- Use '/' key to quickly access this field.
- Enter a name of repository, or repository group for quick search.
- Prefix query to allow special search:
user:admin, to search for usernames, always global
user_group:devops, to search for user groups, always global
pr:303, to search for pull request number, title, or description, always global
commit:efced4, to search for commits, scoped to repositories or groups
file:models.py, to search for file paths, scoped to repositories or groups
For advanced full text search visit: repository search
repo: Implement ReadmeFinder
It currently resembles the logic from the old markup renderer. The
implementation is based on get_nodes though, so that we should usually only have
one call or at most three calls if the directories "doc" and/or "docs" exist.
A difference is that we now ignore the case, this already simplifies the rule
<inputclass="q_filter_box ${'' if c.search_term else 'initial'}"id="j_filter"size="15"type="text"name="filter"value="${c.search_term or ''}"placeholder="${_('journal filter...')}"/>