##// END OF EJS Templates
docs: update full text search indexing documentation
docs: update full text search indexing documentation

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r3376:27e2bdc5 default
r3400:2aa02c12 default
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50 lines | 2.0 KiB | application/x-mako | MakoHtmlLexer
% if c.formatted_results:
<table class="rctable search-results">
%for entry in c.formatted_results:
## search results are additionally filtered, and this check is just a safe gate
% if c.rhodecode_user.is_admin or h.HasRepoPermissionAny('repository.write','repository.read','repository.admin')(entry['repository'], 'search results path check'):
<tr class="body">
<td class="td-componentname">
<% repo_type = entry.get('repo_type') or h.get_repo_type_by_name(entry.get('repository')) %>
%if repo_type == 'hg':
<i class="icon-hg"></i>
%elif repo_type == 'git':
<i class="icon-git"></i>
%elif repo_type == 'svn':
<i class="icon-svn"></i>
${h.link_to(entry['repository'], h.route_path('repo_summary',repo_name=entry['repository']))}
<td class="td-componentname">
%if entry.get('size'):
%if entry.get('lines'):
${entry.get('lines', 0.)} ${_ungettext('line', 'lines', entry.get('lines', 0.))}
% endif
%if c.cur_query:
<div class="pagination-wh pagination-left">
${c.formatted_results.pager('$link_previous ~2~ $link_next')}
% endif