
338 347 div.rst-block ol {
339 348 list-style: decimal;
340 349 margin: 1em 0 1em 2em !important;
341 350 }
342 351
343 352 div.rst-block pre,
344 353 div.rst-block code {
345 354 font: 12px "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono","Courier",monospace;
346 355 }
347 356
348 357 div.rst-block code {
349 358 font-size: 12px !important;
350 359 background-color: ghostWhite !important;
351 360 color: #444 !important;
352 361 padding: 0 .2em !important;
353 362 border: 1px solid #dedede !important;
354 363 }
355 364
356 365 div.rst-block pre code {
357 366 padding: 0 !important;
358 367 font-size: 12px !important;
359 368 background-color: #eee !important;
360 369 border: none !important;
361 370 }
362 371
363 372 div.rst-block pre {
364 373 margin: 1em 0;
365 374 padding: @padding;
366 375 border: 1px solid @grey6;
367 376 .border-radius(@border-radius);
368 377 overflow: auto;
369 378 font-size: 12px;
370 379 color: #444;
371 380 background-color: @grey7;
372 381 }
373 382
374 383
@@ -1,2470 +1,2470 b''
1 1 //Primary CSS
2 2
3 3 //--- IMPORTS ------------------//
4 4
5 5 @import 'helpers';
6 6 @import 'mixins';
7 7 @import 'rcicons';
8 8 @import 'variables';
9 9 @import 'bootstrap-variables';
10 10 @import 'form-bootstrap';
11 11 @import 'codemirror';
12 12 @import 'legacy_code_styles';
13 13 @import 'readme-box';
14 14 @import 'progress-bar';
15 15
16 16 @import 'type';
17 17 @import 'alerts';
18 18 @import 'buttons';
19 19 @import 'tags';
20 20 @import 'code-block';
21 21 @import 'examples';
22 22 @import 'login';
23 23 @import 'main-content';
24 24 @import 'select2';
25 25 @import 'comments';
26 26 @import 'panels-bootstrap';
27 27 @import 'panels';
28 28 @import 'deform';
29 29
30 30 //--- BASE ------------------//
31 31 .noscript-error {
32 32 top: 0;
33 33 left: 0;
34 34 width: 100%;
35 35 z-index: 101;
36 36 text-align: center;
37 37 font-size: 120%;
38 38 color: white;
39 39 background-color: @alert2;
40 40 padding: 5px 0 5px 0;
41 41 font-weight: @text-semibold-weight;
42 42 font-family: @text-semibold;
43 43 }
44 44
45 45 html {
46 46 display: table;
47 47 height: 100%;
48 48 width: 100%;
49 49 }
50 50
51 51 body {
52 52 display: table-cell;
53 53 width: 100%;
54 54 }
55 55
56 56 //--- LAYOUT ------------------//
57 57
58 58 .hidden{
59 59 display: none !important;
60 60 }
61 61
62 62 .box{
63 63 float: left;
64 64 width: 100%;
65 65 }
66 66
67 67 .browser-header {
68 68 clear: both;
69 69 }
70 70 .main {
71 71 clear: both;
72 72 padding:0 0 @pagepadding;
73 73 height: auto;
74 74
75 75 &:after { //clearfix
76 76 content:"";
77 77 clear:both;
78 78 width:100%;
79 79 display:block;
80 80 }
81 81 }
82 82
83 83 .action-link{
84 84 margin-left: @padding;
85 85 padding-left: @padding;
86 86 border-left: @border-thickness solid @border-default-color;
87 87 }
88 88
89 89 input + .action-link, .action-link.first{
90 90 border-left: none;
91 91 }
92 92
93 93 .action-link.last{
94 94 margin-right: @padding;
95 95 padding-right: @padding;
96 96 }
97 97
98 98 .action-link.active,
99 99 .action-link.active a{
100 100 color: @grey4;
101 101 }
102 102
103 103 .action-link.disabled {
104 104 color: @grey4;
105 105 cursor: inherit;
106 106 }
107 107
108 108 .clipboard-action {
109 109 cursor: pointer;
110 110 }
111 111
112 112 ul.simple-list{
113 113 list-style: none;
114 114 margin: 0;
115 115 padding: 0;
116 116 }
117 117
118 118 .main-content {
119 119 padding-bottom: @pagepadding;
120 120 }
121 121
122 122 .wide-mode-wrapper {
123 123 max-width:4000px !important;
124 124 }
125 125
126 126 .wrapper {
127 127 position: relative;
128 128 max-width: @wrapper-maxwidth;
129 129 margin: 0 auto;
130 130 }
131 131
132 132 #content {
133 133 clear: both;
134 134 padding: 0 @contentpadding;
135 135 }
136 136
137 137 .advanced-settings-fields{
138 138 input{
139 139 margin-left: @textmargin;
140 140 margin-right: @padding/2;
141 141 }
142 142 }
143 143
144 144 .cs_files_title {
145 145 margin: @pagepadding 0 0;
146 146 }
147 147
148 148 input.inline[type="file"] {
149 149 display: inline;
150 150 }
151 151
152 152 .error_page {
153 153 margin: 10% auto;
154 154
155 155 h1 {
156 156 color: @grey2;
157 157 }
158 158
159 159 .alert {
160 160 margin: @padding 0;
161 161 }
162 162
163 163 .error-branding {
164 164 color: @grey4;
165 165 font-weight: @text-semibold-weight;
166 166 font-family: @text-semibold;
167 167 }
168 168
169 169 .error_message {
170 170 font-family: @text-regular;
171 171 }
172 172
173 173 .sidebar {
174 174 min-height: 275px;
175 175 margin: 0;
176 176 padding: 0 0 @sidebarpadding @sidebarpadding;
177 177 border: none;
178 178 }
179 179
180 180 .main-content {
181 181 position: relative;
182 182 margin: 0 @sidebarpadding @sidebarpadding;
183 183 padding: 0 0 0 @sidebarpadding;
184 184 border-left: @border-thickness solid @grey5;
185 185
186 186 @media (max-width:767px) {
187 187 clear: both;
188 188 width: 100%;
189 189 margin: 0;
190 190 border: none;
191 191 }
192 192 }
193 193
194 194 .inner-column {
195 195 float: left;
196 196 width: 29.75%;
197 197 min-height: 150px;
198 198 margin: @sidebarpadding 2% 0 0;
199 199 padding: 0 2% 0 0;
200 200 border-right: @border-thickness solid @grey5;
201 201
202 202 @media (max-width:767px) {
203 203 clear: both;
204 204 width: 100%;
205 205 border: none;
206 206 }
207 207
208 208 ul {
209 209 padding-left: 1.25em;
210 210 }
211 211
212 212 &:last-child {
213 213 margin: @sidebarpadding 0 0;
214 214 border: none;
215 215 }
216 216
217 217 h4 {
218 218 margin: 0 0 @padding;
219 219 font-weight: @text-semibold-weight;
220 220 font-family: @text-semibold;
221 221 }
222 222 }
223 223 }
224 224 .error-page-logo {
225 225 width: 130px;
226 226 height: 160px;
227 227 }
228 228
229 229 // HEADER
230 230 .header {
231 231
232 232 // TODO: johbo: Fix login pages, so that they work without a min-height
233 233 // for the header and then remove the min-height. I chose a smaller value
234 234 // intentionally here to avoid rendering issues in the main navigation.
235 235 min-height: 49px;
236 236
237 237 position: relative;
238 238 vertical-align: bottom;
239 239 padding: 0 @header-padding;
240 240 background-color: @grey2;
241 241 color: @grey5;
242 242
243 243 .title {
244 244 overflow: visible;
245 245 }
246 246
247 247 &:before,
248 248 &:after {
249 249 content: "";
250 250 clear: both;
251 251 width: 100%;
252 252 }
253 253
254 254 // TODO: johbo: Avoids breaking "Repositories" chooser
255 255 .select2-container .select2-choice .select2-arrow {
256 256 display: none;
257 257 }
258 258 }
259 259
260 260 #header-inner {
261 261 &.title {
262 262 margin: 0;
263 263 }
264 264 &:before,
265 265 &:after {
266 266 content: "";
267 267 clear: both;
268 268 }
269 269 }
270 270
271 271 // Gists
272 272 #files_data {
273 273 clear: both; //for firefox
274 274 }
275 275 #gistid {
276 276 margin-right: @padding;
277 277 }
278 278
279 279 // Global Settings Editor
280 280 .textarea.editor {
281 281 float: left;
282 282 position: relative;
283 283 max-width: @texteditor-width;
284 284
285 285 select {
286 286 position: absolute;
287 287 top:10px;
288 288 right:0;
289 289 }
290 290
291 291 .CodeMirror {
292 292 margin: 0;
293 293 }
294 294
295 295 .help-block {
296 296 margin: 0 0 @padding;
297 297 padding:.5em;
298 298 background-color: @grey6;
299 299 &.pre-formatting {
300 300 white-space: pre;
301 301 }
302 302 }
303 303 }
304 304
305 305 ul.auth_plugins {
306 306 margin: @padding 0 @padding @legend-width;
307 307 padding: 0;
308 308
309 309 li {
310 310 margin-bottom: @padding;
311 311 line-height: 1em;
312 312 list-style-type: none;
313 313
314 314 .auth_buttons .btn {
315 315 margin-right: @padding;
316 316 }
317 317
318 &:before { content: none; }
319 318 }
320 319 }
321 320
322 321
323 322 // My Account PR list
324 323
325 324 #show_closed {
326 325 margin: 0 1em 0 0;
327 326 }
328 327
329 328 .pullrequestlist {
330 329 .closed {
331 330 background-color: @grey6;
332 331 }
333 332 .td-status {
334 333 padding-left: .5em;
335 334 }
336 335 .log-container .truncate {
337 336 height: 2.75em;
338 337 white-space: pre-line;
339 338 }
340 339 table.rctable .user {
341 340 padding-left: 0;
342 341 }
343 342 table.rctable {
344 343 td.td-description,
345 344 .rc-user {
346 345 min-width: auto;
347 346 }
348 347 }
349 348 }
350 349
351 350 // Pull Requests
352 351
353 352 .pullrequests_section_head {
354 353 display: block;
355 354 clear: both;
356 355 margin: @padding 0;
357 356 font-weight: @text-bold-weight;
358 357 font-family: @text-bold;
359 358 }
360 359
361 360 .pr-origininfo, .pr-targetinfo {
362 361 position: relative;
363 362
364 363 .tag {
365 364 display: inline-block;
366 365 margin: 0 1em .5em 0;
367 366 }
368 367
369 368 .clone-url {
370 369 display: inline-block;
371 370 margin: 0 0 .5em 0;
372 371 padding: 0;
373 372 line-height: 1.2em;
374 373 }
375 374 }
376 375
377 376 .pr-mergeinfo {
378 377 min-width: 95% !important;
379 378 padding: 0 !important;
380 379 border: 0;
381 380 }
382 381 .pr-mergeinfo-copy {
383 382 padding: 0 0;
384 383 }
385 384
386 385 .pr-pullinfo {
387 386 min-width: 95% !important;
388 387 padding: 0 !important;
389 388 border: 0;
390 389 }
391 390 .pr-pullinfo-copy {
392 391 padding: 0 0;
393 392 }
394 393
395 394
396 395 #pr-title-input {
397 396 width: 72%;
398 397 font-size: 1em;
399 398 margin: 0;
400 399 padding: 0 0 0 @padding/4;
401 400 line-height: 1.7em;
402 401 color: @text-color;
403 402 letter-spacing: .02em;
404 403 font-weight: @text-bold-weight;
405 404 font-family: @text-bold;
406 405 }
407 406
408 407 #pullrequest_title {
409 408 width: 100%;
410 409 box-sizing: border-box;
411 410 }
412 411
413 412 #pr_open_message {
414 413 border: @border-thickness solid #fff;
415 414 border-radius: @border-radius;
416 415 padding: @padding-large-vertical @padding-large-vertical @padding-large-vertical 0;
417 416 text-align: left;
418 417 overflow: hidden;
419 418 }
420 419
421 420 .pr-submit-button {
422 421 float: right;
423 422 margin: 0 0 0 5px;
424 423 }
425 424
426 425 .pr-spacing-container {
427 426 padding: 20px;
428 427 clear: both
429 428 }
430 429
431 430 #pr-description-input {
432 431 margin-bottom: 0;
433 432 }
434 433
435 434 .pr-description-label {
436 435 vertical-align: top;
437 436 }
438 437
439 438 .perms_section_head {
440 439 min-width: 625px;
441 440
442 441 h2 {
443 442 margin-bottom: 0;
444 443 }
445 444
446 445 .label-checkbox {
447 446 float: left;
448 447 }
449 448
450 449 &.field {
451 450 margin: @space 0 @padding;
452 451 }
453 452
454 453 &:first-child.field {
455 454 margin-top: 0;
456 455
457 456 .label {
458 457 margin-top: 0;
459 458 padding-top: 0;
460 459 }
461 460
462 461 .radios {
463 462 padding-top: 0;
464 463 }
465 464 }
466 465
467 466 .radios {
468 467 position: relative;
469 468 width: 505px;
470 469 }
471 470 }
472 471
473 472 //--- MODULES ------------------//
474 473
475 474
476 475 // Server Announcement
477 476 #server-announcement {
478 477 width: 95%;
479 478 margin: @padding auto;
480 479 padding: @padding;
481 480 border-width: 2px;
482 481 border-style: solid;
483 482 .border-radius(2px);
484 483 font-weight: @text-bold-weight;
485 484 font-family: @text-bold;
486 485
487 486 &.info { border-color: @alert4; background-color: @alert4-inner; }
488 487 &.warning { border-color: @alert3; background-color: @alert3-inner; }
489 488 &.error { border-color: @alert2; background-color: @alert2-inner; }
490 489 &.success { border-color: @alert1; background-color: @alert1-inner; }
491 490 &.neutral { border-color: @grey3; background-color: @grey6; }
492 491 }
493 492
494 493 // Fixed Sidebar Column
495 494 .sidebar-col-wrapper {
496 495 padding-left: @sidebar-all-width;
497 496
498 497 .sidebar {
499 498 width: @sidebar-width;
500 499 margin-left: -@sidebar-all-width;
501 500 }
502 501 }
503 502
504 503 .sidebar-col-wrapper.scw-small {
505 504 padding-left: @sidebar-small-all-width;
506 505
507 506 .sidebar {
508 507 width: @sidebar-small-width;
509 508 margin-left: -@sidebar-small-all-width;
510 509 }
511 510 }
512 511
513 512
514 513 // FOOTER
515 514 #footer {
516 515 padding: 0;
517 516 text-align: center;
518 517 vertical-align: middle;
519 518 color: @grey2;
520 519 background-color: @grey6;
521 520
522 521 p {
523 522 margin: 0;
524 523 padding: 1em;
525 524 line-height: 1em;
526 525 }
527 526
528 527 .server-instance { //server instance
529 528 display: none;
530 529 }
531 530
532 531 .title {
533 532 float: none;
534 533 margin: 0 auto;
535 534 }
536 535 }
537 536
538 537 button.close {
539 538 padding: 0;
540 539 cursor: pointer;
541 540 background: transparent;
542 541 border: 0;
543 542 .box-shadow(none);
544 543 -webkit-appearance: none;
545 544 }
546 545
547 546 .close {
548 547 float: right;
549 548 font-size: 21px;
550 549 font-family: @text-bootstrap;
551 550 line-height: 1em;
552 551 font-weight: bold;
553 552 color: @grey2;
554 553
555 554 &:hover,
556 555 &:focus {
557 556 color: @grey1;
558 557 text-decoration: none;
559 558 cursor: pointer;
560 559 }
561 560 }
562 561
563 562 // GRID
564 563 .sorting,
565 564 .sorting_desc,
566 565 .sorting_asc {
567 566 cursor: pointer;
568 567 }
569 568 .sorting_desc:after {
570 569 content: "\00A0\25B2";
571 570 font-size: .75em;
572 571 }
573 572 .sorting_asc:after {
574 573 content: "\00A0\25BC";
575 574 font-size: .68em;
576 575 }
577 576
578 577
579 578 .user_auth_tokens {
580 579
581 580 &.truncate {
582 581 white-space: nowrap;
583 582 overflow: hidden;
584 583 text-overflow: ellipsis;
585 584 }
586 585
587 586 .fields .field .input {
588 587 margin: 0;
589 588 }
590 589
591 590 input#description {
592 591 width: 100px;
593 592 margin: 0;
594 593 }
595 594
596 595 .drop-menu {
597 596 // TODO: johbo: Remove this, should work out of the box when
598 597 // having multiple inputs inline
599 598 margin: 0 0 0 5px;
600 599 }
601 600 }
602 601 #user_list_table {
603 602 .closed {
604 603 background-color: @grey6;
605 604 }
606 605 }
607 606
608 607
609 608 input {
610 609 &.disabled {
611 610 opacity: .5;
612 611 }
613 612 }
614 613
615 614 // remove extra padding in firefox
616 615 input::-moz-focus-inner { border:0; padding:0 }
617 616
618 617 .adjacent input {
619 618 margin-bottom: @padding;
620 619 }
621 620
622 621 .permissions_boxes {
623 622 display: block;
624 623 }
625 624
626 625 //FORMS
627 626
628 627 .medium-inline,
629 628 input#description.medium-inline {
630 629 display: inline;
631 630 width: @medium-inline-input-width;
632 631 min-width: 100px;
633 632 }
634 633
635 634 select {
636 635 //reset
637 636 -webkit-appearance: none;
638 637 -moz-appearance: none;
639 638
640 639 display: inline-block;
641 640 height: 28px;
642 641 width: auto;
643 642 margin: 0 @padding @padding 0;
644 643 padding: 0 18px 0 8px;
645 644 line-height:1em;
646 645 font-size: @basefontsize;
647 646 border: @border-thickness solid @rcblue;
648 647 background:white url("../images/dt-arrow-dn.png") no-repeat 100% 50%;
649 648 color: @rcblue;
650 649
651 650 &:after {
652 651 content: "\00A0\25BE";
653 652 }
654 653
655 654 &:focus {
656 655 outline: none;
657 656 }
658 657 }
659 658
660 659 option {
661 660 &:focus {
662 661 outline: none;
663 662 }
664 663 }
665 664
666 665 input,
667 666 textarea {
668 667 padding: @input-padding;
669 668 border: @input-border-thickness solid @border-highlight-color;
670 669 .border-radius (@border-radius);
671 670 font-family: @text-light;
672 671 font-size: @basefontsize;
673 672
674 673 &.input-sm {
675 674 padding: 5px;
676 675 }
677 676
678 677 &#description {
679 678 min-width: @input-description-minwidth;
680 679 min-height: 1em;
681 680 padding: 10px;
682 681 }
683 682 }
684 683
685 684 .field-sm {
686 685 input,
687 686 textarea {
688 687 padding: 5px;
689 688 }
690 689 }
691 690
692 691 textarea {
693 692 display: block;
694 693 clear: both;
695 694 width: 100%;
696 695 min-height: 100px;
697 696 margin-bottom: @padding;
698 697 .box-sizing(border-box);
699 698 overflow: auto;
700 699 }
701 700
702 701 label {
703 702 font-family: @text-light;
704 703 }
705 704
706 705 // GRAVATARS
707 706 // centers gravatar on username to the right
708 707
709 708 .gravatar {
710 709 display: inline;
711 710 min-width: 16px;
712 711 min-height: 16px;
713 712 margin: -5px 0;
714 713 padding: 0;
715 714 line-height: 1em;
716 715 border: 1px solid @grey4;
717 716 box-sizing: content-box;
718 717
719 718 &.gravatar-large {
720 719 margin: -0.5em .25em -0.5em 0;
721 720 }
722 721
723 722 & + .user {
724 723 display: inline;
725 724 margin: 0;
726 725 padding: 0 0 0 .17em;
727 726 line-height: 1em;
728 727 }
729 728 }
730 729
731 730 .user-inline-data {
732 731 display: inline-block;
733 732 float: left;
734 733 padding-left: .5em;
735 734 line-height: 1.3em;
736 735 }
737 736
738 737 .rc-user { // gravatar + user wrapper
739 738 float: left;
740 739 position: relative;
741 740 min-width: 100px;
742 741 max-width: 200px;
743 742 min-height: (@gravatar-size + @border-thickness * 2); // account for border
744 743 display: block;
745 744 padding: 0 0 0 (@gravatar-size + @basefontsize/2 + @border-thickness * 2);
746 745
747 746
748 747 .gravatar {
749 748 display: block;
750 749 position: absolute;
751 750 top: 0;
752 751 left: 0;
753 752 min-width: @gravatar-size;
754 753 min-height: @gravatar-size;
755 754 margin: 0;
756 755 }
757 756
758 757 .user {
759 758 display: block;
760 759 max-width: 175px;
761 760 padding-top: 2px;
762 761 overflow: hidden;
763 762 text-overflow: ellipsis;
764 763 }
765 764 }
766 765
767 766 .gist-gravatar,
768 767 .journal_container {
769 768 .gravatar-large {
770 769 margin: 0 .5em -10px 0;
771 770 }
772 771 }
773 772
774 773
776 775
777 776 // Tag Patterns
778 777 .tag_patterns {
779 778 .tag_input {
780 779 margin-bottom: @padding;
781 780 }
782 781 }
783 782
784 783 .locked_input {
785 784 position: relative;
786 785
787 786 input {
788 787 display: inline;
789 788 margin: 3px 5px 0px 0px;
790 789 }
791 790
792 791 br {
793 792 display: none;
794 793 }
795 794
796 795 .error-message {
797 796 float: left;
798 797 width: 100%;
799 798 }
800 799
801 800 .lock_input_button {
802 801 display: inline;
803 802 }
804 803
805 804 .help-block {
806 805 clear: both;
807 806 }
808 807 }
809 808
810 809 // Notifications
811 810
812 811 .notifications_buttons {
813 812 margin: 0 0 @space 0;
814 813 padding: 0;
815 814
816 815 .btn {
817 816 display: inline-block;
818 817 }
819 818 }
820 819
821 820 .notification-list {
822 821
823 822 div {
824 823 display: inline-block;
825 824 vertical-align: middle;
826 825 }
827 826
828 827 .container {
829 828 display: block;
830 829 margin: 0 0 @padding 0;
831 830 }
832 831
833 832 .delete-notifications {
834 833 margin-left: @padding;
835 834 text-align: right;
836 835 cursor: pointer;
837 836 }
838 837
839 838 .read-notifications {
840 839 margin-left: @padding/2;
841 840 text-align: right;
842 841 width: 35px;
843 842 cursor: pointer;
844 843 }
845 844
846 845 .icon-minus-sign {
847 846 color: @alert2;
848 847 }
849 848
850 849 .icon-ok-sign {
851 850 color: @alert1;
852 851 }
853 852 }
854 853
855 854 .user_settings {
856 855 float: left;
857 856 clear: both;
858 857 display: block;
859 858 width: 100%;
860 859
861 860 .gravatar_box {
862 861 margin-bottom: @padding;
863 862
864 863 &:after {
865 864 content: " ";
866 865 clear: both;
867 866 width: 100%;
868 867 }
869 868 }
870 869
871 870 .fields .field {
872 871 clear: both;
873 872 }
874 873 }
875 874
876 875 .advanced_settings {
877 876 margin-bottom: @space;
878 877
879 878 .help-block {
880 879 margin-left: 0;
881 880 }
882 881
883 882 button + .help-block {
884 883 margin-top: @padding;
885 884 }
886 885 }
887 886
888 887 // admin settings radio buttons and labels
889 888 .label-2 {
890 889 float: left;
891 890 width: @label2-width;
892 891
893 892 label {
894 893 color: @grey1;
895 894 }
896 895 }
897 896 .checkboxes {
898 897 float: left;
899 898 width: @checkboxes-width;
900 899 margin-bottom: @padding;
901 900
902 901 .checkbox {
903 902 width: 100%;
904 903
905 904 label {
906 905 margin: 0;
907 906 padding: 0;
908 907 }
909 908 }
910 909
911 910 .checkbox + .checkbox {
912 911 display: inline-block;
913 912 }
914 913
915 914 label {
916 915 margin-right: 1em;
917 916 }
918 917 }
919 918
920 919 // CHANGELOG
921 920 .container_header {
922 921 float: left;
923 922 display: block;
924 923 width: 100%;
925 924 margin: @padding 0 @padding;
926 925
927 926 #filter_changelog {
928 927 float: left;
929 928 margin-right: @padding;
930 929 }
931 930
932 931 .breadcrumbs_light {
933 932 display: inline-block;
934 933 }
935 934 }
936 935
937 936 .info_box {
938 937 float: right;
939 938 }
940 939
941 940
942 941 #graph_nodes {
943 942 padding-top: 43px;
944 943 }
945 944
946 945 #graph_content{
947 946
948 947 // adjust for table headers so that graph renders properly
949 948 // #graph_nodes padding - table cell padding
950 949 padding-top: (@space - (@basefontsize * 2.4));
951 950
952 951 &.graph_full_width {
953 952 width: 100%;
954 953 max-width: 100%;
955 954 }
956 955 }
957 956
958 957 #graph {
959 958 .flag_status {
960 959 margin: 0;
961 960 }
962 961
963 962 .pagination-left {
964 963 float: left;
965 964 clear: both;
966 965 }
967 966
968 967 .log-container {
969 968 max-width: 345px;
970 969
971 970 .message{
972 971 max-width: 340px;
973 972 }
974 973 }
975 974
976 975 .graph-col-wrapper {
977 976 padding-left: 110px;
978 977
979 978 #graph_nodes {
980 979 width: 100px;
981 980 margin-left: -110px;
982 981 float: left;
983 982 clear: left;
984 983 }
985 984 }
986 985
987 986 .load-more-commits {
988 987 text-align: center;
989 988 }
990 989 .load-more-commits:hover {
991 990 background-color: @grey7;
992 991 }
993 992 .load-more-commits {
994 993 a {
995 994 display: block;
996 995 }
997 996 }
998 997 }
999 998
1000 999 #filter_changelog {
1001 1000 float: left;
1002 1001 }
1003 1002
1004 1003
1005 1004 //--- THEME ------------------//
1006 1005
1007 1006 #logo {
1008 1007 float: left;
1009 1008 margin: 9px 0 0 0;
1010 1009
1011 1010 .header {
1012 1011 background-color: transparent;
1013 1012 }
1014 1013
1015 1014 a {
1016 1015 display: inline-block;
1017 1016 }
1018 1017
1019 1018 img {
1020 1019 height:30px;
1021 1020 }
1022 1021 }
1023 1022
1024 1023 .logo-wrapper {
1025 1024 float:left;
1026 1025 }
1027 1026
1028 1027 .branding{
1029 1028 float: left;
1030 1029 padding: 9px 2px;
1031 1030 line-height: 1em;
1032 1031 font-size: @navigation-fontsize;
1033 1032 }
1034 1033
1035 1034 img {
1036 1035 border: none;
1037 1036 outline: none;
1038 1037 }
1039 1038 user-profile-header
1040 1039 label {
1041 1040
1042 1041 input[type="checkbox"] {
1043 1042 margin-right: 1em;
1044 1043 }
1045 1044 input[type="radio"] {
1046 1045 margin-right: 1em;
1047 1046 }
1048 1047 }
1049 1048
1050 1049 .flag_status {
1051 1050 margin: 2px 8px 6px 2px;
1052 1051 &.under_review {
1053 1052 .circle(5px, @alert3);
1054 1053 }
1055 1054 &.approved {
1056 1055 .circle(5px, @alert1);
1057 1056 }
1058 1057 &.rejected,
1059 1058 &.forced_closed{
1060 1059 .circle(5px, @alert2);
1061 1060 }
1062 1061 &.not_reviewed {
1063 1062 .circle(5px, @grey5);
1064 1063 }
1065 1064 }
1066 1065
1067 1066 .flag_status_comment_box {
1068 1067 margin: 5px 6px 0px 2px;
1069 1068 }
1070 1069 .test_pattern_preview {
1071 1070 margin: @space 0;
1072 1071
1073 1072 p {
1074 1073 margin-bottom: 0;
1075 1074 border-bottom: @border-thickness solid @border-default-color;
1076 1075 color: @grey3;
1077 1076 }
1078 1077
1079 1078 .btn {
1080 1079 margin-bottom: @padding;
1081 1080 }
1082 1081 }
1083 1082 #test_pattern_result {
1084 1083 display: none;
1085 1084 &:extend(pre);
1086 1085 padding: .9em;
1087 1086 color: @grey3;
1088 1087 background-color: @grey7;
1089 1088 border-right: @border-thickness solid @border-default-color;
1090 1089 border-bottom: @border-thickness solid @border-default-color;
1091 1090 border-left: @border-thickness solid @border-default-color;
1092 1091 }
1093 1092
1094 1093 #repo_vcs_settings {
1095 1094 #inherit_overlay_vcs_default {
1096 1095 display: none;
1097 1096 }
1098 1097 #inherit_overlay_vcs_custom {
1099 1098 display: custom;
1100 1099 }
1101 1100 &.inherited {
1102 1101 #inherit_overlay_vcs_default {
1103 1102 display: block;
1104 1103 }
1105 1104 #inherit_overlay_vcs_custom {
1106 1105 display: none;
1107 1106 }
1108 1107 }
1109 1108 }
1110 1109
1111 1110 .issue-tracker-link {
1112 1111 color: @rcblue;
1113 1112 }
1114 1113
1115 1114 // Issue Tracker Table Show/Hide
1116 1115 #repo_issue_tracker {
1117 1116 #inherit_overlay {
1118 1117 display: none;
1119 1118 }
1120 1119 #custom_overlay {
1121 1120 display: custom;
1122 1121 }
1123 1122 &.inherited {
1124 1123 #inherit_overlay {
1125 1124 display: block;
1126 1125 }
1127 1126 #custom_overlay {
1128 1127 display: none;
1129 1128 }
1130 1129 }
1131 1130 }
1132 1131 table.issuetracker {
1133 1132 &.readonly {
1134 1133 tr, td {
1135 1134 color: @grey3;
1136 1135 }
1137 1136 }
1138 1137 .edit {
1139 1138 display: none;
1140 1139 }
1141 1140 .editopen {
1142 1141 .edit {
1143 1142 display: inline;
1144 1143 }
1145 1144 .entry {
1146 1145 display: none;
1147 1146 }
1148 1147 }
1149 1148 tr td.td-action {
1150 1149 min-width: 117px;
1151 1150 }
1152 1151 td input {
1153 1152 max-width: none;
1154 1153 min-width: 30px;
1155 1154 width: 80%;
1156 1155 }
1157 1156 .issuetracker_pref input {
1158 1157 width: 40%;
1159 1158 }
1160 1159 input.edit_issuetracker_update {
1161 1160 margin-right: 0;
1162 1161 width: auto;
1163 1162 }
1164 1163 }
1165 1164
1166 1165 table.integrations {
1167 1166 .td-icon {
1168 1167 width: 20px;
1169 1168 .integration-icon {
1170 1169 height: 20px;
1171 1170 width: 20px;
1172 1171 }
1173 1172 }
1174 1173 }
1175 1174
1176 1175 .integrations {
1177 1176 a.integration-box {
1178 1177 color: @text-color;
1179 1178 &:hover {
1180 1179 .panel {
1181 1180 background: #fbfbfb;
1182 1181 }
1183 1182 }
1184 1183 .integration-icon {
1185 1184 width: 30px;
1186 1185 height: 30px;
1187 1186 margin-right: 20px;
1188 1187 float: left;
1189 1188 }
1190 1189
1191 1190 .panel-body {
1192 1191 padding: 10px;
1193 1192 }
1194 1193 .panel {
1195 1194 margin-bottom: 10px;
1196 1195 }
1197 1196 h2 {
1198 1197 display: inline-block;
1199 1198 margin: 0;
1200 1199 min-width: 140px;
1201 1200 }
1202 1201 }
1203 1202 a.integration-box.dummy-integration {
1204 1203 color: @grey4
1205 1204 }
1206 1205 }
1207 1206
1208 1207 //Permissions Settings
1209 1208 #add_perm {
1210 1209 margin: 0 0 @padding;
1211 1210 cursor: pointer;
1212 1211 }
1213 1212
1214 1213 .perm_ac {
1215 1214 input {
1216 1215 width: 95%;
1217 1216 }
1218 1217 }
1219 1218
1220 1219 .autocomplete-suggestions {
1221 1220 width: auto !important; // overrides autocomplete.js
1222 1221 margin: 0;
1223 1222 border: @border-thickness solid @rcblue;
1224 1223 border-radius: @border-radius;
1225 1224 color: @rcblue;
1226 1225 background-color: white;
1227 1226 }
1228 1227 .autocomplete-selected {
1229 1228 background: #F0F0F0;
1230 1229 }
1231 1230 .ac-container-wrap {
1232 1231 margin: 0;
1233 1232 padding: 8px;
1234 1233 border-bottom: @border-thickness solid @rclightblue;
1235 1234 list-style-type: none;
1236 1235 cursor: pointer;
1237 1236
1238 1237 &:hover {
1239 1238 background-color: @rclightblue;
1240 1239 }
1241 1240
1242 1241 img {
1243 1242 height: @gravatar-size;
1244 1243 width: @gravatar-size;
1245 1244 margin-right: 1em;
1246 1245 }
1247 1246
1248 1247 strong {
1249 1248 font-weight: normal;
1250 1249 }
1251 1250 }
1252 1251
1253 1252 // Settings Dropdown
1254 1253 .user-menu .container {
1255 1254 padding: 0 4px;
1256 1255 margin: 0;
1257 1256 }
1258 1257
1259 1258 .user-menu .gravatar {
1260 1259 cursor: pointer;
1261 1260 }
1262 1261
1263 1262 .codeblock {
1264 1263 margin-bottom: @padding;
1265 1264 clear: both;
1266 1265
1267 1266 .stats{
1268 1267 overflow: hidden;
1269 1268 }
1270 1269
1271 1270 .message{
1272 1271 textarea{
1273 1272 margin: 0;
1274 1273 }
1275 1274 }
1276 1275
1277 1276 .code-header {
1278 1277 .stats {
1279 1278 line-height: 2em;
1280 1279
1281 1280 .revision_id {
1282 1281 margin-left: 0;
1283 1282 }
1284 1283 .buttons {
1285 1284 padding-right: 0;
1286 1285 }
1287 1286 }
1288 1287
1289 1288 .item{
1290 1289 margin-right: 0.5em;
1291 1290 }
1292 1291 }
1293 1292
1294 1293 #editor_container{
1295 1294 position: relative;
1296 1295 margin: @padding;
1297 1296 }
1298 1297 }
1299 1298
1300 1299 #file_history_container {
1301 1300 display: none;
1302 1301 }
1303 1302
1304 1303 .file-history-inner {
1305 1304 margin-bottom: 10px;
1306 1305 }
1307 1306
1308 1307 // Pull Requests
1309 1308 .summary-details {
1310 1309 width: 72%;
1311 1310 }
1312 1311 .pr-summary {
1313 1312 border-bottom: @border-thickness solid @grey5;
1314 1313 margin-bottom: @space;
1315 1314 }
1316 1315 .reviewers-title {
1317 1316 width: 25%;
1318 1317 min-width: 200px;
1319 1318 }
1320 1319 .reviewers {
1321 1320 width: 25%;
1322 1321 min-width: 200px;
1323 1322 }
1324 1323 .reviewers ul li {
1325 1324 position: relative;
1326 1325 width: 100%;
1327 1326 padding-bottom: 8px;
1327 list-style-type: none;
1328 1328 }
1329 1329
1330 1330 .reviewer_entry {
1331 1331 min-height: 55px;
1332 1332 }
1333 1333
1334 1334 .reviewers_member {
1335 1335 width: 100%;
1336 1336 overflow: auto;
1337 1337 }
1338 1338 .reviewer_reason {
1339 1339 padding-left: 20px;
1340 1340 line-height: 1.5em;
1341 1341 }
1342 1342 .reviewer_status {
1343 1343 display: inline-block;
1344 1344 vertical-align: top;
1345 1345 width: 25px;
1346 1346 min-width: 25px;
1347 1347 height: 1.2em;
1348 1348 margin-top: 3px;
1349 1349 line-height: 1em;
1350 1350 }
1351 1351
1352 1352 .reviewer_name {
1353 1353 display: inline-block;
1354 1354 max-width: 83%;
1355 1355 padding-right: 20px;
1356 1356 vertical-align: middle;
1357 1357 line-height: 1;
1358 1358
1359 1359 .rc-user {
1360 1360 min-width: 0;
1361 1361 margin: -2px 1em 0 0;
1362 1362 }
1363 1363
1364 1364 .reviewer {
1365 1365 float: left;
1366 1366 }
1367 1367 }
1368 1368
1369 1369 .reviewer_member_mandatory {
1370 1370 position: absolute;
1371 1371 left: 15px;
1372 1372 top: 8px;
1373 1373 width: 16px;
1374 1374 font-size: 11px;
1375 1375 margin: 0;
1376 1376 padding: 0;
1377 1377 color: black;
1378 1378 }
1379 1379
1380 1380 .reviewer_member_mandatory_remove,
1381 1381 .reviewer_member_remove {
1382 1382 position: absolute;
1383 1383 right: 0;
1384 1384 top: 0;
1385 1385 width: 16px;
1386 1386 margin-bottom: 10px;
1387 1387 padding: 0;
1388 1388 color: black;
1389 1389 }
1390 1390
1391 1391 .reviewer_member_mandatory_remove {
1392 1392 color: @grey4;
1393 1393 }
1394 1394
1395 1395 .reviewer_member_status {
1396 1396 margin-top: 5px;
1397 1397 }
1398 1398 .pr-summary #summary{
1399 1399 width: 100%;
1400 1400 }
1401 1401 .pr-summary .action_button:hover {
1402 1402 border: 0;
1403 1403 cursor: pointer;
1404 1404 }
1405 1405 .pr-details-title {
1406 1406 padding-bottom: 8px;
1407 1407 border-bottom: @border-thickness solid @grey5;
1408 1408
1409 1409 .action_button.disabled {
1410 1410 color: @grey4;
1411 1411 cursor: inherit;
1412 1412 }
1413 1413 .action_button {
1414 1414 color: @rcblue;
1415 1415 }
1416 1416 }
1417 1417 .pr-details-content {
1418 1418 margin-top: @textmargin;
1419 1419 margin-bottom: @textmargin;
1420 1420 }
1421 1421
1422 1422 .pr-reviewer-rules {
1423 1423 padding: 10px 0px 20px 0px;
1424 1424 }
1425 1425
1426 1426 .group_members {
1427 1427 margin-top: 0;
1428 1428 padding: 0;
1429 1429 list-style: outside none none;
1430 1430
1431 1431 img {
1432 1432 height: @gravatar-size;
1433 1433 width: @gravatar-size;
1434 1434 margin-right: .5em;
1435 1435 margin-left: 3px;
1436 1436 }
1437 1437
1438 1438 .to-delete {
1439 1439 .user {
1440 1440 text-decoration: line-through;
1441 1441 }
1442 1442 }
1443 1443 }
1444 1444
1445 1445 .compare_view_commits_title {
1446 1446 .disabled {
1447 1447 cursor: inherit;
1448 1448 &:hover{
1449 1449 background-color: inherit;
1450 1450 color: inherit;
1451 1451 }
1452 1452 }
1453 1453 }
1454 1454
1455 1455 .subtitle-compare {
1456 1456 margin: -15px 0px 0px 0px;
1457 1457 }
1458 1458
1459 1459 .comments-summary-td {
1460 1460 border-top: 1px dashed @grey5;
1461 1461 }
1462 1462
1463 1463 // new entry in group_members
1464 1464 .td-author-new-entry {
1465 1465 background-color: rgba(red(@alert1), green(@alert1), blue(@alert1), 0.3);
1466 1466 }
1467 1467
1468 1468 .usergroup_member_remove {
1469 1469 width: 16px;
1470 1470 margin-bottom: 10px;
1471 1471 padding: 0;
1472 1472 color: black !important;
1473 1473 cursor: pointer;
1474 1474 }
1475 1475
1476 1476 .reviewer_ac .ac-input {
1477 1477 width: 92%;
1478 1478 margin-bottom: 1em;
1479 1479 }
1480 1480
1481 1481 .compare_view_commits tr{
1482 1482 height: 20px;
1483 1483 }
1484 1484 .compare_view_commits td {
1485 1485 vertical-align: top;
1486 1486 padding-top: 10px;
1487 1487 }
1488 1488 .compare_view_commits .author {
1489 1489 margin-left: 5px;
1490 1490 }
1491 1491
1492 1492 .compare_view_commits {
1493 1493 .color-a {
1494 1494 color: @alert1;
1495 1495 }
1496 1496
1497 1497 .color-c {
1498 1498 color: @color3;
1499 1499 }
1500 1500
1501 1501 .color-r {
1502 1502 color: @color5;
1503 1503 }
1504 1504
1505 1505 .color-a-bg {
1506 1506 background-color: @alert1;
1507 1507 }
1508 1508
1509 1509 .color-c-bg {
1510 1510 background-color: @alert3;
1511 1511 }
1512 1512
1513 1513 .color-r-bg {
1514 1514 background-color: @alert2;
1515 1515 }
1516 1516
1517 1517 .color-a-border {
1518 1518 border: 1px solid @alert1;
1519 1519 }
1520 1520
1521 1521 .color-c-border {
1522 1522 border: 1px solid @alert3;
1523 1523 }
1524 1524
1525 1525 .color-r-border {
1526 1526 border: 1px solid @alert2;
1527 1527 }
1528 1528
1529 1529 .commit-change-indicator {
1530 1530 width: 15px;
1531 1531 height: 15px;
1532 1532 position: relative;
1533 1533 left: 15px;
1534 1534 }
1535 1535
1536 1536 .commit-change-content {
1537 1537 text-align: center;
1538 1538 vertical-align: middle;
1539 1539 line-height: 15px;
1540 1540 }
1541 1541 }
1542 1542
1543 1543 .compare_view_filepath {
1544 1544 color: @grey1;
1545 1545 }
1546 1546
1547 1547 .show_more {
1548 1548 display: inline-block;
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1550 1550 height: 0;
1551 1551 vertical-align: middle;
1552 1552 content: "";
1553 1553 border: 4px solid;
1554 1554 border-right-color: transparent;
1555 1555 border-bottom-color: transparent;
1556 1556 border-left-color: transparent;
1557 1557 font-size: 0;
1558 1558 }
1559 1559
1560 1560 .journal_more .show_more {
1561 1561 display: inline;
1562 1562
1563 1563 &:after {
1564 1564 content: none;
1565 1565 }
1566 1566 }
1567 1567
1568 1568 .compare_view_commits .collapse_commit:after {
1569 1569 cursor: pointer;
1570 1570 content: "\00A0\25B4";
1571 1571 margin-left: -3px;
1572 1572 font-size: 17px;
1573 1573 color: @grey4;
1574 1574 }
1575 1575
1576 1576 .diff_links {
1577 1577 margin-left: 8px;
1578 1578 }
1579 1579
1580 1580 div.ancestor {
1581 1581 margin: -30px 0px;
1582 1582 }
1583 1583
1584 1584 .cs_icon_td input[type="checkbox"] {
1585 1585 display: none;
1586 1586 }
1587 1587
1588 1588 .cs_icon_td .expand_file_icon:after {
1589 1589 cursor: pointer;
1590 1590 content: "\00A0\25B6";
1591 1591 font-size: 12px;
1592 1592 color: @grey4;
1593 1593 }
1594 1594
1595 1595 .cs_icon_td .collapse_file_icon:after {
1596 1596 cursor: pointer;
1597 1597 content: "\00A0\25BC";
1598 1598 font-size: 12px;
1599 1599 color: @grey4;
1600 1600 }
1601 1601
1602 1602 /*new binary
1603 1603 NEW_FILENODE = 1
1604 1604 DEL_FILENODE = 2
1605 1605 MOD_FILENODE = 3
1606 1606 RENAMED_FILENODE = 4
1607 1607 COPIED_FILENODE = 5
1608 1608 CHMOD_FILENODE = 6
1609 1609 BIN_FILENODE = 7
1610 1610 */
1611 1611 .cs_files_expand {
1612 1612 font-size: @basefontsize + 5px;
1613 1613 line-height: 1.8em;
1614 1614 float: right;
1615 1615 }
1616 1616
1617 1617 .cs_files_expand span{
1618 1618 color: @rcblue;
1619 1619 cursor: pointer;
1620 1620 }
1621 1621 .cs_files {
1622 1622 clear: both;
1623 1623 padding-bottom: @padding;
1624 1624
1625 1625 .cur_cs {
1626 1626 margin: 10px 2px;
1627 1627 font-weight: bold;
1628 1628 }
1629 1629
1630 1630 .node {
1631 1631 float: left;
1632 1632 }
1633 1633
1634 1634 .changes {
1635 1635 float: right;
1636 1636 color: white;
1637 1637 font-size: @basefontsize - 4px;
1638 1638 margin-top: 4px;
1639 1639 opacity: 0.6;
1640 1640 filter: Alpha(opacity=60); /* IE8 and earlier */
1641 1641
1642 1642 .added {
1643 1643 background-color: @alert1;
1644 1644 float: left;
1645 1645 text-align: center;
1646 1646 }
1647 1647
1648 1648 .deleted {
1649 1649 background-color: @alert2;
1650 1650 float: left;
1651 1651 text-align: center;
1652 1652 }
1653 1653
1654 1654 .bin {
1655 1655 background-color: @alert1;
1656 1656 text-align: center;
1657 1657 }
1658 1658
1659 1659 /*new binary*/
1660 1660 .bin.bin1 {
1661 1661 background-color: @alert1;
1662 1662 text-align: center;
1663 1663 }
1664 1664
1665 1665 /*deleted binary*/
1666 1666 .bin.bin2 {
1667 1667 background-color: @alert2;
1668 1668 text-align: center;
1669 1669 }
1670 1670
1671 1671 /*mod binary*/
1672 1672 .bin.bin3 {
1673 1673 background-color: @grey2;
1674 1674 text-align: center;
1675 1675 }
1676 1676
1677 1677 /*rename file*/
1678 1678 .bin.bin4 {
1679 1679 background-color: @alert4;
1680 1680 text-align: center;
1681 1681 }
1682 1682
1683 1683 /*copied file*/
1684 1684 .bin.bin5 {
1685 1685 background-color: @alert4;
1686 1686 text-align: center;
1687 1687 }
1688 1688
1689 1689 /*chmod file*/
1690 1690 .bin.bin6 {
1691 1691 background-color: @grey2;
1692 1692 text-align: center;
1693 1693 }
1694 1694 }
1695 1695 }
1696 1696
1697 1697 .cs_files .cs_added, .cs_files .cs_A,
1698 1698 .cs_files .cs_added, .cs_files .cs_M,
1699 1699 .cs_files .cs_added, .cs_files .cs_D {
1700 1700 height: 16px;
1701 1701 padding-right: 10px;
1702 1702 margin-top: 7px;
1703 1703 text-align: left;
1704 1704 }
1705 1705
1706 1706 .cs_icon_td {
1707 1707 min-width: 16px;
1708 1708 width: 16px;
1709 1709 }
1710 1710
1711 1711 .pull-request-merge {
1712 1712 border: 1px solid @grey5;
1713 1713 padding: 10px 0px 20px;
1714 1714 margin-top: 10px;
1715 1715 margin-bottom: 20px;
1716 1716 }
1717 1717
1718 1718 .pull-request-merge ul {
1719 1719 padding: 0px 0px;
1720 1720 }
1721 1721
1722 .pull-request-merge li:before{
1723 content:none;
1722 .pull-request-merge li {
1723 list-style-type: none;
1724 1724 }
1725 1725
1726 1726 .pull-request-merge .pull-request-wrap {
1727 1727 height: auto;
1728 1728 padding: 0px 0px;
1729 1729 text-align: right;
1730 1730 }
1731 1731
1732 1732 .pull-request-merge span {
1733 1733 margin-right: 5px;
1734 1734 }
1735 1735
1736 1736 .pull-request-merge-actions {
1737 1737 min-height: 30px;
1738 1738 padding: 0px 0px;
1739 1739 }
1740 1740
1741 1741 .pull-request-merge-info {
1742 1742 padding: 0px 5px 5px 0px;
1743 1743 }
1744 1744
1745 1745 .merge-status {
1746 1746 margin-right: 5px;
1747 1747 }
1748 1748
1749 1749 .merge-message {
1750 1750 font-size: 1.2em
1751 1751 }
1752 1752
1753 1753 .merge-message.success i,
1754 1754 .merge-icon.success i {
1755 1755 color:@alert1;
1756 1756 }
1757 1757
1758 1758 .merge-message.warning i,
1759 1759 .merge-icon.warning i {
1760 1760 color: @alert3;
1761 1761 }
1762 1762
1763 1763 .merge-message.error i,
1764 1764 .merge-icon.error i {
1765 1765 color:@alert2;
1766 1766 }
1767 1767
1768 1768 .pr-versions {
1769 1769 font-size: 1.1em;
1770 1770
1771 1771 table {
1772 1772 padding: 0px 5px;
1773 1773 }
1774 1774
1775 1775 td {
1776 1776 line-height: 15px;
1777 1777 }
1778 1778
1779 1779 .flag_status {
1780 1780 margin: 0;
1781 1781 }
1782 1782
1783 1783 .compare-radio-button {
1784 1784 position: relative;
1785 1785 top: -3px;
1786 1786 }
1787 1787 }
1788 1788
1789 1789
1790 1790 #close_pull_request {
1791 1791 margin-right: 0px;
1792 1792 }
1793 1793
1794 1794 .empty_data {
1795 1795 color: @grey4;
1796 1796 }
1797 1797
1798 1798 #changeset_compare_view_content {
1799 1799 margin-bottom: @space;
1800 1800 clear: both;
1801 1801 width: 100%;
1802 1802 box-sizing: border-box;
1803 1803 .border-radius(@border-radius);
1804 1804
1805 1805 .help-block {
1806 1806 margin: @padding 0;
1807 1807 color: @text-color;
1808 1808 &.pre-formatting {
1809 1809 white-space: pre;
1810 1810 }
1811 1811 }
1812 1812
1813 1813 .empty_data {
1814 1814 margin: @padding 0;
1815 1815 }
1816 1816
1817 1817 .alert {
1818 1818 margin-bottom: @space;
1819 1819 }
1820 1820 }
1821 1821
1822 1822 .table_disp {
1823 1823 .status {
1824 1824 width: auto;
1825 1825
1826 1826 .flag_status {
1827 1827 float: left;
1828 1828 }
1829 1829 }
1830 1830 }
1831 1831
1832 1832
1833 1833 .creation_in_progress {
1834 1834 color: @grey4
1835 1835 }
1836 1836
1837 1837 .status_box_menu {
1838 1838 margin: 0;
1839 1839 }
1840 1840
1841 1841 .notification-table{
1842 1842 margin-bottom: @space;
1843 1843 display: table;
1844 1844 width: 100%;
1845 1845
1846 1846 .container{
1847 1847 display: table-row;
1848 1848
1849 1849 .notification-header{
1850 1850 border-bottom: @border-thickness solid @border-default-color;
1851 1851 }
1852 1852
1853 1853 .notification-subject{
1854 1854 display: table-cell;
1855 1855 }
1856 1856 }
1857 1857 }
1858 1858
1859 1859 // Notifications
1860 1860 .notification-header{
1861 1861 display: table;
1862 1862 width: 100%;
1863 1863 padding: floor(@basefontsize/2) 0;
1864 1864 line-height: 1em;
1865 1865
1866 1866 .desc, .delete-notifications, .read-notifications{
1867 1867 display: table-cell;
1868 1868 text-align: left;
1869 1869 }
1870 1870
1871 1871 .desc{
1872 1872 width: 1163px;
1873 1873 }
1874 1874
1875 1875 .delete-notifications, .read-notifications{
1876 1876 width: 35px;
1877 1877 min-width: 35px; //fixes when only one button is displayed
1878 1878 }
1879 1879 }
1880 1880
1881 1881 .notification-body {
1882 1882 .markdown-block,
1883 1883 .rst-block {
1884 1884 padding: @padding 0;
1885 1885 }
1886 1886
1887 1887 .notification-subject {
1888 1888 padding: @textmargin 0;
1889 1889 border-bottom: @border-thickness solid @border-default-color;
1890 1890 }
1891 1891 }
1892 1892
1893 1893
1894 1894 .notifications_buttons{
1895 1895 float: right;
1896 1896 }
1897 1897
1898 1898 #notification-status{
1899 1899 display: inline;
1900 1900 }
1901 1901
1902 1902 // Repositories
1903 1903
1904 1904 #summary.fields{
1905 1905 display: table;
1906 1906
1907 1907 .field{
1908 1908 display: table-row;
1909 1909
1910 1910 .label-summary{
1911 1911 display: table-cell;
1912 1912 min-width: @label-summary-minwidth;
1913 1913 padding-top: @padding/2;
1914 1914 padding-bottom: @padding/2;
1915 1915 padding-right: @padding/2;
1916 1916 }
1917 1917
1918 1918 .input{
1919 1919 display: table-cell;
1920 1920 padding: @padding/2;
1921 1921
1922 1922 input{
1923 1923 min-width: 29em;
1924 1924 padding: @padding/4;
1925 1925 }
1926 1926 }
1927 1927 .statistics, .downloads{
1928 1928 .disabled{
1929 1929 color: @grey4;
1930 1930 }
1931 1931 }
1932 1932 }
1933 1933 }
1934 1934
1935 1935 #summary{
1936 1936 width: 70%;
1937 1937 }
1938 1938
1939 1939
1940 1940 // Journal
1941 1941 .journal.title {
1942 1942 h5 {
1943 1943 float: left;
1944 1944 margin: 0;
1945 1945 width: 70%;
1946 1946 }
1947 1947
1948 1948 ul {
1949 1949 float: right;
1950 1950 display: inline-block;
1951 1951 margin: 0;
1952 1952 width: 30%;
1953 1953 text-align: right;
1954 1954
1955 1955 li {
1956 1956 display: inline;
1957 1957 font-size: @journal-fontsize;
1958 1958 line-height: 1em;
1959 1959
1960 &:before { content: none; }
1960 list-style-type: none;
1961 1961 }
1962 1962 }
1963 1963 }
1964 1964
1965 1965 .filterexample {
1966 1966 position: absolute;
1967 1967 top: 95px;
1968 1968 left: @contentpadding;
1969 1969 color: @rcblue;
1970 1970 font-size: 11px;
1971 1971 font-family: @text-regular;
1972 1972 cursor: help;
1973 1973
1974 1974 &:hover {
1975 1975 color: @rcdarkblue;
1976 1976 }
1977 1977
1978 1978 @media (max-width:768px) {
1979 1979 position: relative;
1980 1980 top: auto;
1981 1981 left: auto;
1982 1982 display: block;
1983 1983 }
1984 1984 }
1985 1985
1986 1986
1987 1987 #journal{
1988 1988 margin-bottom: @space;
1989 1989
1990 1990 .journal_day{
1991 1991 margin-bottom: @textmargin/2;
1992 1992 padding-bottom: @textmargin/2;
1993 1993 font-size: @journal-fontsize;
1994 1994 border-bottom: @border-thickness solid @border-default-color;
1995 1995 }
1996 1996
1997 1997 .journal_container{
1998 1998 margin-bottom: @space;
1999 1999
2000 2000 .journal_user{
2001 2001 display: inline-block;
2002 2002 }
2003 2003 .journal_action_container{
2004 2004 display: block;
2005 2005 margin-top: @textmargin;
2006 2006
2007 2007 div{
2008 2008 display: inline;
2009 2009 }
2010 2010
2011 2011 div.journal_action_params{
2012 2012 display: block;
2013 2013 }
2014 2014
2015 2015 div.journal_repo:after{
2016 2016 content: "\A";
2017 2017 white-space: pre;
2018 2018 }
2019 2019
2020 2020 div.date{
2021 2021 display: block;
2022 2022 margin-bottom: @textmargin;
2023 2023 }
2024 2024 }
2025 2025 }
2026 2026 }
2027 2027
2028 2028 // Files
2029 2029 .edit-file-title {
2030 2030 border-bottom: @border-thickness solid @border-default-color;
2031 2031
2032 2032 .breadcrumbs {
2033 2033 margin-bottom: 0;
2034 2034 }
2035 2035 }
2036 2036
2037 2037 .edit-file-fieldset {
2038 2038 margin-top: @sidebarpadding;
2039 2039
2040 2040 .fieldset {
2041 2041 .left-label {
2042 2042 width: 13%;
2043 2043 }
2044 2044 .right-content {
2045 2045 width: 87%;
2046 2046 max-width: 100%;
2047 2047 }
2048 2048 .filename-label {
2049 2049 margin-top: 13px;
2050 2050 }
2051 2051 .commit-message-label {
2052 2052 margin-top: 4px;
2053 2053 }
2054 2054 .file-upload-input {
2055 2055 input {
2056 2056 display: none;
2057 2057 }
2058 2058 margin-top: 10px;
2059 2059 }
2060 2060 .file-upload-label {
2061 2061 margin-top: 10px;
2062 2062 }
2063 2063 p {
2064 2064 margin-top: 5px;
2065 2065 }
2066 2066
2067 2067 }
2068 2068 .custom-path-link {
2069 2069 margin-left: 5px;
2070 2070 }
2071 2071 #commit {
2072 2072 resize: vertical;
2073 2073 }
2074 2074 }
2075 2075
2076 2076 .delete-file-preview {
2077 2077 max-height: 250px;
2078 2078 }
2079 2079
2080 2080 .new-file,
2081 2081 #filter_activate,
2082 2082 #filter_deactivate {
2083 2083 float: left;
2084 2084 margin: 0 0 0 15px;
2085 2085 }
2086 2086
2087 2087 h3.files_location{
2088 2088 line-height: 2.4em;
2089 2089 }
2090 2090
2091 2091 .browser-nav {
2092 2092 display: table;
2093 2093 margin-bottom: @space;
2094 2094
2095 2095
2096 2096 .info_box {
2097 2097 display: inline-table;
2098 2098 height: 2.5em;
2099 2099
2100 2100 .browser-cur-rev, .info_box_elem {
2101 2101 display: table-cell;
2102 2102 vertical-align: middle;
2103 2103 }
2104 2104
2105 2105 .info_box_elem {
2106 2106 border-top: @border-thickness solid @rcblue;
2107 2107 border-bottom: @border-thickness solid @rcblue;
2108 2108
2109 2109 #at_rev, a {
2110 2110 padding: 0.6em 0.9em;
2111 2111 margin: 0;
2112 2112 .box-shadow(none);
2113 2113 border: 0;
2114 2114 height: 12px;
2115 2115 }
2116 2116
2117 2117 input#at_rev {
2118 2118 max-width: 50px;
2119 2119 text-align: right;
2120 2120 }
2121 2121
2122 2122 &.previous {
2123 2123 border: @border-thickness solid @rcblue;
2124 2124 .disabled {
2125 2125 color: @grey4;
2126 2126 cursor: not-allowed;
2127 2127 }
2128 2128 }
2129 2129
2130 2130 &.next {
2131 2131 border: @border-thickness solid @rcblue;
2132 2132 .disabled {
2133 2133 color: @grey4;
2134 2134 cursor: not-allowed;
2135 2135 }
2136 2136 }
2137 2137 }
2138 2138
2139 2139 .browser-cur-rev {
2140 2140
2141 2141 span{
2142 2142 margin: 0;
2143 2143 color: @rcblue;
2144 2144 height: 12px;
2145 2145 display: inline-block;
2146 2146 padding: 0.7em 1em ;
2147 2147 border: @border-thickness solid @rcblue;
2148 2148 margin-right: @padding;
2149 2149 }
2150 2150 }
2151 2151 }
2152 2152
2153 2153 .search_activate {
2154 2154 display: table-cell;
2155 2155 vertical-align: middle;
2156 2156
2157 2157 input, label{
2158 2158 margin: 0;
2159 2159 padding: 0;
2160 2160 }
2161 2161
2162 2162 input{
2163 2163 margin-left: @textmargin;
2164 2164 }
2165 2165
2166 2166 }
2167 2167 }
2168 2168
2169 2169 .browser-cur-rev{
2170 2170 margin-bottom: @textmargin;
2171 2171 }
2172 2172
2173 2173 #node_filter_box_loading{
2174 2174 .info_text;
2175 2175 }
2176 2176
2177 2177 .browser-search {
2178 2178 margin: -25px 0px 5px 0px;
2179 2179 }
2180 2180
2181 2181 .node-filter {
2182 2182 font-size: @repo-title-fontsize;
2183 2183 padding: 4px 0px 0px 0px;
2184 2184
2185 2185 .node-filter-path {
2186 2186 float: left;
2187 2187 color: @grey4;
2188 2188 }
2189 2189 .node-filter-input {
2190 2190 float: left;
2191 2191 margin: -2px 0px 0px 2px;
2192 2192 input {
2193 2193 padding: 2px;
2194 2194 border: none;
2195 2195 font-size: @repo-title-fontsize;
2196 2196 }
2197 2197 }
2198 2198 }
2199 2199
2200 2200
2201 2201 .browser-result{
2202 2202 td a{
2203 2203 margin-left: 0.5em;
2204 2204 display: inline-block;
2205 2205
2206 2206 em {
2207 2207 font-weight: @text-bold-weight;
2208 2208 font-family: @text-bold;
2209 2209 }
2210 2210 }
2211 2211 }
2212 2212
2213 2213 .browser-highlight{
2214 2214 background-color: @grey5-alpha;
2215 2215 }
2216 2216
2217 2217
2218 2218 // Search
2219 2219
2220 2220 .search-form{
2221 2221 #q {
2222 2222 width: @search-form-width;
2223 2223 }
2224 2224 .fields{
2225 2225 margin: 0 0 @space;
2226 2226 }
2227 2227
2228 2228 label{
2229 2229 display: inline-block;
2230 2230 margin-right: @textmargin;
2231 2231 padding-top: 0.25em;
2232 2232 }
2233 2233
2234 2234
2235 2235 .results{
2236 2236 clear: both;
2237 2237 margin: 0 0 @padding;
2238 2238 }
2239 2239 }
2240 2240
2241 2241 div.search-feedback-items {
2242 2242 display: inline-block;
2243 2243 }
2244 2244
2245 2245 div.search-code-body {
2246 2246 background-color: #ffffff; padding: 5px 0 5px 10px;
2247 2247 pre {
2248 2248 .match { background-color: #faffa6;}
2249 2249 .break { display: block; width: 100%; background-color: #DDE7EF; color: #747474; }
2250 2250 }
2251 2251 }
2252 2252
2253 2253 .expand_commit.search {
2254 2254 .show_more.open {
2255 2255 height: auto;
2256 2256 max-height: none;
2257 2257 }
2258 2258 }
2259 2259
2260 2260 .search-results {
2261 2261
2262 2262 h2 {
2263 2263 margin-bottom: 0;
2264 2264 }
2265 2265 .codeblock {
2266 2266 border: none;
2267 2267 background: transparent;
2268 2268 }
2269 2269
2270 2270 .codeblock-header {
2271 2271 border: none;
2272 2272 background: transparent;
2273 2273 }
2274 2274
2275 2275 .code-body {
2276 2276 border: @border-thickness solid @border-default-color;
2277 2277 .border-radius(@border-radius);
2278 2278 }
2279 2279
2280 2280 .td-commit {
2281 2281 &:extend(pre);
2282 2282 border-bottom: @border-thickness solid @border-default-color;
2283 2283 }
2284 2284
2285 2285 .message {
2286 2286 height: auto;
2287 2287 max-width: 350px;
2288 2288 white-space: normal;
2289 2289 text-overflow: initial;
2290 2290 overflow: visible;
2291 2291
2292 2292 .match { background-color: #faffa6;}
2293 2293 .break { background-color: #DDE7EF; width: 100%; color: #747474; display: block; }
2294 2294 }
2295 2295
2296 2296 }
2297 2297
2298 2298 table.rctable td.td-search-results div {
2299 2299 max-width: 100%;
2300 2300 }
2301 2301
2302 2302 #tip-box, .tip-box{
2303 2303 padding: @menupadding/2;
2304 2304 display: block;
2305 2305 border: @border-thickness solid @border-highlight-color;
2306 2306 .border-radius(@border-radius);
2307 2307 background-color: white;
2308 2308 z-index: 99;
2309 2309 white-space: pre-wrap;
2310 2310 }
2311 2311
2312 2312 #linktt {
2313 2313 width: 79px;
2314 2314 }
2315 2315
2316 2316 #help_kb .modal-content{
2317 2317 max-width: 750px;
2318 2318 margin: 10% auto;
2319 2319
2320 2320 table{
2321 2321 td,th{
2322 2322 border-bottom: none;
2323 2323 line-height: 2.5em;
2324 2324 }
2325 2325 th{
2326 2326 padding-bottom: @textmargin/2;
2327 2327 }
2328 2328 td.keys{
2329 2329 text-align: center;
2330 2330 }
2331 2331 }
2332 2332
2333 2333 .block-left{
2334 2334 width: 45%;
2335 2335 margin-right: 5%;
2336 2336 }
2337 2337 .modal-footer{
2338 2338 clear: both;
2339 2339 }
2340 2340 .key.tag{
2341 2341 padding: 0.5em;
2342 2342 background-color: @rcblue;
2343 2343 color: white;
2344 2344 border-color: @rcblue;
2345 2345 .box-shadow(none);
2346 2346 }
2347 2347 }
2348 2348
2349 2349
2350 2350
2351 2351 //--- IMPORTS FOR REFACTORED STYLES ------------------//
2352 2352
2353 2353 @import 'statistics-graph';
2354 2354 @import 'tables';
2355 2355 @import 'forms';
2356 2356 @import 'diff';
2357 2357 @import 'summary';
2358 2358 @import 'navigation';
2359 2359
2360 2360 //--- SHOW/HIDE SECTIONS --//
2361 2361
2362 2362 .btn-collapse {
2363 2363 float: right;
2364 2364 text-align: right;
2365 2365 font-family: @text-light;
2366 2366 font-size: @basefontsize;
2367 2367 cursor: pointer;
2368 2368 border: none;
2369 2369 color: @rcblue;
2370 2370 }
2371 2371
2372 2372 table.rctable,
2373 2373 table.dataTable {
2374 2374 .btn-collapse {
2375 2375 float: right;
2376 2376 text-align: right;
2377 2377 }
2378 2378 }
2379 2379
2380 2380 table.rctable {
2381 2381 &.permissions {
2382 2382
2383 2383 th.td-owner {
2384 2384 padding: 0;
2385 2385 }
2386 2386
2387 2387 th {
2388 2388 font-weight: normal;
2389 2389 padding: 0 5px;
2390 2390 }
2391 2391
2392 2392 }
2393 2393 }
2394 2394
2395 2395
2396 2396 // TODO: johbo: Fix for IE10, this avoids that we see a border
2397 2397 // and padding around checkboxes and radio boxes. Move to the right place,
2398 2398 // or better: Remove this once we did the form refactoring.
2399 2399 input[type=checkbox],
2400 2400 input[type=radio] {
2401 2401 padding: 0;
2402 2402 border: none;
2403 2403 }
2404 2404
2405 2405 .toggle-ajax-spinner{
2406 2406 height: 16px;
2407 2407 width: 16px;
2408 2408 }
2409 2409
2410 2410
2411 2411 .markup-form .clearfix {
2412 2412 .border-radius(@border-radius);
2413 2413 margin: 0px;
2414 2414 }
2415 2415
2416 2416 .markup-form-area {
2417 2417 padding: 8px 12px;
2418 2418 border: 1px solid @grey4;
2419 2419 .border-radius(@border-radius);
2420 2420 }
2421 2421
2422 2422 .markup-form-area-header .nav-links {
2423 2423 display: flex;
2424 2424 flex-flow: row wrap;
2425 2425 -webkit-flex-flow: row wrap;
2426 2426 width: 100%;
2427 2427 }
2428 2428
2429 2429 .markup-form-area-footer {
2430 2430 display: flex;
2431 2431 }
2432 2432
2433 2433 .markup-form-area-footer .toolbar {
2434 2434
2435 2435 }
2436 2436
2437 2437 // markup Form
2438 2438 div.markup-form {
2439 2439 margin-top: 20px;
2440 2440 }
2441 2441
2442 2442 .markup-form strong {
2443 2443 display: block;
2444 2444 margin-bottom: 15px;
2445 2445 }
2446 2446
2447 2447 .markup-form textarea {
2448 2448 width: 100%;
2449 2449 height: 100px;
2450 2450 font-family: @text-monospace;
2451 2451 }
2452 2452
2453 2453 form.markup-form {
2454 2454 margin-top: 10px;
2455 2455 margin-left: 10px;
2456 2456 }
2457 2457
2458 2458 .markup-form .comment-block-ta,
2459 2459 .markup-form .preview-box {
2460 2460 .border-radius(@border-radius);
2461 2461 .box-sizing(border-box);
2462 2462 background-color: white;
2463 2463 }
2464 2464
2465 2465 .markup-form .preview-box.unloaded {
2466 2466 height: 50px;
2467 2467 text-align: center;
2468 2468 padding: 20px;
2469 2469 background-color: white;
2470 2470 }
@@ -1,692 +1,683 b''
1 1 // navigation.less
2 2 // For use in RhodeCode applications;
3 3 // see style guide documentation for guidelines.
4 4
6 6
7 7 .horizontal-list {
8 8 float: right;
9 9 display: block;
10 10 margin: 0;
11 11 padding: 0;
12 12 -webkit-padding-start: 0;
13 13 text-align: left;
14 14 font-size: @navigation-fontsize;
15 15 color: @grey6;
16 16 z-index:10;
17 17
18 18 li {
19 19 line-height: 1em;
20 20 list-style-type: none;
21 21
22 22 a {
23 23 padding: 0 .5em;
24 24
25 25 &.menu_link_notifications {
26 26 .pill(7px,@rcblue);
27 27 display: inline;
28 28 margin: 0 7px 0 .7em;
29 29 font-size: @basefontsize;
30 30 color: white;
31 31
32 32 &.empty {
33 33 background-color: @grey4;
34 34 }
35 35
36 36 &:hover {
37 37 background-color: @rcdarkblue;
38 38 }
39 39 }
40 40 }
41 41 .pill_container {
42 42 margin: 1.25em 0px 0px 0px;
43 43 float: right;
44 44 }
45 45
46 46 &#quick_login_li {
47 47 &:hover {
48 48 color: @grey5;
49 49 }
50 50
51 51 a.menu_link_notifications {
52 52 color: white;
53 53 }
54 54
55 55 .user {
56 56 padding-bottom: 10px;
57 57 }
58 58
59 59 &.open {
60 60 .user {
61 61 border-bottom: 5px solid @rcblue;
62 62 }
63 63 }
64 64 }
65 65
66 66 &:before { content: none; }
67 67
68 68 &:last-child {
69 69 .menulabel {
70 70 padding-right: 0;
71 71 border-right: none;
72 72
73 73 .show_more {
74 74 padding-right: 0;
75 75 }
76 76 }
77 77
78 78 &> a {
79 79 border-bottom: none;
80 80 }
81 81 }
82 82
83 83 &.active {
84 84 border-bottom: 5px solid @rcblue;
85 85 }
86 86
87 87 &.open {
88 88
89 89 a {
90 90 color: white;
91 91 }
92 92 }
93 93
94 94 &:focus {
95 95 outline: none;
96 96 }
97 97
98 98 ul li {
99 99 display: block;
100 100
101 101 &:last-child> a {
102 102 border-bottom: none;
103 103 }
104 104
105 105 ul li:last-child a {
106 106 /* we don't expect more then 3 levels of submenu and the third
107 107 level can have different html structure */
108 108 border-bottom: none;
109 109 }
110 110 }
111 111 }
112 112
113 113 > li {
114 114 float: left;
115 115 display: block;
116 116 padding: 0;
117 117
118 118 > a,
119 119 &.has_select2 a {
120 120 display: block;
121 121 padding: 10px 0 2px;
122 122 }
123 123
124 124 .menulabel {
125 125 padding: 0 .5em;
126 126 line-height: 1em;
127 127 // for this specifically we do not use a variable
128 128 border-right: 1px solid @grey4;
129 129 }
130 130
131 131 .pr_notifications {
132 132 padding-left: .5em;
133 133 }
134 134
135 135 .pr_notifications + .menulabel {
136 136 display:inline;
137 137 padding-left: 0;
138 138 }
139 139
140 140 &:hover,
141 141 &.open,
142 142 &.active {
143 143 a {
144 144 color: @grey1;
145 145 }
146 146 }
147 147 }
148 148
149 149 pre {
150 150 margin: 0;
151 151 padding: 0;
152 152 }
153 153
154 154 .select2-container,
155 155 .menulink.childs {
156 156 position: relative;
157 157 }
158 158
159 159 #quick_login {
160 160
161 161 li a {
162 162 padding: .5em 0;
163 163 border-bottom: none;
164 164 color: @grey2;
165 165
166 166 &:hover { color: @grey1; }
167 167 }
168 168 }
169 169
170 170 #quick_login_link {
171 171 display: inline-block;
172 172
173 173 .gravatar {
174 174 border: 1px solid @grey5;
175 175 }
176 176
177 177 .gravatar-login {
178 178 height: 20px;
179 179 width: 20px;
180 180 margin: -8px 0;
181 181 padding: 0;
182 182 }
183 183
184 184 &:hover .user {
185 185 color: @grey6;
186 186 }
187 187 }
188 188 }
189 189 .header .horizontal-list {
190 190
191 191 li {
192 192
193 193 &#quick_login_li {
194 194 padding-left: .5em;
195 195
196 196 &:hover #quick_login_link {
197 197 color: inherit;
198 198 }
199 199
200 200 .menu_link_user {
201 201 padding: 0 2px;
202 202 }
203 203 }
205 &:before { content: none; }
204 list-style-type: none;
206 205 }
207 206
208 207 > li {
209 208
210 209 a {
211 210 padding: 18px 0 12px 0;
212 211 color: @nav-grey;
213 212
214 213 &.menu_link_notifications {
215 214 padding: 1px 8px;
216 215 }
217 216 }
218 217
219 218 &:hover,
220 219 &.open,
221 220 &.active {
222 221 .pill_container a {
223 222 // don't select text for the pill container, it has it' own
224 223 // hover behaviour
225 224 color: @nav-grey;
226 225 }
227 226 }
228 227
229 228 &:hover,
230 229 &.open,
231 230 &.active {
232 231 a {
233 232 color: @grey6;
234 233 }
235 234 }
236 235
237 236 .select2-dropdown-open a {
238 237 color: @grey6;
239 238 }
240 239
241 240 .repo-switcher {
242 241 padding-left: 0;
243 242
244 243 .menulabel {
245 244 padding-left: 0;
246 245 }
247 246 }
248 247 }
249 248
250 249 li ul li {
251 250 background-color:@grey2;
252 251
253 252 a {
254 253 padding: .5em 0;
255 254 border-bottom: @border-thickness solid @border-default-color;
256 255 color: @grey6;
257 256 }
258 257
259 258 &:last-child a, &.last a{
260 259 border-bottom: none;
261 260 }
262 261
263 262 &:hover {
264 263 background-color: @grey3;
265 264 }
266 265 }
267 266
268 267 .submenu {
269 268 margin-top: 5px;
270 269 }
271 270 }
272 271
273 272 // SUBMENUS
274 273 .navigation .submenu {
275 274 display: none;
276 275 }
277 276
278 277 .navigation li.open {
279 278 .submenu {
280 279 display: block;
281 280 }
282 281 }
283 282
284 283 .navigation li:last-child .submenu {
285 284 right: -20px;
286 285 left: auto;
287 286 }
288 287
289 288 .submenu {
290 289 position: absolute;
291 290 top: 100%;
292 291 left: 0;
293 292 min-width: 150px;
294 293 margin: 6px 0 0;
295 294 padding: 0;
296 295 text-align: left;
297 296 font-family: @text-light;
298 297 border-radius: @border-radius;
299 298 z-index: 20;
300 299
301 300 li {
302 301 display: block;
303 302 margin: 0;
304 303 padding: 0 .5em;
305 304 line-height: 1em;
306 305 color: @grey3;
307 306 background-color: @grey6;
309 &:before { content: none; }
307 list-style-type: none;
310 308
311 309 a {
312 310 display: block;
313 311 width: 100%;
314 312 padding: .5em 0;
315 313 border-right: none;
316 314 border-bottom: @border-thickness solid white;
317 315 color: @grey3;
318 316 }
319 317
320 318 ul {
321 319 display: none;
322 320 position: absolute;
323 321 top: 0;
324 322 right: 100%;
325 323 padding: 0;
326 324 z-index: 30;
327 325 }
328 326 &:hover {
329 327 background-color: @grey5;
330 328 -webkit-transition: background .3s;
331 329 -moz-transition: background .3s;
332 330 -o-transition: background .3s;
333 331 transition: background .3s;
334 332
335 333 ul {
336 334 display: block;
337 335 }
338 336 }
339 337 }
340 338 }
341 339
342 340
343 341
344 342
345 343 // repo dropdown
346 344 .quick_repo_menu {
347 345 width: 15px;
348 346 text-align: center;
349 347 position: relative;
350 348 cursor: pointer;
351 349
352 350 div {
353 351 overflow: visible !important;
354 352 }
355 353
356 354 &.sorting {
357 355 cursor: auto;
358 356 }
359 357
360 358 &:hover {
361 359 .menu_items_container {
362 360 position: absolute;
363 361 display: block;
364 362 }
365 363 .menu_items {
366 364 display: block;
367 365 }
368 366 }
369 367
370 368 i {
371 369 margin: 0;
372 370 color: @grey4;
373 371 }
374 372
375 373 .menu_items_container {
376 374 position: absolute;
377 375 top: 0;
378 376 left: 100%;
379 377 margin: 0;
380 378 padding: 0;
381 379 list-style: none;
382 380 background-color: @grey6;
383 381 z-index: 999;
384 382 text-align: left;
385 383
386 384 a {
387 385 color: @grey2;
388 386 }
389 387
390 388 ul.menu_items {
391 389 margin: 0;
392 390 padding: 0;
393 391 }
394 392
395 393 li {
396 394 margin: 0;
397 395 padding: 0;
398 396 line-height: 1em;
399 397 list-style-type: none;
400 398
401 &:before { content: none; }
403 399 a {
404 400 display: block;
405 401 height: 16px;
406 402 padding: 8px; //must add up to td height (28px)
407 403 width: 120px; // set width
408 404
409 405 &:hover {
410 406 background-color: @grey5;
411 407 -webkit-transition: background .3s;
412 408 -moz-transition: background .3s;
413 409 -o-transition: background .3s;
414 410 transition: background .3s;
415 411 }
416 412 }
417 413 }
418 414 }
419 415 }
420 416
421 417 // Header Repository Switcher
422 418 // Select2 Dropdown
423 419 #select2-drop.select2-drop.repo-switcher-dropdown {
424 420 width: auto !important;
425 421 margin-top: 5px;
426 422 padding: 1em 0;
427 423 text-align: left;
428 424 .border-radius-bottom(@border-radius);
429 425 border-color: transparent;
430 426 color: @grey6;
431 427 background-color: @grey2;
432 428
433 429 input {
434 430 min-width: 90%;
435 431 }
436 432
437 433 ul.select2-result-sub {
438 434
439 435 li {
440 436 line-height: 1em;
441 437
442 438 &:hover,
443 439 &.select2-highlighted {
444 440 background-color: @grey3;
445 441 }
446 442 }
447 443
448 444 &:before { content: none; }
449 445 }
450 446
451 447 ul.select2-results {
452 448 min-width: 200px;
453 449 margin: 0;
454 450 padding: 0;
455 451 list-style-type: none;
456 452 overflow-x: visible;
457 453 overflow-y: scroll;
458 454
459 455 li {
460 456 padding: 0 8px;
461 457 line-height: 1em;
462 458 color: @grey6;
463 459
464 &:before { content: none; }
466 460 &>.select2-result-label {
467 461 padding: 8px 0;
468 462 border-bottom: @border-thickness solid @grey3;
469 463 white-space: nowrap;
470 464 color: @grey5;
471 465 cursor: pointer;
472 466 }
473 467
474 468 &.select2-result-with-children {
475 469 margin: 0;
476 470 padding: 0;
477 471 }
478 472
479 473 &.select2-result-unselectable > .select2-result-label {
480 474 margin: 0 8px;
481 475 }
482 476
483 477 }
484 478 }
485 479
486 480 ul.select2-result-sub {
487 481 margin: 0;
488 482 padding: 0;
489 483
490 484 li {
491 485 display: block;
492 486 margin: 0;
493 487 border-right: none;
494 488 line-height: 1em;
495 489 font-family: @text-light;
496 490 color: @grey2;
498 &:before { content: none; }
491 list-style-type: none;
499 492
500 493 &:hover {
501 494 background-color: @grey3;
502 495 }
503 496 }
504 497 }
505 498 }
506 499
507 500
508 501 #context-bar {
509 502 display: block;
510 503 margin: 0 auto;
511 504 padding: 0 @header-padding;
512 505 background-color: @grey6;
513 506 border-bottom: @border-thickness solid @grey5;
514 507
515 508 .clear {
516 509 clear: both;
517 510 }
518 511 }
519 512
520 513 ul#context-pages {
521 514 li {
522 515 line-height: 1em;
524 &:before { content: none; }
516 list-style-type: none;
525 517
526 518 a {
527 519 color: @grey3;
528 520 }
529 521
530 522 &.active {
531 523 // special case, non-variable color
532 524 border-bottom: 4px solid @nav-grey;
533 525
534 526 a {
535 527 color: @grey1;
536 528 }
537 529 }
538 530 }
539 531 }
540 532
541 533 // PAGINATION
542 534
543 535 .pagination {
544 536 border: @border-thickness solid @rcblue;
545 537 color: @rcblue;
546 538
547 539 .current {
548 540 color: @grey4;
549 541 }
550 542 }
551 543
552 544 .dataTables_processing {
553 545 text-align: center;
554 546 font-size: 1.1em;
555 547 position: relative;
556 548 top: 95px;
557 549 }
558 550
559 551 .dataTables_paginate, .pagination-wh {
560 552 text-align: left;
561 553 display: inline-block;
562 554 border-left: 1px solid @rcblue;
563 555 float: none;
564 556 overflow: hidden;
565 557
566 558 .paginate_button, .pager_curpage,
567 559 .pager_link, .pg-previous, .pg-next, .pager_dotdot {
568 560 display: inline-block;
569 561 padding: @menupadding/4 @menupadding;
570 562 border: 1px solid @rcblue;
571 563 border-left: 0;
572 564 color: @rcblue;
573 565 cursor: pointer;
574 566 float: left;
575 567 }
576 568
577 569 .pager_curpage, .pager_dotdot,
578 570 .paginate_button.current, .paginate_button.disabled,
579 571 .disabled {
580 572 color: @grey3;
581 573 cursor: default;
582 574 }
583 575
584 576 .ellipsis {
585 577 display: inline-block;
586 578 text-align: left;
587 579 padding: @menupadding/4 @menupadding;
588 580 border: 1px solid @rcblue;
589 581 border-left: 0;
590 582 float: left;
591 583 }
592 584 }
593 585
594 586 // SIDEBAR
595 587
596 588 .sidebar {
597 589 .block-left;
598 590 clear: left;
599 591 max-width: @sidebar-width;
600 592 margin-right: @sidebarpadding;
601 593 padding-right: @sidebarpadding;
602 594 font-family: @text-regular;
603 595 color: @grey1;
604 596
605 597 &#graph_nodes {
606 598 clear:both;
607 599 width: auto;
608 600 margin-left: -100px;
609 601 padding: 0;
610 602 border: none;
611 603 }
612 604
613 605 .nav-pills {
614 606 margin: 0;
615 607 }
616 608
617 609 .nav {
618 610 list-style: none;
619 611 padding: 0;
620 612
621 613 li {
622 614 padding-bottom: @menupadding;
623 615 line-height: 1em;
624 616 color: @grey4;
617 list-style-type: none;
625 618
626 619 &.active a {
627 620 color: @grey2;
628 621 }
629 622
630 623 a {
631 624 color: @grey4;
632 625 }
634 &:before { content: none; }
635 626 }
636 627
637 628 }
638 629 }
639 630
640 631 .main_filter_help_box {
641 632 padding: 7px 7px;
642 633 border-top: 1px solid @grey4;
643 634 border-right: 1px solid @grey4;
644 635 border-bottom: 1px solid @grey4;
645 636 display: inline-block;
646 637 vertical-align: top;
647 638 margin-left: -7px;
648 639 background: @grey3;
649 640 }
650 641
651 642 .main_filter_input_box {
652 643 display: inline-block;
653 644 }
654 645
655 646 .main_filter_box {
656 647 margin: 9px 0 0 0;
657 648 }
658 649
659 650 #main_filter_help {
660 651 background: @grey3;
661 652 border: 1px solid black;
662 653 position: absolute;
663 654 white-space: pre-wrap;
664 655 z-index: 9999;
665 656 color: @nav-grey;
666 657 margin: 1px 7px;
667 658 padding: 0 2px;
668 659 }
669 660
670 661 .main_filter_input {
671 662 padding: 5px;
672 663 min-width: 220px;
673 664 color: @nav-grey;
674 665 background: @grey3;
675 666 min-height: 18px;
676 667 }
677 668
678 669 .main_filter_input::placeholder {
679 670 color: @nav-grey;
680 671 opacity: 1;
681 672 }
682 673
683 674 .notice-box {
684 675 display:block !important;
685 676 padding: 9px 0 !important;
686 677 }
687 678
688 679 .menulabel-notice {
689 680 border: 1px solid @color5;
690 681 padding:7px 10px;
691 682 color: @color5;
692 683 }
@@ -1,252 +1,257 b''
1 1 /** README styling **/
2 2 div.readme_box {
3 3 clear: both;
4 4 overflow: hidden;
5 5 margin: 0;
6 6 padding: 3px 15px 3px;
7 7 }
8 8
9 9 div.readme_box h1,
10 10 div.readme_box h2,
11 11 div.readme_box h3,
12 12 div.readme_box h4,
13 13 div.readme_box h5,
14 14 div.readme_box h6 {
15 15 border-bottom: none !important;
16 16 padding: 0 !important;
17 17 overflow: visible !important;
18 18 }
19 19
20 div.readme_box h1,
21 div.readme_box h2 {
22 border-bottom: 1px #e6e5e5 solid !important;
23 }
20 25 div.readme_box h1 {
21 26 font-size: 32px;
22 27 margin: 15px 0 15px 0 !important;
23 28 padding-bottom: 5px !important;
24 29 }
25 30
26 31 div.readme_box h2 {
27 32 font-size: 24px !important;
28 33 margin: 34px 0 10px 0 !important;
29 border-top: 3px #e6e5e5 solid !important;
30 34 padding-top: 15px !important;
31 35 padding-bottom: 8px !important;
32 36 }
33 37
34 38 div.readme_box h3 {
35 39 font-size: 18px !important;
36 40 margin: 30px 0 8px 0 !important;
37 41 padding-bottom: 2px !important;
38 42 }
39 43
40 44 div.readme_box h4 {
41 45 font-size: 13px !important;
42 46 margin: 18px 0 3px 0 !important;
43 47 }
44 48
45 49 div.readme_box h5 {
46 50 font-size: 12px !important;
47 51 margin: 15px 0 3px 0 !important;
48 52 }
49 53
50 54 div.readme_box h6 {
51 55 font-size: 12px;
52 56 color: #777777;
53 57 margin: 15px 0 3px 0 !important;
54 58 }
55 59
56 60 div.readme_box hr {
57 61 border: 0;
58 62 color: #e6e5e5;
59 63 background-color: #e6e5e5;
60 64 height: 3px;
61 65 margin-bottom: 13px;
62 66 }
63 67
64 68 div.readme_box ol,
65 69 div.readme_box ul,
66 70 div.readme_box p,
67 71 div.readme_box blockquote,
68 72 div.readme_box dl,
69 73 div.readme_box li,
70 74 div.readme_box table {
71 75 margin: 3px 0px 13px 0px !important;
72 76 color: #424242 !important;
73 77 font-size: 13px !important;
74 78 font-family: @text-regular;
75 79 font-weight: normal !important;
76 80 overflow: visible !important;
77 81 line-height: 140% !important;
78 82 }
79 83
80 84 div.readme_box pre {
81 85 margin: 3px 0px 13px 0px !important;
82 86 padding: .5em;
83 87 color: #424242 !important;
84 88 font-size: 13px !important;
85 89 overflow: visible !important;
86 90 line-height: 140% !important;
87 91 background-color: @grey7;
88 92 }
89 93
90 94 div.readme_box img {
91 95 border-style: none;
92 96 background-color: #fff;
97 padding-right: 20px;
93 98 }
94 99
95 100
96 101 div.readme_box strong {
97 102 font-weight: 600;
98 103 margin: 0;
99 104 }
100 105
101 106 div.readme_box ul,
102 107 div.readme_box ol {
103 108 padding-left: 30px !important;
104 109 margin-top: 0px !important;
105 110 margin-bottom: 18px !important;
106 111 }
107 112
108 113 div.readme_box ul li,
109 114 div.readme_box ol li {
110 list-style: bullet !important;
115 list-style: disc !important;
111 116 margin: 6px !important;
112 117 padding: 0 !important;
113 118 }
114 119
115 120 div.readme_box ol li {
116 121 list-style: decimal !important;
117 122 }
118 123
119 124 /*
120 125 div.readme_box a,
121 126 div.readme_box a:visited {
122 127 color: #4183C4 !important;
123 128 background-color: inherit;
124 129 text-decoration: none;
125 130 }
126 131 */
127 132
128 133
129 134 div.readme_box button {
130 135 font-size: @basefontsize;
131 136 padding: 4px 6px;
132 137 .border-radius(@border-radius);
133 138 border: @border-thickness solid @grey5;
134 139 background-color: @grey6;
135 140 }
136 141
137 142 div.readme_box code,
138 143 div.readme_box pre {
139 144 font-family: @text-monospace;
140 145 font-size: 11px;
141 146 .border-radius(@border-radius);
142 147 background-color: white;
143 148 color: @grey3;
144 149 }
145 150
146 151
147 152 div.readme_box code {
148 153 border: @border-thickness solid @grey6;
149 154 margin: 0 2px;
150 155 padding: 0 5px;
151 156 }
152 157
153 158 div.readme_box pre {
154 159 border: @border-thickness solid @grey5;
155 160 overflow: auto;
156 161 padding: .5em;
157 162 background-color: @grey7;
158 163 }
159 164
160 165 div.readme_box pre > code {
161 166 border: 0;
162 167 margin: 0;
163 168 padding: 0;
164 169 }
165 170
166 171 /** RST STYLE **/
167 172 div.rst-block {
168 173 clear: both;
169 174 overflow: hidden;
170 175 margin: 0;
171 176 padding: 3px 15px 3px;
172 177 }
173 178
174 179 div.rst-block h2 {
175 180 font-weight: normal;
176 181 }
177 182
178 183 div.rst-block h1,
179 184 div.rst-block h2,
180 185 div.rst-block h3,
181 186 div.rst-block h4,
182 187 div.rst-block h5,
183 188 div.rst-block h6 {
184 189 border-bottom: 0 !important;
185 190 margin: 0 !important;
186 191 padding: 0 !important;
187 192 line-height: 1.5em !important;
188 193 }
189 194
190 195
191 196 div.rst-block h1:first-child {
192 197 padding-top: .25em !important;
193 198 }
194 199
195 200 div.rst-block h2,
196 201 div.rst-block h3 {
197 202 margin: 1em 0 !important;
198 203 }
199 204
200 205 div.rst-block h2 {
201 206 margin-top: 1.5em !important;
202 207 border-top: 4px solid #e0e0e0 !important;
203 208 padding-top: .5em !important;
204 209 }
205 210
206 211 div.rst-block p {
207 212 color: black !important;
208 213 margin: 1em 0 !important;
209 214 line-height: 1.5em !important;
210 215 }
211 216
212 217 div.rst-block ul {
213 218 list-style: disc !important;
214 219 margin: 1em 0 1em 2em !important;
215 220 clear: both;
216 221 }
217 222
218 223 div.rst-block ol {
219 224 list-style: decimal;
220 225 margin: 1em 0 1em 2em !important;
221 226 }
222 227
223 228 div.rst-block pre,
224 229 div.rst-block code {
225 230 font: 12px "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono","Courier",monospace;
226 231 }
227 232
228 233 div.rst-block code {
229 234 font-size: 12px !important;
230 235 background-color: ghostWhite !important;
231 236 color: #444 !important;
232 237 padding: 0 .2em !important;
233 238 border: 1px solid #dedede !important;
234 239 }
235 240
236 241 div.rst-block pre code {
237 242 padding: 0 !important;
238 243 font-size: 12px !important;
239 244 background-color: #eee !important;
240 245 border: none !important;
241 246 }
242 247
243 248 div.rst-block pre {
244 249 margin: 1em 0;
245 250 padding: @padding;
246 251 border: 1px solid @grey6;
247 252 .border-radius(@border-radius);
248 253 overflow: auto;
249 254 font-size: 12px;
250 255 color: #444;
251 256 background-color: @grey7;
252 257 } No newline at end of file
@@ -1,223 +1,221 b''
1 1 // select2.less
2 2 // For use in RhodeCode application drop down select boxes;
3 3 // see style guide documentation for guidelines.
4 4
5 5
7 7
8 8 //Select2 Dropdown
9 9 .select2-results{
10 10 .box-sizing(border-box);
11 11 overflow-y: scroll;
12 12 }
13 13
14 14 .select2-container{margin: 0; position: relative; display: inline-block; zoom: 1;}
15 15 .select2-container,
16 16 .select2-drop,
17 17 .select2-search,
18 18 .select2-search input {.box-sizing(border-box);}
19 19 .select2-container .select2-choice{display:block; line-height:1em; -webkit-touch-callout:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none; }
20 20 .main .select2-container .select2-choice { background-color: white; }
21 21 .select2-container .select2-choice abbr { display: none; width: 12px; height: 12px; position: absolute; right: 24px; top: 8px; font-size: 1px; text-decoration: none; border: 0; background: url('../images/select2.png') right top no-repeat; cursor: pointer; outline: 0; }
22 22 .select2-container.select2-allowclear .select2-choice abbr {display: inline-block;}
23 23 .select2-container .select2-choice abbr:hover { background-position: right -11px; cursor: pointer; }
24 24 .select2-drop-mask { border: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0; position: fixed; left: 0; top: 0; min-height: 100%; min-width: 100%; height: auto; width: auto; opacity: 0; z-index: 998; background-color: #fff; filter: alpha(opacity=0); }
25 25 .select2-drop { width: 100%; margin-top: -1px; position: absolute; z-index: 999; top: 100%; background: #fff; color: #000; border: @border-thickness solid @rcblue; border-top: 0; border-radius: 0 0 @border-radius @border-radius; }
26 26 .select2-drop.select2-drop-above { margin-top: 1px; border-top: @border-thickness solid @rclightblue; border-bottom: 0; border-radius: @border-radius @border-radius 0 0; }
27 27 .select2-drop-active { border: @border-thickness solid #5897fb; border-top: none; }
28 28 .select2-drop.select2-drop-above.select2-drop-active {border-top: @border-thickness solid #5897fb;}
29 29 .select2-drop-auto-width { border-top: @border-thickness solid #aaa; width: auto; }
30 30 .select2-drop-auto-width .select2-search {padding-top: 4px;}
31 31 html[dir="rtl"] .select2-container .select2-choice .select2-arrow { left: 0; right: auto; border-left: none; border-right: @border-thickness solid @grey5; border-radius: @border-radius 0 0 @border-radius; }
32 32 html[dir="rtl"] .select2-container .select2-choice .select2-arrow b {background-position: 2px 1px;}
33 33 .select2-search { display: inline-block; width: 100%; min-height: 26px; margin: 0; padding-left: 4px; padding-right: 4px; position: relative; z-index: 1000; white-space: nowrap; }
34 34 .select2-search input { width: 100%; height: auto !important; min-height: 26px; padding: 4px 20px 4px 5px; margin: 0; outline: 0; }
35 35 html[dir="rtl"] .select2-search input { padding: 4px 5px 4px 20px; background: #fff url('../images/select2.png') no-repeat -37px -22px; }
36 36 .select2-drop.select2-drop-above .select2-search input {margin-top: 4px;}
37 37 .select2-dropdown-open .select2-choice .select2-arrow { background: transparent; border-left: none; filter: none; }
38 38 html[dir="rtl"] .select2-dropdown-open .select2-choice .select2-arrow {border-right: none;}
39 39 .select2-hidden-accessible { border: 0; clip: rect(0 0 0 0); height: 1px; margin: -1px; overflow: hidden; padding: 0; position: absolute; width: 1px; }
40 40 /* results */
41 41 .select2-results { max-height: 200px; padding: 0 0 0 4px; margin: 4px 4px 4px 0; position: relative; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); }
42 42 html[dir="rtl"] .select2-results { padding: 0 4px 0 0; margin: 4px 0 4px 4px; }
43 43 .select2-results .select2-disabled{background:@grey6;display:list-item;cursor:default}
44 44 .select2-results .select2-selected{display:none}
45 45 .select2-more-results.select2-active{background:#f4f4f4 url('../images/select2-spinner.gif') no-repeat 100%}
46 46 .select2-container.select2-container-disabled .select2-choice abbr{display:none}
47 47 .select2-container.select2-container-disabled {background:@grey6;cursor:default}
48 48 .select2-container.select2-container-disabled .select2-choice {background:@grey6;cursor:default}
49 49 .select2-container-multi .select2-choices li{float:left;list-style:none}
50 50 .select2-container-multi .select2-choices .select2-search-field{margin:0;padding:0;white-space:nowrap}
51 51 .select2-container-multi .select2-choices .select2-search-choice .select2-chosen{cursor:default}
52 52 .select2-search-choice-close{display:block;width:12px;height:13px;position:absolute;right:3px;top:4px;font-size:1px;outline:none;background:url('../images/select2.png') right top no-repeat}
53 53 .select2-container-multi .select2-search-choice-close{left:3px}
54 54 .select2-container-multi .select2-choices .select2-search-choice .select2-search-choice-close:hover{background-position:right -11px}
55 55 .select2-container-multi .select2-choices .select2-search-choice-focus .select2-search-choice-close{background-position:right -11px}
56 56 .select2-container-multi.select2-container-disabled .select2-choices .select2-search-choice .select2-search-choice-close{display:none;background:none}
57 57 .select2-offscreen,.select2-offscreen:focus{clip:rect(0 0 0 0) !important;width:1px !important;height:1px !important;
58 58 border:0 !important;margin:0 !important;padding:0 !important;overflow:hidden !important;
59 59 position: absolute !important;outline:0 !important;left:0 !important;top:0 !important}
60 60 .select2-display-none,
61 61 .select2-search-hidden {display:none}
62 62 .select2-search input { border-color: @rclightblue; }
63 63
64 64 .select2-measure-scrollbar{position:absolute;top:-10000px;left:-10000px;width:100px;height:100px;overflow:scroll}
65 65 @media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:1.5),
66 66 only screen and (min-resolution:144dpi){
67 67 .select2-search input,
68 68 .select2-search-choice-close,
69 69 .select2-container .select2-choice abbr,
70 70 .select2-container .select2-choice .select2-arrow b{background-image:url('../images/select2x2.png');background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:60px 40px;}
71 71 .select2-search input{background-position:100% -21px}
72 72 }
73 73 [class^="input-"] [class^="select2-choice"]>div{display:none}
74 74 [class^="input-"] .select2-offscreen{position:absolute}
75 75 select.select2{height:28px;visibility:hidden}
76 76 .autocomplete-suggestions{overflow:auto}
77 77 .autocomplete-suggestion{white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden}
78 78
79 79 /* Retina-ize icons */
80 80 @media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:1.5),
81 81 only screen and (min-resolution:144dpi){
82 82 .select2-search input,
83 83 .select2-search-choice-close,
84 84 .select2-container .select2-choice abbr,
85 85 .select2-container .select2-choice .select2-arrow b{background-image:url('../images/select2x2.png');background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:60px 40px;}
86 86 .select2-search input{background-position:100% -21px}
87 87 }
88 88
89 89 //Internal Select2 Dropdown Menus
90 90
91 91 .drop-menu-core {
92 92 min-width: 160px;
93 93 margin: 0 @padding 0 0;
94 94 padding: 0;
95 95 border: @border-thickness solid @rcblue;
96 96 border-radius: @border-radius;
97 97 color: @rcblue;
98 98 background-color: white;
99 99 }
100 100
101 101 .drop-menu-dropdown {
102 102 .drop-menu-core;
103 103
104 104 .flag_status {
105 105 margin-top: 0;
106 106 }
107 107 }
108 108
109 109 .drop-menu-base {
110 110 .drop-menu-core;
111 111 position: relative;
112 112 display: inline-block;
113 113 line-height: 1em;
114 114 z-index: 2;
115 115 cursor: pointer;
116 116
117 117 .flag_status {
118 118 margin-top: 0;
119 119 }
120 120
121 121 a {
122 122 display:block;
123 123 padding: .9em;
124 124 padding-right: 2em;
125 125 position: relative;
126 126
127 127 &:after {
128 128 position: absolute;
129 129 content: "\00A0\25BE";
130 130 right: .1em;
131 131 line-height: 1em;
132 132 top: 0.4em;
133 133 width: 1em;
134 134 font-size: 20px;
135 135 }
136 136 }
137 137 }
138 138
139 139 .drop-menu {
140 140 .drop-menu-base;
141 141 width: auto !important;
142 142 }
143 143
144 144 .drop-menu-no-width {
145 145 .drop-menu-base;
146 146 width: auto;
147 147 }
148 148
149 149 .field-sm .drop-menu {
150 150 padding: 1px 0 0 0;
151 151 a {
152 152 padding: 6px;
153 153 };
154 154 }
155 155
156 156 .select2-search input {
157 157 width: 100%;
158 158 margin: .5em 0;
159 159 padding: .5em;
160 160 }
161 161
162 162 .select2-no-results {
163 163 padding: .5em;
164 164 }
165 165
166 166 .drop-menu-dropdown ul {
167 167 width: auto;
168 168 margin: 0;
169 169 padding: 0;
170 170 z-index: 50;
171 171
172 172 li {
173 173 margin: 0;
174 174 line-height: 1em;
175 175 list-style-type: none;
176 176
177 &:before { content: none; }
179 177 &:hover,
180 178 &.select2-highlighted {
181 179 background-color: @rclightblue;
182 180 }
183 181
184 182 &.select2-result-with-children {
185 183 &:hover {
186 184 background-color: white;
187 185 }
188 186 }
189 187
190 188 .select2-result-label {
191 189 display:block;
192 190 padding: 8px;
193 191 font-family: @text-regular;
194 192 border-bottom: @border-thickness solid @rclightblue;
195 193 color: @rcblue;
196 194 cursor: pointer;
197 195 }
198 196 &.select2-result-with-children {
199 197
200 198 .select2-result-label {
201 199 color: @rcdarkblue;
202 200 cursor: default;
203 201 font-weight: @text-semibold-weight;
204 202 font-family: @text-semibold;
205 203 }
206 204
207 205 ul.select2-result-sub li .select2-result-label {
208 206 padding-left: 16px;
209 207 font-family: @text-regular;
210 208 color: @rcblue;
211 209 cursor: pointer;
212 210 }
213 211 }
214 212 }
215 213 }
216 214
217 215 .side-by-side-selector {
218 216 .left-group,
219 217 .middle-group,
220 218 .right-group {
221 219 margin-bottom: @padding;
222 220 }
223 221 }
@@ -1,291 +1,287 b''
1 1 // summary.less
2 2 // For use in RhodeCode applications;
3 3 // Used for headers and file detail summary screens.
4 4
5 5 .summary {
6 6 float: left;
7 7 position: relative;
8 8 width: 100%;
9 9 margin: 0;
10 10 padding: 0;
11 11
12 12 .summary-detail-header {
13 13 float: left;
14 14 display: block;
15 15 width: 100%;
16 16 margin-bottom: @textmargin;
17 17 padding: 0 0 .5em 0;
18 18 border-bottom: @border-thickness solid @border-default-color;
19 19
20 20 .breadcrumbs {
21 21 float: left;
22 22 display: inline;
23 23 margin: 0;
24 24 padding: 0;
25 25 }
26 26 h4 {
27 27 float: left;
28 28 margin: 0 1em 0 0;
29 29 padding: 0;
30 30 line-height: 1.2em;
31 31 font-size: @basefontsize;
32 32 }
33 33
34 34 .action_link {
35 35 float: right;
36 36 }
37 37
38 38 .new-file {
39 39 float: right;
40 40 margin-top: -1.5em;
41 41 }
42 42 }
43 43
44 44 .summary-detail {
45 45 float: left;
46 46 position: relative;
47 47 width: 73%;
48 48 margin: 0 3% @space 0;
49 49 padding: 0;
50 50
51 51 .file_diff_buttons {
52 52 margin-top: @space;
53 53 }
54 54
55 55 // commit message
56 56 .commit {
57 57 white-space: pre-wrap;
58 58 }
59 59
60 60 .left-clone {
61 61 float: left;
62 62 height: 30px;
63 63 margin: 0;
64 64 padding: 0;
65 65 font-weight: @text-semibold-weight;
66 66 font-family: @text-semibold;
67 67 }
68 68
69 69 .right-clone {
70 70 float: right;
71 71 width: 83%;
72 72 }
73 73
74 74 .clone_url_input {
75 75 width: ~"calc(100% - 35px)";
76 76 padding: 5px;
77 77 }
78 78
79 79 &.directory {
80 80 margin-bottom: 0;
81 81 }
82 82
83 83 .desc {
84 84 white-space: pre-wrap;
85 85 }
86 86 .disabled {
87 87 opacity: .5;
88 88 cursor: inherit;
89 89 }
90 90 .help-block {
91 91 color: inherit;
92 92 margin: 0;
93 93 }
94 94 }
95 95
96 96 .sidebar-right {
97 97 float: left;
98 98 width: 24%;
99 99 margin: 0;
100 100 padding: 0;
101 101
102 102 ul {
103 103 margin-left: 0;
104 104 padding-left: 0;
105 105
106 106 li {
108 &:before {
109 content: none;
110 width: 0;
111 }
107 list-style-type: none;
112 108 }
113 109 }
114 110 }
115 111
116 112 #clone_by_name, #clone_by_id{
117 113 display: inline-block;
118 114 margin-left: 0px;
119 115 }
120 116
121 117 .codeblock {
122 118 border: none;
123 119 background-color: transparent;
124 120 }
125 121
126 122 .code-body {
127 123 border: @border-thickness solid @border-default-color;
128 124 .border-radius(@border-radius);
129 125 }
130 126 }
131 127
132 128 // this is used outside of just the summary
133 129 .fieldset, // similar to form fieldset
134 130 .summary .sidebar-right-content { // these have to match
135 131 clear: both;
136 132 float: left;
137 133 position: relative;
138 134 display:block;
139 135 width: 100%;
140 136 min-height: 1em;
141 137 margin-bottom: @textmargin;
142 138 padding: 0;
143 139 line-height: 1.2em;
144 140
145 141 &:after { // clearfix
146 142 content: "";
147 143 clear: both;
148 144 width: 100%;
149 145 height: 1em;
150 146 }
151 147 }
152 148
153 149 .summary .sidebar-right-content {
154 150 margin-bottom: @space;
155 151
156 152 .rc-user {
157 153 min-width: 0;
158 154 }
159 155 }
160 156
161 157 .fieldset {
162 158
163 159 .left-label { // similar to form legend
164 160 float: left;
165 161 display: block;
166 162 width: 25%;
167 163 margin: 0;
168 164 padding: 0;
169 165 font-weight: @text-semibold-weight;
170 166 font-family: @text-semibold;
171 167 }
172 168
173 169 .left-label-summary {
174 170 .left-label;
175 171 width: 150px;
176 172 }
177 173
178 174 .right-content { // similar to form fields
179 175 float: left;
180 176 display: block;
181 177 width: 75%;
182 178 margin: 0 0 0 -15%;
183 179 padding: 0 0 0 15%;
184 180
185 181 .truncate-wrap,
186 182 .truncate {
187 183 max-width: 100%;
188 184 width: 100%;
189 185 }
190 186
191 187 .commit-long {
192 188 overflow-x: auto;
193 189 }
194 190 }
195 191 .commit.truncate-wrap {
196 192 overflow:hidden;
197 193 text-overflow: ellipsis;
198 194 }
199 195 }
200 196
201 197 // expand commit message
202 198 #message_expand {
203 199 clear: both;
204 200 display: block;
205 201 color: @rcblue;
206 202 cursor: pointer;
207 203 }
208 204
209 205 #trimmed_message_box {
210 206 max-height: floor(2 * @basefontsize * 1.2); // 2 lines * line-height
211 207 overflow: hidden;
212 208 }
213 209
214 210 // show/hide comments button
215 211 .show-inline-comments {
216 212 display: inline;
217 213 cursor: pointer;
218 214
219 215 .comments-show { display: inline; }
220 216 .comments-hide { display: none; }
221 217
222 218 &.comments-visible {
223 219 .comments-show { display: none; }
224 220 .comments-hide { display: inline; }
225 221 }
226 222 }
227 223
228 224 // Quick Start section
229 225 .quick_start {
230 226 float: left;
231 227 display: block;
232 228 position: relative;
233 229 width: 100%;
234 230
235 231 // adds some space to make copy and paste easier
236 232 .left-label,
237 233 .right-content {
238 234 line-height: 1.6em;
239 235 }
240 236 }
241 237
242 238 .submodule {
243 239 .summary-detail {
244 240 width: 100%;
245 241
246 242 .btn-collapse {
247 243 display: none;
248 244 }
249 245 }
250 246 }
251 247
252 248 .codeblock-header {
253 249 float: left;
254 250 display: block;
255 251 width: 100%;
256 252 margin: 0;
257 253 padding: @space 0 10px 0;
258 254 border-top: @border-thickness solid @border-default-color;
259 255
260 256 .stats {
261 257 float: left;
262 258 width: 50%;
263 259 }
264 260 .stats-filename {
265 261 font-size: 120%;
266 262 }
267 263 .stats-first-item {
268 264 padding: 0px 0px 0px 3px;
269 265 }
270 266
271 267 .buttons {
272 268 float: right;
273 269 width: 50%;
274 270 text-align: right;
275 271 color: @grey4;
276 272 }
277 273 }
278 274
279 275 #summary-menu-stats {
280 276
281 277 .stats-bullet {
282 278 color: @grey3;
283 279 min-width: 3em;
284 280 }
285 281
286 282 .repo-size {
287 283 margin-bottom: .5em;
288 284 }
289 285
290 286 }
291 287
@@ -1,135 +1,133 b''
1 1 // tags.less
2 2 // For use in RhodeCode applications;
3 3 // see style guide documentation for guidelines.
4 4
5 5 // TAGS
6 6 .tag,
7 7 .tagtag {
8 8 display: inline-block;
9 9 min-height: 0;
10 10 margin: 0 auto;
11 11 padding: .25em;
12 12 text-align: center;
13 13 font-size: (-1 + @basefontsize); //fit in tables
14 14 line-height: .9em;
15 15 border: none;
16 16 .border-radius(@border-radius);
17 17 font-family: @text-regular;
18 18 background-image: none;
19 19 color: @grey4;
20 20 .border ( @border-thickness-tags, @grey4 );
21 21 white-space: nowrap;
22 22 a {
23 23 color: inherit;
24 24 text-decoration: underline;
25 25
26 26 i,
27 27 [class^="icon-"]:before,
28 28 [class*=" icon-"]:before {
29 29 text-decoration: none;
30 30 }
31 31 }
32 32 }
33 33
34 34 .tag0 { .border ( @border-thickness-tags, @grey4 ); color:@grey4; }
35 35 .tag1 { .border ( @border-thickness-tags, @color1 ); color:@color1; }
36 36 .tag2 { .border ( @border-thickness-tags, @color2 ); color:@color2; }
37 37 .tag3 { .border ( @border-thickness-tags, @color3 ); color:@color3; }
38 38 .tag4 { .border ( @border-thickness-tags, @color4 ); color:@color4; }
39 39 .tag5 { .border ( @border-thickness-tags, @color5 ); color:@color5; }
40 40 .tag6 { .border ( @border-thickness-tags, @color6 ); color:@color6; }
41 41 .tag7 { .border ( @border-thickness-tags, @color7 ); color:@color7; }
42 42 .tag8 { .border ( @border-thickness-tags, @color8 ); color:@color8; }
43 43
44 44 .metatag-list {
45 45 margin: 0;
46 46 padding: 0;
47 47
48 48 li {
49 49 margin: 0 0 @padding;
50 50 line-height: 1em;
51 51 list-style-type: none;
53 &:before { content: none; }
54 52 }
55 53 }
56 54
57 55 .branchtag, .booktag {
58 56 &:extend(.tag);
59 57
60 58
61 59 a {
62 60 color:inherit;
63 61 }
64 62 }
65 63
66 64 .metatag {
67 65 &:extend(.tag);
68 66 a {
69 67 color:inherit;
70 68 text-decoration: underline;
71 69 }
72 70 }
73 71
74 72 [tag="generic"] { &:extend(.tag0); }
75 73 [tag="label"] { &:extend(.tag0); }
76 74
77 75 [tag="state featured"] { &:extend(.tag1); }
78 76 [tag="state dev"] { &:extend(.tag1); }
79 77 [tag="ref base"] { &:extend(.tag1); }
80 78
81 79 [tag="state stable"] { &:extend(.tag2); }
82 80 [tag="state stale"] { &:extend(.tag2); }
83 81
84 82 [tag="ref requires"] { &:extend(.tag3); }
85 83
86 84 [tag="state dead"] { &:extend(.tag4); }
87 85 [tag="state deprecated"] { &:extend(.tag4); }
88 86
89 87 [tag="ref conflicts"] { &:extend(.tag4); }
90 88
91 89 [tag="license"] { &:extend(.tag6); }
92 90
93 91 [tag="lang"] { &:extend(.tag7); }
94 92 [tag="language"] { &:extend(.tag7); }
95 93 [tag="ref recommends"] { &:extend(.tag7); }
96 94
97 95 [tag="see"] { &:extend(.tag8); }
98 96 [tag="url"] { &:extend(.tag8); }
99 97
100 98
101 99 .perm_overriden {
102 100 text-decoration: line-through;
103 101 opacity: 0.6;
104 102 }
105 103
106 104 .perm_tag {
107 105 &:extend(.tag);
108 106
109 107 &.read {
110 108 &:extend(.tag1);
111 109 }
112 110 &.write {
113 111 &:extend(.tag4);
114 112 }
115 113 &.admin {
116 114 &:extend(.tag5);
117 115 }
118 116 &.merge {
119 117 &:extend(.tag1);
120 118 }
121 119 &.push {
122 120 &:extend(.tag4);
123 121 }
124 122 &.push_force {
125 123 &:extend(.tag5);
126 124 }
127 125 }
128 126
129 127 .phase-draft {
130 128 color: @color3
131 129 }
132 130
133 131 .phase-secret {
134 132 color:@grey3
135 133 }
@@ -1,550 +1,545 b''
1 1 //
2 2 // Typography
3 3 // modified from Bootstrap
4 4 // --------------------------------------------------
5 5
6 6 // Base
7 7 body {
8 8 font-size: @basefontsize;
9 9 font-family: @text-light;
10 10 letter-spacing: .02em;
11 11 color: @grey2;
12 12 }
13 13
14 14 #content, label{
15 15 font-size: @basefontsize;
16 16 }
17 17
18 18 label {
19 19 color: @grey2;
20 20 }
21 21
22 22 ::selection { background: @rchighlightblue; }
23 23
24 24 // Headings
25 25 // -------------------------
26 26
27 27 h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6,
28 28 .h1, .h2, .h3, .h4, .h5, .h6 {
29 29 margin: 0 0 @textmargin 0;
30 30 padding: 0;
31 31 line-height: 1.8em;
32 32 color: @text-color;
33 33 a {
34 34 color: @rcblue;
35 35 }
36 36 }
37 37
38 38 h1, .h1 { font-size: 1.54em; font-weight: @text-bold-weight; font-family: @text-bold; }
39 39 h2, .h2 { font-size: 1.23em; font-weight: @text-semibold-weight; font-family: @text-semibold; }
40 40 h3, .h3 { font-size: 1.23em; font-family: @text-regular; }
41 41 h4, .h4 { font-size: 1em; font-weight: @text-bold-weight; font-family: @text-bold; }
42 42 h5, .h5 { font-size: 1em; font-weight: @text-bold-weight; font-family: @text-bold; }
43 43 h6, .h6 { font-size: 1em; font-weight: @text-bold-weight; font-family: @text-bold; }
44 44
45 45 // Breadcrumbs
46 46 .breadcrumbs {
47 47 font-size: @repo-title-fontsize;
48 48 margin: 0;
49 49 }
50 50
51 51 .breadcrumbs_light {
52 52 float:left;
53 53 font-size: 1.3em;
54 54 line-height: 38px;
55 55 }
56 56
57 57 // Body text
58 58 // -------------------------
59 59
60 60 p {
61 61 margin: 0 0 @textmargin 0;
62 62 padding: 0;
63 63 line-height: 2em;
64 64 }
65 65
66 66 .lead {
67 67 margin-bottom: @textmargin;
68 68 font-weight: 300;
69 69 line-height: 1.4;
70 70
71 71 @media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) {
72 72 font-size: (@basefontsize * 1.5);
73 73 }
74 74 }
75 75
76 76 a,
77 77 .link {
78 78 color: @rcblue;
79 79 text-decoration: none;
80 80 outline: none;
81 81 cursor: pointer;
82 82
83 83 &:focus {
84 84 outline: none;
85 85 }
86 86
87 87 &:hover {
88 88 color: @rcdarkblue;
89 89 }
90 90 }
91 91
92 92 img {
93 93 border: none;
94 94 outline: none;
95 95 }
96 96
97 97 strong {
98 98 font-weight: @text-bold-weight;
99 99 font-family: @text-bold;
100 100 }
101 101
102 102 em {
103 103 font-family: @text-italic;
104 104 font-style: italic;
105 105 }
106 106
107 107 strong em,
108 108 em strong {
109 109 font-style: italic;
110 110 font-weight: @text-bold-italic-weight;
111 111 font-family: @text-bold-italic;
112 112 }
113 113
114 114 //TODO: lisa: b and i are depreciated, but we are still using them in places.
115 115 // Should probably make some decision whether to keep or lose these.
116 116 b {
117 117
118 118 }
119 119
120 120 i {
121 121 font-style: normal;
122 122 }
123 123
124 124 label {
125 125 color: @text-color;
126 126
127 127 input[type="checkbox"] {
128 128 margin-right: 1em;
129 129 }
130 130 input[type="radio"] {
131 131 margin-right: 1em;
132 132 }
133 133 }
134 134
135 135 code,
136 136 .code {
137 137 font-size: .95em;
138 138 font-family: @text-code;
139 139 color: @grey3;
140 140
141 141 a {
142 142 color: lighten(@rcblue,10%)
143 143 }
144 144 }
145 145
146 146 pre {
147 147 margin: 0;
148 148 padding: 0;
149 149 border: 0;
150 150 outline: 0;
151 151 font-size: @basefontsize*.95;
152 152 line-height: 1.4em;
153 153 font-family: @text-code;
154 154 color: @grey3;
155 155 }
156 156
157 157 // Emphasis & misc
158 158 // -------------------------
159 159
160 160 small,
161 161 .small {
162 162 font-size: 75%;
163 163 font-weight: normal;
164 164 line-height: 1em;
165 165 }
166 166
167 167 mark,
168 168 .mark {
169 169 background-color: @rclightblue;
170 170 padding: .2em;
171 171 }
172 172
173 173 // Alignment
174 174 .text-left { text-align: left; }
175 175 .text-right { text-align: right; }
176 176 .text-center { text-align: center; }
177 177 .text-justify { text-align: justify; }
178 178 .text-nowrap { white-space: nowrap; }
179 179
180 180 // Transformation
181 181 .text-lowercase { text-transform: lowercase; }
182 182 .text-uppercase { text-transform: uppercase; }
183 183 .text-capitalize { text-transform: capitalize; }
184 184
185 185 // Contextual colors
186 186 .text-muted {
187 187 color: @grey4;
188 188 }
189 189 .text-primary {
190 190 color: @rcblue;
191 191 }
192 192 .text-success {
193 193 color: @alert1;
194 194 }
195 195 .text-info {
196 196 color: @alert4;
197 197 }
198 198 .text-warning {
199 199 color: @alert3;
200 200 }
201 201 .text-danger {
202 202 color: @alert2;
203 203 }
204 204
205 205 // Contextual backgrounds
206 206 .bg-primary {
207 207 background-color: white;
208 208 }
209 209 .bg-success {
210 210 background-color: @alert1;
211 211 }
212 212 .bg-info {
213 213 background-color: @alert4;
214 214 }
215 215 .bg-warning {
216 216 background-color: @alert3;
217 217 }
218 218 .bg-danger {
219 219 background-color: @alert2;
220 220 }
221 221
222 222
223 223 // Page header
224 224 // -------------------------
225 225
226 226 .page-header {
227 227 margin: @pagepadding 0 @textmargin;
228 228 border-bottom: @border-thickness solid @grey5;
229 229 }
230 230
231 231 .title {
232 232 clear: both;
233 233 float: left;
234 234 width: 100%;
235 235 margin: @pagepadding/2 0 @pagepadding;
236 236
237 237 .breadcrumbs {
238 238 float: left;
239 239 clear: both;
240 240 width: 700px;
241 241 margin: 0;
242 242
243 243 .q_filter_box {
244 244 margin-right: @padding;
245 245 }
246 246 }
247 247
248 248 h1 a {
249 249 color: @rcblue;
250 250 }
251 251
252 252 input{
253 253 margin-right: @padding;
254 254 }
255 255
256 256 h5, .h5 {
257 257 color: @grey1;
258 258 margin-bottom: @space;
259 259
260 260 span {
261 261 display: inline-block;
262 262 }
263 263 }
264 264
265 265 p {
266 266 margin-bottom: 0;
267 267 }
268 268
269 269 .links {
270 270 float: right;
271 271 display: inline;
272 272 margin: 0;
273 273 padding-left: 0;
274 274 list-style: none;
275 275 text-align: right;
276 276
277 li:before { content: none; }
278 li { float: right; }
277 li {
278 float: right;
279 list-style-type: none;
280 }
279 282 a {
280 283 display: inline-block;
281 284 margin-left: @textmargin/2;
282 285 }
283 286 }
284 287
285 288 .title-content {
286 289 float: left;
287 290 margin: 0;
288 291 padding: 0;
289 292
290 293 & + .breadcrumbs {
291 294 margin-top: @padding;
292 295 }
293 296
294 297 & + .links {
295 298 margin-top: -@button-padding;
296 299
297 300 & + .breadcrumbs {
298 301 margin-top: @padding;
299 302 }
300 303 }
301 304 }
302 305
303 306 .title-main {
304 307 font-size: @repo-title-fontsize;
305 308 }
306 309
307 310 .title-description {
308 311 margin-top: .5em;
309 312 }
310 313
311 314 .q_filter_box {
312 315 width: 200px;
313 316 }
314 317
315 318 }
316 319
317 320 #readme .title {
318 321 text-transform: none;
319 322 }
320 323
321 324 // Lists
322 325 // -------------------------
323 326
324 327 // Unordered and Ordered lists
325 328 ul,
326 329 ol {
327 330 margin-top: 0;
328 331 margin-bottom: @textmargin;
329 332 ul,
330 333 ol {
331 334 margin-bottom: 0;
332 335 }
333 336 }
334 337
335 338 li {
336 339 line-height: 2em;
337 340 }
338 341
339 342 ul li {
340 343 position: relative;
341 display: block;
342 list-style-type: none;
344 &:before {
345 content: "\2014\00A0";
346 position: absolute;
347 top: 0;
348 left: -1.25em;
349 }
344 list-style-type: disc;
350 345
351 346 p:first-child {
352 347 display:inline;
353 348 }
354 349 }
355 350
356 351 // List options
357 352
358 353 // Unstyled keeps list items block level, just removes default browser padding and list-style
359 354 .list-unstyled {
360 355 padding-left: 0;
361 356 list-style: none;
362 357 li:before { content: none; }
363 358 }
364 359
365 360 // Inline turns list items into inline-block
366 361 .list-inline {
367 362 .list-unstyled();
368 363 margin-left: -5px;
369 364
370 365 > li {
371 366 display: inline-block;
372 367 padding-left: 5px;
373 368 padding-right: 5px;
374 369 }
375 370 }
376 371
377 372 // Description Lists
378 373
379 374 dl {
380 375 margin-top: 0; // Remove browser default
381 376 margin-bottom: @textmargin;
382 377 }
383 378
384 379 dt,
385 380 dd {
386 381 line-height: 1.4em;
387 382 }
388 383
389 384 dt {
390 385 margin: @textmargin 0 0 0;
391 386 font-weight: @text-bold-weight;
392 387 font-family: @text-bold;
393 388 }
394 389
395 390 dd {
396 391 margin-left: 0; // Undo browser default
397 392 }
398 393
399 394 // Horizontal description lists
400 395 // Defaults to being stacked without any of the below styles applied, until the
401 396 // grid breakpoint is reached (default of ~768px).
402 397 // These are used in forms as well; see style guide.
403 398 // TODO: lisa: These should really not be used in forms.
404 399
405 400 .dl-horizontal {
406 401
407 402 overflow: hidden;
408 403 margin-bottom: @space;
409 404
410 405 dt, dd {
411 406 float: left;
412 407 margin: 5px 0 5px 0;
413 408 }
414 409
415 410 dt {
416 411 clear: left;
417 412 width: @label-width - @form-vertical-margin;
418 413 }
419 414
420 415 dd {
421 416 &:extend(.clearfix all); // Clear the floated `dt` if an empty `dd` is present
422 417 margin-left: @form-vertical-margin;
423 418 max-width: @form-max-width - (@label-width - @form-vertical-margin) - @form-vertical-margin;
424 419 }
425 420
426 421 pre {
427 422 margin: 0;
428 423 }
429 424
430 425 &.settings {
431 426 dt {
432 427 text-align: left;
433 428 }
434 429 }
435 430
436 431 @media (min-width: 768px) {
437 432 dt {
438 433 float: left;
439 434 width: 185px;
440 435 clear: left;
441 436 text-align: right;
442 437 }
443 438 dd {
444 439 margin-left: 20px;
445 440 }
446 441 }
447 442 }
448 443
449 444
450 445 // Misc
451 446 // -------------------------
452 447
453 448 // Abbreviations and acronyms
454 449 abbr[title],
455 450 abbr[data-original-title] {
456 451 cursor: help;
457 452 border-bottom: @border-thickness dotted @grey4;
458 453 }
459 454 .initialism {
460 455 font-size: 90%;
461 456 text-transform: uppercase;
462 457 }
463 458
464 459 // Blockquotes
465 460 blockquote {
466 461 padding: 1em 2em;
467 462 margin: 0 0 2em;
468 463 font-size: @basefontsize;
469 464 border-left: 2px solid @grey6;
470 465
471 466 p,
472 467 ul,
473 468 ol {
474 469 &:last-child {
475 470 margin-bottom: 0;
476 471 }
477 472 }
478 473
479 474 footer,
480 475 small,
481 476 .small {
482 477 display: block;
483 478 font-size: 80%;
484 479
485 480 &:before {
486 481 content: '\2014 \00A0'; // em dash, nbsp
487 482 }
488 483 }
489 484 }
490 485
491 486 // Opposite alignment of blockquote
492 487 //
493 488 .blockquote-reverse,
494 489 blockquote.pull-right {
495 490 padding-right: 15px;
496 491 padding-left: 0;
497 492 border-right: 5px solid @grey6;
498 493 border-left: 0;
499 494 text-align: right;
500 495
501 496 // Account for citation
502 497 footer,
503 498 small,
504 499 .small {
505 500 &:before { content: ''; }
506 501 &:after {
507 502 content: '\00A0 \2014'; // nbsp, em dash
508 503 }
509 504 }
510 505 }
511 506
512 507 // Addresses
513 508 address {
514 509 margin-bottom: 2em;
515 510 font-style: normal;
516 511 line-height: 1.8em;
517 512 }
518 513
519 514 .error-message {
520 515 display: block;
521 516 margin: @padding/3 0;
522 517 color: @alert2;
523 518 }
524 519
525 520 .issue-tracker-link {
526 521 color: @rcblue;
527 522 }
528 523
529 524 .info_text{
530 525 font-size: @basefontsize;
531 526 color: @grey4;
532 527 font-family: @text-regular;
533 528 }
534 529
535 530 // help block text
536 531 .help-block {
537 532 display: block;
538 533 margin: 0 0 @padding;
539 534 color: @grey4;
540 535 font-family: @text-light;
541 536 &.pre-formatting {
542 537 white-space: pre;
543 538 }
544 539 }
545 540
546 541 .error-message {
547 542 display: block;
548 543 margin: @padding/3 0;
549 544 color: @alert2;
550 545 }
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