##// END OF EJS Templates
authentication: introduce a group sync flag for plugins....
authentication: introduce a group sync flag for plugins. - we'll skip any syncing on plugins which simply don't get any group information - we let plugins define if they wish to sync groups - prevent from odd cases in which someone sets user groups as syncing, and using regular plugin. In this case memebership of that group would be wiped, and it's generaly bad behaviour.

File last commit:

r2250:8a477b72 stable
r2495:4f076134 default
Show More
405 lines | 17.4 KiB | application/x-mako | MakoHtmlLexer
## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## usage:
## <%namespace name="comment" file="/changeset/changeset_file_comment.mako"/>
## ${comment.comment_block(comment)}
<%namespace name="base" file="/base/base.mako"/>
<%def name="comment_block(comment, inline=False)">
<% pr_index_ver = comment.get_index_version(getattr(c, 'versions', [])) %>
% if inline:
<% outdated_at_ver = comment.outdated_at_version(getattr(c, 'at_version_num', None)) %>
% else:
<% outdated_at_ver = comment.older_than_version(getattr(c, 'at_version_num', None)) %>
% endif
<div class="comment
${'comment-inline' if inline else 'comment-general'}
${'comment-outdated' if outdated_at_ver else 'comment-current'}"
style="${'display: none;' if outdated_at_ver else ''}">
<div class="meta">
<div class="comment-type-label">
<div class="comment-label ${comment.comment_type or 'note'}" id="comment-label-${comment.comment_id}">
% if comment.comment_type == 'todo':
% if comment.resolved:
<div class="resolved tooltip" title="${_('Resolved by comment #{}').format(comment.resolved.comment_id)}">
<a href="#comment-${comment.resolved.comment_id}">${comment.comment_type}</a>
% else:
<div class="resolved tooltip" style="display: none">
<div class="resolve tooltip" onclick="return Rhodecode.comments.createResolutionComment(${comment.comment_id});" title="${_('Click to resolve this comment')}">
% endif
% else:
% if comment.resolved_comment:
% else:
${comment.comment_type or 'note'}
% endif
% endif
<div class="author ${'author-inline' if inline else 'author-general'}">
${base.gravatar_with_user(comment.author.email, 16)}
<div class="date">
${h.age_component(comment.modified_at, time_is_local=True)}
% if inline:
% else:
<div class="status-change">
% if comment.pull_request:
<a href="${h.route_path('pullrequest_show',repo_name=comment.pull_request.target_repo.repo_name,pull_request_id=comment.pull_request.pull_request_id)}">
% if comment.status_change:
${_('pull request #%s') % comment.pull_request.pull_request_id}:
% else:
${_('pull request #%s') % comment.pull_request.pull_request_id}
% endif
% else:
% if comment.status_change:
${_('Status change on commit')}:
% endif
% endif
% endif
% if comment.status_change:
<div class="${'flag_status %s' % comment.status_change[0].status}"></div>
<div title="${_('Commit status')}" class="changeset-status-lbl">
% endif
% if comment.resolved_comment:
<a class="has-spacer-before" href="#comment-${comment.resolved_comment.comment_id}" onclick="Rhodecode.comments.scrollToComment($('#comment-${comment.resolved_comment.comment_id}'), 0, ${h.json.dumps(comment.resolved_comment.outdated)})">
${_('resolves comment #{}').format(comment.resolved_comment.comment_id)}
% endif
<a class="permalink" href="#comment-${comment.comment_id}"> &para;</a>
<div class="comment-links-block">
% if comment.pull_request and comment.pull_request.author.user_id == comment.author.user_id:
<span class="tag authortag tooltip" title="${_('Pull request author')}">
% endif
% if inline:
<div class="pr-version-inline">
<a href="${request.current_route_path(_query=dict(version=comment.pull_request_version_id), _anchor='comment-{}'.format(comment.comment_id))}">
% if outdated_at_ver:
<code class="pr-version-num" title="${_('Outdated comment from pull request version {0}').format(pr_index_ver)}">
outdated ${'v{}'.format(pr_index_ver)} |
% elif pr_index_ver:
<code class="pr-version-num" title="${_('Comment from pull request version {0}').format(pr_index_ver)}">
${'v{}'.format(pr_index_ver)} |
% endif
% else:
% if comment.pull_request_version_id and pr_index_ver:
<div class="pr-version">
% if comment.outdated:
<a href="?version=${comment.pull_request_version_id}#comment-${comment.comment_id}">
${_('Outdated comment from pull request version {}').format(pr_index_ver)}
% else:
<div title="${_('Comment from pull request version {0}').format(pr_index_ver)}">
<a href="${h.route_path('pullrequest_show',repo_name=comment.pull_request.target_repo.repo_name,pull_request_id=comment.pull_request.pull_request_id, version=comment.pull_request_version_id)}">
<code class="pr-version-num">
% endif
% endif
% endif
## show delete comment if it's not a PR (regular comments) or it's PR that is not closed
## only super-admin, repo admin OR comment owner can delete, also hide delete if currently viewed comment is outdated
%if not outdated_at_ver and (not comment.pull_request or (comment.pull_request and not comment.pull_request.is_closed())):
## permissions to delete
%if h.HasPermissionAny('hg.admin')() or h.HasRepoPermissionAny('repository.admin')(c.repo_name) or comment.author.user_id == c.rhodecode_user.user_id:
## TODO: dan: add edit comment here
<a onclick="return Rhodecode.comments.deleteComment(this);" class="delete-comment"> ${_('Delete')}</a>
<button class="btn-link" disabled="disabled"> ${_('Delete')}</button>
<button class="btn-link" disabled="disabled"> ${_('Delete')}</button>
% if outdated_at_ver:
| <a onclick="return Rhodecode.comments.prevOutdatedComment(this);" class="prev-comment"> ${_('Prev')}</a>
| <a onclick="return Rhodecode.comments.nextOutdatedComment(this);" class="next-comment"> ${_('Next')}</a>
% else:
| <a onclick="return Rhodecode.comments.prevComment(this);" class="prev-comment"> ${_('Prev')}</a>
| <a onclick="return Rhodecode.comments.nextComment(this);" class="next-comment"> ${_('Next')}</a>
% endif
<div class="text">
${h.render(comment.text, renderer=comment.renderer, mentions=True)}
## generate main comments
<%def name="generate_comments(comments, include_pull_request=False, is_pull_request=False)">
<div class="general-comments" id="comments">
%for comment in comments:
<div id="comment-tr-${comment.comment_id}">
## only render comments that are not from pull request, or from
## pull request and a status change
%if not comment.pull_request or (comment.pull_request and comment.status_change) or include_pull_request:
## to anchor ajax comments
<div id="injected_page_comments"></div>
<%def name="comments(post_url, cur_status, is_pull_request=False, is_compare=False, change_status=True, form_extras=None)">
<div class="comments">
if is_pull_request:
placeholder = _('Leave a comment on this Pull Request.')
elif is_compare:
placeholder = _('Leave a comment on {} commits in this range.').format(len(form_extras))
placeholder = _('Leave a comment on this Commit.')
% if c.rhodecode_user.username != h.DEFAULT_USER:
<div class="js-template" id="cb-comment-general-form-template">
## template generated for injection
${comment_form(form_type='general', review_statuses=c.commit_statuses, form_extras=form_extras)}
<div id="cb-comment-general-form-placeholder" class="comment-form ac">
## inject form here
<script type="text/javascript">
var lineNo = 'general';
var resolvesCommentId = null;
var generalCommentForm = Rhodecode.comments.createGeneralComment(
lineNo, "${placeholder}", resolvesCommentId);
// set custom success callback on rangeCommit
% if is_compare:
generalCommentForm.setHandleFormSubmit(function(o) {
var self = generalCommentForm;
var text = self.cm.getValue();
var status = self.getCommentStatus();
var commentType = self.getCommentType();
if (text === "" && !status) {
// we can pick which commits we want to make the comment by
// selecting them via click on preview pane, this will alter the hidden inputs
var cherryPicked = $('#changeset_compare_view_content .compare_select.hl').length > 0;
var commitIds = [];
$('#changeset_compare_view_content .compare_select').each(function(el) {
var commitId = this.id.replace('row-', '');
if ($(this).hasClass('hl') || !cherryPicked) {
} else {
self.cm.setOption("readOnly", true);
var postData = {
'text': text,
'changeset_status': status,
'comment_type': commentType,
'commit_ids': commitIds,
'csrf_token': CSRF_TOKEN
var submitSuccessCallback = function(o) {
var submitFailCallback = function(){
self.submitUrl, postData, submitSuccessCallback, submitFailCallback);
% endif
% else:
## form state when not logged in
<div class="comment-form ac">
<div class="comment-area">
<div class="comment-area-header">
<ul class="nav-links clearfix">
<li class="active">
<a class="disabled" href="#edit-btn" disabled="disabled" onclick="return false">${_('Write')}</a>
<li class="">
<a class="disabled" href="#preview-btn" disabled="disabled" onclick="return false">${_('Preview')}</a>
<div class="comment-area-write" style="display: block;">
<div id="edit-container">
<div style="padding: 40px 0">
${_('You need to be logged in to leave comments.')}
<a href="${h.route_path('login', _query={'came_from': h.current_route_path(request)})}">${_('Login now')}</a>
<div id="preview-container" class="clearfix" style="display: none;">
<div id="preview-box" class="preview-box"></div>
<div class="comment-area-footer">
<div class="toolbar">
<div class="toolbar-text">
<div class="comment-footer">
% endif
<script type="text/javascript">
<%def name="comment_form(form_type, form_id='', lineno_id='{1}', review_statuses=None, form_extras=None)">
## comment injected based on assumption that user is logged in
<form ${'id="{}"'.format(form_id) if form_id else '' |n} action="#" method="GET">
<div class="comment-area">
<div class="comment-area-header">
<ul class="nav-links clearfix">
<li class="active">
<a href="#edit-btn" tabindex="-1" id="edit-btn_${lineno_id}">${_('Write')}</a>
<li class="">
<a href="#preview-btn" tabindex="-1" id="preview-btn_${lineno_id}">${_('Preview')}</a>
<li class="pull-right">
<select class="comment-type" id="comment_type_${lineno_id}" name="comment_type">
% for val in c.visual.comment_types:
<option value="${val}">${val.upper()}</option>
% endfor
<div class="comment-area-write" style="display: block;">
<div id="edit-container_${lineno_id}">
<textarea id="text_${lineno_id}" name="text" class="comment-block-ta ac-input"></textarea>
<div id="preview-container_${lineno_id}" class="clearfix" style="display: none;">
<div id="preview-box_${lineno_id}" class="preview-box"></div>
<div class="comment-area-footer">
<div class="toolbar">
<div class="toolbar-text">
${(_('Comments parsed using %s syntax with %s, and %s actions support.') % (
('<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (h.route_url('%s_help' % c.visual.default_renderer), c.visual.default_renderer.upper())),
('<span class="tooltip" title="%s">@mention</span>' % _('Use @username inside this text to send notification to this RhodeCode user')),
('<span class="tooltip" title="%s">`/`</span>' % _('Start typing with / for certain actions to be triggered via text box.'))
<div class="comment-footer">
% if review_statuses:
<div class="status_box">
<select id="change_status_${lineno_id}" name="changeset_status">
<option></option> ## Placeholder
% for status, lbl in review_statuses:
<option value="${status}" data-status="${status}">${lbl}</option>
%if is_pull_request and change_status and status in ('approved', 'rejected'):
<option value="${status}_closed" data-status="${status}">${lbl} & ${_('Closed')}</option>
% endfor
% endif
## inject extra inputs into the form
% if form_extras and isinstance(form_extras, (list, tuple)):
<div id="comment_form_extras">
% for form_ex_el in form_extras:
% endfor
% endif
<div class="action-buttons">
## inline for has a file, and line-number together with cancel hide button.
% if form_type == 'inline':
<input type="hidden" name="f_path" value="{0}">
<input type="hidden" name="line" value="${lineno_id}">
<button type="button" class="cb-comment-cancel" onclick="return Rhodecode.comments.cancelComment(this);">
% endif
% if form_type != 'inline':
<div class="action-buttons-extra"></div>
% endif
${h.submit('save', _('Comment'), class_='btn btn-success comment-button-input')}