##// END OF EJS Templates
feat(configs): deprecared old hooks protocol and ssh wrapper....
feat(configs): deprecared old hooks protocol and ssh wrapper. New defaults are now set on v2 keys, so previous installation are automatically set to new keys. Fallback mode is still available.

File last commit:

r2726:a9ece9dd default
r5496:cab50adf default
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88 lines | 2.9 KiB | application/x-mako | MakoHtmlLexer
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h3 class="panel-title">${_('SSH Keys')} - <span id="ssh_keys_count"></span></h3>
${h.secure_form(h.route_path('admin_permissions_ssh_keys_update'), request=request)}
<button class="btn btn-link pull-right" type="submit">${_('Update SSH keys file')}</button>
<div class="panel-body">
<input class="q_filter_box" id="q_filter" size="15" type="text" name="filter" placeholder="${_('quick filter...')}" value=""/>
<div id="repos_list_wrap">
<table id="ssh_keys_table" class="display"></table>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var $sshKeyListTable = $('#ssh_keys_table');
// user list
processing: true,
serverSide: true,
ajax: {
"url": "${h.route_path('admin_permissions_ssh_keys_data')}",
"dataSrc": function ( json ) {
var filteredCount = json.recordsFiltered;
var total = json.recordsTotal;
var _text = _gettext("{0} out of {1} ssh keys").format(filteredCount, total);
return json.data;
dom: 'rtp',
pageLength: ${c.visual.admin_grid_items},
order: [[ 0, "asc" ]],
columns: [
{ data: {"_": "username",
"sort": "username"}, title: "${_('Username')}", className: "td-user" },
{ data: {"_": "fingerprint",
"sort": "fingerprint"}, title: "${_('Fingerprint')}", className: "td-type" },
{ data: {"_": "description",
"sort": "description"}, title: "${_('Description')}", className: "td-type" },
{ data: {"_": "created_on",
"sort": "created_on"}, title: "${_('Created on')}", className: "td-time" },
{ data: {"_": "accessed_on",
"sort": "accessed_on"}, title: "${_('Accessed on')}", className: "td-time" },
{ data: {"_": "action",
"sort": "action"}, title: "${_('Action')}", className: "td-action", orderable: false }
language: {
sProcessing: _gettext('loading...'),
emptyTable: _gettext("No ssh keys available yet.")
"createdRow": function ( row, data, index ) {
if (!data['active_raw']){
$sshKeyListTable.on('xhr.dt', function(e, settings, json, xhr){
$sshKeyListTable.css('opacity', 1);
$sshKeyListTable.on('preXhr.dt', function(e, settings, data){
$sshKeyListTable.css('opacity', 0.3);
// filter
$.debounce(250, function() {