##// END OF EJS Templates
repo-permissions: add set/un-set of private repository from permissions page....
repo-permissions: add set/un-set of private repository from permissions page. - this adds consistent 1way of controlling all permissiosn from permissions page - properly flushses caches on this change - adds better UX

File last commit:

r3951:041016db default
r4189:021154b4 stable
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19 lines | 622 B | text/x-ini | IniLexer
testpaths = rhodecode
norecursedirs = rhodecode/public rhodecode/templates tests/scripts
cache_dir = /tmp/.pytest_cache
pyramid_config = rhodecode/tests/rhodecode.ini
vcsserver_protocol = http
vcsserver_config_http = rhodecode/tests/vcsserver_http.ini
addopts =
markers =
vcs_operations: Mark tests depending on a running RhodeCode instance.
xfail_backends: Mark tests as xfail for given backends.
skip_backends: Mark tests as skipped for given backends.
backends: Mark backends
dbs: database markers for running tests for given DB