##// END OF EJS Templates
svn: Set authentication realm to None in apache config template...
svn: Set authentication realm to None in apache config template Inside of the vcs middlewares we are using the empty string as authentication realm for HTTP basic auth. Because we are proxy the requestst between svn client and mod_dav_svn wen have to use the same authentication relam in mod_dav_svn and vcs middleware. Otherwise auth is impossible because of mismatching realms.

File last commit:

r1:854a839a default
r573:7ad65159 default
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67 lines | 2.5 KiB | text/html | HtmlLexer
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h3 class="panel-title">${_('Default IP Whitelist For All Users')}</h3>
<div class="panel-body">
<div class="ips_wrap">
<table class="rctable ip-whitelist">
<th>IP Address</th>
<th>IP Range</th>
%if c.user_ip_map:
%for ip in c.user_ip_map:
<td class="td-ip"><div class="ip">${ip.ip_addr}</div></td>
<td class="td-iprange"><div class="ip">${h.ip_range(ip.ip_addr)}</div></td>
<td class="td-description"><div class="ip">${ip.description}</div></td>
<td class="td-action">
${h.secure_form(url('edit_user_ips', user_id=c.user.user_id),method='delete')}
${h.hidden('default_user', 'True')}
${h.submit('remove_',_('Delete'),id="remove_ip_%s" % ip.ip_id,
class_="btn btn-link btn-danger", onclick="return confirm('"+_('Confirm to delete this ip: %s') % ip.ip_addr+"');")}
<td class="ip">${_('All IP addresses are allowed')}</td>
${h.secure_form(url('edit_user_ips', user_id=c.user.user_id),method='put')}
<div class="form">
<!-- fields -->
<div class="fields">
<div class="field">
<div class="label">
<label for="new_ip">${_('New IP Address')}:</label>
<div class="input">
${h.hidden('default_user', 'True')}
${h.text('new_ip')} ${h.text('description', placeholder=_('Description...'))}
<span class="help-block">${_('Enter a comma separated list of IP Addresses like,\n'
'or use an IP Address with a mask, to create a network range.\n'
'To specify multiple addresses in a range, use the syntax')}</span>
<div class="buttons">