- Use '/' key to quickly access this field.
- Enter a name of repository, or repository group for quick search.
- Prefix query to allow special search:
user:admin, to search for usernames, always global
user_group:devops, to search for user groups, always global
pr:303, to search for pull request number, title, or description, always global
commit:efced4, to search for commits, scoped to repositories or groups
file:models.py, to search for file paths, scoped to repositories or groups
For advanced full text search visit: repository search
nix: Add subprocess32 to build inputs.
From the python 2 docs: POSIX users (Linux, BSD, etc.)
are strongly encouraged to install and use the much
more recent subprocess32 module instead of the version
included with python 2.7. It is a drop in replacement
with better behavior in many situations.
onclick="return confirm('${_('Confirm to delete user group `%(ugroup)s` with all permission assignments') % {'ugroup': c.user_group.users_group_name}}');">