##// END OF EJS Templates
feat(configs): deprecared old hooks protocol and ssh wrapper....
feat(configs): deprecared old hooks protocol and ssh wrapper. New defaults are now set on v2 keys, so previous installation are automatically set to new keys. Fallback mode is still available.

File last commit:

r5340:d43cbc34 default
r5496:cab50adf default
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444 lines | 14.4 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
# Copyright (C) 2016-2023 RhodeCode GmbH
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
# (only), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# This program is dual-licensed. If you wish to learn more about the
# RhodeCode Enterprise Edition, including its added features, Support services,
# and proprietary license terms, please see https://rhodecode.com/licenses/
import collections
import logging
import datetime
from rhodecode.translation import lazy_ugettext
from rhodecode.model.db import User, Repository
from rhodecode.events.base import RhodeCodeIntegrationEvent
from rhodecode.lib.vcs.exceptions import CommitDoesNotExistError
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _commits_as_dict(event, commit_ids, repos):
Helper function to serialize commit_ids
:param event: class calling this method
:param commit_ids: commits to get
:param repos: a list of repos to check
from rhodecode.lib.utils2 import extract_mentioned_users
from rhodecode.lib.helpers import (
urlify_commit_message, process_patterns, chop_at_smart)
from rhodecode.model.repo import RepoModel
if not repos:
raise Exception('no repo defined')
if not isinstance(repos, (tuple, list)):
repos = [repos]
if not commit_ids:
return []
needed_commits = list(commit_ids)
commits = []
reviewers = []
for repo in repos:
if not needed_commits:
return commits # return early if we have the commits we need
vcs_repo = repo.scm_instance(cache=False)
# use copy of needed_commits since we modify it while iterating
for commit_id in list(needed_commits):
if commit_id.startswith('tag=>'):
raw_id = commit_id[5:]
cs_data = {
'raw_id': commit_id, 'short_id': commit_id,
'branch': None,
'git_ref_change': 'tag_add',
'message': f'Added new tag {raw_id}',
'author': event.actor.full_contact,
'date': datetime.datetime.now(),
'refs': {
'branches': [],
'bookmarks': [],
'tags': []
elif commit_id.startswith('delete_branch=>'):
raw_id = commit_id[15:]
cs_data = {
'raw_id': commit_id, 'short_id': commit_id,
'branch': None,
'git_ref_change': 'branch_delete',
'message': f'Deleted branch {raw_id}',
'author': event.actor.full_contact,
'date': datetime.datetime.now(),
'refs': {
'branches': [],
'bookmarks': [],
'tags': []
cs = vcs_repo.get_commit(commit_id)
except CommitDoesNotExistError:
continue # maybe its in next repo
cs_data = cs.__json__()
cs_data['refs'] = cs._get_refs()
cs_data['mentions'] = extract_mentioned_users(cs_data['message'])
cs_data['reviewers'] = reviewers
cs_data['url'] = RepoModel().get_commit_url(
repo, cs_data['raw_id'], request=event.request)
cs_data['permalink_url'] = RepoModel().get_commit_url(
repo, cs_data['raw_id'], request=event.request,
urlified_message, issues_data, errors = process_patterns(
cs_data['message'], repo.repo_name)
cs_data['issues'] = issues_data
cs_data['message_html'] = urlify_commit_message(
cs_data['message'], repo.repo_name)
cs_data['message_html_title'] = chop_at_smart(
cs_data['message'], '\n', suffix_if_chopped='...')
except Exception:
log.exception('Failed to extract commits data')
# we don't send any commits when crash happens, only full list
# matters we short circuit then.
return []
# we failed to remove all needed_commits from all repositories
if needed_commits:
raise ValueError(f'Unexpectedly not found {needed_commits} in all available repos {repos}')
missing_commits = set(commit_ids) - set(c['raw_id'] for c in commits)
if missing_commits:
log.error('Inconsistent repository state. '
'Missing commits: %s', ', '.join(missing_commits))
return commits
def _issues_as_dict(commits):
""" Helper function to serialize issues from commits """
issues = {}
for commit in commits:
for issue in commit['issues']:
issues[issue['id']] = issue
return issues
class RepoEvent(RhodeCodeIntegrationEvent):
Base class for events acting on a repository.
def __init__(self, repo, actor=None):
:param repo: a :class:`Repository` instance
self.repo = repo
def as_dict(self):
from rhodecode.model.repo import RepoModel
data = super().as_dict()
extra_fields = collections.OrderedDict()
for field in self.repo.extra_fields:
extra_fields[field.field_key] = field.field_value
'repo': {
'repo_id': self.repo.repo_id,
'repo_name': self.repo.repo_name,
'repo_type': self.repo.repo_type,
'url': RepoModel().get_url(
self.repo, request=self.request),
'permalink_url': RepoModel().get_url(
self.repo, request=self.request, permalink=True),
'extra_fields': extra_fields
return data
class RepoCommitCommentEvent(RepoEvent):
An instance of this class is emitted as an :term:`event` after a comment is made
on repository commit.
name = 'repo-commit-comment'
display_name = lazy_ugettext('repository commit comment')
description = lazy_ugettext('Event triggered after a comment was made '
'on commit inside a repository')
def __init__(self, repo, commit, comment):
self.commit = commit
self.comment = comment
def as_dict(self):
data = super().as_dict()
data['commit'] = {
'commit_id': self.commit.raw_id,
'commit_message': self.commit.message,
'commit_branch': self.commit.branch,
data['comment'] = {
'comment_id': self.comment.comment_id,
'comment_text': self.comment.text,
'comment_type': self.comment.comment_type,
'comment_f_path': self.comment.f_path,
'comment_line_no': self.comment.line_no,
'comment_version': self.comment.last_version,
return data
class RepoCommitCommentEditEvent(RepoEvent):
An instance of this class is emitted as an :term:`event` after a comment is edited
on repository commit.
name = 'repo-commit-edit-comment'
display_name = lazy_ugettext('repository commit edit comment')
description = lazy_ugettext('Event triggered after a comment was edited '
'on commit inside a repository')
def __init__(self, repo, commit, comment):
self.commit = commit
self.comment = comment
def as_dict(self):
data = super().as_dict()
data['commit'] = {
'commit_id': self.commit.raw_id,
'commit_message': self.commit.message,
'commit_branch': self.commit.branch,
data['comment'] = {
'comment_id': self.comment.comment_id,
'comment_text': self.comment.text,
'comment_type': self.comment.comment_type,
'comment_f_path': self.comment.f_path,
'comment_line_no': self.comment.line_no,
'comment_version': self.comment.last_version,
return data
class RepoPreCreateEvent(RepoEvent):
An instance of this class is emitted as an :term:`event` before a repo is
name = 'repo-pre-create'
display_name = lazy_ugettext('repository pre create')
description = lazy_ugettext('Event triggered before repository is created')
class RepoCreateEvent(RepoEvent):
An instance of this class is emitted as an :term:`event` whenever a repo is
name = 'repo-create'
display_name = lazy_ugettext('repository created')
description = lazy_ugettext('Event triggered after repository was created')
class RepoPreDeleteEvent(RepoEvent):
An instance of this class is emitted as an :term:`event` whenever a repo is
name = 'repo-pre-delete'
display_name = lazy_ugettext('repository pre delete')
description = lazy_ugettext('Event triggered before a repository is deleted')
class RepoDeleteEvent(RepoEvent):
An instance of this class is emitted as an :term:`event` whenever a repo is
name = 'repo-delete'
display_name = lazy_ugettext('repository deleted')
description = lazy_ugettext('Event triggered after repository was deleted')
class RepoVCSEvent(RepoEvent):
Base class for events triggered by the VCS
name = ''
display_name = 'generic_vcs_event'
def __init__(self, repo_name, extras):
self.repo = Repository.get_by_repo_name(repo_name)
if not self.repo:
raise Exception(f'repo by this name {repo_name} does not exist')
self.extras = extras
def actor(self):
if self.extras.get('username'):
return User.get_by_username(self.extras['username'])
def actor_ip(self):
if self.extras.get('ip'):
return self.extras['ip']
def server_url(self):
if self.extras.get('server_url'):
return self.extras['server_url']
def request(self):
return self.extras.get('request') or self.get_request()
class RepoPrePullEvent(RepoVCSEvent):
An instance of this class is emitted as an :term:`event` before commits
are pulled from a repo.
name = 'repo-pre-pull'
display_name = lazy_ugettext('repository pre pull')
description = lazy_ugettext('Event triggered before repository code is pulled')
class RepoPullEvent(RepoVCSEvent):
An instance of this class is emitted as an :term:`event` after commits
are pulled from a repo.
name = 'repo-pull'
display_name = lazy_ugettext('repository pull')
description = lazy_ugettext('Event triggered after repository code was pulled')
class RepoPrePushEvent(RepoVCSEvent):
An instance of this class is emitted as an :term:`event` before commits
are pushed to a repo.
name = 'repo-pre-push'
display_name = lazy_ugettext('repository pre push')
description = lazy_ugettext('Event triggered before the code is '
'pushed to a repository')
class RepoPushEvent(RepoVCSEvent):
An instance of this class is emitted as an :term:`event` after commits
are pushed to a repo.
:param extras: (optional) dict of data from proxied VCS actions
name = 'repo-push'
display_name = lazy_ugettext('repository push')
description = lazy_ugettext('Event triggered after the code was '
'pushed to a repository')
def __init__(self, repo_name, pushed_commit_ids, extras):
super().__init__(repo_name, extras)
self.pushed_commit_ids = pushed_commit_ids
self.new_refs = extras.new_refs
def as_dict(self):
data = super().as_dict()
def branch_url(branch_name):
return '{}/changelog?branch={}'.format(
data['repo']['url'], branch_name)
def tag_url(tag_name):
return '{}/files/{}/'.format(
data['repo']['url'], tag_name)
commits = _commits_as_dict(
self, commit_ids=self.pushed_commit_ids, repos=[self.repo])
last_branch = None
for commit in reversed(commits):
commit['branch'] = commit['branch'] or last_branch
last_branch = commit['branch']
issues = _issues_as_dict(commits)
branches = set()
tags = set()
for commit in commits:
if commit['refs']['tags']:
for tag in commit['refs']['tags']:
if commit['branch']:
# maybe we have branches in new_refs ?
branches = branches.union(set(self.new_refs['branches']))
except Exception:
branches = [
'name': branch,
'url': branch_url(branch)
for branch in branches
# maybe we have branches in new_refs ?
tags = tags.union(set(self.new_refs['tags']))
except Exception:
tags = [
'name': tag,
'url': tag_url(tag)
for tag in tags
data['push'] = {
'commits': commits,
'issues': issues,
'branches': branches,
'tags': tags,
return data