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|RCE| 2.2.6 |RNS|
- 2014-12-03
- Repository locking requires at least write permission to repository.
- API: added add/remove methods for extra fields
- New repositories/ repository groups should be created using 0755 mode not 0777
- Added editable owner field for repository groups
- Added editable owner field for user groups
- API: Permission delegation on grant/revoke user permission functions
- Auth plugin can create user creation state on first login
- New license logic
- Fix issue with unicode email addresses in custom gravatar template
- Protect against empty author string
- Fixed issue with multiprocess setup and cached global settings
- Fixed issues with IIS and proxied ports
- Fixed issue with mysql column size on installing RhodeCode
- Fixed issue with API call for update repo when a repo inside a group was badly renamed when doing those calls