##// END OF EJS Templates
file-browser: refactor how we load metadata for file trees....
file-browser: refactor how we load metadata for file trees. Before we used to use JSON data to map the nodes to json and fill in metadata. Now we use rendered parts of html. This is nicer for caching as it would allow us to replace the view with cached tree and then after ajax load replace it again with cached with metadata. On the next request we'll get the cached with metadata and thus we can skip entirely second ajax call for metadata. This is part of #4083

File last commit:

r1:854a839a default
r423:9930e2c8 default
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366 lines | 13.3 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2011-2016 RhodeCode GmbH
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
# (only), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# This program is dual-licensed. If you wish to learn more about the
# RhodeCode Enterprise Edition, including its added features, Support services,
# and proprietary license terms, please see https://rhodecode.com/licenses/
Model for notifications
import logging
import traceback
from pylons import tmpl_context as c
from pylons.i18n.translation import _, ungettext
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import false, true
from mako import exceptions
import rhodecode
from rhodecode.lib import helpers as h
from rhodecode.lib.utils import PartialRenderer
from rhodecode.model import BaseModel
from rhodecode.model.db import Notification, User, UserNotification
from rhodecode.model.meta import Session
from rhodecode.model.settings import SettingsModel
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class NotificationModel(BaseModel):
cls = Notification
def __get_notification(self, notification):
if isinstance(notification, Notification):
return notification
elif isinstance(notification, (int, long)):
return Notification.get(notification)
if notification:
raise Exception('notification must be int, long or Instance'
' of Notification got %s' % type(notification))
def create(
self, created_by, notification_subject, notification_body,
notification_type=Notification.TYPE_MESSAGE, recipients=None,
mention_recipients=None, with_email=True, email_kwargs=None):
Creates notification of given type
:param created_by: int, str or User instance. User who created this
:param notification_subject: subject of notification itself
:param notification_body: body of notification text
:param notification_type: type of notification, based on that we
pick templates
:param recipients: list of int, str or User objects, when None
is given send to all admins
:param mention_recipients: list of int, str or User objects,
that were mentioned
:param with_email: send email with this notification
:param email_kwargs: dict with arguments to generate email
from rhodecode.lib.celerylib import tasks, run_task
if recipients and not getattr(recipients, '__iter__', False):
raise Exception('recipients must be an iterable object')
created_by_obj = self._get_user(created_by)
# default MAIN body if not given
email_kwargs = email_kwargs or {'body': notification_body}
mention_recipients = mention_recipients or set()
if not created_by_obj:
raise Exception('unknown user %s' % created_by)
if recipients is None:
# recipients is None means to all admins
recipients_objs = User.query().filter(User.admin == true()).all()
log.debug('sending notifications %s to admins: %s',
notification_type, recipients_objs)
recipients_objs = []
for u in recipients:
obj = self._get_user(u)
if obj:
else: # we didn't find this user, log the error and carry on
log.error('cannot notify unknown user %r', u)
recipients_objs = set(recipients_objs)
if not recipients_objs:
raise Exception('no valid recipients specified')
log.debug('sending notifications %s to %s',
notification_type, recipients_objs)
# add mentioned users into recipients
final_recipients = set(recipients_objs).union(mention_recipients)
notification = Notification.create(
created_by=created_by_obj, subject=notification_subject,
body=notification_body, recipients=final_recipients,
if not with_email: # skip sending email, and just create notification
return notification
# don't send email to person who created this comment
rec_objs = set(recipients_objs).difference(set([created_by_obj]))
# now notify all recipients in question
for recipient in rec_objs.union(mention_recipients):
# inject current recipient
email_kwargs['recipient'] = recipient
email_kwargs['mention'] = recipient in mention_recipients
(subject, headers, email_body,
email_body_plaintext) = EmailNotificationModel().render_email(
notification_type, **email_kwargs)
'Creating notification email task for user:`%s`', recipient)
task = run_task(
tasks.send_email, recipient.email, subject,
email_body_plaintext, email_body)
log.debug('Created email task: %s', task)
return notification
def delete(self, user, notification):
# we don't want to remove actual notification just the assignment
notification = self.__get_notification(notification)
user = self._get_user(user)
if notification and user:
obj = UserNotification.query()\
.filter(UserNotification.user == user)\
.filter(UserNotification.notification == notification)\
return True
except Exception:
def get_for_user(self, user, filter_=None):
Get mentions for given user, filter them if filter dict is given
:param user:
:param filter:
user = self._get_user(user)
q = UserNotification.query()\
.filter(UserNotification.user == user)\
Notification, UserNotification.notification_id ==
if filter_:
q = q.filter(Notification.type_.in_(filter_))
return q.all()
def mark_read(self, user, notification):
notification = self.__get_notification(notification)
user = self._get_user(user)
if notification and user:
obj = UserNotification.query()\
.filter(UserNotification.user == user)\
.filter(UserNotification.notification == notification)\
obj.read = True
return True
except Exception:
def mark_all_read_for_user(self, user, filter_=None):
user = self._get_user(user)
q = UserNotification.query()\
.filter(UserNotification.user == user)\
.filter(UserNotification.read == false())\
Notification, UserNotification.notification_id ==
if filter_:
q = q.filter(Notification.type_.in_(filter_))
# this is a little inefficient but sqlalchemy doesn't support
# update on joined tables :(
for obj in q.all():
obj.read = True
def get_unread_cnt_for_user(self, user):
user = self._get_user(user)
return UserNotification.query()\
.filter(UserNotification.read == false())\
.filter(UserNotification.user == user).count()
def get_unread_for_user(self, user):
user = self._get_user(user)
return [x.notification for x in UserNotification.query()
.filter(UserNotification.read == false())
.filter(UserNotification.user == user).all()]
def get_user_notification(self, user, notification):
user = self._get_user(user)
notification = self.__get_notification(notification)
return UserNotification.query()\
.filter(UserNotification.notification == notification)\
.filter(UserNotification.user == user).scalar()
def make_description(self, notification, show_age=True):
Creates a human readable description based on properties
of notification object
_map = {
_('%(user)s commented on commit %(date_or_age)s'),
_('%(user)s commented on commit at %(date_or_age)s'),
notification.TYPE_MESSAGE: [
_('%(user)s sent message %(date_or_age)s'),
_('%(user)s sent message at %(date_or_age)s'),
notification.TYPE_MENTION: [
_('%(user)s mentioned you %(date_or_age)s'),
_('%(user)s mentioned you at %(date_or_age)s'),
notification.TYPE_REGISTRATION: [
_('%(user)s registered in RhodeCode %(date_or_age)s'),
_('%(user)s registered in RhodeCode at %(date_or_age)s'),
notification.TYPE_PULL_REQUEST: [
_('%(user)s opened new pull request %(date_or_age)s'),
_('%(user)s opened new pull request at %(date_or_age)s'),
_('%(user)s commented on pull request %(date_or_age)s'),
_('%(user)s commented on pull request at %(date_or_age)s'),
templates = _map[notification.type_]
if show_age:
template = templates[0]
date_or_age = h.age(notification.created_on)
template = templates[1]
date_or_age = h.format_date(notification.created_on)
return template % {
'user': notification.created_by_user.username,
'date_or_age': date_or_age,
class EmailNotificationModel(BaseModel):
TYPE_PASSWORD_RESET = 'password_reset'
TYPE_PASSWORD_RESET_CONFIRMATION = 'password_reset_confirmation'
TYPE_EMAIL_TEST = 'email_test'
TYPE_TEST = 'test'
email_types = {
TYPE_MAIN: 'email_templates/main.mako',
TYPE_TEST: 'email_templates/test.mako',
TYPE_EMAIL_TEST: 'email_templates/email_test.mako',
TYPE_REGISTRATION: 'email_templates/user_registration.mako',
TYPE_PASSWORD_RESET: 'email_templates/password_reset.mako',
TYPE_PASSWORD_RESET_CONFIRMATION: 'email_templates/password_reset_confirmation.mako',
TYPE_COMMIT_COMMENT: 'email_templates/commit_comment.mako',
TYPE_PULL_REQUEST: 'email_templates/pull_request_review.mako',
TYPE_PULL_REQUEST_COMMENT: 'email_templates/pull_request_comment.mako',
def __init__(self):
Example usage::
(subject, headers, email_body,
email_body_plaintext) = EmailNotificationModel().render_email(
EmailNotificationModel.TYPE_TEST, **email_kwargs)
super(EmailNotificationModel, self).__init__()
def _update_kwargs_for_render(self, kwargs):
Inject params required for Mako rendering
:param kwargs:
_kwargs = {
'instance_url': h.url('home', qualified=True)
return _kwargs
def get_renderer(self, type_):
template_name = self.email_types[type_]
return PartialRenderer(template_name)
def render_email(self, type_, **kwargs):
renders template for email, and returns a tuple of
(subject, email_headers, email_body)
# translator and helpers inject
_kwargs = self._update_kwargs_for_render(kwargs)
email_template = self.get_renderer(type_)
subject = email_template.render('subject', **_kwargs)
headers = email_template.render('headers', **_kwargs)
except AttributeError:
# it's not defined in template, ok we can skip it
headers = ''
body_plaintext = email_template.render('body_plaintext', **_kwargs)
except AttributeError:
# it's not defined in template, ok we can skip it
body_plaintext = ''
# render WHOLE template
body = email_template.render(None, **_kwargs)
return subject, headers, body, body_plaintext