RhodeCode Kubernetes Deployment
Setup RhodeCode in K8s is in beta testing right now, and our team doing the testing in AWS EKS. If you want to use RhodeCode in K8s and faced problems please reach out to our team in the Community Slack Channel or via ticket if you on the Enterprise license.
- RhodeCode 5.x
- Kubernetes 1.21+ cluster
- Helm 3.0+
- NFS shared storage
- One of the CSI drivers: NFS CSI / AWS EFS CSI / Azure Files CSI
- prometheus-community.github.io/helm-chart 0.11.0
Diagram of the helm chart components
- Find the latest version of chart by the link hub.docker.com/r/rhodecode/rhodecode/tags
- Fetch the latest version of chart and extract values.yaml file.
$ export VERSION=0.1.0-alpha.73 $ helm fetch oci://registry-1.docker.io/rhodecode/rhodecode --version ${VERSION} $ tar -zxvf rhodecode-${VERSION}.tgz rhodecode/values.yaml
- Update values.yaml or create a custom one with values overrides.
- Install using the values.yaml file:
$ helm install rhodecode oci://registry-1.docker.io/rhodecode/rhodecode --version ${VERSION} --create-namespace --namespace rhodecode -f rhodecode/values.yaml
- Change the values.yaml or custome values file using a text editor.
- Upgrade using the values.yaml file:
$ helm upgrade rhodecode oci://registry-1.docker.io/rhodecode/rhodecode --version ${VERSION} --namespace rhodecode -f rhodecode/values.yaml
$ helm delete rhodecode --namespace rhodecode
There is known issues with setup on AWS EKS with EFS, please refer to: :ref:`known-issues`