##// END OF EJS Templates
artifacts: expose a special auth-token based artifacts download urls....
artifacts: expose a special auth-token based artifacts download urls. This will allow sharing download to external locations used new generated artifact download tokens. This feature allows also serving downloads using secret urls with all the fancy logic of our auth tokens.

File last commit:

r1:854a839a default
r4003:09f31efc default
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38 lines | 729 B | text/plain | TextLexer
* =================
// Define globals exposed by modern browsers.
"browser": true,
// Define globals exposed by jQuery.
"jquery": true,
* =================
// Prohibit use of == and != in favor of === and !==.
"eqeqeq": true,
// Enforce tab width of 2 spaces.
"indent": 2,
// Prohibit use of a variable before it is defined.
"latedef": true,
// Enforce line length to 100 characters
"maxlen": 100,
// Require capitalized names for constructor functions.
"newcap": true,
// Enforce placing 'use strict' at the top function scope
"strict": true,
// Prohibit use of explicitly undeclared variables.
"undef": true