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db: adjust beaker_cache column size. If this column is created via Beaker itself it uses...
db: adjust beaker_cache column size. If this column is created via Beaker itself it uses BLOB for mysql, this can cause some issues with cache sizes not fitting. We move the creation into our script, then it uses proper size.

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r1:854a839a default
r2734:caa42fff default
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`PostgreSQL`_ database specific implementations of changeset classes.
.. _`PostgreSQL`: http://www.postgresql.org/
from rhodecode.lib.dbmigrate.migrate.changeset import ansisql
from sqlalchemy.databases import postgresql as sa_base
PGSchemaGenerator = sa_base.PGDDLCompiler
class PGColumnGenerator(PGSchemaGenerator, ansisql.ANSIColumnGenerator):
"""PostgreSQL column generator implementation."""
class PGColumnDropper(ansisql.ANSIColumnDropper):
"""PostgreSQL column dropper implementation."""
class PGSchemaChanger(ansisql.ANSISchemaChanger):
"""PostgreSQL schema changer implementation."""
class PGConstraintGenerator(ansisql.ANSIConstraintGenerator):
"""PostgreSQL constraint generator implementation."""
class PGConstraintDropper(ansisql.ANSIConstraintDropper):
"""PostgreSQL constaint dropper implementation."""
class PGDialect(ansisql.ANSIDialect):
columngenerator = PGColumnGenerator
columndropper = PGColumnDropper
schemachanger = PGSchemaChanger
constraintgenerator = PGConstraintGenerator
constraintdropper = PGConstraintDropper