- Use '/' key to quickly access this field.
- Enter a name of repository, or repository group for quick search.
- Prefix query to allow special search:
user:admin, to search for usernames, always global
user_group:devops, to search for user groups, always global
pr:303, to search for pull request number, title, or description, always global
commit:efced4, to search for commits, scoped to repositories or groups
file:models.py, to search for file paths, scoped to repositories or groups
For advanced full text search visit: repository search
http-proto: in case incoming requests come in as chunked stream the data to VCSServer....
http-proto: in case incoming requests come in as chunked stream the data to VCSServer.
This should solve a problem of uploading large files to rhodecode. In case of
git with small postBuffers GIT client streams data to the server. In such
case we want to stream the data back again to vcsserver without reading it fully
inside RhodeCode.
<tr><tdcolspan="2"style="width:100%;padding-bottom:15px;border-bottom:1px solid #dbd9da;"><h4><ahref="${h.url('user_profile',username=user.username,qualified=True)}"style="color:#427cc9;text-decoration:none;cursor:pointer">${_('New user %(user)s has registered on %(date)s')%{'user':user.username,'date':h.format_date(date)}}</a></h4></td></tr>