.. _set-up-mail: Set up Email ------------ To setup email with your |RCE| instance, open the default :file:`config/_shared/rhodecode.ini` file and uncomment and configure the email section. If it is not there, use the below example to insert it. Once configured you can check the settings for your |RCE| instance on the :menuselection:`Admin --> Settings --> Email` page. Please be aware that both section should be changed the `[DEFAULT]` for main applications email config, and `[server:main]` for exception tracking email .. code-block:: ini [DEFAULT] ; ######################################################################## ; EMAIL CONFIGURATION ; These settings will be used by the RhodeCode mailing system ; ######################################################################## ; prefix all emails subjects with given prefix, helps filtering out emails #email_prefix = [RhodeCode] ; email FROM address all mails will be sent #app_email_from = rhodecode-noreply@localhost #smtp_server = mail.server.com #smtp_username = #smtp_password = #smtp_port = #smtp_use_tls = false #smtp_use_ssl = true [server:main] ; Send email with exception details when it happens #exception_tracker.send_email = true ; Comma separated list of recipients for exception emails, ; e.g admin@rhodecode.com,devops@rhodecode.com ; Can be left empty, then emails will be sent to ALL super-admins #exception_tracker.send_email_recipients =