##// END OF EJS Templates
goto-switcher: optimized performance and query capabilities....
goto-switcher: optimized performance and query capabilities. - Previous implementation had on significant bug. The use of LIMIT 20 was limiting results BEFORE auth checks. In case of large ammount of similarly named repositories user didn't had access too, the result goto search was empty. This was becuase first 20 items fetched didn't pass permission checks and final auth list was empty. To fix this we now use proper filtering for auth using SQL. It means we first check user allowed repositories, and add this as a filter so end result from database is already to only the accessible repositories.

File last commit:

r1:854a839a default
r2038:2bdf9d4d default
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137 lines | 4.0 KiB | text/x-less | LessCssLexer
// variables for use in all RhodeCode products
//Primary Colors (brand)
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@grey1: #202020; //midnight
@grey2: #323232; //charcoal
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@grey4: #979797; //light grey
@grey5: #dbd9da; //greyish
@grey6: #eeeeee; //silver
@grey7: #f9f9f9; //light silver
// special for navigation
@nav-grey: #CDCCCD;
@grey5-alpha: rgba(219, 217, 218, 0.3);
// Tertiary Colors
@color1: #879938; //olive green
@color2: #fcc93a; //bright yellow
@color3: #ff9e07; //orange-yellow
@color4: #fc663a; //bright orange
@color5: #d63d44; //signal red
@color6: #99287c; //violet
@color7: #682668; //dark purple
@color8: #194f8e; //dark blue
// Alert Colors (bright)
@alert1: #0ac878; //bright green
@alert2: #e85e4d; //soft red
@alert3: #ffc854; //corn yellow
@alert4: #84a5d2; //light blue
// Alert Inner Colors
@alert1-inner: #daf7eb; //bright green
@alert2-inner: #fbdfdb; //soft red
@alert3-inner: #fff4dd; //corn yellow
@alert4-inner: #e6edf6; //light blue
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@text-semibold: "proximanovasemibold","Proxima Nova Semibold", "Proxima Nova", sans-serif;
@text-bold-italic: "proximanovabolditalic","Proxima Nova Bold Italic", "Proxima Nova", sans-serif;
@text-light: @text-regular;
@text-light-italic: @text-italic;
// Used for .close buttons
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@form-max-width: 750px;
// FORMS (new)
@border-thickness-inputs: 1px;
@input-padding: @button-padding; //needs to match button padding
// TODO: johbo: Needed for working computation of paddings around labels etc.
// Expected to be replaced once we are done with the form refactoring.
@input-padding-px: 12px;
@legend-width: 220px;
@form-vertical-margin: 20px;
@form-check-width: 20px;
@form-radio-width: 10px;
@form-textcolor: @grey3;
@label-width: 220px;
//TODO: lisa: Eventually we don't need both of these; remove
// label-width when legend-width is no longer used
@input-border-thickness: @border-thickness;
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@input-description-minwidth: 300px;
@label2-width: 200px;
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// For Bootstrap
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