##// END OF EJS Templates
security: fixed issues with exposing repository names using global PR redirection link...
security: fixed issues with exposing repository names using global PR redirection link logic. - Since redirect was created to repository which linked to the PR, users who didn't have permissions to those repos could still see the name in the url generated.

File last commit:

r4026:ed756817 default
r4044:573a1043 default
Show More
89 lines | 3.3 KiB | application/x-mako | MakoHtmlLexer
<%def name="render_line(line_num, tokens,
bgcolor=None, show_annotation=None)">
from rhodecode.lib.codeblocks import render_tokenstream
# avoid module lookup for performance
tooltip = h.tooltip
<tr class="cb-line cb-line-fresh ${'cb-annotate' if show_annotation else ''}"
%if annotation:
% if annotation:
% if show_annotation:
<td class="cb-annotate-info">
${h.gravatar_with_user(request, annotation.author, 16, tooltip=True) | n}
<div class="tooltip cb-annotate-message truncate-wrap" title="SHA: ${h.show_id(annotation)}<br/>Date: ${annotation.date}<br/>${annotation.message | entity}">${h.chop_at_smart(annotation.message, '\n', suffix_if_chopped='...')}</div>
<td class="cb-annotate-message-spacer">
<a class="tooltip" href="#show-previous-annotation" onclick="return annotationController.previousAnnotation('${annotation.raw_id}', '${c.f_path}', ${line_num})" title="${tooltip(_('view annotation from before this change'))}">
<i class="icon-left"></i>
style="background: ${bgcolor}">
<a class="cb-annotate" href="${h.route_path('repo_commit',repo_name=c.repo_name,commit_id=annotation.raw_id)}">
% else:
<td class="cb-annotate-message-spacer"></td>
style="background: ${bgcolor}">
% endif
% else:
<td colspan="3"></td>
% endif
<td class="cb-lineno" id="L${line_num}">
<a data-line-no="${line_num}" href="#L${line_num}"></a>
<td class="cb-content cb-content-fresh"
%if bgcolor:
style="background: ${bgcolor}"
## newline at end is necessary for highlight to work when line is empty
## and for copy pasting code to work as expected
<span class="cb-code">${render_tokenstream(tokens)|n}${'\n'}</span>
<%def name="render_annotation_lines(annotation, lines, color_hasher)">
% for line_num, tokens in lines:
${render_line(line_num, tokens,
bgcolor=color_hasher(annotation and annotation.raw_id or ''),
annotation=annotation, show_annotation=loop.first
% endfor
var AnnotationController = function() {
var self = this;
this.previousAnnotation = function(commitId, fPath, lineNo) {
var params = {
'repo_name': templateContext.repo_name,
'commit_id': commitId,
'f_path': fPath,
'line_anchor': lineNo
window.location = pyroutes.url('repo_files:annotated_previous', params);
return false;
var annotationController = new AnnotationController();