##// END OF EJS Templates
repositories: allow updating repository settings for users without store-in-root permissions...
repositories: allow updating repository settings for users without store-in-root permissions in case repository name didn't change. - when an user owns repository in root location, and isn't allow to create repositories in root before we failed to allow this user to update such repository settings due to this validation. We'll now check if name didn't change and in this case allow to update since this doesn't store any new data in root location.

File last commit:

r4105:10488616 default
r4415:fc1f6c1b default
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437 lines | 15.2 KiB | application/javascript | JavascriptLexer
// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
// Distributed under an MIT license: https://codemirror.net/LICENSE
(function(mod) {
if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
mod(require("../../lib/codemirror"), require("../htmlmixed/htmlmixed"));
else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
define(["../../lib/codemirror", "../htmlmixed/htmlmixed"], mod);
else // Plain browser env
})(function(CodeMirror) {
"use strict";
var paramData = { noEndTag: true, soyState: "param-def" };
var tags = {
"alias": { noEndTag: true },
"delpackage": { noEndTag: true },
"namespace": { noEndTag: true, soyState: "namespace-def" },
"@param": paramData,
"@param?": paramData,
"@inject": paramData,
"@inject?": paramData,
"@state": paramData,
"@state?": paramData,
"template": { soyState: "templ-def", variableScope: true},
"literal": { },
"msg": {},
"fallbackmsg": { noEndTag: true, reduceIndent: true},
"select": {},
"plural": {},
"let": { soyState: "var-def" },
"if": {},
"elseif": { noEndTag: true, reduceIndent: true},
"else": { noEndTag: true, reduceIndent: true},
"switch": {},
"case": { noEndTag: true, reduceIndent: true},
"default": { noEndTag: true, reduceIndent: true},
"foreach": { variableScope: true, soyState: "var-def" },
"ifempty": { noEndTag: true, reduceIndent: true},
"for": { variableScope: true, soyState: "var-def" },
"call": { soyState: "templ-ref" },
"param": { soyState: "param-ref"},
"print": { noEndTag: true },
"deltemplate": { soyState: "templ-def", variableScope: true},
"delcall": { soyState: "templ-ref" },
"log": {},
"element": { variableScope: true },
var indentingTags = Object.keys(tags).filter(function(tag) {
return !tags[tag].noEndTag || tags[tag].reduceIndent;
CodeMirror.defineMode("soy", function(config) {
var textMode = CodeMirror.getMode(config, "text/plain");
var modes = {
html: CodeMirror.getMode(config, {name: "text/html", multilineTagIndentFactor: 2, multilineTagIndentPastTag: false}),
attributes: textMode,
text: textMode,
uri: textMode,
trusted_resource_uri: textMode,
css: CodeMirror.getMode(config, "text/css"),
js: CodeMirror.getMode(config, {name: "text/javascript", statementIndent: 2 * config.indentUnit})
function last(array) {
return array[array.length - 1];
function tokenUntil(stream, state, untilRegExp) {
if (stream.sol()) {
for (var indent = 0; indent < state.indent; indent++) {
if (!stream.eat(/\s/)) break;
if (indent) return null;
var oldString = stream.string;
var match = untilRegExp.exec(oldString.substr(stream.pos));
if (match) {
// We don't use backUp because it backs up just the position, not the state.
// This uses an undocumented API.
stream.string = oldString.substr(0, stream.pos + match.index);
var result = stream.hideFirstChars(state.indent, function() {
var localState = last(state.localStates);
return localState.mode.token(stream, localState.state);
stream.string = oldString;
return result;
function contains(list, element) {
while (list) {
if (list.element === element) return true;
list = list.next;
return false;
function prepend(list, element) {
return {
element: element,
next: list
function popcontext(state) {
if (!state.context) return;
if (state.context.scope) {
state.variables = state.context.scope;
state.context = state.context.previousContext;
// Reference a variable `name` in `list`.
// Let `loose` be truthy to ignore missing identifiers.
function ref(list, name, loose) {
return contains(list, name) ? "variable-2" : (loose ? "variable" : "variable-2 error");
// Data for an open soy tag.
function Context(previousContext, tag, scope) {
this.previousContext = previousContext;
this.tag = tag;
this.kind = null;
this.scope = scope;
return {
startState: function() {
return {
soyState: [],
templates: null,
variables: prepend(null, 'ij'),
scopes: null,
indent: 0,
quoteKind: null,
context: null,
localStates: [{
mode: modes.html,
state: CodeMirror.startState(modes.html)
copyState: function(state) {
return {
tag: state.tag, // Last seen Soy tag.
soyState: state.soyState.concat([]),
templates: state.templates,
variables: state.variables,
context: state.context,
indent: state.indent, // Indentation of the following line.
quoteKind: state.quoteKind,
localStates: state.localStates.map(function(localState) {
return {
mode: localState.mode,
state: CodeMirror.copyState(localState.mode, localState.state)
token: function(stream, state) {
var match;
switch (last(state.soyState)) {
case "comment":
if (stream.match(/^.*?\*\//)) {
} else {
if (!state.context || !state.context.scope) {
var paramRe = /@param\??\s+(\S+)/g;
var current = stream.current();
for (var match; (match = paramRe.exec(current)); ) {
state.variables = prepend(state.variables, match[1]);
return "comment";
case "string":
var match = stream.match(/^.*?(["']|\\[\s\S])/);
if (!match) {
} else if (match[1] == state.quoteKind) {
state.quoteKind = null;
return "string";
if (!state.soyState.length || last(state.soyState) != "literal") {
if (stream.match(/^\/\*/)) {
return "comment";
} else if (stream.match(stream.sol() ? /^\s*\/\/.*/ : /^\s+\/\/.*/)) {
return "comment";
switch (last(state.soyState)) {
case "templ-def":
if (match = stream.match(/^\.?([\w]+(?!\.[\w]+)*)/)) {
state.templates = prepend(state.templates, match[1]);
return "def";
return null;
case "templ-ref":
if (match = stream.match(/(\.?[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]+)+/)) {
// If the first character is '.', it can only be a local template.
if (match[0][0] == '.') {
return "variable-2"
// Otherwise
return "variable";
return null;
case "namespace-def":
if (match = stream.match(/^\.?([\w\.]+)/)) {
return "variable";
return null;
case "param-def":
if (match = stream.match(/^\w+/)) {
state.variables = prepend(state.variables, match[0]);
return "def";
return null;
case "param-ref":
if (match = stream.match(/^\w+/)) {
return "property";
return null;
case "param-type":
if (stream.peek() == "}") {
return null;
if (stream.eatWhile(/^([\w]+|[?])/)) {
return "type";
return null;
case "var-def":
if (match = stream.match(/^\$([\w]+)/)) {
state.variables = prepend(state.variables, match[1]);
return "def";
return null;
case "tag":
var endTag = state.tag[0] == "/";
var tagName = endTag ? state.tag.substring(1) : state.tag;
var tag = tags[tagName];
if (stream.match(/^\/?}/)) {
var selfClosed = stream.current() == "/}";
if (selfClosed && !endTag) {
if (state.tag == "/template" || state.tag == "/deltemplate") {
state.variables = prepend(null, 'ij');
state.indent = 0;
} else {
state.indent -= config.indentUnit *
(selfClosed || indentingTags.indexOf(state.tag) == -1 ? 2 : 1);
return "keyword";
} else if (stream.match(/^([\w?]+)(?==)/)) {
if (state.context && state.context.tag == tagName && stream.current() == "kind" && (match = stream.match(/^="([^"]+)/, false))) {
var kind = match[1];
state.context.kind = kind;
var mode = modes[kind] || modes.html;
var localState = last(state.localStates);
if (localState.mode.indent) {
state.indent += localState.mode.indent(localState.state, "", "");
mode: mode,
state: CodeMirror.startState(mode)
return "attribute";
} else if (match = stream.match(/([\w]+)(?=\()/)) {
return "variable callee";
} else if (match = stream.match(/^["']/)) {
state.quoteKind = match;
return "string";
if (stream.match(/(null|true|false)(?!\w)/) ||
stream.match(/0x([0-9a-fA-F]{2,})/) ||
stream.match(/-?([0-9]*[.])?[0-9]+(e[0-9]*)?/)) {
return "atom";
if (stream.match(/(\||[+\-*\/%]|[=!]=|\?:|[<>]=?)/)) {
// Tokenize filter, binary, null propagator, and equality operators.
return "operator";
if (match = stream.match(/^\$([\w]+)/)) {
return ref(state.variables, match[1]);
if (match = stream.match(/^\w+/)) {
return /^(?:as|and|or|not|in)$/.test(match[0]) ? "keyword" : null;
return null;
case "literal":
if (stream.match(/^(?=\{\/literal})/)) {
state.indent -= config.indentUnit;
return this.token(stream, state);
return tokenUntil(stream, state, /\{\/literal}/);
if (stream.match(/^\{literal}/)) {
state.indent += config.indentUnit;
state.context = new Context(state.context, "literal", state.variables);
return "keyword";
// A tag-keyword must be followed by whitespace, comment or a closing tag.
} else if (match = stream.match(/^\{([/@\\]?\w+\??)(?=$|[\s}]|\/[/*])/)) {
var prevTag = state.tag;
state.tag = match[1];
var endTag = state.tag[0] == "/";
var indentingTag = !!tags[state.tag];
var tagName = endTag ? state.tag.substring(1) : state.tag;
var tag = tags[tagName];
if (state.tag != "/switch")
state.indent += ((endTag || tag && tag.reduceIndent) && prevTag != "switch" ? 1 : 2) * config.indentUnit;
var tagError = false;
if (tag) {
if (!endTag) {
if (tag.soyState) state.soyState.push(tag.soyState);
// If a new tag, open a new context.
if (!tag.noEndTag && (indentingTag || !endTag)) {
state.context = new Context(state.context, state.tag, tag.variableScope ? state.variables : null);
// Otherwise close the current context.
} else if (endTag) {
if (!state.context || state.context.tag != tagName) {
tagError = true;
} else if (state.context) {
if (state.context.kind) {
var localState = last(state.localStates);
if (localState.mode.indent) {
state.indent -= localState.mode.indent(localState.state, "", "");
} else if (endTag) {
// Assume all tags with a closing tag are defined in the config.
tagError = true;
return (tagError ? "error " : "") + "keyword";
// Not a tag-keyword; it's an implicit print tag.
} else if (stream.eat('{')) {
state.tag = "print";
state.indent += 2 * config.indentUnit;
return "keyword";
return tokenUntil(stream, state, /\{|\s+\/\/|\/\*/);
indent: function(state, textAfter, line) {
var indent = state.indent, top = last(state.soyState);
if (top == "comment") return CodeMirror.Pass;
if (top == "literal") {
if (/^\{\/literal}/.test(textAfter)) indent -= config.indentUnit;
} else {
if (/^\s*\{\/(template|deltemplate)\b/.test(textAfter)) return 0;
if (/^\{(\/|(fallbackmsg|elseif|else|ifempty)\b)/.test(textAfter)) indent -= config.indentUnit;
if (state.tag != "switch" && /^\{(case|default)\b/.test(textAfter)) indent -= config.indentUnit;
if (/^\{\/switch\b/.test(textAfter)) indent -= config.indentUnit;
var localState = last(state.localStates);
if (indent && localState.mode.indent) {
indent += localState.mode.indent(localState.state, textAfter, line);
return indent;
innerMode: function(state) {
if (state.soyState.length && last(state.soyState) != "literal") return null;
else return last(state.localStates);
electricInput: /^\s*\{(\/|\/template|\/deltemplate|\/switch|fallbackmsg|elseif|else|case|default|ifempty|\/literal\})$/,
lineComment: "//",
blockCommentStart: "/*",
blockCommentEnd: "*/",
blockCommentContinue: " * ",
useInnerComments: false,
fold: "indent"
}, "htmlmixed");
CodeMirror.registerHelper("wordChars", "soy", /[\w$]/);
CodeMirror.registerHelper("hintWords", "soy", Object.keys(tags).concat(
["css", "debugger"]));
CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-soy", "soy");