""" |oauth2| Providers ------------------- Providers which implement the |oauth2|_ protocol. .. autosummary:: OAuth2 Amazon Behance Bitly Bitbucket Cosm DeviantART Eventbrite Facebook Foursquare GitHub Google LinkedIn MicrosoftOnline PayPal Reddit Viadeo VK WindowsLive Yammer Yandex """ import base64 import datetime import json import logging from authomatic.six.moves.urllib.parse import unquote from authomatic import providers from authomatic.exceptions import CancellationError, FailureError, OAuth2Error import authomatic.core as core __all__ = [ 'OAuth2', 'Amazon', 'Behance', 'Bitly', 'Bitbucket', 'Cosm', 'DeviantART', 'Eventbrite', 'Facebook', 'Foursquare', 'GitHub', 'Google', 'LinkedIn', 'MicrosoftOnline', 'PayPal', 'Reddit', 'Viadeo', 'VK', 'WindowsLive', 'Yammer', 'Yandex' ] class OAuth2(providers.AuthorizationProvider): """ Base class for |oauth2|_ providers. """ PROVIDER_TYPE_ID = 2 TOKEN_TYPES = ['', 'Bearer'] #: A scope preset to get most of the **user** info. #: Use it in the :doc:`config` like #: ``{'scope': oauth2.Facebook.user_info_scope}``. user_info_scope = [] #: :class:`bool` If ``False``, the provider doesn't support CSRF #: protection. supports_csrf_protection = True #: :class:`bool` If ``False``, the provider doesn't support user_state. supports_user_state = True token_request_method = 'POST' # method for requesting an access token def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Accepts additional keyword arguments: :param list scope: List of strings specifying requested permissions as described in the `OAuth 2.0 spec `_. :param bool offline: If ``True`` the **provider** will be set up to request an *offline access token*. Default is ``False``. As well as those inherited from :class:`.AuthorizationProvider` constructor. """ super(OAuth2, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.scope = self._kwarg(kwargs, 'scope', []) self.offline = self._kwarg(kwargs, 'offline', False) # ======================================================================== # Internal methods # ======================================================================== def _x_scope_parser(self, scope): """ Override this to handle differences between accepted format of scope across providers. :attr list scope: List of scopes. """ # pylint:disable=no-self-use # Most providers accept csv scope. return ','.join(scope) if scope else '' @classmethod def create_request_elements( cls, request_type, credentials, url, method='GET', params=None, headers=None, body='', secret=None, redirect_uri='', scope='', csrf='', user_state='' ): """ Creates |oauth2| request elements. """ headers = headers or {} params = params or {} consumer_key = credentials.consumer_key or '' consumer_secret = credentials.consumer_secret or '' token = credentials.token or '' refresh_token = credentials.refresh_token or credentials.token or '' # Separate url base and query parameters. url, base_params = cls._split_url(url) # Add params extracted from URL. params.update(dict(base_params)) if request_type == cls.USER_AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST_TYPE: # User authorization request. # TODO: Raise error for specific message for each missing argument. if consumer_key and redirect_uri and ( csrf or not cls.supports_csrf_protection): params['client_id'] = consumer_key params['redirect_uri'] = redirect_uri params['scope'] = scope if cls.supports_user_state: params['state'] = base64.urlsafe_b64encode( json.dumps( {"csrf": csrf, "user_state": user_state} ).encode('utf-8') ) else: params['state'] = csrf params['response_type'] = 'code' # Add authorization header headers.update(cls._authorization_header(credentials)) else: raise OAuth2Error( 'Credentials with valid consumer_key and arguments ' 'redirect_uri, scope and state are required to create ' 'OAuth 2.0 user authorization request elements!') elif request_type == cls.ACCESS_TOKEN_REQUEST_TYPE: # Access token request. if consumer_key and consumer_secret: params['code'] = token params['client_id'] = consumer_key params['client_secret'] = consumer_secret params['redirect_uri'] = redirect_uri params['grant_type'] = 'authorization_code' # TODO: Check whether all providers accept it headers.update(cls._authorization_header(credentials)) else: raise OAuth2Error( 'Credentials with valid token, consumer_key, ' 'consumer_secret and argument redirect_uri are required ' 'to create OAuth 2.0 access token request elements!') elif request_type == cls.REFRESH_TOKEN_REQUEST_TYPE: # Refresh access token request. if refresh_token and consumer_key and consumer_secret: params['refresh_token'] = refresh_token params['client_id'] = consumer_key params['client_secret'] = consumer_secret params['grant_type'] = 'refresh_token' else: raise OAuth2Error( 'Credentials with valid refresh_token, consumer_key, ' 'consumer_secret are required to create OAuth 2.0 ' 'refresh token request elements!') elif request_type == cls.PROTECTED_RESOURCE_REQUEST_TYPE: # Protected resource request. # Add Authorization header. See: # http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-7.1 if credentials.token_type == cls.BEARER: # http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6750#section-2.1 headers.update( {'Authorization': 'Bearer {0}'.format(credentials.token)}) elif token: params['access_token'] = token else: raise OAuth2Error( 'Credentials with valid token are required to create ' 'OAuth 2.0 protected resources request elements!') request_elements = core.RequestElements( url, method, params, headers, body) return cls._x_request_elements_filter( request_type, request_elements, credentials) @staticmethod def _x_refresh_credentials_if(credentials): """ Override this to specify conditions when it gives sense to refresh credentials. .. warning:: |classmethod| :param credentials: :class:`.Credentials` :returns: ``True`` or ``False`` """ if credentials.refresh_token: return True # ======================================================================== # Exposed methods # ======================================================================== @classmethod def to_tuple(cls, credentials): return (credentials.token, credentials.refresh_token, credentials.expiration_time, cls.TOKEN_TYPES.index(credentials.token_type)) @classmethod def reconstruct(cls, deserialized_tuple, credentials, cfg): token, refresh_token, expiration_time, token_type = deserialized_tuple credentials.token = token credentials.refresh_token = refresh_token credentials.expiration_time = expiration_time credentials.token_type = cls.TOKEN_TYPES[int(token_type)] return credentials @classmethod def decode_state(cls, state, param='user_state'): """ Decode state and return param. :param str state: state parameter passed through by provider :param str param: key to query from decoded state variable. Options include 'csrf' and 'user_state'. :returns: string value from decoded state """ if state and cls.supports_user_state: # urlsafe_b64 may include = which the browser quotes so must # unquote Cast to str to void b64decode translation error. Base64 # should be str compatible. return json.loads(base64.urlsafe_b64decode( unquote(str(state))).decode('utf-8'))[param] else: return state if param == 'csrf' else '' def refresh_credentials(self, credentials): """ Refreshes :class:`.Credentials` if it gives sense. :param credentials: :class:`.Credentials` to be refreshed. :returns: :class:`.Response`. """ if not self._x_refresh_credentials_if(credentials): return # We need consumer key and secret to make this kind of request. cfg = credentials.config.get(credentials.provider_name) credentials.consumer_key = cfg.get('consumer_key') credentials.consumer_secret = cfg.get('consumer_secret') request_elements = self.create_request_elements( request_type=self.REFRESH_TOKEN_REQUEST_TYPE, credentials=credentials, url=self.access_token_url, method='POST' ) self._log(logging.INFO, u'Refreshing credentials.') response = self._fetch(*request_elements) # We no longer need consumer info. credentials.consumer_key = None credentials.consumer_secret = None # Extract the refreshed data. access_token = response.data.get('access_token') refresh_token = response.data.get('refresh_token') # Update credentials only if there is access token. if access_token: credentials.token = access_token credentials.expire_in = response.data.get('expires_in') # Update refresh token only if there is a new one. if refresh_token: credentials.refresh_token = refresh_token # Handle different naming conventions across providers. credentials = self._x_credentials_parser( credentials, response.data) return response @providers.login_decorator def login(self): # get request parameters from which we can determine the login phase authorization_code = self.params.get('code') error = self.params.get('error') error_message = self.params.get('error_message') state = self.params.get('state') # optional user_state to be passed in oauth2 state user_state = self.params.get('user_state', '') if authorization_code or not self.user_authorization_url: if authorization_code: # ============================================================= # Phase 2 after redirect with success # ============================================================= self._log( logging.INFO, u'Continuing OAuth 2.0 authorization procedure after ' u'redirect.') # validate CSRF token if self.supports_csrf_protection: self._log( logging.INFO, u'Validating request by comparing request state with ' u'stored state.') stored_csrf = self._session_get('csrf') state_csrf = self.decode_state(state, 'csrf') if not stored_csrf: raise FailureError(u'Unable to retrieve stored state!') elif stored_csrf != state_csrf: raise FailureError( u'The returned state csrf cookie "{0}" doesn\'t ' u'match with the stored state!'.format( state_csrf ), url=self.user_authorization_url) self._log(logging.INFO, u'Request is valid.') else: self._log(logging.WARN, u'Skipping CSRF validation!') elif not self.user_authorization_url: # ============================================================= # Phase 1 without user authorization redirect. # ============================================================= self._log( logging.INFO, u'Starting OAuth 2.0 authorization procedure without ' u'user authorization redirect.') # exchange authorization code for access token by the provider self._log( logging.INFO, u'Fetching access token from {0}.'.format( self.access_token_url)) self.credentials.token = authorization_code request_elements = self.create_request_elements( request_type=self.ACCESS_TOKEN_REQUEST_TYPE, credentials=self.credentials, url=self.access_token_url, method=self.token_request_method, redirect_uri=self.url, params=self.access_token_params, headers=self.access_token_headers ) response = self._fetch(*request_elements) self.access_token_response = response access_token = response.data.get('access_token', '') refresh_token = response.data.get('refresh_token', '') if response.status != 200 or not access_token: raise FailureError( 'Failed to obtain OAuth 2.0 access token from {0}! ' 'HTTP status: {1}, message: {2}.'.format( self.access_token_url, response.status, response.content ), original_message=response.content, status=response.status, url=self.access_token_url) self._log(logging.INFO, u'Got access token.') if refresh_token: self._log(logging.INFO, u'Got refresh access token.') # OAuth 2.0 credentials need access_token, refresh_token, # token_type and expire_in. self.credentials.token = access_token self.credentials.refresh_token = refresh_token self.credentials.expire_in = response.data.get('expires_in') self.credentials.token_type = response.data.get('token_type', '') # sWe don't need these two guys anymore. self.credentials.consumer_key = '' self.credentials.consumer_secret = '' # update credentials self.credentials = self._x_credentials_parser( self.credentials, response.data) # create user self._update_or_create_user(response.data, self.credentials) # ================================================================= # We're done! # ================================================================= elif error or error_message: # ================================================================= # Phase 2 after redirect with error # ================================================================= error_reason = self.params.get('error_reason') or error error_description = self.params.get('error_description') \ or error_message or error if error_reason and 'denied' in error_reason: raise CancellationError(error_description, url=self.user_authorization_url) else: raise FailureError( error_description, url=self.user_authorization_url) elif ( not self.params or len(self.params) == 1 and 'user_state' in self.params ): # ================================================================= # Phase 1 before redirect # ================================================================= self._log( logging.INFO, u'Starting OAuth 2.0 authorization procedure.') csrf = '' if self.supports_csrf_protection: # generate csfr csrf = self.csrf_generator(self.settings.secret) # and store it to session self._session_set('csrf', csrf) else: self._log( logging.WARN, u'Provider doesn\'t support CSRF validation!') request_elements = self.create_request_elements( request_type=self.USER_AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST_TYPE, credentials=self.credentials, url=self.user_authorization_url, redirect_uri=self.url, scope=self._x_scope_parser( self.scope), csrf=csrf, user_state=user_state, params=self.user_authorization_params ) self._log( logging.INFO, u'Redirecting user to {0}.'.format( request_elements.full_url)) self.redirect(request_elements.full_url) class Amazon(OAuth2): """ Amazon |oauth2| provider. Thanks to `Ghufran Syed `__. * Dashboard: https://developer.amazon.com/lwa/sp/overview.html * Docs: https://developer.amazon.com/public/apis/engage/login-with-amazon/docs/conceptual_overview.html * API reference: https://developer.amazon.com/public/apis .. note:: Amazon only accepts **redirect_uri** with **https** schema, Therefore the *login handler* must also be accessible through **https**. Supported :class:`.User` properties: * email * id * name * postal_code Unsupported :class:`.User` properties: * birth_date * city * country * first_name * gender * last_name * link * locale * nickname * phone * picture * timezone * username """ user_authorization_url = 'https://www.amazon.com/ap/oa' access_token_url = 'https://api.amazon.com/auth/o2/token' user_info_url = 'https://api.amazon.com/user/profile' user_info_scope = ['profile', 'postal_code'] supported_user_attributes = core.SupportedUserAttributes( email=True, id=True, name=True, postal_code=True ) def _x_scope_parser(self, scope): # Amazon has space-separated scopes return ' '.join(scope) @staticmethod def _x_user_parser(user, data): user.id = data.get('user_id') return user @classmethod def _x_credentials_parser(cls, credentials, data): if data.get('token_type') == 'bearer': credentials.token_type = cls.BEARER return credentials class Behance(OAuth2): """ Behance |oauth2| provider. .. note:: Behance doesn't support third party authorization anymore, which renders this class pretty much useless. * Dashboard: http://www.behance.net/dev/apps * Docs: http://www.behance.net/dev/authentication * API reference: http://www.behance.net/dev/api/endpoints/ """ user_authorization_url = 'https://www.behance.net/v2/oauth/authenticate' access_token_url = 'https://www.behance.net/v2/oauth/token' user_info_url = '' user_info_scope = ['activity_read'] def _x_scope_parser(self, scope): """ Behance has pipe-separated scopes. """ return '|'.join(scope) @staticmethod def _x_user_parser(user, data): _user = data.get('user', {}) user.id = _user.get('id') user.first_name = _user.get('first_name') user.last_name = _user.get('last_name') user.username = _user.get('username') user.city = _user.get('city') user.country = _user.get('country') user.link = _user.get('url') user.name = _user.get('display_name') user.picture = _user.get('images', {}).get('138') return user class Bitly(OAuth2): """ Bitly |oauth2| provider. .. warning:: |no-csrf| * Dashboard: https://bitly.com/a/oauth_apps * Docs: http://dev.bitly.com/authentication.html * API reference: http://dev.bitly.com/api.html Supported :class:`.User` properties: * id * link * name * picture * username Unsupported :class:`.User` properties: * birth_date * city * country * email * first_name * gender * last_name * locale * nickname * phone * postal_code * timezone """ supported_user_attributes = core.SupportedUserAttributes( id=True, link=True, name=True, picture=True, username=True ) supports_csrf_protection = False _x_use_authorization_header = False user_authorization_url = 'https://bitly.com/oauth/authorize' access_token_url = 'https://api-ssl.bitly.com/oauth/access_token' user_info_url = 'https://api-ssl.bitly.com/v3/user/info' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Bitly, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self.offline: if 'grant_type' not in self.access_token_params: self.access_token_params['grant_type'] = 'refresh_token' @staticmethod def _x_user_parser(user, data): info = data.get('data', {}) user.id = info.get('login') user.name = info.get('full_name') user.username = info.get('display_name') user.picture = info.get('profile_image') user.link = info.get('profile_url') return user class Cosm(OAuth2): """ Cosm |oauth2| provider. .. note:: Cosm doesn't provide any *user info URL*. * Dashboard: https://cosm.com/users/{your_username}/apps * Docs: https://cosm.com/docs/ * API reference: https://cosm.com/docs/v2/ """ user_authorization_url = 'https://cosm.com/oauth/authenticate' access_token_url = 'https://cosm.com/oauth/token' user_info_url = '' @staticmethod def _x_user_parser(user, data): user.id = user.username = data.get('user') return user class DeviantART(OAuth2): """ DeviantART |oauth2| provider. * Dashboard: https://www.deviantart.com/settings/myapps * Docs: https://www.deviantart.com/developers/authentication * API reference: http://www.deviantart.com/developers/oauth2 .. note:: Although it is not documented anywhere, DeviantART requires the *access token* request to contain a ``User-Agent`` header. You can apply a default ``User-Agent`` header for all API calls in the config like this: .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 6 CONFIG = { 'deviantart': { 'class_': oauth2.DeviantART, 'consumer_key': '#####', 'consumer_secret': '#####', 'access_headers': {'User-Agent': 'Some User Agent'}, } } Supported :class:`.User` properties: * name * picture * username Unsupported :class:`.User` properties: * birth_date * city * country * email * first_name * gender * id * last_name * link * locale * nickname * phone * postal_code * timezone """ user_authorization_url = 'https://www.deviantart.com/oauth2/authorize' access_token_url = 'https://www.deviantart.com/oauth2/token' user_info_url = 'https://www.deviantart.com/api/oauth2/user/whoami' user_info_scope = ['basic'] supported_user_attributes = core.SupportedUserAttributes( name=True, picture=True, username=True ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(DeviantART, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self.offline: if 'grant_type' not in self.access_token_params: self.access_token_params['grant_type'] = 'refresh_token' @staticmethod def _x_user_parser(user, data): user.picture = data.get('usericonurl') return user class Eventbrite(OAuth2): """ Eventbrite |oauth2| provider. Thanks to `Paul Brown `__. * Dashboard: http://www.eventbrite.com/myaccount/apps/ * Docs: https://developer.eventbrite.com/docs/auth/ * API: http://developer.eventbrite.com/docs/ Supported :class:`.User` properties: * email * first_name * id * last_name * name Unsupported :class:`.User` properties: * birth_date * city * country * gender * link * locale * nickname * phone * picture * postal_code * timezone * username """ user_authorization_url = 'https://www.eventbrite.com/oauth/authorize' access_token_url = 'https://www.eventbrite.com/oauth/token' user_info_url = 'https://www.eventbriteapi.com/v3/users/me' supported_user_attributes = core.SupportedUserAttributes( email=True, first_name=True, id=True, last_name=True, name=True, ) @classmethod def _x_credentials_parser(cls, credentials, data): if data.get('token_type') == 'bearer': credentials.token_type = cls.BEARER return credentials @staticmethod def _x_user_parser(user, data): for email in data.get('emails', []): if email.get('primary'): user.email = email.get('email') break return user class Facebook(OAuth2): """ Facebook |oauth2| provider. * Dashboard: https://developers.facebook.com/apps * Docs: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/howtos/login/server-side-login/ * API reference: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/ * API explorer: http://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer Supported :class:`.User` properties: * birth_date * email * first_name * id * last_name * name * picture Unsupported :class:`.User` properties: * nickname * phone * postal_code * username """ user_authorization_url = 'https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth' access_token_url = 'https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token' user_info_url = 'https://graph.facebook.com/v2.3/me' user_info_scope = ['email', 'public_profile', 'user_birthday', 'user_location'] same_origin = False supported_user_attributes = core.SupportedUserAttributes( birth_date=True, city=False, country=False, email=True, first_name=True, gender=False, id=True, last_name=True, link=False, locale=False, location=False, name=True, picture=True, timezone=False, username=False, ) @classmethod def _x_request_elements_filter(cls, request_type, request_elements, credentials): if request_type == cls.REFRESH_TOKEN_REQUEST_TYPE: # As always, Facebook has it's original name for "refresh_token"! url, method, params, headers, body = request_elements params['fb_exchange_token'] = params.pop('refresh_token') params['grant_type'] = 'fb_exchange_token' request_elements = core.RequestElements(url, method, params, headers, body) return request_elements def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Facebook, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Handle special Facebook requirements to be able # to refresh the access token. if self.offline: # Facebook needs an offline_access scope. if 'offline_access' not in self.scope: self.scope.append('offline_access') if self.popup: self.user_authorization_url += '?display=popup' @staticmethod def _x_user_parser(user, data): _birth_date = data.get('birthday') if _birth_date: try: user.birth_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(_birth_date, '%m/%d/%Y') except ValueError: pass user.picture = ('http://graph.facebook.com/{0}/picture?type=large' .format(user.id)) user.location = data.get('location', {}).get('name') if user.location: split_location = user.location.split(', ') user.city = split_location[0].strip() if len(split_location) > 1: user.country = split_location[1].strip() return user @staticmethod def _x_credentials_parser(credentials, data): """ We need to override this method to fix Facebooks naming deviation. """ # Facebook returns "expires" instead of "expires_in". credentials.expire_in = data.get('expires') if data.get('token_type') == 'bearer': # TODO: cls is not available here, hardcode for now. credentials.token_type = 'Bearer' return credentials @staticmethod def _x_refresh_credentials_if(credentials): # Always refresh. return True def access(self, url, params=None, **kwargs): if params is None: params = {} params['fields'] = 'id,first_name,last_name,picture,email,gender,' + \ 'timezone,location,birthday,locale' return super(Facebook, self).access(url, params, **kwargs) class Foursquare(OAuth2): """ Foursquare |oauth2| provider. * Dashboard: https://foursquare.com/developers/apps * Docs: https://developer.foursquare.com/overview/auth.html * API reference: https://developer.foursquare.com/docs/ .. note:: Foursquare requires a *version* parameter in each request. The default value is ``v=20140501``. You can override the version in the ``params`` parameter of the :meth:`.Authomatic.access` method. See https://developer.foursquare.com/overview/versioning Supported :class:`.User` properties: * city * country * email * first_name * gender * id * last_name * location * name * phone * picture Unsupported :class:`.User` properties: * birth_date * link * locale * nickname * postal_code * timezone * username """ user_authorization_url = 'https://foursquare.com/oauth2/authenticate' access_token_url = 'https://foursquare.com/oauth2/access_token' user_info_url = 'https://api.foursquare.com/v2/users/self' same_origin = False supported_user_attributes = core.SupportedUserAttributes( birth_date=True, city=True, country=True, email=True, first_name=True, gender=True, id=True, last_name=True, location=True, name=True, phone=True, picture=True ) @classmethod def _x_request_elements_filter(cls, request_type, request_elements, credentials): if request_type == cls.PROTECTED_RESOURCE_REQUEST_TYPE: # Foursquare uses OAuth 1.0 "oauth_token" for what should be # "access_token" in OAuth 2.0! url, method, params, headers, body = request_elements params['oauth_token'] = params.pop('access_token') # Foursquare needs the version "v" parameter in every request. # https://developer.foursquare.com/overview/versioning if not params.get('v'): params['v'] = '20140501' request_elements = core.RequestElements(url, method, params, headers, body) return request_elements @staticmethod def _x_user_parser(user, data): _resp = data.get('response', {}) _user = _resp.get('user', {}) user.id = _user.get('id') user.first_name = _user.get('firstName') user.last_name = _user.get('lastName') user.gender = _user.get('gender') _birth_date = _user.get('birthday') if _birth_date: user.birth_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(_birth_date) _photo = _user.get('photo', {}) if isinstance(_photo, dict): _photo_prefix = _photo.get('prefix', '').strip('/') _photo_suffix = _photo.get('suffix', '').strip('/') user.picture = '/'.join([_photo_prefix, _photo_suffix]) if isinstance(_photo, str): user.picture = _photo user.location = _user.get('homeCity') if user.location: split_location = user.location.split(',') user.city = split_location[0].strip() if len(user.location) > 1: user.country = split_location[1].strip() _contact = _user.get('contact', {}) user.email = _contact.get('email') user.phone = _contact.get('phone') return user class Bitbucket(OAuth2): user_authorization_url = 'https://bitbucket.org/site/oauth2/authorize' access_token_url = 'https://bitbucket.org/site/oauth2/access_token' user_info_url = 'https://bitbucket.org/api/2.0/user' user_email_info_url = 'https://bitbucket.org/api/2.0/user/emails' same_origin = False supported_user_attributes = core.SupportedUserAttributes( id=True, first_name=True, last_name=True, link=True, name=True, picture=True, username=True, email=True ) @staticmethod def _x_user_parser(user, data): user.username = user.id = data.get('username') user.name = data.get('display_name') user.first_name = data.get('first_name') user.last_name = data.get('last_name') return user @classmethod def _x_credentials_parser(cls, credentials, data): if data.get('token_type') == 'bearer': credentials.token_type = cls.BEARER return credentials def _access_user_info(self): """ Email is available in separate method so second request is needed. """ response = super(Bitbucket, self)._access_user_info() response.data.setdefault("email", None) email_response = self.access(self.user_email_info_url) emails = email_response.data.get('values', []) if emails: for item in emails: if item.get("is_primary", False): response.data.update(email=item.get("email", None)) return response class GitHub(OAuth2): """ GitHub |oauth2| provider. * Dashboard: https://github.com/settings/developers * Docs: http://developer.github.com/v3/#authentication * API reference: http://developer.github.com/v3/ .. note:: GitHub API `documentation `_ says: all API requests MUST include a valid ``User-Agent`` header. You can apply a default ``User-Agent`` header for all API calls in the config like this: .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 6 CONFIG = { 'github': { 'class_': oauth2.GitHub, 'consumer_key': '#####', 'consumer_secret': '#####', 'access_headers': {'User-Agent': 'Awesome-Octocat-App'}, 'scope': ['user:email'] } } Supported :class:`.User` properties: * email * id * link * location * name * picture * username Unsupported :class:`.User` properties: * birth_date * city * country * first_name * gender * last_name * locale * nickname * phone * postal_code * timezone """ user_authorization_url = 'https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize' access_token_url = 'https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token' user_info_url = 'https://api.github.com/user' same_origin = False supported_user_attributes = core.SupportedUserAttributes( email=True, id=True, link=True, location=True, name=True, picture=True, username=True ) @staticmethod def _x_user_parser(user, data): user.username = data.get('login') user.picture = data.get('avatar_url') user.link = data.get('html_url') return user @classmethod def _x_credentials_parser(cls, credentials, data): if data.get('token_type') == 'bearer': credentials.token_type = cls.BEARER return credentials def access(self, url, **kwargs): # https://developer.github.com/v3/#user-agent-required # GitHub requires that all API requests MUST include a valid ``User-Agent`` header. headers = kwargs["headers"] = kwargs.get("headers", {}) if not headers.get("User-Agent"): headers["User-Agent"] = self.settings.config[self.name]["consumer_key"] def parent_access(url): return super(GitHub, self).access(url, **kwargs) response = parent_access(url) # additional action to get email is required: # https://developer.github.com/v3/users/emails/ if response.status == 200: email_response = parent_access(url + "/emails") if email_response.status == 200: response.data["emails"] = email_response.data # find first or primary email primary_email = None for item in email_response.data: is_primary = item["primary"] if not primary_email or is_primary: primary_email = item["email"] if is_primary: break response.data["email"] = primary_email return response class Google(OAuth2): """ Google |oauth2| provider. * Dashboard: https://console.developers.google.com/project * Docs: https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/OAuth2 * API reference: https://developers.google.com/gdata/docs/directory * API explorer: https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground/ Supported :class:`.User` properties: * email * first_name * gender * id * last_name * link * locale * name * picture Unsupported :class:`.User` properties: * birth_date * city * country * nickname * phone * postal_code * timezone * username .. note:: To get the user info, you need to activate the **Google+ API** in the **APIs & auth >> APIs** section of the`Google Developers Console `__. """ user_authorization_url = 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth' access_token_url = 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token' user_info_url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v3/userinfo?alt=json' user_info_scope = ['profile', 'email'] supported_user_attributes = core.SupportedUserAttributes( id=True, email=True, name=True, first_name=True, last_name=True, locale=True, picture=True ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Google, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Handle special Google requirements to be able to refresh the access # token. if self.offline: if 'access_type' not in self.user_authorization_params: # Google needs access_type=offline param in the user # authorization request. self.user_authorization_params['access_type'] = 'offline' if 'approval_prompt' not in self.user_authorization_params: # And also approval_prompt=force. self.user_authorization_params['approval_prompt'] = 'force' @classmethod def _x_request_elements_filter(cls, request_type, request_elements, credentials): """ Google doesn't accept client ID and secret to be at the same time in request parameters and in the basic authorization header in the access token request. """ if request_type is cls.ACCESS_TOKEN_REQUEST_TYPE: params = request_elements[2] del params['client_id'] del params['client_secret'] return request_elements @staticmethod def _x_user_parser(user, data): emails = data.get('emails', []) if emails: user.email = emails[0].get('value') for email in emails: if email.get('type') == 'account': user.email = email.get('value') break user.id = data.get('sub') user.name = data.get('name') user.first_name = data.get('given_name', '') user.last_name = data.get('family_name', '') user.locale = data.get('locale', '') user.picture = data.get('picture', '') user.email_verified = data.get("email_verified") user.hosted_domain = data.get("hd") return user def _x_scope_parser(self, scope): """ Google has space-separated scopes. """ return ' '.join(scope) class LinkedIn(OAuth2): """ Linked In |oauth2| provider. .. note:: Doesn't support access token refreshment. * Dashboard: https://www.linkedin.com/secure/developer * Docs: http://developer.linkedin.com/documents/authentication * API reference: http://developer.linkedin.com/rest Supported :class:`.User` properties: * city * country * email * first_name * id * last_name * link * name * picture Unsupported :class:`.User` properties: * birth_date * gender * locale * location * nickname * phone * postal_code * timezone * username """ user_authorization_url = 'https://www.linkedin.com/uas/oauth2/' + \ 'authorization' access_token_url = 'https://www.linkedin.com/uas/oauth2/accessToken' user_info_url = ('https://api.linkedin.com/v1/people/~:' '(id,first-name,last-name,formatted-name,location,' 'picture-url,public-profile-url,email-address)' '?format=json') user_info_scope = ['r_emailaddress'] token_request_method = 'GET' # To avoid a bug with OAuth2.0 on Linkedin # http://developer.linkedin.com/forum/unauthorized-invalid-or-expired-token-immediately-after-receiving-oauth2-token supported_user_attributes = core.SupportedUserAttributes( city=True, country=True, email=True, first_name=True, id=True, last_name=True, link=True, location=False, name=True, picture=True ) @classmethod def _x_request_elements_filter(cls, request_type, request_elements, credentials): if request_type == cls.PROTECTED_RESOURCE_REQUEST_TYPE: # LinkedIn too has it's own terminology! url, method, params, headers, body = request_elements params['oauth2_access_token'] = params.pop('access_token') request_elements = core.RequestElements(url, method, params, headers, body) return request_elements @staticmethod def _x_user_parser(user, data): user.first_name = data.get('firstName') user.last_name = data.get('lastName') user.email = data.get('emailAddress') user.name = data.get('formattedName') user.city = user.city = data.get('location', {}).get('name') user.country = data.get('location', {}).get('country', {}).get('code') user.phone = data.get('phoneNumbers', {}).get('values', [{}])[0]\ .get('phoneNumber') user.picture = data.get('pictureUrl') user.link = data.get('publicProfileUrl') _birthdate = data.get('dateOfBirth', {}) if _birthdate: _day = _birthdate.get('day') _month = _birthdate.get('month') _year = _birthdate.get('year') if _day and _month and _year: user.birth_date = datetime.datetime(_year, _month, _day) return user class MicrosoftOnline(OAuth2): """ Microsoft Online |oauth2| provider. Supported :class:`.User` properties: * email * first_name * id * last_name * location * name * phone * picture * username Unsupported :class:`.User` properties: * birth_date * city * country * gender * link * locale * nickname * postal_code * timezone """ user_authorization_url = 'https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/v2.0/authorize' access_token_url = 'https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/v2.0/token' user_info_url = "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me" user_info_scope = ['openid profile'] supported_user_attributes = core.SupportedUserAttributes( id=True, email=True, first_name=True, last_name=True, location=True, name=True, phone=True, picture=True, username=True, ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(MicrosoftOnline, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) auth = args[0] provider_name = kwargs.get('provider_name') domain = auth.config.get(provider_name, {}).get('domain') if domain is not None: self.user_authorization_url = MicrosoftOnline.user_authorization_url.replace('/common/', '/%s/' % domain) self.access_token_url = MicrosoftOnline.access_token_url.replace('/common/', '/%s/' % domain) @classmethod def _x_credentials_parser(cls, credentials, data): if data.get('token_type') == 'bearer': credentials.token_type = cls.BEARER return credentials @staticmethod def _x_user_parser(user, data): user.id = data.get('id') user.name = data.get('displayName', '') user.first_name = data.get('givenName', '') user.last_name = data.get('surname', '') user.email = data.get('mail', '') user.location = data.get('officeLocation', '') user.phone = data.get('mobilePhone', '') user.picture = data.get('picture', '') user.username = data.get('userPrincipalName', '') return user class PayPal(OAuth2): """ PayPal |oauth2| provider. * Dashboard: https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/applications * Docs: https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/integration/direct/make-your-first-call/ * API reference: https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/api/ .. note:: Paypal doesn't redirect the **user** to authorize your app! It grants you an **access token** based on your **app's** key and secret instead. """ _x_use_authorization_header = True supported_user_attributes = core.SupportedUserAttributes() @classmethod def _x_request_elements_filter( cls, request_type, request_elements, credentials): if request_type == cls.ACCESS_TOKEN_REQUEST_TYPE: url, method, params, headers, body = request_elements params['grant_type'] = 'client_credentials' request_elements = core.RequestElements( url, method, params, headers, body) return request_elements user_authorization_url = '' access_token_url = 'https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/oauth2/token' user_info_url = '' class Reddit(OAuth2): """ Reddit |oauth2| provider. .. note:: Currently credentials refreshment returns ``{"error": "invalid_request"}``. * Dashboard: https://ssl.reddit.com/prefs/apps * Docs: https://github.com/reddit/reddit/wiki/OAuth2 * API reference: http://www.reddit.com/dev/api .. note:: According to `Reddit API docs `_, you have to include a `User-Agent` header in each API call. You can apply a default ``User-Agent`` header for all API calls in the config like this: .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 6 CONFIG = { 'reddit': { 'class_': oauth2.Reddit, 'consumer_key': '#####', 'consumer_secret': '#####', 'access_headers': {'User-Agent': "Andy Pipkin's App"}, } } Supported :class:`.User` properties: * id * username Unsupported :class:`.User` properties: * birth_date * country * city * email * first_name * gender * last_name * link * locale * location * name * nickname * phone * picture * postal_code * timezone """ user_authorization_url = 'https://ssl.reddit.com/api/v1/authorize' access_token_url = 'https://ssl.reddit.com/api/v1/access_token' user_info_url = 'https://oauth.reddit.com/api/v1/me.json' user_info_scope = ['identity'] supported_user_attributes = core.SupportedUserAttributes( id=True, name=True, username=True ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Reddit, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self.offline: if 'duration' not in self.user_authorization_params: # http://www.reddit.com/r/changelog/comments/11jab9/reddit_change_permanent_oauth_grants_using/ self.user_authorization_params['duration'] = 'permanent' @classmethod def _x_credentials_parser(cls, credentials, data): if data.get('token_type') == 'bearer': credentials.token_type = cls.BEARER return credentials @staticmethod def _x_user_parser(user, data): user.username = data.get('name') return user class Viadeo(OAuth2): """ Viadeo |oauth2| provider. .. note:: As stated in the `Viadeo documentation `__: Viadeo restrains access to its API. They are now exclusively reserved for its strategic partners. * Dashboard: http://dev.viadeo.com/dashboard/ * Docs: http://dev.viadeo.com/documentation/authentication/oauth-authentication/ * API reference: http://dev.viadeo.com/documentation/ .. note:: Viadeo doesn't support **credentials refreshment**. As stated in their `docs `_: "The access token has an infinite time to live." """ user_authorization_url = 'https://secure.viadeo.com/oauth-provider/' + \ 'authorize2' access_token_url = 'https://secure.viadeo.com/oauth-provider/access_token2' user_info_url = 'https://api.viadeo.com/me' @classmethod def _x_credentials_parser(cls, credentials, data): if data.get('token_type') == 'bearer_token': credentials.token_type = cls.BEARER return credentials @staticmethod def _x_refresh_credentials_if(credentials): # Never refresh. return False @staticmethod def _x_user_parser(user, data): user.username = data.get('nickname') user.picture = data.get('picture_large') user.picture = data.get('picture_large') user.locale = data.get('language') user.email = data.get('') user.email = data.get('') user.country = data.get('location', {}).get('country') user.city = data.get('location', {}).get('city') user.postal_code = data.get('location', {}).get('zipcode') user.timezone = data.get('location', {}).get('timezone') return user class VK(OAuth2): """ VK.com |oauth2| provider. * Dashboard: http://vk.com/apps?act=manage * Docs: http://vk.com/developers.php?oid=-17680044&p=Authorizing_Sites * API reference: http://vk.com/developers.php?oid=-17680044&p=API_ Method_Description .. note:: VK uses a `bitmask scope `_! Use it like this: .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 7 CONFIG = { 'vk': { 'class_': oauth2.VK, 'consumer_key': '#####', 'consumer_secret': '#####', 'id': authomatic.provider_id(), 'scope': ['1024'] # Always a single item. } } Supported :class:`.User` properties: * birth_date * city * country * first_name * gender * id * last_name * location * name * picture * timezone Unsupported :class:`.User` properties: * email * link * locale * nickname * phone * postal_code * username """ user_authorization_url = 'http://api.vkontakte.ru/oauth/authorize' access_token_url = 'https://api.vkontakte.ru/oauth/access_token' user_info_url = 'https://api.vk.com/method/getProfiles?' + \ 'fields=uid,first_name,last_name,nickname,sex,bdate,' + \ 'city,country,timezone,photo_big' supported_user_attributes = core.SupportedUserAttributes( birth_date=True, city=True, country=True, first_name=True, gender=True, id=True, last_name=True, location=True, name=True, picture=True, timezone=True, ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(VK, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self.offline: if 'offline' not in self.scope: self.scope.append('offline') @staticmethod def _x_user_parser(user, data): _resp = data.get('response', [{}])[0] _birth_date = _resp.get('bdate') if _birth_date: user.birth_date = datetime.datetime.strptime( _birth_date, '%d.%m.%Y') user.id = _resp.get('uid') user.first_name = _resp.get('first_name') user.gender = _resp.get('sex') user.last_name = _resp.get('last_name') user.nickname = _resp.get('nickname') user.city = _resp.get('city') user.country = _resp.get('country') user.timezone = _resp.get('timezone') user.picture = _resp.get('photo_big') return user class WindowsLive(OAuth2): """ Windows Live |oauth2| provider. * Dashboard: https://account.live.com/developers/applications * Docs: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh243647.aspx * API explorer: http://isdk.dev.live.com/?mkt=en-us Supported :class:`.User` properties: * email * first_name * id * last_name * link * locale * name * picture Unsupported :class:`.User` properties: * birth_date * city * country * gender * nickname * location * phone * postal_code * timezone * username """ user_authorization_url = 'https://login.live.com/oauth20_authorize.srf' access_token_url = 'https://login.live.com/oauth20_token.srf' user_info_url = 'https://apis.live.net/v5.0/me' user_info_scope = ['wl.basic', 'wl.emails', 'wl.photos'] supported_user_attributes = core.SupportedUserAttributes( email=True, first_name=True, id=True, last_name=True, link=True, locale=True, name=True, picture=True ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(WindowsLive, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self.offline: if 'wl.offline_access' not in self.scope: self.scope.append('wl.offline_access') @classmethod def _x_credentials_parser(cls, credentials, data): if data.get('token_type') == 'bearer': credentials.token_type = cls.BEARER return credentials @staticmethod def _x_user_parser(user, data): user.email = data.get('emails', {}).get('preferred') user.picture = 'https://apis.live.net/v5.0/{0}/picture'.format( data.get('id')) return user class Yammer(OAuth2): """ Yammer |oauth2| provider. * Dashboard: https://www.yammer.com/client_applications * Docs: https://developer.yammer.com/authentication/ * API reference: https://developer.yammer.com/restapi/ Supported :class:`.User` properties: * birth_date * city * country * email * first_name * id * last_name * link * locale * location * name * phone * picture * timezone * username Unsupported :class:`.User` properties: * gender * nickname * postal_code """ user_authorization_url = 'https://www.yammer.com/dialog/oauth' access_token_url = 'https://www.yammer.com/oauth2/access_token.json' user_info_url = 'https://www.yammer.com/api/v1/users/current.json' supported_user_attributes = core.SupportedUserAttributes( birth_date=True, city=True, country=True, email=True, first_name=True, id=True, last_name=True, link=True, locale=True, location=True, name=True, phone=True, picture=True, timezone=True, username=True ) @classmethod def _x_credentials_parser(cls, credentials, data): # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() credentials.token_type = cls.BEARER _access_token = data.get('access_token', {}) credentials.token = _access_token.get('token') _expire_in = _access_token.get('expires_at', 0) if _expire_in: credentials.expire_in = _expire_in return credentials @staticmethod def _x_user_parser(user, data): # Yammer provides most of the user info in the access token request, # but provides more on in user info request. _user = data.get('user', {}) if not _user: # If there is "user key", it is token request. _user = data user.username = _user.get('name') user.name = _user.get('full_name') user.link = _user.get('web_url') user.picture = _user.get('mugshot_url') user.city, user.country = _user.get('location', ',').split(',') user.city = user.city.strip() user.country = user.country.strip() user.locale = _user.get('web_preferences', {}).get('locale') # Contact _contact = _user.get('contact', {}) user.phone = _contact.get('phone_numbers', [{}])[0].get('number') _emails = _contact.get('email_addresses', []) for email in _emails: if email.get('type', '') == 'primary': user.email = email.get('address') break try: user.birth_date = datetime.datetime.strptime( _user.get('birth_date'), "%B %d") except ValueError: user.birth_date = _user.get('birth_date') return user class Yandex(OAuth2): """ Yandex |oauth2| provider. * Dashboard: https://oauth.yandex.com/client/my * Docs: http://api.yandex.com/oauth/doc/dg/reference/obtain-access-token.xml * API reference: Supported :class:`.User` properties: * id * name * username Unsupported :class:`.User` properties: * birth_date * city * country * email * first_name * gender * last_name * link * locale * location * nickname * phone * picture * postal_code * timezone """ user_authorization_url = 'https://oauth.yandex.com/authorize' access_token_url = 'https://oauth.yandex.com/token' user_info_url = 'https://login.yandex.ru/info' supported_user_attributes = core.SupportedUserAttributes( id=True, name=True, username=True ) @classmethod def _x_credentials_parser(cls, credentials, data): if data.get('token_type') == 'bearer': credentials.token_type = cls.BEARER return credentials @staticmethod def _x_user_parser(user, data): # http://api.yandex.ru/login/doc/dg/reference/response.xml user.name = data.get('real_name') user.nickname = data.get('display_name') user.gender = data.get('Sex') user.email = data.get('Default_email') user.username = data.get('login') try: user.birth_date = datetime.datetime.strptime( data.get('birthday'), "%Y-%m-%d") except ValueError: user.birth_date = data.get('birthday') return user # The provider type ID is generated from this list's indexes! # Always append new providers at the end so that ids of existing providers # don't change! PROVIDER_ID_MAP = [ Amazon, Behance, Bitly, Bitbucket, Cosm, DeviantART, Eventbrite, Facebook, Foursquare, GitHub, Google, LinkedIn, MicrosoftOnline, OAuth2, PayPal, Reddit, Viadeo, VK, WindowsLive, Yammer, Yandex, ]