##// END OF EJS Templates
caches: use individual namespaces per user to prevent beaker caching problems....
caches: use individual namespaces per user to prevent beaker caching problems. - especially for mysql in case large number of data in caches there could be critical errors storing cache, and thus preventing users from authentication. This is caused by the fact that we used single namespace for ALL users. It means it grew as number of users grew reaching mysql single column limit. This changes the behaviour and now we use namespace per-user it means that each user-id will have it's own cache namespace fragmenting maximum column data to a single user cache. Which we should never reach.

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r2487:fcee5614 default
r2591:36829a17 stable
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297 lines | 9.1 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2010-2018 RhodeCode GmbH
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
# (only), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# This program is dual-licensed. If you wish to learn more about the
# RhodeCode Enterprise Edition, including its added features, Support services,
# and proprietary license terms, please see https://rhodecode.com/licenses/
import json
import platform
import socket
import pytest
from rhodecode.lib.pyramid_utils import get_app_config
from rhodecode.tests.fixture import TestINI
from rhodecode.tests.server_utils import RcVCSServer
def _parse_json(value):
return json.loads(value) if value else None
def pytest_addoption(parser):
'--test-loglevel', dest='test_loglevel',
help="Set default Logging level for tests, warn (default), info, debug")
group = parser.getgroup('pylons')
'--with-pylons', dest='pyramid_config',
help="Set up a Pylons environment with the specified config file.")
'--ini-config-override', action='store', type=_parse_json,
default=None, dest='pyramid_config_override', help=(
"Overrides the .ini file settings. Should be specified in JSON"
" format, e.g. '{\"section\": {\"parameter\": \"value\", ...}}'"
"Set up a Pyramid environment with the specified config file.")
vcsgroup = parser.getgroup('vcs')
'--without-vcsserver', dest='with_vcsserver', action='store_false',
help="Do not start the VCSServer in a background process.")
'--with-vcsserver-http', dest='vcsserver_config_http',
help="Start the HTTP VCSServer with the specified config file.")
'--vcsserver-protocol', dest='vcsserver_protocol',
help="Start the VCSServer with HTTP protocol support.")
'--vcsserver-config-override', action='store', type=_parse_json,
default=None, dest='vcsserver_config_override', help=(
"Overrides the .ini file settings for the VCSServer. "
"Should be specified in JSON "
"format, e.g. '{\"section\": {\"parameter\": \"value\", ...}}'"
'--vcsserver-port', action='store', type=int,
default=None, help=(
"Allows to set the port of the vcsserver. Useful when testing "
"against an already running server and random ports cause "
"Start the HTTP VCSServer with the specified config file.")
"Start the VCSServer with HTTP protocol support.")
def vcsserver(request, vcsserver_port, vcsserver_factory):
Session scope VCSServer.
Tests wich need the VCSServer have to rely on this fixture in order
to ensure it will be running.
For specific needs, the fixture vcsserver_factory can be used. It allows to
adjust the configuration file for the test run.
Command line args:
--without-vcsserver: Allows to switch this fixture off. You have to
manually start the server.
--vcsserver-port: Will expect the VCSServer to listen on this port.
if not request.config.getoption('with_vcsserver'):
return None
return vcsserver_factory(
request, vcsserver_port=vcsserver_port)
def vcsserver_factory(tmpdir_factory):
Use this if you need a running vcsserver with a special configuration.
def factory(request, overrides=(), vcsserver_port=None,
if vcsserver_port is None:
vcsserver_port = get_available_port()
overrides = list(overrides)
overrides.append({'server:main': {'port': vcsserver_port}})
if is_cygwin():
platform_override = {'DEFAULT': {
'beaker.cache.repo_object.type': 'nocache'}}
option_name = 'vcsserver_config_http'
override_option_name = 'vcsserver_config_override'
config_file = get_config(
request.config, option_name=option_name,
override_option_name=override_option_name, overrides=overrides,
server = RcVCSServer(config_file, log_file)
def cleanup():
return server
return factory
def is_cygwin():
return 'cygwin' in platform.system().lower()
def _use_log_level(config):
level = config.getoption('test_loglevel') or 'warn'
return level.upper()
def ini_config(request, tmpdir_factory, rcserver_port, vcsserver_port):
option_name = 'pyramid_config'
log_level = _use_log_level(request.config)
overrides = [
{'server:main': {'port': rcserver_port}},
{'app:main': {
'vcs.server': 'localhost:%s' % vcsserver_port,
# johbo: We will always start the VCSServer on our own based on the
# fixtures of the test cases. For the test run it must always be
# off in the INI file.
'vcs.start_server': 'false',
'vcs.server.protocol': 'http',
'vcs.scm_app_implementation': 'http',
'vcs.hooks.protocol': 'http',
{'handler_console': {
'class ': 'StreamHandler',
'args ': '(sys.stderr,)',
'level': log_level,
filename = get_config(
request.config, option_name=option_name,
return filename
def ini_settings(ini_config):
ini_path = ini_config
return get_app_config(ini_path)
def get_available_port():
family = socket.AF_INET
socktype = socket.SOCK_STREAM
host = ''
mysocket = socket.socket(family, socktype)
mysocket.bind((host, 0))
port = mysocket.getsockname()[1]
del mysocket
return port
def rcserver_port(request):
port = get_available_port()
print('Using rcserver port {}'.format(port))
return port
def vcsserver_port(request):
port = request.config.getoption('--vcsserver-port')
if port is None:
port = get_available_port()
print('Using vcsserver port {}'.format(port))
return port
def available_port_factory():
Returns a callable which returns free port numbers.
return get_available_port
def available_port(available_port_factory):
Gives you one free port for the current test.
Uses "available_port_factory" to retrieve the port.
return available_port_factory()
def testini_factory(tmpdir_factory, ini_config):
Factory to create an INI file based on TestINI.
It will make sure to place the INI file in the correct directory.
basetemp = tmpdir_factory.getbasetemp().strpath
return TestIniFactory(basetemp, ini_config)
class TestIniFactory(object):
def __init__(self, basetemp, template_ini):
self._basetemp = basetemp
self._template_ini = template_ini
def __call__(self, ini_params, new_file_prefix='test'):
ini_file = TestINI(
self._template_ini, ini_params=ini_params,
new_file_prefix=new_file_prefix, dir=self._basetemp)
result = ini_file.create()
return result
def get_config(
config, option_name, override_option_name, overrides=None,
basetemp=None, prefix='test'):
Find a configuration file and apply overrides for the given `prefix`.
config_file = (
config.getoption(option_name) or config.getini(option_name))
if not config_file:
"Configuration error, could not extract {}.".format(option_name))
overrides = overrides or []
config_override = config.getoption(override_option_name)
if config_override:
temp_ini_file = TestINI(
config_file, ini_params=overrides, new_file_prefix=prefix,
return temp_ini_file.create()