- Use '/' key to quickly access this field.
- Enter a name of repository, or repository group for quick search.
- Prefix query to allow special search:
user:admin, to search for usernames, always global
user_group:devops, to search for user groups, always global
pr:303, to search for pull request number, title, or description, always global
commit:efced4, to search for commits, scoped to repositories or groups
file:models.py, to search for file paths, scoped to repositories or groups
For advanced full text search visit: repository search
files: fixed the repo switcher at flag beeing nor persistens...
files: fixed the repo switcher at flag beeing nor persistens
- additionally SVN now reports nice switchet refs as other types of vcs
- fixes #5610
- references #5599 (org issue)
<h4>${_('This feature is available in RhodeCode EE edition only. Contact {sales_email} to obtain a trial license.').format(sales_email='<ahref="mailto:sales@rhodecode.com">sales@rhodecode.com</a>')|n}</h4>